SN :: Volume #5

#468: Slaughters 2

A open area near battlefield, near a low-lying pothole. 战场附近的一处空地,一个低洼的坑洞边。 Air invisible distortion under. 空气无形的扭曲了下。 One group of clothes dissimilar in shape and form everybody appeared in this stretch of chaotic battlefield at the same time. 一群衣着打扮形态各异的男女老少同一时间出现在了这片混乱战场上。 On these human body the clothes, some seemed like just came out from the family/home, has not replaced the pajamas with enough time, 这些人身上衣服,有的像是刚刚从家里出来,还没来得及换掉睡衣、 Some wear the motorcycle car race same race car clothing/taking, the head also brings the helmet. 有的穿着摩托车飙车一样的赛车服,头上还带着头盔。 Also some are bewildered, in the hand is also grasping a spatula. 还有的一脸茫然,手里还握着一把锅铲。 Was here .... In crowd, wears the white cape, the appearance handsome young man, looks up to Faroudo in midair. “就是这里了....”人群中,一个身披白斗篷,容貌英俊的年轻男子,抬头望向半空中的法鲁多 Is so quick? Did we one go to the river to come from the border?” The fellow who that is grasping the spatula is astonished. “这么快么?我们一下就从边境跑到河里来了?”那个握着锅铲的家伙一脸愕然。 teleport array fixed point transmission.” An old sound resounds in everyone ear. 传送阵定点传送而已。”一个苍老的声音在所有人耳边响起。 Now, Faroudo in front, Destiny Sacred Item holder, how makes a decision, how to act, all in you read. “现在,法鲁多就在前面,诸位天命圣器的持有者,如何决断,如何行动,全在你们一念间。 The destiny was determined by you on the junction. ” 命运就交由你们决定。” Hehe, uttered fine words. Delivered to here to come us forcefully, didn't we do can get away?” Women's cold sound said that wears the pajamas. “呵呵,说得好听。都把我们强行送到这里来了,我们不干难道就走得了?”一个穿睡衣的女子冷声道。 Ok, since we arrived here, everyone knows this time goal. Actually the Destiny Sacred Item interior has the hero's soul to exist, so long as we close to Faroudo, start the ability. When the time comes gives the hero's soul on all. „ “好了,既然我们都到了这里,想必大家都知道这次的目的。其实天命圣器内部本身是有英魂存在的,只要我们靠近法鲁多,启动能力。到时候就一切交给英魂吧。“ Tall and strong old person who wears the sunglasses, low and deep say/way. 一个戴着墨镜的魁梧老人,低沉道。 In any event, since came, that represented you to complete the consciousness.” “不论如何,既然来了,那就代表着你们都做好了觉悟。” Adolf looked at opposite party one eyes, has not made noise. 阿道夫看了对方一眼,没有出声。 He is looking at Faroudo in midair, suddenly somewhat missed homeland. 他望着半空中的法鲁多,忽然有些想家了。 Companions who the elders in temple, prayed together. 圣殿里的长辈们,还有一起祈祷的同伴们。 Lies down in Sir King of Night who on the bed does not think... 还有躺在床上死活不想起来的夜之王大人... Walks. How to summon oneself hero's soul, Saint Artifact will tell us the answer.” “走吧。到底怎么召唤自身身上的英魂,圣器会告诉我们答案。” The sunglasses male sinking sound said. First takes the lead to move toward the Faroudo direction. 墨镜男沉声说。第一个率先走向法鲁多方向。 Others are silent, then hurries to follow. 其余人都沉默下来,然后赶紧跟上。 What lets some Adolf doubts is, these people said that is the body has Destiny Sacred Item. 只是让阿道夫有些疑惑的是,这些人说是身上有着天命圣器 But he has Saint Artifact, properly speaking, should be able to cause alarm with them is right. 但他自身身怀圣器,按道理说,应该是能够和他们引起共鸣的才对。 May come here him not to feel the least bit aura from these human body. 可到了这里他都没有从这几人身上感受到半点气息。 Some are only the Destiny Rare Treasure aura. 有的只是天命秘宝的气息。 Although he has doubts, but how is thinking others again muddled, is insufficient to take to assign/life and cracks a joke. 他虽然疑惑,但想着人家再怎么糊涂,也不至于拿命来和自己开玩笑。 Therefore also guessed that possibly has the method that what he does not know, can be used to restrain the aura. 所以也就猜测可能是有什么他不知道的手段,可以用来收敛气息。 ............. ............. ............. ............. Bang!! 轰隆!! In the desert sky, billowing thunderous such as the giant stone rolls, from head steamroll excessively thick cloud layer. 沙漠天空中,滚滚雷鸣如巨石滚动,从头上上碾压过厚厚云层。 In the black desert, the atmosphere is depressing and depressed. 黑色沙漠中,气氛压抑而沉闷。 On the sand, Demonic Spirits of big piece or runs or flies, Faerie Warrior follow, flushes away toward the armies of opposite desert camp. 沙地上,大片的邪灵或跑或飞,妖精战士们紧随其后,纷纷朝着对面沙漠阵营的大军冲去。 The desert regiment is mainly primarily the white. Clothing special care mail-armor and helmet that adhered to stick cohere some special ability. 沙漠军团主要以白色为主。身上穿戴着附着了某种异能的特护甲胄。 The Demonic Spirits army is the black red mixed regiment, pure soul body life and flesh life heterozygous in the same place, forms the unique powerful three-dimensional attack pattern. 邪灵大军则是黑红混合型军团,纯粹的魂体生命和血肉生命杂合在一起,形成特有的强大立体打击模式。 Long-distance range Demonic Spirits began, approaches Faerie Warrior near body to slaughter. 远距离邪灵动手,靠近了妖精战士近身厮杀。 The soldiers in desert, except the armor outside, other are also stronger than the normal average person, the body or the soul, are very common. Facing the three-dimensional attack, the casualty is serious suddenly, retreats in defeat again and again. 沙漠中的士兵们,除开铠甲外,其他也就比正常的普通人强一些,无论是身体还是灵魂,都很寻常。面对立体打击,一时间死伤惨重,节节败退。 Lin Sheng is riding the blood demon, slow and straight entering battlefield. 林盛骑着血魔,缓慢而笔直的走进战场。 The regiment soldier of all Demonic Spirits and opposite party, cannot approach in his ten meters. 所有邪灵和对方的军团士兵,都不能靠近他十米之内。 On the dead ahead sand dune, Brother Giants King are collaborating to engage in fierce battle with that mysterious desert powerhouse. 正前方的沙丘上,巨人王兄弟正联手和那个神秘沙漠强者鏖战。 The fight has continued to be very long. 战斗已经持续很久了。 These time after some details that knew the opposite party, Brother Giants King were more discrete. 这一次知晓了对方的一些底细后,巨人王兄弟谨慎了许多。 But the man who that chest mounts the gem, after these appears time again, in the rear army also walks several strengths to seem like the quite good powerhouse. 而那个胸口镶嵌宝石的男子,这一次再次出现后,后方军队里也走出来几个实力看起来颇为不错的强者。 Behind these powerhouses is growing the tiny slender green wing, like willow leaf, their wings hangs under the body, the motionless time cannot see this is long on them. 这些强者背后都长着细小的纤细绿色羽翼,就像柳叶一样,他们的羽翼垂在身下,不动用时根本看不出这是长在他们身上的。 Lin Sheng calmly is gazing at the tactical situation, Faerie Queen and Sin Mother Dragon, stands still in his side, complexion tranquil similarly sees the Giants King two brothers. 林盛就这么静静注视着战况,妖精王罪龙母,都在他身旁静立,面色平静的同样看着巨人王两兄弟。 In opposite party camp, have several a tyrannical soul the line of sight, one Lin Sheng sweeps. Confronts to stand with them. 对方阵营中,也有数道强横灵魂的视线,在林盛这边一扫而过。和他们对峙而立。 Everyone of opposite party, the line of sight is contacting the Lin Sheng flash, is similar to receives an electric shock general, contracts suddenly. Does not dare to search again. 只是对方的所有人,视线在接触到林盛的一瞬间,就都如同触电一般,骤然收缩回去。不敢再探。 Was too slow.” Lin Sheng looks to nearby Sin Mother Dragon. “太慢了。”林盛看向一旁的罪龙母 The latter is immediately understanding. 后者立马会意。 The technique law ceremony strategy as destiny corpse Dragon Race that excels. 身为术法仪式阵法擅长的命运尸龙族 Sin Mother Dragon saw Lin Sheng initially, on the release of instinct attracts class technique law, although has not succeeded also and that's the end. 罪龙母当初见到林盛,就本能的释放魅惑类的术法,虽然没有成功也就是了。 The effect of but initially causing is to let Lin Sheng memory is profound. 但当初引起的效果却是让林盛记忆深刻。 Ms. Long one step steps forward, under foot reappearing purple array, then transmits her to the opposite battlefields in an instant. 龙母一步跨出,脚下浮现紫色法阵,转眼便将她传送到对面战场中间。 She one appears in that desert powerhouse behind, while its unprepared, finger gently at its back of the head point. 她一把出现在那名沙漠强者的身后,趁其不备,手指轻轻在其后脑勺一点。 A purple glow blasts out suddenly, changes into rounds round of complex charts, the seal on the male back of the head. 一圈紫色辉光骤然炸开,化为一轮轮复杂阵图,封印在男子后脑上。 The men a dizziness, two turn immediately white, falls to the ground softly. 男子顿时一个眩晕,两眼一翻白,软倒在地。 Thinks is not so very easy?” She looks with a smile to the Giants King two brothers. “这么看不是很容易么?”她笑吟吟的看向巨人王两兄弟。 Titter! 噗嗤! In an instant the axe was wielded from her since together behind suddenly. 刹那间一道斧头从她身后猛然被挥起。 The waist that Sin Mother Dragon slender graceful grasps was cut at the scene, was pounded in another sand dune more than ten meters away around the middle. 罪龙母纤细盈盈一握的腰肢当场被砍中,拦腰被砸出十多米外的另一座沙丘里。 Silly fork!” Black Giants King sneers, raised the desert man who the fist charged into the awaking revolutions again. “傻叉!”黑巨人王冷笑一声,再度提起拳头冲向醒转的沙漠男子。 Two people ranker force field distortion air, clashes outrageously in the same place, raises the big piece sand wave. 两人的列等使力场扭曲空气,悍然对撞在一起,掀起大片沙浪。 !!! 啊!!! Was pounded Sin Mother Dragon in sand dune to lose face in the presence of everyone, even the skirt was smashed. 被砸进沙丘里的罪龙母当众丢脸,连裙子都被砸烂。 This causes her at the scene violent anger, runs out of the sand dune, the body radical inflation increases. 这导致她当场暴怒,一口气冲出沙丘,身体剧烈膨胀变大。 In an instant, head length more than ten meters huge big dragons, the four limbs fall to the ground, makes noise toward the desert men's rave ruthlessly. 转眼间,一头长十多米的庞然巨龙,四肢落地,狠狠朝着沙漠男子狂吼出声。 Buzz!!! 嗡!!! The big dragon black, has the huge lizard body all over the body, conducting the back two wings as if degenerated was the same, was only left over two similar spur general bulge. 巨龙通体黑色,有着巨大蜥蜴般的身躯,背上两只翅膀仿佛退化了一样,只剩下两个类似骨刺一般的凸起。 Her opens the mouth bellows, the mouth departs a lot of exquisite fog. 她张口大吼,嘴里飞出大量细腻灰雾。 Fog spraying, touches the ground, immediately the sand changes into the gray stone. 灰雾喷射而出,触及到地面,顿时沙地化为灰色石头。 Touches in the grounds the corpse, immediately the corpse also changes into the stone carving completely. 触及地面间尸体,顿时尸体也全部化为石雕。 The desert man flies behind again two people, dignified charging into Sin Mother Dragon, in the hand the reappearing golden color is glorious, offsets the petrification to spit the breath. 沙漠男子身后再度飞起两人,凝重的冲向罪龙母,手中浮现金色光辉,抵消石化吐息。 Two people participate in the regiment simultaneously, blocks her. 两人同时参与战团,将她拦住。 Powerhouse so many .... Seemingly prepares very fully.” Lin Sheng by the thick face armor low and deep say/way. “强者这么多....看起来准备得很充分。”林盛透过厚厚的面甲低沉道。 You also go.” He then looked that to Tian Gong Xia that has followed. “你也去吧。”他回头看向一直跟着过来的天工霞 Hope can make me cut several swords much.” “希望能让我多砍几剑。” Tian Gong Xia licked the lip, walks toward the battlefield in big strides. 天工霞舔了舔嘴唇,大踏步朝着战场走去。 Lin Sheng has not instead gone to look at the tactical situation. But is the line of sight shifts, looks distantly distantly toward the Northwest. 林盛则反而没有去看战况。而是视线转移,遥遥朝着西北方遥遥望去。 There has one to fluctuate with his common origin strength, is peeping here fight secretly. 那里有着一股和他同源的力量波动,正在偷偷窥视这里的战斗。 Final fragment?” Lin Sheng corners of the mouth one. Launches the general attack. Faerie Queen.” “最后的碎片么?”林盛嘴角一咧。“发起总攻。妖精王。” That side has not decided the victory and defeat, now the general attack, may create the accidental injury.” Faerie Queen expostulates to say in a low voice. “那边还没分出胜负,现在总攻,或许会造成误伤。”妖精王低声劝诫道。 Illuminates doing that I said.” Lin Sheng remains unmoved. “照我说的做。”林盛不为所动。 ! 哧! Suddenly severe sound blasts out from him behind. 忽然一声厉响从他身后炸开。 Lin Sheng felt immediately the chill in the air transmits from the vest together behind instantaneously. 林盛马上感觉到一道寒意从身后背心瞬间传来。 His force field was then broken through in an instant, the weapon of assassin passes unexpectedly from the Daybreak Armor armor slit place, stabs his skin. 他的力场在刹那间便被突破,刺客的武器居然从黎明重装的铠甲缝隙处透进去,刺中他皮肤。
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