SN :: Volume #4

#306: Experiment 2

Cipher that center of circle teaches Lin Sheng sincere. “圆心教的暗号”林盛正色起来。 In massive memory that he absorbs, Spirit Heart Castle regarding the introduction of cults, has this so-called center of circle to teach to introduce. 他吸收的大量记忆里,还有心灵城堡对于邪教的介绍里,都有这个所谓的圆心教介绍。 It is not because they suffice to be strong, because this sect is cruel enough. Created the extremely bloody massacre repeatedly. 不是因为他们够强,而是因为这个教派够残忍。多次制造了极其血腥的惨案。 „Does center of circle teach? Not?” Melissa has a scare. “圆心教?不是吧?”梅丽莎吓了一跳。 Should right, this symbol I look more than ten times. Will not remember incorrectly.” Lin Sheng sincere nod. “应该没错,这个符号我看过不下十次。不会记错。”林盛正色点头。 Destiny Rare Treasure here, attracts these terrorists to come, is normal.” He has not removed this covert symbol. “不过天命秘宝在这里,吸引这些恐怖分子过来,也算正常。”他没有去掉这个隐蔽符号。 Walks.” Continues to proceed, Lin Sheng saw one after another symbol that several centers of circle teach, met several wild game, was solved by him. “走吧。”继续往前,林盛又陆续看到了几次圆心教的符号,又遇到了几次野食子,都被他解决。 Is good because of the following also no event. 好在后续也没什么事件。 Returns to the defense institute, the matter that Lin Sheng experiences today to transmit the pass on message personnel who carefully have to here. 回到防务所,林盛将今天遇到的事仔细传达给这里驻扎的传讯人员。 Later then did not turn over to him to manage 之后便不归他管了 Late at night. 深夜。 Lin Sheng stands near piling up the earth pit of corpse, lowers the head to look toward. 林盛站在堆放尸体的土坑边,低头往里望去。 In the pit messy and disorderly put many wild game child corpses. 坑里乱七八糟放了不少的野食子尸体。 Team leader, what on these corpses has to discover?” Nearby Melissa asked in a low voice. “队长,这些尸体上有什么发现么?”一旁梅丽莎低声问。 „” Lin Sheng has not shaken the head. “没”林盛摇头。 It‘s nothing issue. You first rest. I have a look at the surroundings finally.” He stands before the earth pit said in a low voice. “没什么问题。你先去睡吧。我最后看看周围。”他站在土坑前低声道。 Melissa and another team member complied with the sound, determined that had no issue, two talents turned around to leave. 梅丽莎和另外一个队员应了声,确定没什么问题了,两人才转身离开。 Outside weather is gloomy, occasionally has the thunderclap to be billowing, but piles up the corpse the awning, is actually filling the light bloody air/Qi, a deathly stillness. 外面天气阴暗,偶尔有雷声滚滚,但堆放尸体的这处凉棚,却是弥漫着淡淡血腥气,一片死寂。 Lin Sheng stands before the earth pit alone, is sideways, looks at light in villa to extinguish behind slowly. 林盛独自站在土坑前,侧过身,看着身后别墅里的灯光慢慢一盏盏熄灭。 Is completely dim until all lights, the surroundings only have the natural moonlight to sprinkle. 直到所有灯光完全黯淡,周围只剩下自然的月光洒落。 He hit a sound to refer to gently. 他才轻轻打了个响指。 black smoke appears together, Dungeon Soldier brings he had been using the Offering Sacrifices to Spirit Ceremony plastic paper, and material backpack, appears before him. 一道黑烟浮现,地牢士兵带着他曾经使用过的祭灵仪式塑料纸,以及材料背包,出现在他面前。 The Lin Sheng complexion is motionless, received the ceremony plastic paper, launches the rapid shop on the ground. 林盛面色不动,将仪式塑料纸接过,展开迅速铺在地上。 Then periphery received the backpack, control Dungeon Soldier is going to stand guard. 然后接过背包,控制地牢士兵去周围警戒。 These flesh, were almost OK “这些血肉,差不多可以了” He learned/studied Demonic Spirits Language to be very long, before absorption research institute many researcher memory, he studied regarding the opening ceremony strategy, quite had the anxiety. Does not dare to attempt to revise at will. 他学习邪灵语已经很久了,在吸收研究所众多研究员记忆之前,他对于开启仪式阵法研究,还是颇有疑虑。不敢随意尝试修改。 He worried that is not careful, does to have problems, triggering the ceremony strategy rebellion to be chaotic. 他担心一个不小心,搞出问题来,引发仪式阵法暴动混乱。 But after true absorption research institute memory, after especially obtained the project research of energy altogether thaw point . 但在真正吸收研究所记忆后,特别是得到了能量共融点的项目研究后。 His inexplicable recollection, the initial time has used ceremony Offering Sacrifices to Spirit Ceremony. 他莫名的回忆起,自己最初时候使用过的一个仪式祭灵仪式 Without Demonic Ability, without Saint Force, without bloodlines. 没有邪能,没有圣力,没有血脉。 That time he, anything did not have, only then hot blooded, forcefully flushed as average person. 那时候的他,什么也没有,只有一头热血,硬生生的以普通人的身份冲了进来。 Rash, young, fearless. 莽撞,年轻,无畏。 What is good was that time luck is good. Has not fermented what blunder. 还好的是那时候运气不错。没酿出什么大错。 Now recalls, Lin Sheng examines to explain Offering Sacrifices to Spirit Ceremony again, in can understand under most Demonic Spirits Language foundations. 现在回想起来,林盛再度查看解读祭灵仪式,在能看懂大部分邪灵语的基础下。 He understood the fundamental principle of this ceremony probably. 他大概的明白了这个仪式的根本原理。 Offering Sacrifices to Spirit Ceremony, pure, even starts the energy by opposite Demonic Spirits support special array. 祭灵仪式,一个纯粹的,连启动能量都是靠对面邪灵支持的特殊法阵 Manages ceremony, low of threshold, is unable to imagine simply. So long as is almost individual, so long as there is a sacrificial offering, knows the start language, who can initiate such strategy. 主持仪式者,门槛之低,简直无法想象。几乎只要是个人,只要有祭品,知晓启动语,谁都能启动这么个阵法。 Now looked like the luck sincerity to be good at that time. The Offering Sacrifices to Spirit Ceremony success ratio is very high, but the risk factor is higher.” “现在看来那时候运气真心不错。祭灵仪式的成功率很高,但危险度更高。” Lin Sheng rapidly again prepare Offering Sacrifices to Spirit Ceremony base element. 林盛迅速重新布置好祭灵仪式的基本要素。 The key point of ceremony strategy, lies in the essential factor, array mark, the language, three parts. 仪式阵法的关键点,在于要素,阵纹,语言,三部分。 He understands the essential factor and array mark now, language also looks to understand majority. To modify this foundation strategy, is simply easy. 他现在明了了要素和阵纹,语言方面也看明白了大部分。要想改动这个基础阵法,简直轻而易举。 Therefore, after the prepare strategy ceremony, Lin Sheng looked at Demonic Spirits Language on ceremony plastic paper, thinks, puts out the charcoal pencils, above revised carefully under. 所以,在布置好阵法仪式后,林盛看了看仪式塑料纸上的邪灵语,想了想,拿出炭笔,在上边细细修改了下。 Three adult whole body volumes of blood, deer blood a standard bottle, Red Pine Wood standard Units. silver powder nine standard Units Offering Sacrifices to Spirit Ceremony.’ ‘三个成年人全身血量,鹿血一个标准瓶,红杉木一个标准单位银粉九个标准单位祭灵仪式。’ This is the ceremony request of original. 这是原版的仪式要求。 Lin Sheng revised on the Demonic Spirits Language key words under. The start demand will be weaken, the quantity of sacrificial offering increases, type fuzzy. 林盛邪灵语的关键字上修改了下。将启动者的诉求减弱,祭品的量增多,类型模糊化。 As the matter stands, the Demonic Spirits range of attracting will considerably increase. 这样一来,吸引到的邪灵范围将大大增加。 The request is low, the sacrificial offering are many, like this stupidly lacks the ceremony, once opens, is looks for trouble to be the same absolutely. 要求低,祭品多,这样的傻缺仪式一旦开启,绝对是招蜂引蝶一样。 Lin Sheng revises, while draws up to inspect one goal of this experiment. 林盛一边修改,一边重新拟定检查一遍这次实验的目标。 Quick, under the flashlight light of cell phone, the ceremony content revises. 很快,在手机的手电筒灯光下,仪式内容修改完毕。 After the determination is unmistakable . He stands up, form under gloomy moonlight, even more by drawing slenderly. 确定无误后。他站起身,身影在暗淡的月光下,越发被拉得修长。 The wind sound/rumor makes noise, pulls all around the leaf to rock. 风声哗哗作响,扯动四周树叶晃动。 Position that the awning is , is the rear area of villa. 凉棚所在的位置,正好是别墅的正后方。 Because the awning builds quite long and big, therefore Lin Sheng stands in inside, outside cannot see. 因为凉棚搭建得比较长和大,所以林盛站在里面,外面根本看不到。 What Offering Sacrifices to Spirit Ceremony needed is the grown human blood fluid, but I change into wild game this monster to give a try, perhaps also had Demonic Spirits to like not saying certainly?” 祭灵仪式原本需要的是成年人血液,不过我换成野食子这种怪物试试看,或许也有邪灵喜欢也说不准?” Lin Sheng smiles, stands up, takes out ceremony material one by one from the package, then according to the step and essential position, one by one places accurately, the accent compounds. 林盛笑了笑,站起身,从包里将仪式材料一一取出,然后按照步骤和关键位,一一摆放准确,调配制好。 After placing to be unmistakable completely . In security of determining all around dungeon guarding. After the determination is unmistakable . 全部摆放无误后。在确定四周地牢守卫的警戒情况。确定无误后。 He stands in the management position, lowers the head, fuzzy sound that the lip moves slightly, sends out tiny almost only then he himself can hear. 他站到主持位上,低头,嘴唇微动,发出细小的几乎只有他自己才能听到的模糊声音。 The ceremony strategy uses the extremely skilled present in him, has long known the sound size is actually indifferent. 仪式阵法在他使用极其熟练的现在,早已知道了声音大小其实无所谓。 The key is three big matters needing attention, the essential factor, array mark, the language. Cannot be wrong. 关键是三大注意事项,要素,阵纹,语言。一点也不能错。 The night breeze howls, in the black pine forest the branch collision drags. 晚风呼啸,黑松林中枝条碰撞摇曳。 The Lin Sheng start language sound was suppressed by the static completely. But even, the ceremony strategy was still so started as before slowly. 林盛的启动语声音完全被杂音压制。但就算如此,仪式阵法也依旧被缓缓启动。 Offering Sacrifices to Spirit Ceremony must offer a sacrifice to exactly, but Lin Sheng modified the language. 祭灵仪式原本是必须活祭,但林盛改动了语言。 He suspends the flesh of these wild game here, wanted Demonic Spirits only needs to meet his insignificant little need, can take at will. 他将这些野食子的血肉摆在这里,想要的邪灵只需要满足他微不足道的一点点需求,就能随意取走。 Such good deed, does not have the difficulty, is equivalent gives in vain. Demonic Spirits naturally did not care to live not the live sacrifice. 这样的好事,毫无难度,相当于白送。邪灵自然是不怎么在乎活不活祭了。 The quick, little dim blood-color appears to shine. 很快,一点点朦胧血色浮现亮起。 On the smooth plastic paper, twisted to revolve at this time unexpectedly slowly. 原本平整的塑料纸上,此时居然慢慢扭曲旋转起来。 In plastic paper , a blank, starts to appear exceptionally. 在塑料纸的正中间,一处空白处,开始出现异常。 Like some thick red fat, was mixed to revolve, appears clear lines. In the center of plastic paper, a blood-color vortex of wash bowl size appears slowly. 就像某种浓厚的红色油脂,被搅动旋转着,浮现一条条清晰的线条。在塑料纸的中心,一个脸盆大小的血色漩涡缓缓浮现。 Lin Sheng continues to recite the start language, the complexion is invariable, puts out a hand the hand in the bowl, mixes the blood of good proportion to fall slowly, pours into that blood-color vortex. 林盛继续吟唱着启动语,面色不变,伸手将手中碗里,调制好比例的血液缓缓倾倒出去,倒入那血色漩涡里。 …… A fuzzy and pure brightness vibration sound, transmits from the blood-color vortex slowly. 恍惚间,一阵模糊而又清明的震动声,缓缓从血色漩涡中传递而出。 The vortex surface starts to stick out, the bulge, appears a fuzzy face. 漩涡表面开始隆起,凸起,浮现出一张模糊的人脸。 The face is getting more and more clear, the arch is higher. As to be separated from the fetter of strategy ceremony. 人脸越来越清晰,越拱越高。似乎想要脱离阵法仪式的束缚。 Lin Sheng is without turning a hair, puts down the bowl, takes up Red Pine Wood, loses gently to that face. 林盛面不改色,放下碗,拿起红杉木,轻轻丢向那人脸。 If all goes well, this Red Pine Wood will drop in the vortex thoroughly, vanishes does not see, but he, will obtain the mysterious knowledge and ability of Demonic Spirits transmission. 如果一切顺利,这块红杉木会彻底落进漩涡里,消失不见,而他,将会得到邪灵传递的神秘知识和能力。 This is the standard flow of this ceremony. 这就是这个仪式的标准流程。 But after obtaining the research institute research project, Lin Sheng naturally cannot such simple replot Offering Sacrifices to Spirit Ceremony. 但在得到了研究所研究项目后,林盛自然不会这么简单的重制一次祭灵仪式 Soon falls into the vortex in Red Pine Wood the flash. 就在红杉木快要掉入漩涡的一瞬间。 Disaka!” His opens the mouth, puts out a clear Demonic Spirits Language word suddenly. “disaka!”他忽然张口,吐出一个清晰的邪灵语单词。 Bang!!! 轰!!! Red Pine Wood falls into the vortex, triggers the radical explosion in the spiritual level suddenly. 红杉木跌入漩涡,猛然间在精神层面上引发剧烈爆炸。
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