SN :: Volume #3

#285: Ambushes 2

Does obeisance Myriad Grace Cult to bestow, in these souls also the research institute had it all, inside thirty researchers were killed completely. 万恩教所赐,这些灵魂里还有一个研究所被一锅端,里面的三十几名研究员全部被杀。 Their Soul Fragments, making the Lin Sheng income extremely numerous. 他们的灵魂残片,让林盛收益极多。 What this research institute main attack is the interdisciplinary studies, the energy biology. 这个研究所主攻的是交叉学科,能量生物学。 Although Lin Sheng cannot obtain all memory completely, but through to the Memory Fragments conformity of all members, he basically reorganized the branch and the research direction energy biology. 虽然林盛没能完整得到所有记忆,但通过对所有成员的记忆残片整合,他基本整理出了能量生物学的主干和研究方向。 This is his self-sensation biggest harvest. 这才是他自我感觉最大的收获。 Energy biology, needed basic subject, is not too complete, I need many knowledge reserves. “能量生物学,需要的基础学科,不算太完整,我需要更多的知识储备。 This some knowledge are very useful to me, this research institute, as if is also because studies the Myriad Grace Cult shadow soul, had part of achievements, but also without acts crazy with enough time, had it all 这部分知识对我很有用,这个研究所,似乎也是因为研究万恩教的影魂,有了一部分成果,还没来得及发飙,就被一锅端” Lin Sheng finished eating the instant noodles, drank several cups of water, by rests on the sofa. 林盛吃完方便面,喝了几杯水,靠在沙发上休息。 Some people, he seems like resting, but he is in fact studying. 有些人,他看上去是在休息,但实际上他是在学习。 Lin Sheng is such person. 林盛就是这样的人。 He seems like sitting in repose with eyes closed, is covering the belly, in fact he in absorbing massive foreign language memory in mind. 他看起来是在闭目养神,捂着肚子,实际上他是在吸收脑海里的大量外语记忆 Absorbs various foreign languages, his goal is to actually construct own energy language prepares. 吸收各种外语,他的目的其实是为了构建自己的能量语言做准备。 The energy language, is the so-called Rune system. 能量语言,就是所谓的符文体系。 But until now, he is use the Rune ceremony of Black Feather City system, without means adjustment, without means restore. 而一直以来,他都是使用的黑羽城体系的符文仪式,没办法调整,没办法修复。 But in fact in Black Feather City, achieves certainly high mage, must learn the construction own energy language. 但实际上在黑羽城,达到一定高度的法师们,都必须学会构建属于自己的能量语言。 If not construct, that can only use others' end product, that is equal to even protecting array to use others to do. 如果不构建,那就只能使用别人的成品,那就等于连防护法阵都使用别人做出来的。 This is equivalent to own lives and properties also places in others hand, is under the control of others. 这就相当于把自己的身家性命也放在别人手上,受制于人。 Meets to construct the self- energy language, is stage that each Black Feather City mage must pass through. 所遇构建自我能量语言,是每个黑羽城法师都必须要经历的阶段。 Only by doing so, he can understand and grasp the ceremony strategy thoroughly, to guard any variable crisis that presents. 只有这样,他才能彻底理解和掌握仪式阵法,以防备出现的任何变数危机。 He does not want all hopes, to pin, in summon ceremony array will never have problems on. 他可不想把一切希望,都寄托在召唤仪式法阵永远不出问题上。 Rested, Lin Sheng stood up, returns ceremony array. 休息了一阵,林盛站起身,重新回到仪式法阵边。 Before he from the pocket, takes out that colored crystal that attained. 他从衣兜里,取出之前拿到的那颗彩色晶体。 The crystal is like the ordinary colored crystal stone, common, seems like every thing. 晶体就和普通的彩色水晶石一样,毫不起眼,看起来就像个凡物。 Lin Sheng threw this thing, suddenly loses toward out of the window. 林盛抛了抛这东西,忽然往窗外一丢。 . 哧。 The crystal stone blinks then vanishes is ajar the window. 晶石眨眼便消失在半开着的窗口。 Lin Sheng sitting down silently, returns to the sofa, puts out a hand to touch in the pocket. 林盛默默的坐下,回到沙发上,伸手在衣兜里一摸。 That colored crystal happen to good staying in pocket, what like just lost is another. 那块彩色水晶正好好的呆在衣兜里,就像刚刚丢出去的是另一块一样。 Lin Sheng sighed, took again the crystal. In mind installed less than half research institute knowledge him, like before, merely is not only the ancient language(s) expert. 林盛叹了口气,重新将水晶拿出来。脑海里装了小半个研究所学识的他,已经不是像以前那样,仅仅只是个古代语专家了。 Brand mark? Moreover the exclusive brand mark of high-energy lifeform “烙印吗?而且还是高能生物的专属烙印” In the definition according to energy biology, this crystal and they have contacted one mark, is similar. 按照能量生物学里的定义,这枚水晶和他们接触过的一种印记,非常相似。 This mark is called the brand mark, it seemingly has the entity, in fact only exists in the illusory image of exclusive individual innermost soul. 这种印记被称为烙印,它看起来有实体,实际上是只存在于专属个体灵魂深处的幻影。 Except that outside the exclusive individual, others cannot contact this mark. 除开专属个体外,其余所有人都接触不到这印记。 Exclusive brand mark, is used to manufacture the key generally, the switch. Does not know that my crystal, is useful.” “专属烙印,一般是用来制作钥匙,开关。只是不知道我这个水晶,到底有什么用。” Before Lin Sheng recalls, that old dragon who sees. 林盛回忆起之前看到的那头老龙。 The instinct in bloodlines told him, that was Rock Dragon. Real Rock Dragon! 血脉里的本能告诉他,那就是一头岩龙。货真价实的岩龙 This thing my ability could not have mastered now, does not know where uses. Only after can wait .” “这东西现在我的能力还搞不懂,不知道在什么地方使用。只能等以后了。” Lin Sheng returns to the pocket the crystal stopper again, starts carefully to study this training technique strategy. 林盛重新将水晶塞回衣兜,开始仔细研究这个培养术阵法。 Honk Suddenly cell phone sound. 忽然手机响了。 He takes up to come to see, is the number of teacher. For successive several days did not attend class, it seems like that the teacher somewhat was also anxious. 他拿起来看了看,是导师的号码。连续几天都不去上课,看来导师也有些急了。 Lin Sheng presses down the connection key. 林盛按下接通键。 Hey, Lin Sheng, was healthy to select? Recently Demonic Ability progress? What troublesome difficult problem comes across? “喂,林盛啊,身体好点了没?最近邪能进展怎么样了?有没有遇到什么麻烦难题啊? Today what I say is the Demonic Ability density and ductility related limit research, can listen? ” 我今天讲的是邪能密度和延展性的相关极限研究,要不要来听听?” Voban Tiira cautious asked in telephone that. 乌曼迪拉小心翼翼的在电话那头问。 „” Lin Sheng does not know that who was the teacher he bloodlines response also stabilized for these days slowly. Also truly should go back. “”林盛都不知道到底谁是导师了他这几天身上的血脉反应也慢慢稳定了。也确实该回去了。 He comes to here, to not waste the time casually, but to thoroughly understand the entire Demonic Ability system, found the ranker mystery. 他来这里,可不是为了随便浪费时间的,而是为了通晓整个邪能体系,找到列等使的奥秘。 After all now Demonic Ability is the world's mainstream. He does not need to unable to pass with the mainstream. 毕竟现在邪能才是世界主流。他没必要非要和主流过不去。 Good teacher, I rested, immediately came.” He replied rapidly. “好的导师,我休息好了,马上就过来。”他迅速回答。 That is good that to be good. Now nearly three points, since you must come, me postpones a next afternoon curriculum slightly the time, waited for you to come in one.” “那就好那就好。现在快三点了,不过既然你要过来,我这边就稍微推迟一下下午课程的时间,等你来了一起上。” Voban Tiira hurries to say with a smile. 乌曼迪拉赶紧笑道。 Good teacher.” Lin Sheng is not the person of knowing good from bad, others to his anything attitude, he will naturally also feed back to the opposite party same attitude. “好的导师。”林盛也不是什么不知好歹的人,别人对他什么态度,他自然也会反馈给对方一样的态度。 Hangs up the telephone, he cleaned up under the aftermath rapidly. Curls completely the ceremony strategy, throws into the brazier of corner, the opens the mouth spits. 挂断电话,他迅速收拾了下残局。把仪式阵法全部卷起来,丢进墙角的火盆,张口一吐。 The saliva that brings sparks/Mars flies immediately. 一口带着火星的唾沫顿时飞进去。 ! 呼! The brazier one burns, the dark yellow flame several then fire the lime all traces. But does not damage and following brazier. 火盆一下燃起来,暗黄色的火焰几下便将所有痕迹烧成白灰。而不伤及下面的火盆。 Completes all these, Lin Sheng eliminates the trace of duplicator, printed some messy and disorderly learn/study material files casually, as shield. 做完这一切,林盛消除掉复印机的痕迹,随便打印了一些乱七八糟学习资料文件,作为掩护。 Later puts on the new windproof coat, goes out leaves. 之后才披上新的一件风衣,出门离开。 As for a clothing that the beforehand these vase fragment and that day wore, all was used Rock Dragon to spit the breath to burn completely cleanly by him, did not remain. 至于之前那些花瓶碎片和那天穿的一身衣物,全都被他用岩龙吐息全部烧干净,一点不剩。 Goes out enters the elevator. 出门走进电梯。 Lin Sheng presses down building key, the elevator closes slowly, starts downward. 林盛按下一楼键,电梯缓缓关闭,开始往下。 In two strata times, stopped suddenly. 只是在二层时,忽然停了下来。 …… The elevator door opens slowly. Out of the door is standing a long hair female who wears the black professional jumper. 电梯门缓缓打开。门外站着一个穿黑色职业套裙的长发女子。 The females lower the head, motionless, stands does not come in the entrance, does not get out of the way. 女子低着头,一动不动,站在门口也不进来,也不走开。 Lin Sheng frowned, puts out a hand to press down the closing key. 林盛皱了皱眉,伸手按下关门键。 . 啪啪啪。 At least pressed three times, the closing key flashed a red light, then did not have the response. 至少按了三次,关门键都是闪了一下红灯,便没了反应。 The elevator is motionless, does not close. 电梯一动不动,就是不关门。 The Lin Sheng movement stops, raised the head slowly, looks to the female. Suddenly shows a modest smile. 林盛动作停住,缓缓抬起头,看向女子。忽然露出一个温和的微笑。 You “你” . 噗。 The female whole body trembles suddenly, turns around to run. 女子忽然浑身一颤,转身就跑。 Lin Sheng is somewhat stunned, he is the odd person who the first time sees to escape. 林盛有些愕然,他还是头一次见到会逃跑的怪人。 Un, now should call the specialized term, the shadow soul. 恩,现在应该叫专业名词,影魂。 This fellow should separate to search everywhere. 这家伙应该是分开来四处搜查的。 Next arrived at downstairs, Lin Sheng saw shadow soul that fluttered everywhere. Determined this deduction. 下到楼下,林盛又看到了一个个到处飘荡的影魂。确定了这个推论。 These fellows seem like the spirit to be the same, in broad daylight wanders around in the crowds. 这些家伙像是幽灵一样,大白天在人群之间四处游荡。 Lin Sheng pretends not to see them, the stride walks in the Spirit Heart Castle direction. 林盛装作没看到他们,大步朝着心灵城堡方向走去。 Had/Left the community, on the street is the shadow soul flutters everywhere. 出了小区,街道上更是到处都是影魂飘荡。 Lin Sheng does not look askance, moves toward Spirit Heart Castle another entrance quickly, that is one abandons the factory. 林盛目不斜视,快步走向心灵城堡的另一个入口处,那是一个废弃工厂。 Abandons near the factory to have several children to play soccer. 废弃工厂边上有几个小孩子在踢球。 And a young boy kicked heavily, the soccer departed the incoming messenger point to hit Lin Sheng. 其中一个小男孩一脚踢重了些,足球飞出来差点撞到林盛 Lin Sheng with passes shortly, that the boy who prepares to collect the ball has a scare, the whole body shakes, turns around to run. 林盛拿眼看过去,那准备过来捡球的小子被吓了一跳,浑身一抖,转身就跑。
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