SN :: Volume #8

#745: Contends with 1

Green Lake Star secret instigation does openly appear in the capital star unexpectedly?” 绿湖星的幕后主使者居然堂而皇之的出现在首都星?” Then had the good play to look, capital star I and other Emperor Armor do not dare to go even rashly. Currently unexpectedly really has the idiot to dare a person to clash really not to fear death.” “这下有好戏看了,首都星就算是我等四帝铠也不敢贸然前往。现在居然真有蠢货敢一个人冲进去真是不怕死。” Dark Armor storm vortex center, in giant palace. 暗铠的风暴漩涡中心,巨大的殿堂内。 The consciousness of four big Emperor Armor are exchanging the latest information rapidly. 四大帝铠的意识飞速交换着最新的情报。 Aurora Emperor Armor has restored to relate, his consciousness has not recovered as before, at this time appears emaciated and empty in several Emperor Armor. 极光帝铠已经重新恢复联系,他的意识依旧还没痊愈,此时在几位帝铠中显得孱弱而虚化。 „The conventional weapons of capital star should unable to do to that fellow.” He looks light screen picture that center the palace demonstrates. “首都星的常规武器应该奈何不了那家伙。”他看着殿堂正中显示的光幕画面。 Sky over a long-range guidance weapon in abundance flying shoots towards city piece by piece that person's shadow. 一片片的远程制导武器纷纷飞射向城市上空的那道人影。 The missile of blotting out the sky, the intensity punctures the huge laser group of blind human eye sufficiently instantaneously, as well as invisible transparent terrifying force field artillery. 铺天盖地的飞弹,强度足以瞬间刺瞎人眼的庞大激光群,以及隐形透明的恐怖力场炮。 Inexhaustible bombing, uninterrupted falling in the position that Lin Sheng is. But the space of that position seems like by a seven colored halo is actually wrapped. 无穷尽的轰炸,不间断的落在林盛所在的位置。但那处位置的空间却像是被一圈七彩色的光晕包裹着。 All attacks were prevented beyond that seven color halos. 所有的攻击都被阻挡在那片七彩光晕外。 Such offensive, I and others still need to consume the great quantity energy to be able even to resist. Really good defense system.” The Silver Bell Emperor Armor to praise sighed. “这样的攻势,就算是我等也需要消耗巨量能量才能抵挡。真是不错的防御系统。”银铃帝铠赞叹道。 Was quick, quick, these old fogies of capital star will use such thing.” Zhan Yuan Emperor Armor calmly said. Happen to we can also have a look, can this Green Lake Star powerful nova experiment the limit of such weapon.” “快了,很快,首都星的那些老家伙就会动用那样东西。”盏元帝铠平静道。“正好我们也可以看看,这个绿湖星强大新星能不能实验出那样武器的极限。” If not for the suppression of that special weapon, Dark Armor will not occupy under Star Alliance. 若不是那件特殊武器的镇压,暗铠根本不会屈居于星空联盟麾下。 Although four big Emperor Armor stand erect in mech, but makes every effort to keep secret to such special weapon as before. 四大帝铠虽然矗立于机甲,但依旧对那样特殊武器讳莫如深。 Started!” Suddenly Zhan Yuan Emperor Armor sinking sound said. “开始了!”忽然盏元帝铠沉声道。 Other three people keep silent, closely is gazing at that light screens, is gazing at fight that is away from another galaxy beyond their dozens light year 其余三人纷纷噤声,紧紧注视着那片光幕,注视着距离他们数十光年外的另一星系的战斗 Gusella star near capital star. 位于首都星附近的古塞拉星。 The white cold star surface, is splitting red openings at this time rapidly, is wounded to bleed just like the star. 白色的寒冷星球表面,此时正急速的裂开一道道红色口子,宛如星球受创流血。 The red wound are getting more and more, is getting more and more crowded. 红色的伤口越来越多,越来越密集。 , The entire Gusella star surface in the direction of capital star, a celestial body surface piece by piece was been gradually incarnadine by the red halo. 渐渐的,整个古塞拉星面朝着首都星的方向,一片片的星体表面被红色光晕染红。 Massively like blood same halo rapid pollution entire celestial body. 大量如同鲜血一样的光晕迅速污染整个星体 With the giant rumble, in a biggest red crack, raises slowly one group of eyeball same blood red magma balls. 随着巨大的隆隆声中,一道最大的红色裂缝中,缓缓升起一团眼球一样的血红岩浆球。 The magma ball surface proliferates the black network, under is extending the big piece dazzling pale whisker. 岩浆球表面遍布黑色网络,下方伸展着大片刺目的惨白触须。 Intensifies the pond to start.” “激化池启动。” The ice-cold mechanical sound shakes together in the magma ball. 一道冰冷的机械音在岩浆球内部震荡开。 Transmission password starts.” “传输密码开始。” Password is correct.” “密码正确。” Hiss As the giant magma ball splits like the flower bud slowly, among piece by piece fiery-red magma flower petals, static stretches out one to cover entirely the crack giant arm jet black. 随着巨大的岩浆球缓缓如花苞般裂开,一片片火红色的岩浆花瓣中间,静静的伸出一只漆黑布满裂纹的巨大手臂。 Probabilistic calculation starts.” “概率计算开始。” Reserve guidance storehouse opens. Finally weapon, jet black hand, complete start.” “后备引导库开启。最终武器,漆黑之手,完全启动。” With the ice-cold mechanical sound , all cracks of giant arm surface shine the magma same red light in abundance. 随着冰冷的机械音中,巨大手臂表面的所有裂纹纷纷亮起岩浆一样的红光。 A faint trace strange distortion appears around the arm, just like invisible vortex that sizes vary. 一丝丝诡异的扭曲在手臂周围浮现而出,宛如一个个大小不一的无形漩涡。 At the same time, all death ray artillery in entire Star Alliance nearby outer space, start the sufficient energy completely. 同一时间,整个星空联盟附近太空中的所有死光炮,全部开始充能。 In the dark outer space the innumerable stars just like the scene that sparkle simultaneously, appears sky over Lin Sheng. 黑暗太空中宛如无数星辰同时闪耀的场景,在林盛上空浮现。 Lin Sheng is lifting the hand to condense the colored supernatural power barrier, blocks bombing of surrounding everywhere. 林盛正抬手凝聚彩色神力屏障,挡住周围漫天的轰炸。 After obtaining the 3rd Level jurisdiction, he is about to leave here. 取得了三级权限后,他正准备离开这里。 Un? What's the matter?” “嗯?怎么回事?” His some surprise stimulates a spatial warping divine protection again. 他有些诧异的再度激发一次空间扭曲加护。 The strength of Yin Revolution Saint Wheel always goes smoothly everywhere, at this time was unexpectedly unresponsive. 只是一向无往不利的阴转圣轮之力,此时居然毫无反应。 Had anything to lock space Lin Sheng to respond. “有什么东西锁定了空间”林盛反应过来。 The fixed space sounds very profound, but is not in fact difficult. 锁定空间听起来很高深,但实际上并不算难。 So long as there is the enough big energy or an attraction, can cause the spatial warping. Disturbs the space transmissions and technique of all categories. 只要有足够大的能量或者引力,就能引起空间扭曲。干扰所有类别的空间传送和术式。 After all the science is also good, technique is also good, needs the accurate data to launch as the reference point. 毕竟科学也好,术式也好,都需要精准的数据作为基准点展开。 Interesting.” “有意思。” The Lin Sheng heart has a feeling, looks up to the sky. 林盛心有所感,抬起头看向天空。 In the outer space the innumerable stars shine the ray in abundance, then in a flash. 太空中无数繁星纷纷亮起光芒,然后一瞬间。 !!! 哧!!! In sky suddenly under bang together dazzling giant red light beam. 天空中骤然轰下一道刺目巨大的红色光柱。 The thick several-km light beam flash then flickers to transfer to Lin Sheng in the position. 粗达数千米的光柱一刹那便瞬移到林盛所在方位。 Has not delayed, disregards the distance, as if emerges out of thin air in his position. 没有延迟,无视距离,仿佛凭空出现在他位置处。 Giant red light beam silent melt all things. 巨大的红色光柱无声的融解其中的一切事物。 Finally the weapon, the jet black hand, punishes.’ ‘最终兵器,漆黑之手,制裁完毕。’ The ice-cold mechanical sound surges to spread in the sky together slowly. 一道冰冷的机械音缓缓在天空中激荡传开。 This is the deliberate release amplifying sound wave, the goal merely is only the demonstration and shock and awe. 这是故意释放出来的扩音声波,目的仅仅只是示威和震慑。 Scarlet light beam silent submerges Lin Sheng to be at several kilometers position that. 赤红的光柱无声的淹没着林盛所在的数千米方位。 The light beam continued for more than ten seconds, thins slowly, slowly the desalination, vanishes. 光柱足足持续了十多秒,才缓缓变细,慢慢淡化,消失。 What is strange, less than kilometer the White Tree city of under Lin Sheng, had not been damaged the least bit by the giant light beam unexpectedly. 诡异的是,就在林盛下方不到千米的白树市,居然没有被巨大光柱损伤到半点。 This is the final weapon jet black hand that Star Alliance grasps. 这就是星空联盟所掌握的最终武器漆黑之手。 In highest alliance parliament hall. 最高联盟议会厅内。 Blue empty shadow congressmen exude the cheer. 一道道蓝色虚影议员纷纷发出赞叹之声。 Regardless of looks many times. The might of this grade of degree is of impressive four seasons four grand marshals say with emotion. “无论看多少次。这等程度的威力都让人惊叹”四大元帅之一的四季感慨道。 This is the jet black hand , the artificial number leads the god arm, can all light beam attacks within certain range, gather completely, is used to destroy any has the individual.” “这就是漆黑之手,也是人工数率神臂,可以将一定范围内的所有光束攻击,全部汇聚到一点,用来毁灭任何存在个体。” The center speakers sighed slightly. 中央议长微微叹息。 Any attack, when launches, when regardless of explodes, when regardless of arrives. “任何攻击,无论是什么时候发射,无论什么时候爆炸,无论什么时候抵达。 So long as sets the good time, the jet black hand can gather time to select all destructive power, a spatial point. Then detonates. 只要设定好时间,漆黑之手都能将所有破坏力汇聚到一个时间点,一个空间点。然后引爆。 Theoretically, destructive power of jet black hand gathering , if big enough, reappears the might that the supernova explodes sufficiently. ” 理论上,漆黑之手汇聚的破坏力如果足够大,足以重现超新星爆炸的威力。” Supernova explosion?” “超新星爆炸么?” The pegu marshal gazes at the scene on illuminant shield, in the heart is regretting one. 北古元帅注视着光屏上的场景,心中惋惜一声。 Undeniably, that said that the Green Lake Star person's shadow truly startled picks certainly colorfully. Can homemade leave from him can resist the special ability system of mech, can see his huge potential and certainly the talent. 不可否认,那道绿湖星的人影确实惊采绝艳。从他能够自创出能对抗机甲异能体系,就能看出他的巨大潜能和强绝天赋。 What a pity, he went astray the direction. Chose the resistance alliance of overreaching oneself. 可惜,他走错了方向。选择了不自量力的对抗联盟。 As the matter stands, wasn't the corpse gasified completely?” The blue polar star marshal knits the brows to say. “只是这样一来,尸体不就完全被气化了么?”蓝极星元帅皱眉道。 The speaker smiles to make noise. 议长微笑出声。 Do not worry. Our control bombardment position. In the flash of explosion, the jet black hand has started the time to remould.” “别担心。我们控制了轰击方位。在爆炸的一瞬间,漆黑之手就已经开始了时间重塑。” „Does time remould?” “时间重塑?” Not only this time the blue polar star marshal has doubts, other marshals and congressmen on the scene, reveals the color of doubts. 这次不只是蓝极星元帅疑惑,就连在场的其他元帅和议员,也露出疑惑之色。 The center speakers explained calmly. 中央议长平静解释。 Jet black hand has the ability of small range distortion time, so long as the time does not pass for over one minute, can remould the reversal instantaneously. “漆黑之手拥有着小范围扭曲时间的能力,只要时间流逝不超过一分钟,就能瞬间重塑逆转。 We have tested repeatedly. This reversal cannot make the life force field have an effect, but can remould the complete skeleton. ” 我们测试过多次。这种逆转并不能让有生命力场起作用,但能够重塑完整化尸骸。” Cannot bring back to life, but can piece together the corpse? Creates the cognitive death representation?” The blue polar star understands instantaneously. “也就是不能起死回生,但能重新拼凑好尸体?造成脑死亡的表象?”蓝极星瞬间明白。 Good. This originally for the ability that to remould mech Battle Helmet studies, but has not thought that now can also use on other living specimens.” Speaker smile reply. “不错。这原本是为重塑机甲战盔所研究出的能力,只是没想到现在还能用在其他活体身上。”议长微笑回答。 Then makes us come to see now, final outcome.” “那么现在让我们来看看,最终结果。” As the voice spreads, on the illuminant shield a final red light dissipates thoroughly. Reveals inside scene. 随着话音传开,光屏上最后的一点红光彻底消散。露出里面的场景。 Wait! What that is!!?” “等等!那是什么!!?” The scene of dispersing has not tallied presents everyone's forecast, but complete another scenery. 散开的场景没有符合在场所有人的预测,而是完全的另外一番景色。
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