SN :: Volume #3

#297: World 2

Also is others is shuts out Saint Force to have no way to promote to grow, where has like me, will also be worried that Saint Force are too many, explodes the body to perish “也是人家都是嫌弃自己圣力没法提升增长,哪有像我这样的,还会担心圣力太多,爆体而亡” Lin Sheng heart forced smile. Turns around to go out of the washroom. 林盛心头苦笑。转身走出洗手间。 After all has not obtained the inheritance in too many temple, where will otherwise have this worry.” “终归是没有得到太多圣殿方面的传承,否则哪会出现这种烦恼。” His heart is helpless. Only can have the idea on Demonic Ability. 他心头无奈。只能将主意打在邪能上。 Demonic Ability and Saint Force are soul strength one, should have the interlinked place. It seems like can under the examination the means on the Demonic Ability teaching material.” 邪能圣力都是灵魂力量的一种,应该会有相通的地方。看来可以在邪能教材上查看下办法。” He thought under. 他思索了下。 Since Saint Force is because Demonic Ability stimulates, thus has the sharp increase phenomenon. If then, I unnecessary Demonic Ability, will consume completely, doesn't make it stimulate Saint Force?” “既然圣力都是因为邪能刺激,从而发生暴增现象。那么,如果我将多余的邪能,全部消耗掉,不让它刺激到圣力呢?” Lin Sheng thinks of this point suddenly. 林盛忽然想到这一点。 Must achieve this, is not difficult. 要做到这点,并不难。 Spirit Heart Castle Crystal Warrior, condenses with Demonic Ability. Needs to consume magnanimous Demonic Ability to be good. 心灵城堡水晶战士,就是用邪能凝聚而出的。需要消耗海量的邪能才行。 I put aside exercise law directly the front step, condenses Crystal Warrior directly, should not have the issue.” “我直接撇开锻炼法的前面步骤,直接凝聚水晶战士,应该没问题。” Although this will cause the foundation is not firm, the Crystal Warrior strength that molds cannot reach the peak. But he does not eat meal by Demonic Ability. Also did not matter. 虽然这样会导致基础不牢,塑造出来的水晶战士实力达不到巅峰。但他又不是靠邪能吃饭。也就无所谓了。 Lin Sheng is always a person who is bold in attempting. Stays in the hospital ward in any case is also all right to do. 林盛从来都是个勇于尝试的人。反正呆在病房里也没事做。 He looked at outside the eye piece the weather. 他看了眼窗外天色。 The wall clock on wall showed, the present is around 10 : 00 pm. Time that the nightlife just started. Also similarly is the time that the office workers sleep soundly. 墙上的挂钟显示,现在是晚上 10 点多。正是夜生活刚刚开始的时间。也同样是上班族们纷纷安眠的时刻。 Gives a try Lin Sheng also feels own more than 20,000 Demonic Ability, but uses with the entry-level operative skills release, too waste. “试试看吧”林盛也是觉得自己的两万多邪能,只是用入门级的操作技巧释放使用,太浪费了。 This looks like, a person has huge aviation gasoline of oil truck obviously, actually can only use the fuel hold-up minimum small motor opening. 这就像是,一个人明明有着一油罐车的庞大航空汽油,却只能用燃油量极小的小摩托开路。 „The method of then according to the teacher teaching. First surveys partition readjustment energetic frequency “那么按照导师教授的方法。先测量分段再调整精神频率” After Lin Sheng Rock Dragon Bloodline transforms, the mind compared with any time in the past must be clear high-speed. 林盛岩龙血脉改造后,头脑比起以前任何时候都要清楚高速。 Spirit Heart Castle Crystal Warrior, is not complex. The difficulty lies to the long-term and stable control of Demonic Ability. 心灵城堡水晶战士,并不复杂。难度就在于对邪能的长期和稳定的操控。 Quick, under the operation of Lin Sheng fine, in his subconscious most meets the demand the Crystal Warrior image, appears gradually behind in him. 很快,在林盛精细化的操作下,一个他潜意识里最符合自己需求的水晶战士形象,渐渐在他身后浮现出来。 That is a three-meter strong human form. 那是一个高达三米的强壮人形。 Its outline is very unreal, exhibits the translucent condition. Only can see that on it is dressing up hard board armor of bulk. 它的轮廓很是虚幻,呈现出半透明状态。只能看到它身上披挂着大块大块的坚硬板甲。 The both feet, the knee, the shoulders, the elbow section, has sharp Breakthrough Thrust everywhere, the head also has the similar bull horn same curving horn. It seems like Brutal Sacred Guardian of black version. 其双脚,膝盖,双肩,肘部,到处都有尖锐突刺,头部还有类似牛角一样的弯曲犄角。看起来就像是黑色版的残暴圣盾 Lin Sheng then looked at eye own Crystal Warrior shape, is very rough, but also exhibits the translucent illusory condition. However this good and evil is also in his mind one of the most familiar shapes. 林盛回头看了眼自己的水晶战士形态,很粗糙,还呈现出半透明虚幻状态。不过这好歹也是他心目中最熟悉的形态之一。 Outer covering came out also to need long-term fine and adjustment fills. However the key is, Demonic Ability in bodies got down “外壳是出来了还需要长时间的精细化和调整填充。不过关键是,身体内的邪能总量下来了” He obviously feels, body internal bulk Demonic Ability was involved to divide by Crystal Warrior. 他明显感觉到,身体内部一大块的邪能都被水晶战士牵扯分走了。 Remaining Demonic Ability no longer can stimulate to Saint Force grows. 剩下的邪能不再能刺激到圣力增长。 But Saint Force also finally no longer massive absorption permeating. 圣力也终于不再大量吸收渗入。 Lin Sheng long breathes a sigh of relief, the danger relieved temporarily. 林盛长长舒了口气,危险是暂时解除了。 But his Demonic Ability will increase, when the time comes estimates must toward Crystal Warrior. 但他的邪能还是会增加的,到时候估计还得往水晶战士里塞。 Only if his body intensity can keep up with the Saint Force sharp increase speed. 除非他的身体强度跟得上圣力的暴增速度。 Ok, first temporarily this.” “算了,先暂时就这样吧。” Lin Sheng warmed-up, Crystal Warrior is slowly invisible, vanishes in the air. 林盛活动了下身体,身后水晶战士缓缓隐形,消失在空气中。 Seemed like vanished, but this fellow in fact was the Lin Sheng Demonic Ability coagulum, therefore was equivalent to outside the body Demonic Ability package, has hidden followed he. 看起来似乎消失了,不过这家伙实际上是林盛邪能凝聚物,所以相当于体外邪能包,会一直隐蔽的跟着他。 Takes up the cell phone. 拿起手机。 Lin Sheng looks at the information that on the eye the teacher sent. 林盛看了眼上边导师发来的信息。 „Is movement so quick?” “动作这么快?” In the information mentioned, all suspects who he contacted recently, were seized to be put in prison completely, waiting examination. 信息上提到,他最近接触到的所有可疑分子,全部被抓捕入狱,等待审查。 Moreover, because of this event, the school high level, is interested in his performance, this time he will happen to go together, attended the summing-up meeting. 另外,因为这次事件,学校高层,对他的现场表现十分感兴趣,这次他正好会一起前往,参加总结会。 Voban Tiira makes him be ready, when the time comes may face directly Benne University most powerhouse , is known as the Miga Demonic Ability research institute academician in motion library, queen bee Sainsloka. 乌曼迪拉让他做好准备,到时候可能会直面贝恩大学最强者,同时也是号称移动图书馆的米加邪能研究院院士,蜂王撒恩斯洛卡 This ranker, is one of the entire Miga oldest first batch of ranker. Although it does not dominate by the strength. 这位列等使,可是整个米加最年长的第一批列等使之一。虽然其并不以实力称雄。 But knowledge on profound, especially in the Demonic Ability simulation utilization, there is a very deep research. 但知识渊博上,特别是在邪能模拟运用上,有很深的研究。 In it teaches in the Benne University time, the student who he teaches are not many. But is the high-ranking, the influence is huge. 在其执教贝恩大学的时间里,他教出来的学生不多。但都是身居高位,影响力巨大。 It is said this elder, currently already over 300 years old. 据说这位长者,现年已经三百多岁了。 Regarding this, Lin Sheng is hopeful. 对此,林盛充满期待。 He comes here goal, to not inquire about the mystery of ranker strength. If can serve the purpose ahead of time, that best. 他来这里的目的,不就是为了探寻列等使力量的奥妙。如果能提前达到目的,那就最好不过。 As for the exposition, he exposed even, temple and Miga originally no conflict. Most explains several, was deported. 至于暴露,他就算暴露了,圣殿和米加这边本就没什么冲突。最多不过是解释几句,然后被驱逐出境罢了。 Has the endorsement of Xilun government bewilderedly, Miga not greatly possibly under the cruel methods to him. 西轮政府的背书,米加不大可能莫名其妙对他下狠手。 Therefore he thought that is worth gambling 所以他觉得值得赌一把 After three days . 三日后。 In Benne campus. 贝恩校园内。 The drizzle flutters about, covers the fog misty piece the entire campus. 细雨纷飞,将整个校园都笼罩成雾蒙蒙一片。 Several students are running occasionally dashing about wildly, avoids the raindrop to crash in the dormitory. In campus spacious. Most people enter each workshop place, formally starts own studying profession. 几个学员偶尔跑着狂奔,避开雨点冲进宿舍。校园里一片空旷。大多数人都进入各个工坊地,正式开始自己的修学生涯。 Behind campus, in a u classroom building. 校园后方,一栋u型教学楼里。 Voban Tiira fine practicing moral culture/slim fit white western-style clothes, bring Lin Sheng, gradually goes out from the elevators of top six buildings. 乌曼迪拉一身精致修身白西服,带着林盛,缓步从顶层六楼的电梯里走出。 Lin Sheng follows in him behind, similarly is the appropriate student formal dress, white. But is also of obvious and model professor is different, neckband has the small black pattern. 林盛跟在他身后,同样是得体的学员正装,一身白。但又明显和教授的式样不同,领口处有着一点小小的黑色花纹。 Actually this school campus, except letting the student lives outside, what are more is as a center, the control entire peripheral entire state range security.” “其实这个学校校区,除开让学生居住外,更多的是作为一个中枢,控制整个周边整个州范围安全。” Voban Tiira walks while introduced at will. 乌曼迪拉一边走一边随意介绍。 Our Benne University ranking did not have now is so low, but also before is, first 20. What a pity since a terrorist attack, the two vice-presidents under principal died in battle at the scene. “原本我们贝恩大学排名并没有现在这么低,还算是前前二十。可惜自从一次恐怖袭击事件后,校长之下的两位副校长当场战死。 The present vice-president also elected afterward, in fact the strength has presented the fault/chasm. Our several big workshop lords, because also that war traded several. ” 现在的副校长也是后来重新选上的,实际上实力已经出现断层了。我们几大工坊主,也因为那次战争换了好几位。” In his tone has regret slightly. 他语气里有着微微的遗憾。 Two people arrive at other side of six building end places. 两人走到六楼另一面的尽头处。 Voban Tiira puts out a hand to shove open a end leaf of black wooden door. 乌曼迪拉伸手推开尽头一扇黑色木门。 The green electric light flashes past. 绿色电光一闪而过。 The Lin Sheng eye pupil cannot help but narrowed narrowing the eyes, when gets back one's composure again. 林盛眼瞳不由自主的眯了眯,再回神时。 They have stood in a gloomy spacious giant factory. 他们已经站在了一处阴暗宽敞的巨大工厂里。 Position that they stand, seems like the central high place in factory, on a smooth steel path. 他们所站的位置,似乎是工厂的中央高处,一条平整钢铁道路上。 By the road surface is the giant gulf same cavities. 路面两侧都是巨大的深坑一样的空洞。 Empty arrangements are neat, the surface is covering the clear glass same material. Probably black cheese. 一个个空洞排列整齐,表面覆盖着透明玻璃一样的物质。像是黑色奶酪。 Haha! Voban Tiira, long time no see!” Dead ahead, a bald old woman approaches in big strides, gave a Voban Tiira hug ruthlessly. “哈哈!乌曼迪拉,好久不见了!”正前方,一个光头老女人大踏步走近过来,狠狠给了乌曼迪拉一个拥抱。 Is long time no see, Daisy.” “是好久不见了,黛西。” Two people separate, exchanged greetings to pull up own recent situation respectively. 两人分开,各自寒暄撩了撩自己的近况。 Comes, this is the disciple who I receive newly, Lin Sheng, the Xilun person, the talent, is not worth mentioning, is not worth mentioning!” “来来来,这是我新收的弟子,林盛,西轮人,天赋嘛,不值一提,不值一提!” Voban Tiira has drawn a Lin Sheng introduced with a smile. 乌曼迪拉笑着拉过林盛介绍道。 Hehe.” Acrobatics that Daisy sees through this old friend. Also has drawn behind school girl. The Lin Sheng talent she has heard from other channels. “呵呵。”黛西一眼看穿这个老朋友的把戏。也拉过自己身后的女学生。林盛的天赋她早就从其他渠道听说过了。 Eiffel, has started to be my assistant now.” “艾菲尔,现在已经开始担任我助手了。”
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