SN :: Volume #5

#469: Slaughters 3

duo. 哚。 After cutting the sound of rotten wood. 一身如同砍烂木头的声音后。 The assassin sharp sharp blade accurate incomparable thorn in Lin Sheng vest place. Unexpectedly cannot pierce. 刺客尖锐的利刃精准无比的刺在林盛背心处。居然没能刺穿进去。 All refused to compromise instantaneously motionless. 一切瞬间僵持不动了。 His blade by the card in the armor slit, could not be moved forcefully. 他的刀被硬生生卡在铠甲缝隙,动弹不得。 At the same time, huge, thick as thick as the natural force field of limit, loudly before the replace, arrives at a little ordinary natural force field peacefully. 同一时间,一股巨大的,浓稠到极限的自然力场,轰然替换之前安静到有点普通的自然力场。 Lin Sheng does not return, backhands a palm to puncture. 林盛头也不回,反手一掌刺出。 His palm speed strange quick, almost just raised, then had hit through the assassin chest instantaneously. 他的手掌速度奇快,几乎是刚刚提起,便已经瞬间穿过了刺客胸膛。 This time assassin strength is good.” “这一次的刺客实力不错。” He throws off the corpse backhandedly, pure white Saint Force flashes through, immediately is clean bloody water dirt purification on his hand. 他反手甩掉尸体,洁白圣力闪过,顿时将他手上的血水污垢净化干净。 ~ ~ ~ ~! 呜~~~~! In long bugle horn sound. 悠长的号角声中。 All Demonic Spirits palace armies face forward to sprint in abundance. 所有邪灵宫军队纷纷朝前冲刺。 The rear standby regiment starts peaceful fast hovering. 后方的待命军团开始安静的快速游动。 Almost cannot see the army of boundary as far as eyes can reach, is at this moment ordinary like the tide, submerges opposite desert regiment suddenly washes out. 一眼望去几乎看不到边际的军队,此时此刻如同潮水一般,骤然将对面的沙漠军团淹没冲散。 Lin Sheng has not gone to pay attention to the result. But is riding the blood demon, step by step walks in that direction that the aura fluctuation transmits. 林盛没有去理会结果。而是骑着血魔,一步步的朝着气息波动传来的那个方向走去。 The blood demon every takes a step one time, seemingly is slow, but in fact speed strange quick. 血魔每一次迈步,都看似缓慢,但实际上速度奇快。 This strong tall and strong does not result in like the Demonic Spirits powerhouse of horses, conducts the back Lin Sheng to walk in that direction. 这头强壮魁梧得不像马匹的邪灵强者,驮着林盛朝那个方向走去。 Quick, he then crosses sand dunes, throws everyone behind. 很快,他便越过一座座沙丘,将所有人都抛在身后。 The blood demon stopped quickly automatically in a dark green oasis edge, looked at the oasis is standing three people distantly. 血魔很快自动停在了一片墨绿绿洲边缘,遥遥望着绿洲边上站立着的三人。 That is three same chest is mounting red gem powerful desert Warrior. 那是三个同样胸口镶嵌着红色宝石的强大沙漠战士 Three people of looks dignified looks at Lin Sheng. 三人眼神凝重的看着林盛 The enemy who this they wait to ambush, wears a feeling of heaviness in the limbs armor, rides black warhorse that is resulting in strongly does not make sense, on the warhorse is also throwing over the heavy/thick armor unexpectedly. 这个他们等候埋伏的敌人,身穿一身重铠,骑着一头强壮得不像话的黑色战马,战马身上居然也披着厚重铠甲。 Also without approaching, they then felt that one share makes the breath cover for the pressure that it stagnates. 还没靠近,他们便感觉到一股子让呼吸为之一滞的威压笼罩下来。 Demon! Is he!” “邪魔!就是他!” Only women's cold said in three people. 三人中的唯一女子冷声道。 Hope Moonstone has tempted him for us! Kills!!” 愿月石已经为我们将他引诱过来了!杀!!” She draws out to conduct the back the sickle, the body blue color electric current twinkle jumps, when first first charges into Lin Sheng. 她拔出背上弯刀,身上蓝色电流闪烁跳跃,第一个当先冲向林盛 At the same time, other two men also from another two directions, draw a sword to besiege to go forward. 同一时间,其余两名男子也从另外两个方向,拔刀围攻上前。 Three people act in harmony, as if to fight many year of general. 三人配合默契,仿佛已经这么战斗过很多年一般。 Three purple thunder and lightning sweep across from three long blades gush out, roar are changing into three Thunder Dragon, charges into Lin Sheng. 三股紫色雷电从三把长刀上席卷涌出,咆哮着化为三条雷龙,冲向林盛 In the distant place oasis, in the shrubbery rapidly goes out of several long gown females. 远处绿洲中,灌木丛中迅速走出几个长袍女子。 In their mouth mumbled, a mysterious strength fluctuated from the midair arrives suddenly, the twinkling suppressed on Lin Sheng most Yin Rotation Evil Wheel Divine Protection Strength. 她们口中念念有词,一股神秘力量波动从半空中骤然降临,瞬息压制住林盛身上大半的阴转邪轮加护之力 oh?” Lin Sheng selects the eyebrow, no wonder dares to make me come out. Originally really has the means to suppress my Divine Protection Strength.” ?”林盛挑眉,“难怪胆敢引我出来。原来是真的有办法压制我身上的加护之力。” He rides in immediately, facing several offensive, the hand grasps suddenly. 他骑在马上,面对数道攻势,忽然手一抓。 !! 哧!! Saint Force that condenses highly changes into a more than three-meter giant long sword suddenly in his hands. 高度凝聚的圣力骤然在他手中化为一把长达三米多的巨型长剑。 ! 唰! Saint Force great sword overhead toward flushing three people cut. 圣力巨剑当头朝着冲来的三人斩去。 The sword blade has not touched the opposite party knife, an invisible terrifying force field, then suppresses three people of emitting Thunder Dragon stubbornly. 剑身还没触碰到对方刀身,一股无形的恐怖力场,便死死压制住三人放出的雷龙。 pū pū!! 噗噗噗!! Three Thunder Dragon destroys suddenly. 三条雷龙眨眼溃灭。 The great sword is carrying the terrifying great strength, cuts to fall before the female body of first overhead loudly. 巨剑携带着恐怖巨力,轰然斩落在第一个当头的女子身前。 Bang!!! 轰!!! More than a ten meters jet black crack, emerges out of thin air before the Lin Sheng body. 一道长达十多米的漆黑裂缝,凭空出现在林盛身前。 He pulls up the great sword, the female blade guest who overlooking of occupying a commanding position just at a crucial moment avoided. 他拔起巨剑,居高临下的俯视刚刚千钧一发躲开的女刀客。 Just avoided my, is what strength?” “刚刚躲开我的,是什么力量?” Replied me!” His both eyes open the eyes, the backhand is a sword stands in the right side air. “回答我!”他双目一睁,反手就是一剑站在右侧空气中。 Bang!! 嘭!! An invisible fluctuation was cut broken blasting open at the scene. 一片无形的波动当场被斩碎炸裂。 The distant place the mouth is spurting the blood in casting several long gown people immediately, wearily in place, surface like spirit money. 远处正在施法的几个长袍人顿时口喷鲜血,委顿在地,面如金纸。 Demon!! Here is the place of Hope Moonstone birth, was called the place of having no time most first year pond! “邪魔!!这里是愿月石诞生之地,是被称之为无暇之地的最初元池! The regret, dares to come to here unexpectedly, next year today, is your time of death!! ” 后悔吧,居然胆敢独自一人来这里,明年的今日,就是你的死期!!” The oasis deep place goes out of a tall and powerfully built strong old man again. 绿洲深处再度走出一名身材魁梧的强壮老者。 Old man both hands hold a giant war hammer respectively. 老者双手各持一把巨大战锤。 Every fights the hammer almost and an adult is almost big. Two fight the hammer about in the same place, light/only looks at the contour, knows that absolutely will not be the ordinary component. 每一把战锤都几乎和一个成年人差不多大。两把战锤合在一起,光是看着外形,就知道绝对不会是普通份量。 The old man hair was made braid in broken bits completely, beard chaotic building in the chest, the body put on the jet black somewhat ancient fierce black armors, on the pure white armor with Lin Sheng has the striking contrast. 老者头发全部被编成了细碎的发辫,胡须乱糟糟的搭在胸口,身上穿着漆黑有些古旧的狰狞黑铠,和林盛身上的纯白铠甲成鲜明对比。 Such old age, did not enjoy the peaceful life at home, actually must run to come to here to bring death.” The Lin Sheng look twinkle, however interested is taking a look at the old man. “这么老的年纪了,不在家里享受清福,却要跑来这里送死。”林盛眼神闪烁,然有兴趣的打量着老者。 Obsolete this year 504, just crossed the birthday few days ago. Has not thought that before arriving old, ascends the sky must grant me a war.” “老朽今年五百零四,前些日子刚过寿辰。没想到临到老,上天还要赐予我一场大战。” The old men have a good laugh. 老者仰天大笑起来。 „To kill me, looks at you to have this skill!!” “想要杀我,就看你有没有这个本事!!” He a tiger roars behind, appears baseless a big overwhelming power jet black great tiger. 他身后一声虎吼,凭空浮现出一头高大威猛的漆黑巨虎。 On the great tiger seems to have dressed up to fight armor and weapon. 巨虎身上似乎早就披挂好了战甲和武器。 He turns over/stands up to ride, grasps to fight the hammer to hit ruthlessly. 他翻身骑上,手持战锤狠狠一撞。 Obsolete head/number of people here, takes!!” “老朽人头在此,来拿!!” He bellows fiercely, the great tiger proceeds to leap, jumps high, one spans more than ten meters to plunge Lin Sheng. 他猛地大吼一声,巨虎往前一跃,高高跳起,一下跨越十多米扑向林盛 Lin Sheng both eyes narrow the eyes, from the old man, spreads in the shake he very clear sensation to a strong fragment fluctuation at present. 林盛双目一眯,从眼前老者身上,他很清晰的感知到一股浓厚的碎片波动在震荡扩散。 Pressed all treasures on this old fogy?” “把所有宝都压在这个老家伙身上了么?” He sneers, the double hand held sword pulls up upward! 他冷笑一声,双手提剑往上一撩! !! 唰!! Bang!!!! 轰!!!! sword's edge carries over a piece of white light, suddenly with bottom-up war hammer to bang in the same place. 剑刃带出一片白光,骤然和从上往下的战锤对轰在一起。 Transparent ripples blast out from two people suddenly scatter in all directions. 一圈透明涟漪从两人之间陡然炸开四散。 Ripples everywhere one visit, the ground gravel flutters, the oasis bush tears shuts off. As if has any invisible sharp blade to blink then cuts all. 涟漪所到之处,地面砂砾翻飞,绿洲灌木撕裂被切断。仿佛有什么无形利刃眨眼便切割一切。 This old man strength is simply shocking. Unexpectedly in the upfront resistance, can shaking not to drop the wind with Lin Sheng. 这老者一身力量简直骇人听闻。居然在正面对抗中,能和林盛对撼而毫不落下风。 The Lin Sheng heart is also startled. 林盛心头也是一惊。 Must know him to break through the limit, had almost given up half of Human Race bloodlines, changed into the Rock Dragon blood. 要知道他为了突破极限,已经几乎是放弃了一半的人族血脉,换成了岩龙血。 Has Rock Dragon Bloodline him, is almost equivalent has half a head Rock Dragon strength. 有着岩龙血脉的他,几乎相当于有半头岩龙的力量。 But in such situation, can this old fogy with him to shaking unexpectedly? 而这样的情况下,这老家伙居然能和他对撼? His heart is stunned, in the hand actually does not stop. 他心头愕然,手上却不停顿。 The giant Saint sword is now fast and now slow, unceasing one after next and war hammer clashes. 巨型圣剑忽快忽慢,不断一下下和战锤对撞。 Two people fight then know that the opposite party is the archenemy who the entire life only sees. 两人一交手便知道对方是生平仅见的大敌。 The old man as the unbeaten war-god in this Demonic Spirit World, invincible several hundred years, never some people can exceed him. 老者身为这片邪灵界中的不败战神,已经无敌了数百年之久,从未有人能超越他。 The skill in Wushu or the physical ability, the strength, he has reached the limit that human can reach. 无论是武艺还是体能,力量,他都已经到了人类能够达到的极限。 Has not thought at present this person can contend with him unexpectedly directly, but also even presses his one faintly. 可没想到眼前这人居然能和他正面抗衡,还甚至隐隐压他一丝。 Lin Sheng fuses soul memory that the innumerable powerhouse life and death slaughtered, fight is experienced, is skilled in many sword skills sure-kills because of the fusion soul fragment. 林盛更是融合了无数强者生死厮杀的灵魂记忆,一身战斗经验丰富无比,更是因为融合灵魂碎片而精通诸多剑技绝杀。 In the past because other strengths put forth then can easily end the fight, therefore he almost did not have the opportunity to use this exaggerating force. 以往因为其他力量使出便能轻易解决战斗,所以他几乎没机会动用过这一身夸张武力。 But at this time his whole body Divine Protection Strength was suppressed, does not want to expose the card in a hand temporarily, how wants first to find out the details of opposite party. 但此时他全身加护之力被压制住,又暂时不想暴露自己底牌,想先摸清楚对方的底细如何。 Then uses the main body skill in Wushu to act. 便只是动用本体武艺出手。 Has not thought that unexpectedly is blocked by this old man at present? 没想到居然被眼前这老头挡住了? Two people have the heavy weapon to fight like lightning back and forth. 两人持有重武器闪电般来回交手。 The great sword and war hammer hit the standard to keep off mutually times, send out destructive power terrors the shake ripple. 巨剑和战锤相互撞击格挡,发出一次次破坏力恐怖的震荡波纹。 In all around dozens meters scopes, became the death forbidden area completely. 四周数十米范围内,完全成了死亡禁区。
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