SN :: Volume #4

#307: Experiment 3

In the shake sound, the vortex is loudly stave, Red Pine Wood vanishes, the red light human form kicks out from the strategy ceremony center together fierce, direct impact Lin Sheng. 轰然震荡声中,漩涡破碎,红杉木消失,一道红光人形从阵法仪式中心凶猛扑出,直冲林盛 In the air spreads the strange sharp laughter, talked in whispers innumerably in the Lin Sheng ear fills the air to read aloud the echo. 空气里传出怪异尖笑声,无数窃窃私语在林盛耳边弥漫念诵回响。 Amoendika!” Lin Sheng said a keyword suddenly again. “amoendika!”林盛忽然再度说出一个关键词。 ! 哧! The face of red light human form is away from Lin Sheng, has almost a palm is so wide. But this flash actually completely stopped. 红光人形的面孔距离林盛,几乎只有一个手掌那么宽。但这一瞬间却完全停止了。 Its slurred facial features are twisting, grinning fiendishly, is gazing at Lin Sheng. The mouth section is wriggling, seems sending out the sound wave that the person ear is unable to hear. 它模糊不清的面容扭曲着,狞笑着,注视着林盛。嘴部蠕动着,仿佛在发出人耳无法听见的声波。 Lin Sheng also similarly with twittering whispering, with Demonic Spirits Language, bargained back and forth fast with the opposite party. 林盛也同样用呢喃般的低语,用邪灵语,和对方快速讨价还价起来。 Time one minute/share one second passes. 时间一分一秒流逝。 The red light human form gradually starts not to bear. 渐渐的红光人形开始不耐起来。 He draws close to the face of Lin Sheng unceasingly, as to threaten him. 他不断贴近林盛的面孔,似乎想要恐吓他。 Lin Sheng remains unmoved, surface such as firm iron. Mouth as in twittering. 林盛不为所动,面如坚铁。嘴里依旧在呢喃着。 But, over time, the red light human form more and more is gradually impatient. He starts the sound that makes roars and screams similarly. 但渐渐的,随着时间推移,红光人形越来越不耐烦了。他开始发出类似咆哮和尖叫的声响。 Lin Sheng remains unmoved as before. 林盛依旧不为所动。 Slowly, the red light human form erupted finally thoroughly. 慢慢的,红光人形终于彻底爆发了。 He seems like the condition not to discuss gathers together, time also quickly without enough time happy, charges into the Lin Sheng face simply. 他似乎是条件没谈拢,时间也快来不及乐,索性一头冲向林盛面孔。 He wants this human to pay the price, no matter this transaction achieves or not, he must first meet oneself need. 他要这个人类付出代价,不管这场交易达成与否,他都必须要先满足自己的需求。 But when his throws to the Lin Sheng front. 但当他一头扑到林盛面前时。 A white light shines suddenly. 一点白光骤然亮起。 Almost is only the flash, the Lin Sheng whole person burns thoroughly, changing into the human form white torch is ordinary. 几乎只是一瞬间,林盛整个人彻底燃烧起来,化为人形白色火炬一般。 The fierce Saint Force flame lets his every inchs flesh, each spot, releases the magnanimous hugeness to concentrate Saint Force. 剧烈的圣力火焰让他每一寸肌肤,每一个部位,都释放出海量的巨大浓缩圣力 Demonic Spirits screamed one, must return the strategy in the future. 邪灵尖叫一声,就要往后退回阵法。 Bang! 嘭! Lin Sheng holds his shoulder suddenly. Grins fiendishly to tow outward. 林盛猛然一把抓住他肩膀。狞笑一声往外一拖。 Bang!!! 轰!!! In the spirit a radical explosion disperses loudly. 精神中一阵剧烈爆炸轰然散开。 The white ceremonial fire and red Demonic Spirits collides mutually, counter-balances, annihilation. 白色圣火和红色邪灵相互碰撞,抵消,湮灭。 The quick entire ceremony, the flesh corpse in earth pit, the complete material of arrangement wait/etc, changes into the black salt all, with the wind dissipation. 很快整个仪式,土坑里的血肉尸体,还有布置的全部材料等等,尽数化为黑灰,随风消散。 How long does not know. 不知道过去多久。 All are gradually peaceful. 一切渐渐安静下来。 The pea-sized raindrop falls gently from the nighttime sky slowly, sparse. Continuously. 豆大的雨点从夜空中缓缓飘落,稀稀疏疏。连绵不断。 Under the awning, Lin Sheng walks slowly, straight trend villa back door. 凉棚下面,林盛缓缓走出来,笔直走向别墅后门。 In his hand, when does not know, is pinching a light red translucent bead. 他的手里,不知道什么时候,正捏着一枚淡红色的半透明珠子。 .............. .............. .............. .............. Belch. 嗝。 Melissa inflates to soak the belch, places on the carbonated drink in hand the table. 梅丽莎打了个气泡嗝,一把将手里的碳酸饮料放在桌上。 patrol squad is conducting the routine patrol mission. 巡逻队正在进行例行的巡逻任务。 Team leader Lin Sheng is with smile on the face, just and team members of two same places chatted the amusing thing that last night is playing cards. 队长林盛面带微笑,正和两个一起的队员聊着昨晚打牌的趣事。 They sit in the town/subdues only fry in the cake shop to rest. 他们坐在镇上唯一的一家煎饼店里休息。 This shop front named black bear fried cake, is they approves the flavor only slightly the diet shop. Therefore these days everyone comes to dine together to here frequently. 这家名叫黑熊煎饼的店面,是他们唯一稍微认可味道的饮食店铺。所以这段时间大家都经常过来到这里聚餐。 In shop light and bright, the ground is spreading the white floor tile, the wall and ceiling are the anti- dirty dark yellows. 店铺里宽敞明亮,地面铺着白色地砖,墙壁和天花板都是耐脏的暗黄色。 Except that not attractive outside, the ornaments are also the family/home of bar forest and so on style, on the wall hangs deer Touxiong the head, the bar seats are the log styles. Even the cup is the wooden cup. 除开不怎么好看外,摆设也都是森林之家酒吧之类的风格,墙上挂鹿头熊头,吧台座椅多是原木风格。连杯子都是木杯。 Melissa wanted a Sydney cheese sausage fried cake, carries the tray to return to the seat, the carbonated drink is eating to the heart's content. 梅丽莎要了一份雪梨芝士腊肠煎饼,端着盘子回到自己座位上,就着碳酸饮料大快朵颐。 Eats, she while hiding with the corner of the eye split vision, is sizing up team leader Lin Sheng that direction unceasingly. 一边吃,她一边隐蔽的用眼角余光,不断打量着队长林盛那个方向。 How does not know, she feels indistinctly, starting from last night, the team leader of this good nature as if had some inexplicable changes. 不知道怎么的,她隐约感觉到,从昨晚开始,这个好脾气的队长似乎有了些许莫名的变化。 Accurately where Melissa is unable to say this change to be. But she determined, on team leader Lin Sheng, definitely had anything. 梅丽莎无法准确的说出这种变化在哪。但她确定,队长林盛身上,肯定发生了什么。 Regarding this team leader, these days, actually in patrol squad several girls, quite have the favorable impression. 对于这个队长,这段时间里,其实巡逻队里好几个女孩子,都对其颇有好感。 Big, martial-looking, the temperament is temperate, treats people generously. Likes listening attentively, but also has the intimate feeling very much, will take care of the person. 高大,英武,脾气温和,待人宽厚。喜欢倾听,还很有贴心感,会照顾人。 Its Spirit Heart Castle outstanding student, the future prospect is bright. 本身还是心灵城堡的高材生,未来前途光明。 Until now, already two female students, expressed the heart of own admiration to Chief Lin Sheng. 迄今为止,已经有两个女生,明里暗里的对林盛队长表达了自己的倾慕之心。 Although is very vague, but Melissa as the female student, has looked to understand. 虽然十分隐晦,但梅丽莎作为女生,早就看明白了。 Hehe, one crowd of oestrus female monkey! Impervious!” She looks to sneer. Bang one places on the cup the desktop layer on layer/heavily. “呵呵,一群发情的母猴子!不可理喻!”她面露冷笑。嘭的一下把杯子重重放在桌面上。 Her Melissa, disdains and these people are a companion! 她梅丽莎,不屑于和这些人为伍! Suddenly she noticed that Lin Sheng looked up her one eyes. 忽然她看到林盛抬头看了她一眼。 Melissa acts immediately, sneering on face changes into suddenly gently shy, she lowers the head to purse the lips, cheeks slightly red. Raised the head again, Lin Sheng has taken back the line of sight. 梅丽莎顿时动作一顿,脸上的冷笑眨眼换成温柔羞涩,她低头抿嘴,脸颊微红。再抬头,林盛已经收回视线。 A female team member of golden big wave curly hair, is turning the enchanting figure, sits to Lin Sheng side, blocks from Melissa's line of sight in a seductive voice. 一名金色大波浪卷发的女队员,扭着妖娆身段,一屁股坐到林盛身旁,娇声娇气的遮住梅丽莎的视线。 „......” Melissa shakes the hand of cup to pinch tightly slightly. Her elegant face one cold, the tooth saw compares notes up and down. “......”梅丽莎握着杯子的手微微捏紧。她俏脸一寒,牙齿锯子般上下切磋。 Hehe .... Big buttocks female monkey!” “呵呵....大屁股母猴子!” Bang. 嘭。 Suddenly the door was worked hard to shove open. 忽然店门被一下大力推开。 Male team members of status team clash hurriedly, complexion blanch. 一名分队的男队员急匆匆冲进来,面色发白。 Team leader! Had an accident, comes to see quickly!” “队长!出事了,快来看看吧!” He runs up to near the Lin Sheng table the anxious sound said. 他跑到林盛桌边急声道。 Lin Sheng nods, hinted toward Melissa, stands up to go out of the gate rapidly. 林盛点点头,朝梅丽莎示意了下,迅速站起身走出门去。 Melissa restrains the thoughts, sets out to hurry to clash with other team members. 梅丽莎收敛心思,和其他队员一起起身赶紧冲出去。 The scene of the accident, approaches end in woods in the town/subdues. 出事地点,在镇上靠近树林的末尾处。 Gets up in the morning the old man of exercise, was discovered the silent death on the special-purpose berth that in the ordinary day the mail delivery car(riage) anchored. 一个早晨起来锻炼的老头子,被人发现无声无息的死在了平日里邮递车停靠的专用车位上。 The corpse is withered, as if all blood were swallowed cleanly, the intravenous drip does not remain. 尸体干瘪,仿佛所有血液都被吞噬干净,点滴不剩。 When Lin Sheng rushes, the surroundings have encircled the little townspeoples. 林盛赶到时,周围已经围了少许镇民。 Defense the person also arrived, with the camera filming scene. 防务所的人也到了,正在用相机拍摄现场。 patrol squad that this small town only then Lin Sheng leads is responsible. 这个小镇就只有林盛带队的一个巡逻队负责。 Therefore defense the person sees Lin Sheng to come, immediately approaches on own initiative. 所以防务所的人一看到林盛过来,马上主动凑近。 You hurry to come to see. This what's the matter?! Jake the morning exercise, more than ten years will never interrupt every morning here!” “你们赶紧来看看。这到底是怎么回事?!老杰克每天早上都会在这里晨练,十多年了从未间断!” The defense manager Henry is tall, waist round pin wide black person guy, but his present complexion is not very good. The old man who because died looked does not seem like killed. 防务所所长亨利是个身材高大,腰圆臂宽的黑人大汉,但他现在的脸色很不好。因为死掉的老头一看就不像是被人杀的。 Jake is very good, this absolutely will not be the revenged kill! Absolutely!” He constantly is emphasizing. “老杰克为人很好,这绝对不会是仇杀!绝对!”他不断强调着。 Lin Sheng comforted under him, separates the townspeople, arrives at the corpse to squat down. 林盛安慰了下他,分开镇民,走到尸体边上蹲下。 He points in the corpse forehead, Demonic Ability permeates slowly, starts to defer to the standard investigation method on teaching material, rapidly in corpse within the body circulation. 他手指点在尸体额头,一丝邪能缓缓渗入,开始按照教材上的标准探查方法,迅速在尸体体内流转。 I need your help, Melissa.” He leans the face to look to behind. “我需要你的帮助,梅丽莎。”他侧过脸看向身后。 The Melissa spirit inspires, hurries to go forward the squatting lower part of the body, next to Lin Sheng. 梅丽莎精神一振,赶紧走上前蹲下身,紧挨着林盛 I need to freeze the effect. Freezes his head troublesome.” Lin Sheng said in a low voice. “我需要冷冻效果。麻烦冻结他的头。”林盛低声道。 Melissa comes Crystal Cane, the Demonic Ability exercise law of studies, can stimulate the low temperature effect. 梅丽莎出身水晶手杖,所学的邪能锻炼法,可以激发低温效果。 Moreover the effect is rapid. 而且效果非常迅速。 At she 100 many Demonic Ability values, wants the quick-freeze corpse head, is not difficult. 以她一百多的邪能数值,要速冻尸体头部,并不算多难。 Understood.” She acts rapidly. “明白。”她迅速施为。 Lin Sheng inspects other places. 林盛则检查其他地方。 He had the new achievement progress last night, does not want uncertainties at this time. 他昨晚才有了新的成果进展,可不希望此时出现变数。 Bottom of the silver mine tunnel, the division commanders went were so long, although had the news to pass on occasionally, but in a short time, did not have the means to hold that only sly mouse evidently. 白银矿洞底部,师长们进去那么久了,虽然偶尔有消息传出来,但短时间内,看样子是没办法抓住那只狡猾的耗子。 Therefore this patrol mission can definitely brush repeatedly much. 所以这个巡逻任务完全可以反复多刷。 He happen to requires a lot of run times now, if goes back to enter in the city, may not have such good condition to continue to test. 他现在正好需要不少实验时间,要是回去进入城市里,可没这么好的条件继续测试。 Here wild game, each surpassed grown human blood air/Qi. Being used to summon Demonic Spirits is quite good. 这里的野食子,每一头都超出了成年人血气的总量。用来召唤邪灵相当不错。 But through last night to the Demonic Spirits attempt that tempting to come. Lin Sheng has been able through the energy altogether thaw point, to purify with Saint Force Demonic Spirits initially, integrates itself, changes into a part of soul. 而通过昨晚对引诱而来的邪灵的尝试。林盛已经可以通过能量共融点,初步将邪灵圣力净化,融入自身,化为自己灵魂的一部分。 Perhaps this is he will gain the soul strength, a brand-new channel! 这或许将是他获取魂力,全新的一个渠道! Therefore, here is suitable he to conduct the expanded experiment. He does not hope that some people disturb themselves. 所以,这里非常适合他进行扩大实验。他不希望有人来打扰自己。
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