SN :: Volume #3

#279: Strength 2

Lin Sheng stands before the sculpture, raising head careful examination. 林盛站在雕塑前,仰头仔细查看。 He wants to find is similar the beforehand black book same language record. 他想找到一些类似之前黑书一样的文字记录。 After all deputes the technique later training technique and fusion technique, likely is he promotes the key of oneself bloodlines. 毕竟提纯术之后的培养术和融合术,很可能就是他提升自己血脉的关键。 Surrounded the sculpture to transfer, Lin Sheng besides discovering this eagle carves extremely clearly lifelike , had no other discoveries completely. 环绕着雕塑转了一圈,林盛除了发现这鹰头雕刻得栩栩如生,极其逼真以外,完全没有任何其他发现。 A open area of eagle sculpture situated in track end, here is huge ring-like valley, the surroundings all are the hard stone wall, does not have any access. 鹰头雕塑位于小道尽头的空地上,这里是个巨大的环形山谷,周围全是坚硬石壁,没有任何出入口。 Where certainly also has is I have not discovered.” The Lin Sheng intuition felt that here has some type of secret, but he has no way to discover. “一定还有什么地方是我没发现的。”林盛直觉感觉这里有着某种隐秘,只是他没法发现。 This statue, definitely has what mechanism/organization “这座雕像,肯定有什么机关” He walked again around the sculpture, suddenly the right hand knocks out the fist, one pounds on the chlorosapphire foundation under the statue. 他再度绕着雕塑走了一圈,忽然右手出拳,一下砸在雕像下方绿色宝石底座上。 Bang. 嘭。 The foundation stands one's ground steadfastly, hard incomparable touch feedback to his fist on. 底座岿然不动,坚硬无比的触感反馈到他拳头上。 „Very hard! Some are not right.” “很硬!有些不对劲。” Lin Sheng feels, not only hard, light inexplicable warm feeling. 林盛感觉到的不只是坚硬,还有淡淡的莫名温热感。 His vision concentrates, makes a move to fight with the fists again ruthlessly on the foundation. 他目光一凝,再度出手狠狠一拳打在底座上。 Bang bang bang bang bang!! 嘭嘭嘭嘭嘭!! Leaving fist continuously, on the green gem foundation, the temperature seems to be getting higher and higher, is getting more and more hot. 连续不断的出拳,绿色的宝石底座上,温度似乎越来越高,越来越热。 Lin Sheng detects the change immediately, accelerated the fist attempt. 林盛顿时察觉变化,更加加速了出拳尝试。 kāchā. 咔嚓 Suddenly sound in broken bits, transmits from Lin Sheng. 忽然一声细碎响声,从林盛上方传来。 He acts, the complexion becomes somewhat is suddenly strange. 他动作一顿,面色忽然变得有些诡异起来。 „” This extremely familiar crashing, not making him recall beforehand certain not good memory, “不是吧”这个极度熟悉的碎裂声,让他回忆起了以前的某些不好的记忆, Lin Sheng slowly somewhat stiff raising the head. 林盛缓缓有些僵硬的抬起头。 Maps his view, is faint yellow just like the giant eyeball of amber. 映入他眼帘的,是一只淡黄色犹如琥珀的巨大眼珠。 The eyeball as if prisoner's cage, inside has white faces, in sorrow pitiful is fluttering, sends out silent calling out. 眼珠仿佛囚笼,里面有着一张张白色人脸,在悲苦凄惨的飘荡着,发出无声的嚎叫。 What is most essential, is only this eyeball, was almost high with his whole person 最关键的是,光是这一颗眼珠,就和他整个人差不多高了 Bang! 嘭! Lin Sheng retrocedes rapidly, spreads out. Withdrew from dozens meters fast, stops, carefully observes this so-called giant statue. 林盛急速后退,拉开距离。飞快退出了数十米,才停下,仔细观察这座所谓的巨大雕像。 This eagle head, is lives unexpectedly!!?? 这个鹰头,居然是活的!!?? At this time this two building high statues, have fallen many stone covers, reveals inside genuine giant black hawk head. 此时这个两层楼高的雕像,已经掉落下了不少石头外皮,露出里面真正的巨大黑鹰头颅。 This fellow is only the head has two buildings to be big, Lin Sheng is very difficult to imagine this black hawk main body true volume. 这家伙光是脑袋就有两层楼大,林盛很难想像这头黑鹰本体真正的体积。 Was only observed closely by that faint yellow eyeball, he has a frog by the terrifying unbending feeling that the poisonous snake observes closely. 光是被那颗淡黄色眼珠盯住,他就有种青蛙被毒蛇盯住的恐怖僵直感。 Wū wū the wind sound/rumor reverberates in circular valley unceasingly. 呜呜的风声不断在圆形山谷中回荡。 Lin Sheng is more than 30 meters away from the great eagle head fully, but he can feel that the whole body fine body hair straight vertical stroke, looking like may be faced with imminent disaster to be the same momentarily. 林盛距离巨鹰头颅足有三十多米远,但他还是能感觉都全身寒毛直竖,就像是随时可能会大难临头一样。 Hello.” Lin Sheng opens the mouth slowly, sent regards with Ancient Rennes Language. Can understand the words that I spoke?” His clear and resonant voice asked. “你好。”林盛缓缓开口,用古雷恩语问候。“能听懂我说的话么?”他朗声问。 The hill-like great eagle head was unresponsive, the yellow amber pupil stared at him to look at a while, then closed to close up slowly, restores peacefully. 小山一样的巨鹰头颅毫无反应,黄色琥珀般的眸子盯着他看了一会儿,便缓缓闭上合拢,恢复安静。 Hello?” “你好?” Lin Sheng traded a language. This strange language classifications that is in these great eagle memory uses. 林盛又换了种语言。这次是这些巨鹰记忆里使用的怪异语种。 What a pity, in valley except wind sound/rumor beyond, as before does not have any response. 可惜,山谷里除开风声外,依旧没有任何回应。 Lin Sheng is unwilling, changes into Demonic Spirits Language, before this is him, in that book that in Snowstorm Castle found content. 林盛不甘心,又换成邪灵语,这是他之前在雪风城堡里找到的那本书上内容。 Although is not skilled, but the simple dialogue exchange, he is the self-sensation does not have the issue. 虽然不算精通,但简单的对话交流,他还是自我感觉没问题。 The great eagle head had not responded. In valley restored peacefully. 巨鹰头颅没有丝毫反应。山谷里又重新恢复了安静。 The gray stone layers of great eagle head surface fell, he estimated that is very difficult to believe that this hill same great eagle sculpture, lives unexpectedly. 要不是巨鹰头颅表面的灰色石层掉落了,他估计很难相信,这个小山包一样的巨鹰头雕塑,居然是活的。 Subsided under the condition, Lin Sheng unwilling, approaches the great eagle head again slowly. 平息了下状态,林盛不甘心下,再度缓缓靠近巨鹰头。 This time, in he just approached in the great eagle first ten meters range. 这一次,在他刚刚靠近巨鹰头十米范围内。 This huge incomparable great eagle head, opens the eye again, tranquil is staring at him. 这个庞大无比的巨鹰头颅,再度睁开眼睛,平静的盯着他。 Lin Sheng transferred regarding the great eagle head, although this colossus has not followed he to turn circle, but the pupil has been staring at him. 林盛围绕着巨鹰头颅转了一圈,这个庞然大物虽然没有跟着他转圈,但瞳孔一直是盯着他的。 In that eye pupil, reveals tranquilly desperate, stiff and wooden. 那眼瞳里,流露出平静的绝望、僵硬和木然。 Lin Sheng observed a while, has not encountered any danger, the heart stabilized slightly. 林盛观察了一会儿,没有遇到任何危险,心头稍微安定了些。 Is staring at front giant eagle head. He separates again, extracts a short axe from the back far backhandedly. 盯着面前的巨大鹰头。他再度隔得远一些,反手从背后抽出一把短斧。 Hiss Saint Light continuous floods into the short axe. 一道道圣光源源不断的涌入短斧。 Huge of 7th Level Saint Force, is not the 3rd Level time can compare by far. 七级圣力的庞大,已经远远不是三级时候能比。 The short axe in Lin Sheng shines the white to be glorious unceasingly, whole body starts to dissipate excessively saturated silk thread Saint Force gradually. 林盛手里的短斧不断亮起白色光辉,全身上下渐渐开始逸散出过度饱和的丝线般圣力 Whiz! 嗖! Lin Sheng does not utter a word, instantaneous half-dragon transformation, additional Holy Blood Burning, erupts all strengths, throws toward a great eagle full power acts the short axe. 林盛一声不吭,瞬间半龙化,加圣血燃烧,爆发所有力量,朝着巨鹰头全力投掷出手中短斧。 The black short axe circles to howl, changes into a round black empty shadow, pulls out the dashed line in the midair, pounds the yellow eye pupil of great eagle head loudly. 黑色短斧盘旋呼啸着,化为一轮黑色虚影,在半空里拉出虚线,轰然砸中巨鹰头的黄色眼瞳。 Bang! 嘭! That amber brown like the gem common eyeball, was pounded by the short axe directly, shortly will send out the depressed treasure to pound the obtuse sound on flesh. 那琥珀色如同宝石一般的眼珠,被短斧正面砸中,顷刻间发出沉闷的重器砸在血肉上的钝声。 Great eagle as before tranquil and desperate gaze he. 巨鹰头依旧宁静而绝望的注视着他。 tang. 哐嘡一下。 Short axe weak falling in the place, the axe blade disintegration turns into the saw shape. 短斧无力的掉落在地,斧刃崩碎变成锯子状。 Rumble. 咕噜。 The Lin Sheng throat becomes dry, the tooth closes tightly, stares at great eagle to be pounded the eyeball surface. 林盛喉咙发干,牙齿咬紧,盯着巨鹰头被砸中的眼珠表面。 There is still smooth like the mirror, even a scratch does not have. 那里依旧光滑如镜,甚至连一丝划痕也没。 I do not believe!” “我就不信了!” The Lin Sheng stride approaches, draws out a short axe to charge into the great eagle head. 林盛大步靠近,重新拔出一把短斧冲向巨鹰头。 ! 哧! He erupts full power, the whole body shines the pure-white colored Saint Force halo, in the hand the short axe under expediting shipment of Rock Dragon Bloodline, superimposes Holy Blood Burning, erupts huge impact that is inconceivable. 他全力爆发,浑身亮起纯白色圣力光晕,手中短斧在岩龙血脉的催运下,叠加圣血燃烧,爆发出难以想象的巨大冲击力 Fierce breaking open air of sharp axe blade in the Lin Sheng hand, one jumps chops in the gigantic eyeball surface of great eagle head. 锋利的斧刃在林盛手中凶猛的破开空气,一下跳起劈在巨鹰头的硕大眼珠表面。 Bang! 嘭! Lin Sheng only feels a huge counter- tension, recoils on the short axe that ruthlessly he grips. 林盛只感觉一股巨大反弹力,狠狠弹回他握住的短斧上。 Short axe kāchā one breaks at the scene, on the half flies to shoot, in an instant then embed on all around dike. 短斧当场咔嚓一下断裂,上半截飞射出去,转眼便镶嵌在四周的岩壁上。 Lin Sheng puts aside the half axe , the hand blade, rises with a spring simply empty-handed full power, one after another, the violent storm strokes crazily in the great eagle eyeball surface. 林盛丢开半截斧头柄,索性空手全力手刀,一跃而起,一下接着一下,狂风暴雨般疯狂击打在巨鹰头眼珠表面。 Bang bang bang bang bang!! 嘭嘭嘭嘭嘭!! Continuously strokes the sound to spread sadly rapidly. 连续不断的沉闷击打声飞速传开。 The body of great eagle head seems wrapping a tenacious incomparable cuticle. Regardless how Lin Sheng erupts the strength, how to seek for the slit strategic point, how to use the sharp place puncture. 巨鹰头的躯体仿佛包裹着一层坚韧无比的角质层。无论林盛怎么爆发力量,怎么寻找缝隙要害,怎么利用尖锐处穿刺。 All do not have the significance. 一切都毫无意义。 The great eagle does not revolt, is only as before the tranquil and desperate gaze Lin Sheng, is gazing at his every action and every movement. 巨鹰毫不反抗,只是依旧宁静而绝望的注视着林盛,注视着他的一举一动。 hū hū hū 呼呼呼 Lin Sheng receives the fist, withdraws from 30 meters, the whole body is the perspiration is staring at this inconceivable great eagle head. 林盛收拳,退出三十米,满身是汗的盯着这个不可思议的巨鹰头。 Really is he does not know how should describe this fellow. “真是”他不知道该怎么形容这家伙。 The power gap was too big, he cannot even break the automatic defense level of opposite party. Stays here not to have the significance again. 实力差距太大了,他甚至连对方的自动防御层都打不破。再留在这里也是毫无意义。 After the rest returned to normal under the condition, Lin Sheng looked at eye great eagle head finally, the turning around half step left this piece of valley. 休息平复了下状态后,林盛最后看了眼这个巨鹰头,转身快步离开了这片山谷 He returns under that cliff stone wall quickly, raises head to look at these dense and numerous black hole eagle holes. 他很快重新回到那片悬崖石壁下方,仰头望着那些密密麻麻的黑洞鹰穴。 Withdrawing several steps, he proceeds a sprint, both hands in cliff stone wall with the strength, grabs bulge flying to climb up a everywhere upward. 退后数步,他往前一个冲刺,双手在悬崖石壁上借力,抓着一处处凸起飞身往上攀爬。 Looks from afar, on the cliff he like a clever apes and monkeys, about jumps on the dike fast, often enters the nearness eagle holes. 远远望去,悬崖上他就像一头灵巧至极的猿猴,飞快在岩壁上左右跳跃,不时的进入一个个靠近的鹰穴。
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