SN :: Volume #8

#742: Searches 1

The light solar red light, illuminates pale red entire Khesra star half of celestial body. 淡淡的太阳红光,将整个凯斯拉星一半的星体照亮成一片淡红。 Capital star, New Territories, in this time starport edge allocated area. 首都星,新界尔市,此时的星港边缘分区里。 Large crowd panic-stricken fleeing in all directions. On one side giant electronic screen, is broadcasting various beautiful charts of movie star unceasingly. 大量人群惊恐的四处逃离。一侧的巨大电子屏幕上,正不断播放着电影明星的各种美图。 But under the screen, is actually one group of mysterious people who wear the black battle dress, are escaping from the city crazily encircling of police. 但屏幕下方,却是一群身穿黑色作战服的神秘人,正疯狂的逃脱着城市里警察们的围剿。 Matter that Lin Sheng kills that white skirt woman, was covered up by here confusion temporarily. 林盛杀死那个白裙女人的事,也被这里的混乱暂时遮掩。 Although some cameras had seen he solves the blood red succuba, but considering the degree of threat, most police forces first processes other black battle dress personnel. 尽管已经有摄像头看到了他解决血红魔女,但考虑到威胁程度,大部分的警力还是首先去处理其余的黑色作战服人员。 Response was too slow.” “反应太慢了。” Lin Sheng strolls in the street, one step steps forward, then strange crosses more than ten meters distances. 林盛漫步在街头,一步跨出,便诡异的越过十多米的距离。 Consecutively for several steps then almost crossed over a hundred meters. 连续几步便差不多越过了上百米。 As his aura vanguard step by step, even more obscure reduction. 他身上的气息随着一步步的前行,正在越发的晦涩缩小。 However moment time, the big piece camera of roadside, does not have the means to shine his form. 不过片刻功夫,就连路边的大片摄像头,也没办法将他的身影映照出来。 All monitoring equipment can photograph, white light that flashes through merely together fast. 所有监控设备所能拍摄到的,仅仅只是一道飞快闪过的白光。 Side Lin Sheng is lingering massive Saint Light, will monitor to prevent. His straight walks in the municipal government direction. 林盛身旁萦绕着大量圣光,将监控阻挡住。他笔直的朝着市政府方向走去。 After however several minutes, white building that seems like the giant banana, then clear presents before him. 不过数分钟后,一座看上去像是巨大香蕉的白色建筑物,便清晰的呈现在他面前。 The banana construction, the surroundings everywhere are the fixed gun platform of defense, the mech squad goes on patrol back and forth. In the midair has completely automatic patrol flight vehicle circulation monitoring. 香蕉型建筑,周围到处都是防守的固定射击台,还有机甲小队来回巡逻。半空中有着一台台的全自动巡逻飞行器循环监控。 Lin Sheng has not stayed, step by step walks toward the municipal government building. 林盛没有丝毫停留,一步步的朝着市政府大楼走去。 What is strange, at this time all saw his mech squad, monitored the camera, as well as other monitoring protection systems. 诡异的是,这时所有看到他的机甲小队,监控摄像头,以及其他的监控保护体系。 The silent moving out of the way line of sight, looking like had not seen completely he is common. 都无声无息的挪开视线,就像是完全没看到过他一般。 Having the effect speed is quick, it seems like that the effect is good.” Lin Sheng shows a faint smile, looks at massive Divine Saint Force that around the eye disseminated, enters the building with stride. “起效速度很快,看来效果还不错。”林盛微微一笑,看了眼周围弥散开来的大量神圣力,大步走进大楼。 These highly concentrated dispersing Divine Saint Force, speed strange quick periphery all lives, complete infection, will make their temporary becomes Saint Light irreverence. 这些高浓度散开的神圣力,速度奇快的将周围的所有生灵,全部感染化,让他们暂时性的成为了圣光的虔诚者。 However is too quick because of the Divine Saint Force effective speed, in the function of depth infection, is inferior to original edition Saint Force. 不过因为神圣力的见效速度太快,在深度感染化的作用上,还是不如原始版本圣力 So long as Lin Sheng lets loose here Saint Force density, these people can quickly return to normal. 所以只要林盛放开这里的圣力浓度,这些人就能很快恢复正常。 Enters the building, Lin Sheng first then saw, in a building hall has person of high Revised Battle Helmet mech. 跨进大楼,林盛第一眼便看到,一楼大厅里有着一台一人多高的调整战盔机甲 This mech calmly stands in the middle, to the entrance, is grasping the firearms. 机甲正静静站在中间,对着大门口,手持枪械。 What did outside have? Who you are!?” “外面发生了什么?你是谁!?” In black Revised Battle Helmet spreads the dignified sound. 黑色调整战盔里传出凝重的声音。 Does not need to fear, rests, sleeps, all finished.” “不用怕,睡吧,睡一觉,一切就结束了。” Lin Sheng shows a faint smile, the body sends out thicker Divine Saint Force granule. 林盛微微一笑,身上散发出更加浓厚的神圣力粒子。 The magnanimous particles stream, covered entirely Divine Saint Force the surrounding air rapidly. 海量的粒子流,迅速将周围的空气布满了神圣力 The devout look that on pretty youngest sisters face the onstage hides was stronger. 前台躲藏起来的漂亮小妹妹们脸上的虔诚神色更浓了。 You......!” “你……!” Lin Sheng front black Revised Battle Helmet body rocked, immediately kneels down slowly, seems to be conducting the struggling resistance of Will. 林盛面前的黑色调整战盔身体晃动了下,随即缓缓跪倒在地,似乎正在进行意志的挣扎对抗。 Lin Sheng does not have the time to pay attention to this fellow. 林盛没功夫理会这家伙。 He enters the elevator, the key of calm pressing down topmost level. 他走进电梯,从容的按下最高层的按键。 In the elevator also has work girl who is responsible for managing the elevator. 电梯内还有个负责管理电梯的工作女孩。 What a pity, she is seeing the Lin Sheng instance, then by the sacred particle erosion of big density, the eyes was proliferated slightly, loses self- sanely. 可惜,她在看到林盛的瞬间,便被大浓度的神圣粒子侵蚀,双眼微微扩散,失去自我理智。 Sends me to the td129 area.” Lin Sheng accurate instruction. “送我去td129区。”林盛精准的吩咐。 Understood.” Work female delay reply. “明白。”工作女子呆滞回答。 Elevator quickly slowly upward, anchored simply did not have the position of button on a key. 电梯很快缓缓向上,停靠在了一处按键上根本没有按钮的位置。 Hiss .... 嘶.... Front Lin Sheng looks at the elevator door that launches, out of the door defense soldier who grasps the high-intensity spraying needle spear/gun. 林盛看着面前展开的电梯门,门外是一个个手持高强度喷射针枪的守备士兵。 ! 哧哧哧! The elevator just opened the door, the dense and numerous anaesthesia needles of big piece then shoot at Lin Sheng rapidly. 电梯刚一开门,大片的密密麻麻麻醉针便飞速射向林盛 Ding!! 叮叮叮!! The flying needle continuously is blocked by the Saint Force barrier that Lin Sheng launches, complete solidification in Lin Sheng front midair. 连续不断的飞针被林盛展开的圣力屏障挡住,全部凝固在林盛面前的半空中。 Unexpectedly not by Saint Force granule attack?” Lin Sheng quite somewhat accidental/surprised looks to outside soldier. “居然没被圣力粒子侵袭?”林盛颇有些意外的看向外面的士兵。 These soldiers wear all -around isolation miniature mech, seems like has no big difference from outside mech. 这些士兵身穿全方位隔离的微型机甲,看上去和外面的机甲没什么大区别。 Lin Sheng brow slightly pressed, goes out of the elevator slowly. 林盛眉头微蹙,缓缓走出电梯。 Immediately he then felt differently. 马上他便感觉到了不同。 Around this yet higher goal level , as if covered a special coating completely. 这一层楼层周围,上上下下,似乎全部都覆盖了一层特殊的涂料。 This coating even affected the infiltration of Divine Saint Force granule. 这层涂料甚至影响到了神圣力粒子的渗透。 First takes down.” “先记下。” The Lin Sheng heart remembers this coating the aura, no matter now first these, later process other. 林盛心头记住这种涂料的气息,现在先不管这些,之后再来处理其他。 Now his goal, is first thorough control entire city. 现在他的目的,是先彻底控制整个城市。 Lifts starts, Lin Sheng steps forward the elevator gently. 抬起脚,林盛轻轻跨出电梯。 Situation is not right! Kills directly!!” Chief mech who outside leads yelled. “情况不对!直接击毙!!”外面带队的机甲队长大叫。 But all are too late. 但一切为时已晚。 Lin Sheng steps forward the flash of elevator, the innumerable flying needles explode to shoot at the terrifying acceleration, just like the big piece crowded metal air current. 林盛跨出电梯的一瞬间,无数飞针以恐怖的加速度爆射出去,犹如大片密集的金属气流。 !! 哧哧哧!! The flying needle erupts loudly, by one type the time that they fly is stronger than more strengths, enters the metal shell of Mech Driver soldiers ruthlessly. 飞针轰然爆发,以一种比他们飞来的时候强出更多的力量,狠狠打进机甲士兵们的金属外壳。 The seemingly hard outer covering, will be pierced by the flying needle shortly forcefully. 看似坚硬的外壳,顷刻间被飞针硬生生刺穿。 One group of Mech Driver soldiers do not utter a word, face up but actually. 一群机甲士兵一声不吭,仰面就倒。 Lin Sheng smiles, gradually passes through from this group of Mech Driver soldiers slowly. 林盛笑了笑,缓步从这群机甲士兵之间缓缓走过。 Across a lonely corridor, quick, Lin Sheng then sees three abreast in row in the together white engine room. 穿过一条冷清的走廊,很快,林盛便看到三间并排在一起的白色机房。 The researchers who several are throwing over the white coat, calmly are waiting for his arrival. Their eye pupils have also proliferated, was also affected evidently by Divine Saint Force. 几个披着白大褂的研究人员,正静静等待着他的到来。他们的眼瞳也早就扩散开,看样子也是被神圣力影响到了。 The Divine Saint Force granule enters here flash in Lin Sheng, then starts to proliferate toward the surroundings. 神圣力粒子在林盛进入这里的一瞬间,便开始朝周围扩散。 These people by internal personnel of granule rapid invasion. 这几人都是被粒子迅速侵染的内部人员。 Welcome your arrival, here is the capital star interstellar pass on message point. “欢迎您的到来,这里是首都星星际传讯点。 We can take starport energy Base of Operations as the background, transmits forcefully can span the light year the powerful signal. ” 我们可以以星港能源基地为背景,强行发送能够跨越光年的强大讯号。” The researchers introduced to Lin Sheng respectfully. 研究人员恭敬的给林盛介绍。 Launch signal place?” Lin Sheng selects the eyebrow. “发射讯号的地方?”林盛一挑眉。 It seems like I finds fault.” He somewhat is slightly regrettable, because this place his soul whisker is unable to infiltrate, therefore decides to come personally. “看来是我找错了。”他微微有些遗憾,这地方因为他的灵魂触须无法渗透,所以才决定亲自过来。 Naturally, made a mistake the place, does not need to make it exist again, in order to avoid will be misled next time again. 当然,错了的地方,就没必要再让它存在下去,以免下次再被误导。 The Lin Sheng heart moves, immediately emits several soul whiskers, searches for the information in front several people of mind. 林盛心头一动,顿时放出数根灵魂触须,在面前几人脑海里搜寻信息。 Quick, the secret news about this city, was uncovered from these people of mind. 很快,一些关于这座城市的隐秘消息,从这几人脑海里被搜出。 Wait! Here...” Lin Sheng suddenly as if discovered anything. “等等!这里...”林盛忽然似乎发现了什么。 His vision moves, looks to a room. From several people of mind, he obtained a good news accidentally/surprisingly. 他目光挪动,看向其中一个房间。从几人的脑海里,他意外的得到了一则不错的消息。 Here, although does not have the 2nd Level jurisdiction, but has a 3rd Level jurisdiction!” “这里虽然没有二级权限,但却有着一个三级权限!” In his facial features exudes a surprise and pleasant surprise. 他面容上泛起一丝诧异和惊喜。 Worthily is the capital star, only port city, can have the 3rd Level jurisdiction to preserve.” “不愧是首都星,区区一个港口城市,也能有着三级权限留存。” Before he arrives at that room gate, quickly. 他快步走到那个房间门前。 Bang!! 嘭!! The room door blasts open suddenly, an inside thick white mechanical arm, wicked grasping to Lin Sheng. 房间房门突然炸裂,里面一只粗大的白色机械手臂,恶狠狠的抓向林盛 Death monster!!” Straightforward has the crazy male voice to explode drinks to resound. “死吧怪物!!”一个粗豪的带着疯狂的男声爆喝响起。 But unfortunately, his mechanical arm when being away from the Lin Sheng also half meter places, was caught by an invisible strength stubbornly. 但可惜的是,他的机械手臂在距离林盛还有半米处时,被一股无形的力量死死卡住。 Lin Sheng catches the eye to him shows a faint smile. 林盛抬眼对他微微一笑。 Bang!! 轰!! A huge repulsion explodes loudly. 一股巨大斥力轰然爆开。 In the gate, thinks of the straightforward man of mechanical arm to call out pitifully, the whole body skin blasts out the big piece bloody water, flies upside down, mounts on the room wall ruthlessly. 门内,装着机械手臂的粗豪男子惨叫一声,浑身皮肤炸开大片血水,倒飞进去,狠狠镶嵌进房间墙壁上。 . 噗。 His blood spouts at the scene, the spirit is dispirited, looks deathly pale. 他当场一口血喷出,精神萎靡不振,脸色惨白下来。
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