SN :: Volume #8

#732: Exposes 3

Ducaente is startled slightly, raised the head, sees the elder sister. 杜卡恩特微微一怔,抬起头,看着姐姐。 I “我” I will not give up absolutely absolutely! Regardless has anything! Regardless of encounters anything! Regardless what I will turn into the future!? I, Ducaente, always want to become Battle Helmet User!!” “我绝对绝对不会放弃!无论发生什么!无论遭遇什么!无论我未来会变成什么样!?我,杜卡恩特,都始终想要成为一名战盔士!!” Ducanila imitates his tone earnestly, every single word or phrase said the entire pledge. 杜卡妮拉认真的模仿他的语气,一字一句的将整个誓言说出来。 At that time I was also only 12 years old, but that time I, was shocked by your such Will.” Ducanila puts out a hand, is touching younger brother's cheeks gently. “那时候我也才只有十二岁,可那时候的我,也被你这样的意志震撼了。”杜卡妮拉伸出手,轻轻抚摸着弟弟的脸颊。 „Do you know? Every so often when I soon cannot insist, in the brain will reverberate that words that you spoke initially. It has been giving me continuously the power.” “你知道么?很多时候我快要坚持不下去时,脑子里都会回响起你当初说的那番话。它一直在源源不断的给我动力。” Elder sister I Ducaente bites the lip, the look is complex. Does not know how should respond. “姐我”杜卡恩特咬住嘴唇,眼神复杂。不知道该怎么回应。 How this is your dream even again impractical, again how reckless. How to be again base and low and without hope. “这是你的梦想啊就算再怎么不切实际,再怎么不顾一切。再怎么卑微而没有希望。 It, is your dream. ” 它,就是你的梦想。” Ducanila earnest is saying gently. 杜卡妮拉认真的温柔的说着。 Elder sister Ducaente looks at Ducanila, why the heart does not know, even white gushes out a faint trace to be grieved and tremor. “姐姐”杜卡恩特看着杜卡妮拉,心头不知道为何,平白的涌出一丝丝酸楚和颤动。 Do not give up promising my you younger brother, but, I have been proud Ducanila holds down gently his forehead, the look is gentle and firm. “别放弃答应我你可是,我一直引以为傲的弟弟啊”杜卡妮拉轻轻按住他的额头,神色温柔而坚定。 „” Ducaente heart grieved gushes out slowly, although distinguished is so long with the elder sister, may meet again, he somewhat could not bear as before. “”杜卡恩特心头的酸楚慢慢涌出,尽管和姐姐分别了这么久,可再度见面,他依旧有些忍不住。 Cannot bear want to jump in elder sister's arms, releases oneself complete constraining with the pain. 忍不住想要扑进姐姐的怀里,释放自己全部的压抑和苦痛。 He is not an iron man, unceasingly is requesting itself, unceasing is constraining itself. 他不是铁人,不断的要求着自己,不断的压抑着自己。 Such action will have the limit eventually. 这样的举动终究是会有极限的。 Even if the spring, pressed for a long time, should still present the fatigue of metal, let alone person. 就算是弹簧,压得久了,也会出现金属疲劳,更何况人。 But elder sister Ducanila, is his Spirit Heart deep place, true source of power. 而姐姐杜卡妮拉,就是他心灵深处,真正的动力源泉。 He is looking forward to her, is admiring her, yearned that to become she is so courageous, fearless person. 他憧憬着她,仰慕着她,向往成为她那样果敢,无所畏惧之人。 Therefore, promises me ?” Ducanila said in a soft voice. “所以,答应我,好吗?”杜卡妮拉轻声道。 Ducaente puts out a hand to grip elder sister's hand. Lowers the head, silent. 杜卡恩特伸手握住姐姐的手。低下头,沉默着。 I knew “我知道了” Even does not have the aptitude. Even cannot that be only can even the dream of extravagant demands “就算没有资质。就算没有才能就算那只是一个只能奢求的梦” I promise you! Will not give up again!” “我答应你!不会再放弃了!” Ducaente closely grips elder sister's hand. 杜卡恩特紧紧握住姐姐的手。 Absolutely, cannot!” “绝对,不会了!” Sees that nearby Leila and Kenhardt also show the gratified smile. Can buoy up regarding the younger brother of own team leader, they are also happy from the bottom of the heart. 见状,一旁的雷拉肯哈特也露出欣慰的笑容。对于自家队长的弟弟能够重新振作起来,他们也从心底里感到高兴。 At this moment, the restaurant front door place bang was hit layer on layer/heavily. 就在这时,餐厅大门处嘭的一下被重重撞开。 Big soldier of one team of whole body white armor to/clashes rapidly. 一队浑身白色铠甲的高大士兵迅速冲进来。 More than ten soldiers swiftly surround the Ducaente four people. 十多名士兵迅速将杜卡恩特四人包围起来。 When the Ducanila three people look to be vigilant the color. 正当杜卡妮拉三人面露警惕之色时。 ! 唰! All soldiers neat separates toward the both sides, a hermetic soldier stride of before whole body pale red armor arrives at the Ducaente body . 所有士兵整齐的朝着两侧分开,一名浑身淡红铠甲的全封闭士兵大步走到杜卡恩特身前。 . 噗。 He knees down fiercely. 他猛地单膝跪地。 Passes on the highest society to unite the instruction, asking third Your Highness Holy Son to go to the headquarters instantly.” “传最高社联合指令,请第三圣子殿下即刻前往总部。” Un? What's the matter? I remember that the teacher has summoned me?” The Ducaente brow is pressed, he and elder sister reunite with great difficulty one time, such good atmosphere was disturbed. “嗯?怎么回事?我记得老师才召见过我吧?”杜卡恩特眉头蹙起,他和姐姐好不容易才团聚一次,这么好的气氛就这么被打搅了。 This makes him very not happy. 这让他很不高兴。 Subordinate does not know, but other your highness have all rushed to the headquarters.” Red armor Warrior rapid reply. “属下不知,不过其他殿下已经全部赶往总部了。”红色铠甲战士迅速回答。 Went?” Ducaente sighed slightly, stood up. “都去了么?”杜卡恩特微微叹气,站起身。 Elder sister, it seems like today's meeting can only come here temporarily. I have to probably leave beforehand.” “姐,看来今天的聚会只能暂时到这里了。我有要事先要离开一下。” Ducanila is blinking the eye, visits him dull. Also looked at the nearby imposing manners to be maneating, is sending out the armor soldier of powerful aura unceasingly. 杜卡妮拉眨巴着眼睛,呆呆的看着他。又看了看边上一个个气势凶悍,不断散发着强悍气息的铠甲士兵。 Changes too quickly, she does not know completely should make what response. 变化来得太快,以至于她完全不知道该作何反应。 Big pile of doubts and issues of flood in her barren consciousness instantaneously. 一大堆的疑惑和问题瞬间充斥到她贫瘠的意识里。 Who am I? Where am I at? In what? 我是谁?我在哪?发生了什么? The other two is a face compel ignorant, the biological elder sisters do not know that what's the matter, they is a face are more bewildered. 其余两人更是一脸懵逼,连亲姐姐都不知道怎么回事,他们更是一脸莫名奇妙。 Relax, the elder sister, I will certainly not give up vainly hoping for again!” Ducaente earnest is making an effort to make a fist to the elder sister. “放心吧,姐,我一定不会再放弃梦想!”杜卡恩特认真的对着姐姐用力握拳。 I can certainly become true Battle Helmet User!” “我一定能成为一名真正的战盔士!” Ducaente left. 杜卡恩特离开了。 In the Ducanila three people compel the delay under ignorant the line of sight, was being crowded around by one group of aggressive armor soldiers, leaves rapidly. 杜卡妮拉三人懵逼呆滞的视线下,被一群凶悍的铠甲士兵簇拥着,迅速离开。 When he leaves on the face also brings smiling. Ceased the kidnapped possibility of Ducanila guess completely. 他离开时脸上还带着笑。完全杜绝了杜卡妮拉猜测的被绑架的可能。 The remaining three people sit in the position, is facing on just the simultaneous/uniform hot meal. Belly that was also just big and hungry, how at this time actually did not know, a point did not have the appetite. 剩下三人坐在位置上,面对着刚刚上齐的热腾腾饭菜。刚刚还饥肠辘辘的肚子,此时却不知道怎么的,一点也没胃口。 I said why your younger brother is?” Kenhardt cannot bear finally, asked Ducanila low voice. “我说你弟弟到底是干啥的啊?”肯哈特终于忍不住,小声问杜卡妮拉 „” “” I must know that I still do sit here? Ducanila is also a cheek hurts, although she does not have this organ from the start. But this does not hinder her to understand the same feeling. 我要知道我还在这儿坐着?杜卡妮拉也是一脸蛋疼,尽管她压根就没这个器官。但这不妨碍她体会到相同的感受。 I one year have not come back, this did Fen City change is also too big? Where just did these people from brave?” Ducanila recalled just to crowd around the soldier who the younger brother left. “我才一年没回来,这芬城变化也太大了吧?刚刚那些人到底是从哪冒出来的?”杜卡妮拉回忆起刚刚簇拥弟弟离开的士兵。 On these human body is dressing the totally enclosed metal armor. 那些人身上穿戴着全封闭式的金属铠甲。 That type of armor is different from mech, but seems to be more flexible than mech. Moreover on her the high-energy sensor, surveys similar high-energy reaction. 那种铠甲不同于机甲,但似乎比机甲更灵活。而且她身上的高能感应器,同样探测到类似的高能反应。 This means that the armor of these soldiers do not decorate seemingly attractively. But has the true powerful destructive power. 这意味着,这些士兵的铠甲并不是装饰看起来好看。而是具备真正的强大破坏力。 Really damn!” A Ducanila agitated fist thump on table. “真是见鬼了!”杜卡妮拉烦躁的一拳头捶在桌上。 Do not worry, looks at their attitudes, should be the good deed.” “别担心,看他们的态度,应该是好事。” Leila that had not spoken, the cool-headed observation was so long, discovered some clue indistinctly. 一直没说话的雷拉,冷静观察了这么久,隐约发现了一些端倪。 These white armor soldiers, can unscrupulous walks in the city, obviously, they have the official has filed the regular army very much. “那些白色铠甲士兵,能够肆无忌惮的在城市里行走,很显然,他们是有着官方备案过的正规军。 So long as we start to investigate from this aspect, quick can investigate thoroughly what's the matter. ” 所以只要我们从这方面入手调查,很快就能查清到底是怎么回事。” Un, is you are calm, Leila. I excitedly was somewhat chaotic “嗯,还是你冷静,雷拉。我有些激动混乱了” Ducanila aspirates. 杜卡妮拉吐了口气。 First eats meal, then waits for that boy to come back, I must seize him to ascertain thoroughly!” “先吃饭吧,回头等那小子回来,我非得逮住他彻底问清楚!” Three people then take up the knife and fork on table, prepares to dine. 三人这才纷纷拿起桌上的刀叉,准备用餐。 At this moment, restaurant out of the window insufflates wild air current loudly. 就在这时,餐厅窗外轰然吹进一股狂暴气流。 !! 呼!! The invisible wind blows an entire restaurant piece of tableware to fall to the ground to crash. 无形的风吹得整个餐厅一片餐具落地碎裂声。 All customers screamed much. 所有顾客不少都尖叫起来。 The weather of out of the window, tarnish rapidly is changing the ash at this time. 窗外的天色,此时正急速的变暗变灰。 Manic air current just like hurricane, unscrupulous sweeps across flowing in entire Fen City. 狂躁的气流宛如飓风,肆无忌惮的在整个芬城席卷流动。 Sky over the city, the back lives huge mech of metal wing together, the both arms hold the chest, static float. The innumerable strong winds gush out from his behind injection port. 城市上空,一道背后生有金属羽翼的巨大机甲,双臂抱胸,静静悬浮。无数的狂风就是从他身后的喷射口涌出。 On the right arm arm of mech, engraves a clear mispronounced character. 机甲的右臂胳膊上,刻印着一个清晰的白字。 Third Holy Son Ducaente, dares to kill my younger brother, will actually only hide not to dare to see the person?” “第三圣子杜卡恩特,敢杀我弟弟,却只会躲起来不敢见人么?” In mech spreads the huge vigorous male voice. In the sound is clamping the strong anger and hatred. 机甲中传出巨大的浑厚男子声音。声音里夹着强烈的愤怒和仇恨。 This is!!?” “这是!!?” The Ducanila three people run out of the restaurant rapidly, holds nearby social climbing to stand firm the body, simultaneously raises head to look to the sky. 杜卡妮拉三人迅速冲出餐厅,抓住附近的攀附物稳住身体,同时仰头望向天空。 Armor King!!!? Is White Stone Armor King!! Chicorusa!!?” 铠王!!!?是白石铠王!!奇科鲁萨!!?”
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