SN :: Volume #8

#734: Surprise attack 2

In star federation fleet relation? How did Commander reply?” Hesitated, King Nashler slow and low and deep asking. “驻星联邦舰队联系了么?欧麦司令官怎么回答?”沉吟了下,纳什特勒国王缓慢而低沉的问道。 His calm as if lets the peripheral guards and staff calms down slightly. 他的沉稳似乎让周边的近卫和工作人员稍稍冷静下来。 Has related, Commander in the fleet negotiation of outside that Dark Armor. He makes us wait for the result.” A communication personnel replied rapidly. “已经联系了,欧麦司令正在和外边那支暗铠的舰队交涉。他让我们等待结果。”一名通讯人员迅速回答。 Waiting result?” King Nashler gets hold of the scepter in hand slightly. “等待结果?”纳什特勒国王微微握紧手中的权杖。 Invades me and others to lead the Saturn space, is famous Dark Armor Eagle of the Stars. In any event, I and others cannot sit waiting for death. “侵入我等领土星宇的,是大名鼎鼎的暗铠群星之鹰。无论如何,我等不能坐以待毙。 Passes on me to order, making the Kingdom four big regiment totals lift off, must defend Green Lake Star, defends Kingdom all nationals!! ” 传我命令,让王国四大军团全数升空,务必保卫绿湖星,保卫王国所有国民!!” The king forceful voice of reverberates in the hall unceasingly. 国王铿锵有力的声音不断在大厅里回荡。 Quick. 很快。 In the Green Lake Star native place ascends in abundance dense and numerous tens of thousands of battleship mech. 绿湖星本土上纷纷升腾起密密麻麻数以万计的战舰机甲 Regiments lift off in abundance, on them has the Cadizman Kingdom mark, the upfront toward Eagle of the Stars fearless flushing away. 一只只军团纷纷升空,他们身上都标有卡迪斯曼王国印记,正面朝着群星之鹰无畏的冲去。 Big piece mech and battleship, just like dark blue bird, crowds of soars from the star, throws toward Eagle of the Stars of outer space. 大片的机甲和战舰,宛如深蓝色的飞鸟,一群群的从星球上腾空而起,朝着外太空的群星之鹰扑去。 Similarly, the huge Dark Armor fleet in outer space, branches out small some mech, moves forward to meet somebody rapidly. 同样的,太空中的庞大暗铠舰队,也分出一小部分机甲,迅速迎上去。 Looked that the both sides number seems to be evenly matched, even Green Lake Star mech of native place must many. 看双方数量似乎势均力敌,甚至本土的绿湖星机甲还要多出不少。 But the blue regiment and black regiment just a contact, massive blue mech then blasted out in abundance, changes into the innumerable scarlet fireworks. 但蓝色军团和黑色军团刚一接触,大量蓝色机甲便纷纷炸开,化为无数赤红烟花。 Except that outside minority black mech of lucky wrecking, battle loss ratio of both sides, even also less than 20 : 1. 除开侥幸击毁的少数黑色机甲外,双方的战损比,甚至还不到二十比一。 The blue regiment like by the fruit jelly that swallows, in an instant was short of a bulk. 蓝色军团就像被一口吞噬掉的果冻,转眼便少了一大块。 Presses, starts the landing operation, since is not willing to hand over the jurisdiction, that makes them feel the pain of destruction.” “压上去,开始登陆战,既然不愿意交出权限,那就让他们感受毁灭之痛楚。” Direction of Eagle of the Stars shipboard, full beard man who keeps the red whiskers. The eyes are glittering ice-cold scary killing intent, is gazing at front Green Lake Star that rises spiritedly to counter-attack. 群星之鹰的指挥舰上,一个留着红色络腮胡的大胡子男人。正双眼闪烁着冰冷骇人的杀意,注视着面前奋起反击的绿湖星 ............ ............ ............ ............ Green Lake Star outer space inspection center. 绿湖星太空检测中心。 On the giant display screen, the blue luminous spot of representative Kingdom regiment, just lifted off, was short of the larger part. 巨大的显示屏幕上,代表王国军团的蓝色光点,才刚刚升空,便少了一大半。 The remaining luminous spots the thorough rout has run away. 剩下的光点已经彻底溃败逃窜。 The black luminous spot of opposite party rapid is close toward the star native place. 对方的黑色光点正飞速的朝着星球本土接近。 Star defensive system? Isn't able to open?” “星球防御体系呢?还是无法开启么?” King Nashler the dry old palm closely grabs the scepter the hand, a faint trace piercing chill in the air, is climbing up along his vertebra slowly upward. 纳什特勒国王枯老的手掌紧紧抓着权杖把手,一丝丝刺骨的寒意,正沿着他的脊椎缓缓往上攀爬。 „It is not able to start! With had been shielded the method by the opposite party specially, disturbs completely successfully!” “无法启动!已经被对方用特殊屏蔽手段,完全干扰成功!” Backup system is unable to contact! Our intercom scopes are reducing fast!” “备用系统也无法联络!我们的内部通讯范围在飞快缩小!” Oh! That is the phase insect!!!?” “天哪!那是相位虫!!!?” The communication personnel in hall call out in alarm in abundance. 大厅内的通讯人员们纷纷惊叫起来。 Screen last this time is reappearing unceasingly the dense and numerous capacities for alcohol red. 屏幕上此时正不断浮现出密密麻麻的海量红点。 These red points quantities will then break through on ten million shortly, they are tiny, but speed strange quick, rapid invasion entire Green Lake Star internal defense system. 这些红点的数量顷刻间便突破了上千万,它们细小无比,但速度奇快,飞速的侵入整个绿湖星的内部防御系统。 Also they, paralyze the star defensive system of thoroughly also having strikes finally. 也正是它们,彻底瘫痪了原本还有最后一击的星球防御体系。 „... Has had no chance?” “已经...没有希望了么?” Nashler calmly is looking at unceasingly by the large screen that the red warning embezzles. In the heart ascends slowly a sorrow. 纳什特勒静静望着不断被红色警报吞没的大屏幕。心中缓缓升腾起一丝悲哀。 Kingdom defense regiment that the star defensive system that he is proud, invests massive military expenses every year, seems like the alliance star garrison of powerful military might ..... 他引以为傲的星球防御体系,每年投入大量军费的王国防御军团,还有看似强大威武的联盟星球驻军..... The so-called three points of absolute defense systems, in short a half hour, then announced that was broken ..... 所谓的三环绝对防御系统,就在短短半小时内,便宣告被破..... Why do they come?” “他们为何而来?” Vacant, he looks that was invaded the blood red giant screen unceasingly. 茫然中,他看着不断被侵染成血红色的巨大屏幕。 Why do they slaughter?” “他们为何杀戮?” Bang!! 嘭!! Above the entire inspection center, seemed to be hit by anything, one of the bang explodes the shake to spread. 整个检测中心上方,似乎被什么东西打中,轰的一下爆炸震荡传开。 In the hall is off their feet immediately, becomes one piece randomly. 大厅里顿时人仰马翻,乱成一片。 This is .... Kingdom .... End?” “这就是....王国的....末日?” Nashler feels greatly sways the vibration that surrounding is transmitting, tight closing one's eyes. 纳什特勒感受着周围传递下来的巨大摇晃震动,紧紧的闭上眼。 Tears of drop of pollution, infiltrate slowly from his corner of the eye, falls along the cheeks slowly. 一滴浑浊的眼泪,从他眼角缓缓渗透出来,沿着脸颊慢慢滑落。 Bang!! 轰!! Also was any thing hit the inspection center. 又是一次什么东西击中了检测中心。 The huge blast vibration shakes all hot eardrum stabbing pain again. 巨大的爆炸震动再度震得所有热耳膜刺痛。 The explosive sound submerged all static, the squeal of guard, the big shout of crowd, grating alarm sound, the reminder sound of automatic fire sprinkler .... 爆炸声淹没了一切杂音,护卫的尖叫声,人群的大喊声,刺耳的警报声,自动灭火装置的提醒声.... Protects your majesty!!” “保护陛下!!” The guards are bellowing hoarsely. 护卫们声嘶力竭的大吼着。 On the giant oval screen had been dyed blood red completely. 巨大的椭圆屏幕上已经完全被染成一片血红。 Nashler gets hold of the scepter slowly, vacant opening eyes, is looking at the giant screen. 纳什特勒缓缓握紧权杖,茫然的睁开眼,望着巨大屏幕。 He is conscientious, holds political dozens years diligently. Does not dare to forget every time oneself responsibility and duty as King. 他兢兢业业,努力持政数十年。每时每刻都不敢忘记自己身为王者的责任和义务。 Instead, this is his destiny ..... 可到头来,这就是他的命运..... „The Monica Regiment all extinguishes!” “莫妮卡军团全灭!” Tess Regiment all extinguishes! Regimental Commander Cassie died in the line of duty!” “特斯军团全灭!军团长卡西尔殉职!” „The imperial mech regiment all extinguishes! Protects your majesty to evacuate quickly!!” “皇家机甲军团全灭!快保护陛下撤离!!” Just like the desperate short distance communication feeds in unceasingly. Similarly also infiltrates the abyss the command hall of entire vibration. 一条条恍如绝望般的短距离通讯不断传回。同样也将整个震动的指挥大厅打入深渊。 What did I ..... make the mistake?” “我.....做错了什么?” Nashler grips the hand of scepter, unconscious is loosening. 纳什特勒握住权杖的手,不自觉的在松开。 Prayed to me ..... “向我祈祷吧.....” Suddenly a sound resounds in his heart gentle. 忽然一个声音在他心底平和响起。 Pray??” “祈祷??” Yes. The pray hopes. Pray victory.” That sound is gentle and powerful, gently like containing all sea. “是的。祈祷希望。祈祷胜利。”那个声音平和而有力,温柔如同包容一切的海洋。 Pray ....?” In the eye of Nashler pollution flashes through a faint trace to be absent-minded. “祈祷么....?”纳什特勒浑浊的眼睛里闪过一丝丝恍惚。 If really prayed .... Will have .... Hope?” He has the final hope, in audio inquiry toward illusion. “如果真的祈祷....会有....希望么?”他带着最后的希冀,向着幻觉里的声音询问。 Meeting.” That sound tranquil response. “会。”那个声音平静的回应。 That .... I prayed .... Nashler closes the eyes, the facial expression is slowly reverent and dedicated. “那么....我祈祷....”纳什特勒闭上双眼,神情慢慢虔诚而专注。 I prayed... the hope hope to you... the hope counter-attack .... Hope .... Victory .... “我向您祈祷...祈求希望...祈求反击....祈求....胜利....” I heard, your desire.” “我听到了,你的愿望。” You .... Is who?” “你....是谁?” God.” “神。” ..... 呜..... In this moment. 就在这一刻。 Under Fen City Saint Light church, in giant underground cavity. 芬城圣光教堂下方,巨大的地下空洞中。 Blazing the goal huge ray together radiantly, the combustion raises slowly. 一道璀璨炽目的巨大光芒,缓缓燃烧升起。 That ray releases the great quantity white flame, the innumerable god Saint Light point surrounds it to dance in the air revolving, forms the giant storm. 那光芒释放出巨量的白色火焰,无数神圣光点环绕它飞舞旋转,形成巨大风暴。 It disregarded the heavy/thick soil to prevent, disregards the gigantic church that above stood erect, imitated like illusory, straight rise, across soil, across church. 它无视了厚重的泥土阻挡,无视了上方矗立的硕大教堂,就这么仿如虚幻般,笔直上升,穿过泥土,穿过教堂。 Under everyone gaze, the brilliance rises the sky panic-stricken. 在所有人惊恐的注视下,光焰升上天空。 Bang!! 轰隆!! The entire brilliance explodes loudly, changes into huge huge shining white light screen. 整个光焰轰然爆开,化为一片巨大庞然的莹白光幕。 Broad of this light screen area, even the most star was also wrapped. 这光幕覆盖面积之广,甚至连大半个星球也被包裹其中。 Dim, in the light screen appears slowly together the sacred fierce pure white armor. 朦胧中,光幕里缓缓浮现出一道神圣狰狞的纯白铠甲。 The armor only has several people of high merely, is seemingly slender and fine, has some inexplicable dignity. 铠甲仅仅只有数人高,看上去纤细而精致,带着某种莫名的威严。 Implored to me.” “向我祈求。” The armor holds up the right arm. 铠甲举起右臂。 Bang a loud sound. 轰隆一声巨响。 In his behind void just like thunderous, opens two giant white wings loudly. 他身后的虚空中宛如雷鸣,轰然张开两道巨大白色羽翼。 That wing gets bigger and bigger, is getting more and more wide, shortly will then cover entire Fen City, and covers toward the distant place crazily. 那羽翼越张越大,越来越宽,顷刻间便覆盖住整个芬城,并朝着更远处疯狂覆盖。
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