SN :: Volume #3

#296: World 1

Fiona the entire body immersion in bathtub. 菲欧娜将整个身体浸泡在浴缸里。 The bath soap of creamy-white similar milk, under clearing away of arm, curls up the faint trace ripple unceasingly. 奶白色类似牛奶的浴液,在手臂的涤荡下,不断卷起丝丝波纹。 In the air sends out the happy flower fragrance, the large share large share, the entire bathroom covers steaming hot during fog are misty. 空气里散发出甜蜜的花香,大股大股的热气蒸腾而起,将整个浴室笼罩在一片雾蒙蒙之中。 This time, should the fellow realize troublesome? Waits again for day, almost can act to clean up the aftermath.” “这次,那家伙应该会体会到麻烦了吧?再等一天,差不多就可以出面收拾残局了。” Family that made into the disabled fellow, the influence is very strong. 那个被打成残废的家伙的家族,势力还是很强的。 However, because of prescribing medicine, her Fiona will not have anything to dread, because her same background is abundant. 不过话说回来,要不是因为下药,她菲欧娜也不会有什么忌惮,因为她同样背景雄厚。 The previous that matter was not the careful move. Was rescued fortunately by that student named Lin Sheng. 上次那事是不小心中招了。还好被那个叫林盛的学生救下。 When the child was compelled to have no way out, I enter the stage again calmly, the effect achieves the maximization.” “等到那孩子被逼得走投无路了,我再从容出场,效果达到最大化。” On the Fiona elegant face shows a light smile. 菲欧娜俏脸上露出一丝淡淡微笑。 Such method, to her, is not wise, so long as is effective, she never cares about anything to be wise. 这样的手段,对于她而言,并不算高明,但只要有效,她从不在乎什么高明不高明。 extraordinary she has also contacted, even the person of that circle, must obey the established law and rule. 超凡者她也接触过,就算是那个圈子的人,也必须遵守既定的法律和规则。 Therefore .... 所以.... Ding-dong. 叮咚。 Suddenly doorbell sound. 忽然门铃响了。 Hello, needs to replace the bed sheet bedding bag?” Is the voice of hotel server. “您好,请问需要更换床单被套么?”是酒店服务生的声音。 Does not need.” Fiona takes up nearby extension telephone impatient say/way. “不需要。”菲欧娜拿起一旁的分机电话不耐烦道。 In inside.” Suddenly a sound there is a rumor that comes from the gate. “在里面。”忽然一个声音从门外传进来。 Opens the door.” Another person of low and deep say/way. “开门。”另一人低沉道。 Fiona has not responded with enough time, then hears suite door unexpectedly kāchā one, was opened by the key!! 菲欧娜还没来得及反应过来,便听到套房房门居然咔嚓一声,被钥匙打开了!! Her heart one startled, hurries to set out to put on nearby bath towel, goes out on the strategic place. 她心头一惊,赶紧起身披上一旁浴巾,就要冲出去。 Just entered the living room, then saw that several big men and women who wore white Blue Star to overpower enters the room. 刚进到客厅,便看到几个身穿白色蓝星制服的高大男女走进房间。 Is she! Held do not let her run!” “就是她!抓住别让她跑了!” Several people see her, immediately the complexion sinks, to/clashes with stride. 几人一看到她,马上面色一沉,大步冲过来。 Female is sturdy looks like the chimpanzee, going forward to her belly is being a fist. 一个女的壮实得像黑猩猩,上前对着她肚子就是一拳。 Bang! 嘭! Vomit! 呕! Fiona bends the waist yellow around the mouth water to spit. 菲欧娜弯腰一口黄水吐出来。 Sorry, now suspected that you have the foreign divulging state secret, harms the government workers, the contact terrorist organization carries out terrorist activities and other behaviors in secret. “对不起,现在怀疑你有对外泄露国家机密,危害公务人员,暗中联络恐怖组织执行恐怖活动等行为。 According to the Miga National Security Agency, arrests you officially. The resisters kill. ” 依照米加国家安全局,对你正式进行逮捕。反抗者就地击毙。” The strong female hehe sneers, the rapid formulation puts out big pile of charges. 强壮女子嘿嘿冷笑一声,迅速公式化吐出一大堆罪名。 I like punching this cheek to be attractive! A fist gets down, the advantage changes the silly ratio!” “我就喜欢揍这种脸蛋漂亮的!一拳下去,优势变傻比!” The team leader who ..... leads is a little speechless, but puts out the cell phone to dial the telephone rapidly, reports the situation. “.....”带队的队长有点无语,不过还是迅速拿出手机拨通电话,汇报情况。 Everyone of disciple evens up in view of Professor Voban Tiira completely. Un... understands. The people will first close to examine. Un, will not have the issue.” “针对乌曼迪拉教授弟子的所有人全部找齐。嗯...明白。人会先关起来进行审查。恩,不会有问题。” After he one reported the report, put down the cell phone, looked to weak weak Fiona. 他一顿禀报后,放下手机,看向瘫软无力的菲欧娜。 Ok, carried off.” “好了,带走吧。” Wait!” Fiona is struggling screaming, difficult raising the head. „Hasn't my what done... you... why??!” “等等!”菲欧娜挣扎着叫出声,艰难的抬起头。“我什么也没干...你们到底...为什么??!” She thinks always observes law and discipline, even some gray methods, are still edge ball that plays. Completely not possible and colludes with terrorist organization anything links! 她自认为一向遵纪守法,就算有些灰色手段,也不过是打的擦边球。完全不可能和勾结恐怖组织什么的联系在一起啊! You before, had disclosed secret information to one group of gangsters, has given them person a rent address of named Lin Sheng?” “你之前,是不是给一伙匪徒通风报信过,给过他们一个叫林盛的人的租房地址?” The team leader inquired calmly. 队长冷静询问道。 Had not replied. 没有回答。 He got the definite answer from the Fiona face immediately. 他马上从菲欧娜脸上得到了确切答案。 It seems like right, carried off!” “看来没错了,带走!” I am unjust!!” . “我是冤枉的!!”噗。 The Fiona cry cannot continue for two seconds, then fought with the fists in the abdomen, the sun-dried shelled shrimp bends the waist. 菲欧娜叫声没能持续两秒,便被一拳打在腹部,虾米般弯下腰。 Bang. 砰。 One hits on the neck again after her, she consciousness a ignorant/veiled, passes out thoroughly. 再一下打在她后脖子上,她意识一蒙,彻底失去知觉。 Walks.” “走吧。” The team leader turns around to lead to leave. 队长转身带队离开。 Others also follow to depart rapidly. 其余人也迅速跟上离去。 They are the person of star glow, the star glow take under White Paper the biggest police force, they are maintaining the entire Miga unusual world order. 他们都是星芒的人,星芒作为白纸麾下最大的警察机关,他们维护着整个米加的超凡世界秩序。 They were the role of fair lawman, but this responsibility to the Benne University new student|life in most talented student Lin Sheng. 原本他们属于公正执法者的角色,但这次干系到了贝恩大学新生中最有天赋的学员林盛 If merely is only an ordinary talent, Lin Sheng naturally does not have that high pulse energy to urge their these law enforcement teams. 如果仅仅只是个普通天才,林盛自然没那么大能量驱使他们这些执法机关队伍。 But the Lin Sheng teacher, is one of the Benne University strongest workshops, Spirit Heart Castle work place lord. 林盛的老师,是贝恩大学最强工坊之一,心灵城堡的坊主。 This work place chief offender was called Professor Voban Tiira, he had taught a student, was one of the local star glow two highest executive officers. 这位坊主名叫乌曼迪拉教授,他曾经教导过的一个学生,就是本地的星芒两位最高执行官之一。 Because this matter also involved a terror attack that had in the urban district bustling streets. Even almost kills talent excellent powerful potential extraordinary. 而且因为这事还牵扯到了一起发生在市区闹市的恐怖袭击。甚至差点害死一位天赋过人的强大潜力超凡者 Therefore Principal Benne University, Sir ranker of that title queen bee, spoke personally, the request investigated thoroughly this matter. 所以贝恩大学校长,那位称号蜂王的列等使大人,亲自发话,要求彻查此事。 Therefore, about a series of personnel who Lin Sheng contacted recently, all was investigated forcefully. 于是,关于林盛最近接触的一系列人员,全都被硬生生调查出来。 A little suspicion, all throws into the prison slightly, first pressed was saying again. 稍微有点嫌疑的,就全丢进大牢里,先压着再说。 Was a little held including the people of suspicion slightly, let alone the Fiona also well ventilated report news, wants to plot to murder Lin Sheng intentionally. 连稍微有点嫌疑的人都被抓住,更别说菲欧娜还故意通风报讯,想要谋害林盛 Perhaps this fellow is concerned with the beforehand these population missing cases!” The team leader looked at the eye to bind Fiona in bath towel, the sinking sound said. “说不定这家伙还和之前那些人口失踪案有关!”队长看了眼裹在浴巾里的菲欧娜,沉声道。 Also do them to be badly battered these population missing cases to the present, if can have a person to lose to be a scapegoat ..... 那些人口失踪案到现在还搞得他们焦头烂额,如果能有个人丢出来背锅的话..... Several people of hearts move, hear the words of team leader, the second understands the meaning. 几人心头一动,听到队长的话,都秒懂含义。 Good, perhaps this woman just disguised in the take a bath, in fact in secret relates through the mysterious methods and terrorist organization members, plans the new round of terror attack!” “不错,说不定这女人刚刚假装在泡澡,实际上是在暗中通过神秘手段和恐怖组织成员联系,策划新一轮恐怖袭击!” The gorilla woman approves the person of same belief. Regarding beautiful woman, her inborn having a grudge rich feeling. 大猩猩女人赞同道。对于美女,她天生就有仇富感。 Goes back under the careful examination.” Another person of earnest nod. “回去得仔细调查下。”另一人认真点头。 No matter is really false, tortures, can definitely tie several cases. On Boss is also good to report on accomplishments. 不管是真是假,上了刑,肯定能结掉几个案子。老大上面也好交差。 Several people drag Fiona to go downstairs rapidly, in the curtain of night several police vehicles, swaggered away. 几人拖着菲欧娜迅速下楼,在夜幕中进了几辆警车,扬长而去。 .......... .......... .......... .......... Lin Sheng face silent standing in washing the hands pond before, big bloody water that cautious wiping off just spat. 林盛一脸沉默的站在洗手池前,小心翼翼的擦掉刚刚才吐出来的一大口血水。 Sharp increase of Saint Force, almost makes him explode the body to perish. 圣力的暴增,差一点就让他爆体而亡。 He was just prompt to the body surface is releasing the Saint Force mutual lack of understanding. 要不是他刚刚及时对着自己体表释放圣力隔膜。 With strength that the method suppression violent of totally enclosed isolation walks, perhaps now he has disrupted the innumerable blocks, the lying down corpse in the hospital ward, was hopeless thoroughly. 用全封闭式隔绝的方法压制暴走的力量,恐怕现在他已经碎裂成无数块,躺尸在病房里,彻底没戏了。 Rock Dragon Bloodline has promoted enough quickly, unexpectedly cannot support Saint Force rises suddenly .... I misjudged .... 岩龙血脉已经提升得够快了,居然还是撑不住圣力的暴涨....我失算了....” If before, he can also observe Saint Force to transform to come from oneself innermost soul, then now, he has not felt completely oneself soul strength has the reduction. 如果说之前,他还能观察到圣力是从自己灵魂深处转化而来,那么现在,他完全没感觉到自己魂力有减少。 But continuous Saint Force like does not ask for money as before, passes crazily in all directions from the skin exosmosis. 可源源不断的圣力依旧像不要钱一样,疯狂从四面八方皮肤外渗透进来。 He with Saint Force, strengthens the Sanctuary Ash Seal effect fortunately promptly, has similar isolation energy the safety mask. Then contains the life crisis. 还好他及时用圣力,强化庇护所灰印的效果,产生类似隔绝能量的防护罩。这才遏制住生命危机。 Saint Force were too many, how to solve?” 圣力太多了,怎么解决?” The Lin Sheng routine start searches mind massive memory. 林盛习惯性的开始搜索起自己脑海的大量记忆 memory that he absorbs were too many were too many, many to the words that he examined carefully, several months could not look, can only be choosy some essential examination absorptions. 他吸收的记忆太多太多了,多到他细看的话,几个月也看不完,只能挑挑拣拣其中关键的部分查看吸收。 Part about Saint Force... main centralized in Black Feather City, with Soul Fragments that side Snowstorm Castle obtains. Let me have a look...” “关于圣力的部分...主要集中在黑羽城,和雪风城堡那边得到的灵魂残片。让我看看...” Very regrettable, the result of search is, no. 很遗憾,搜索的结果是,没有。
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