SOM :: Volume #8 Strike the Blood (1)

#1181: It is not one's turn you to meddle

BOOM————!” 咚————!” In ice-cold Sacred Hall, the tricolor light sword and rainbow color light sword then each other junction strikes, lets shock wave like blast wave, raises explodes stuffily sound at the same time, making the impact fresh breeze expand, blew to fly the surrounding dust, making the sand dust fill the air. 冰冷的圣堂之中,三色的光剑与虹色的光剑便彼此交击,让冲击波有如爆风,掀起一声闷爆似的响声的同时,让冲击劲风一路扩展了出去,吹飞了周围的尘土,令沙尘弥漫。 What?” “什么?” ...” “唔...” Tokoyogi Yuuma and Number 6 are startled slightly. 仙都木优麻第六号均都微微一惊。 This is...” “这是...” Wū... 呜... Kojou and Avrora same eyes opened wide. 古城阿古罗拉同样睁大了眼睛 The vision institute of people and place, Natsuki is sitting well the back of armchair, a white young girl then appears silently. 众人的目光所及之处,那月所端坐着的扶手椅的背后,一名白色的少女便无声无息的出现。 The pure white veil flutters along with the fresh breeze. 纯白的头纱随劲风飘扬。 The brown flesh is revealing healthily. 褐色的肌肤正显健康。 red jewel-like eyes straight is staring at present big many Valkyrie, the young girl is actually cold of whole face, does not vacillate slightly, grasps the tricolor light swords, the rainbow color giant light sword steady receives. 红宝石般的眼眸直直的盯着眼前比自己高大不少的女武神,少女却是满脸的冷然,丝毫都不动摇,手持三色的光剑,将虹色的巨大光剑给稳稳的接下。 Altera...” 阿蒂拉...” Saw this, Rozen calls the name of opposite party in a low voice. 看到这一幕,罗真低声唤出了对方的名字。 Beast Vassal Number 6 strikes receiving person, precisely Altera. 第六号的眷兽的一击给接下的人,正是阿蒂拉 Draws back.” “退下吧。” Altera then makes to announce by the chilly incomparable sound. 阿蒂拉便以清冷无比的声音做出宣告。 „The dream of this young girl, you have no right to disturb.” “这个少女的梦,你们无权打扰。” The words fall, Photon Ray in Altera hand changes to a rainbow bolt of white silk instantaneously, like long whip that the tricolor electric lights form together, sticks out suddenly suddenly, at an exceptional pace, sweeps to the front. 话落,阿蒂拉手中的军神之剑瞬间化作一道彩虹般的匹练,如同一道三色的电光所形成的长鞭,骤然暴起,以惊人的速度,扫向前方。 Puchi!” 噗嗤!” The rainbow bolt of white silk will not then have responded Valkyrie that gives to sever completely, has cut directly around the middle. 彩虹般的匹练便将没有反应过来的女武神给一刀两断,直接拦腰斩过。 Was cut two halves Valkyrie then to change to pure Magic Power, vanished directly. 被斩成两半的女武神便化作纯粹的魔力,直接消失了。 This...!” “这...!” Tokoyogi Yuuma stunned. 仙都木优麻错愕了起来。 Unexpectedly only depended on a sword to cut off me Beast Vassal...!?” “居然只靠一把剑就斩断了吾之眷兽...!?” Number 6 is also astonished. 第六号同样惊愕而起。 However, this at all is is not worth the surprised matter. 但是,这根本不是什么值得惊讶的事情。 By Altera's ability, only needs to attach destructive power slightly on the sword, then, any Beast Vassal, arrives at her to strike. 阿蒂拉的能力,只需要稍微附加破坏的力量在剑上,那么,无论是什么样的眷兽,均都抵不过她的一击。 Did not say Tokoyogi Yuuma, said Number 6, if she knows, in six months ago 《Blazing Banquet》, Altera once struck to destroy nine Beast Vassal that Root summoned, she so will not be surprised. 不说仙都木优麻,就说第六号,如果她知道,在半年前的《焰光之宴》中,阿蒂拉曾经一击破坏了原初召唤出来的九匹眷兽的话,那她就不会这么惊讶了。 only... 只是... Altera, you...” 阿蒂拉,你...” Rozen looks at Altera. 罗真怔怔的看着阿蒂拉 Because, Altera does not receive Rozen's order the materialization to meet the approaching enemy, but was took such action. 因为,阿蒂拉并不是接到罗真的命令才实体化出来迎击,而是自己做出了这样的行动。 In the past this had never had the matter. 这是过去从来不曾发生过的事情。 In the past, without Rozen's order, Altera not initiative make a move, only silently is always maintaining the turn into Spiritual Body shape, followed in Rozen's side. 以往,在没有罗真的命令的时候,阿蒂拉从来都不主动出手,只是默默的维持着灵体化的形态,跟在罗真的身边而已。 this time, Altera appeared unexpectedly, meets the approaching enemy Beast Vassal Number 6, Rozen had not expected. 这一次,阿蒂拉居然自己出现,迎击了第六号的眷兽,罗真是着实没有预料到。 But... 可是... „Does the dream of that young girl, have the situation that cannot withstand to be awakened?” “那个少女的梦,有不堪到要被唤醒的地步吗?” Altera has not looked to Rozen, instead is turning away from him, to Tokoyogi Yuuma as well as Number 6, to let the person unable to see clearly the expression form, put out such spoken language. 阿蒂拉并没有看向罗真,反而背对着他,面向仙都木优麻以及第六号,以让人看不清表情的形式,吐出了这样的言语。 What Altera wants saying that where can't Rozen guess? 阿蒂拉想说什么,罗真又哪里猜不出来? In the ten years regarding that young girl, the dream that in has, definitely unusual happy.” “对于那个少女来说,这十年里所做的梦,肯定非常的幸福。” Altera to make one be able to feel easily the persuasive power the tone, is saying every single word or phrase. 阿蒂拉以让人能够轻而易举的感觉到说服力的语气,一字一句的说着。 To her, even in dream, so long as can live with you , to continue to be bound by a common destiny on this island together, then, in any event, this dream is happy.” “对于她来说,就算是在梦中,只要能够和你一起生活,一起在这座岛上继续相依为命,那么,无论如何,这个梦都是幸福的。” Altera is affirming this point. 阿蒂拉肯定着这一点。 might as well say, only then Altera can so affirm. 倒不如说,只有阿蒂拉才能如此肯定。 After all... 毕竟... Person will choose to have a dream on own initiative, besides seeking happiness, does not have the second reason.” “人会主动选择做梦,除了寻求幸福以外,没有第二种理由。” The destroyer in the world, invader of civilizations, the enemy of life, the end of human, Altera is similar to such existence. 世界的破坏者,文明的侵略者,生命的敌人,人类的终结,阿蒂拉就是类似于这样的存在。 However, actually also looks like Natsuki as main body Titan Altera so, oneself by the seal in the middle of the stone chamber, actually through manufacturing the avatar method, deliver to the ground avatar, in the form of dreamland, is understanding the happy life. 但是,作为本体的巨神阿蒂拉却也像那月这般,自身被封印在石室当中,却通过制作分身的方法,将分身送到地上,以梦境的形式,体会着幸福的人生。 Therefore, Altera was some most qualifications says such words person. 所以,阿蒂拉是最有资格说这样的话的人。 Her dream, absolute not solely, only then by own deep sleep, was imprisoned the criminals for the reason, also this minor happiness, enabling her to continue to have a dream recklessly, rests so composed.” “她的梦,绝对不单单只有让自己沉睡,将罪人们囚禁为理由,还有小小的幸福,让她可以不顾一切的继续做梦,睡得如此安祥。” Altera is in front of Rozen's, works as is presenting everyone's surface, in the firm tone, makes noise slowly. 阿蒂拉便当着罗真的面,当着在场所有人的面,以坚定的语气,缓缓出声。 Such being the case, no one has awakened her privilege.” “既然如此,谁都没有唤醒她的权利。” Altera that resembles the War God brutal sound, in this moment, carried the sentiment only. 阿蒂拉那似军神般无情的声音,就唯独在这一刻里,携带上了感情。 That sentiment, is not only the sympathy, pities. 那种感情,既是同情,亦是怜悯。 That aims at Natsuki, aims at her. 那既是针对那月,也是针对她自己。 Therefore, Altera initiative make a move. 为此,阿蒂拉才会主动出手 Who are you?” “你是谁?” Tokoyogi Yuuma made the interrogation, the expression also appears somewhat cloudy and uncertain. 仙都木优麻做出了质问,表情也显得有些阴晴不定 To Tokoyogi Yuuma, this sudden unexpected visitor besides the enemy, does not have the second status, the opposite party has only to depend on a sword to keep off Fourth Progenitor's Beast Vassal power, impossible is not surprised, impossible is not vigilant. 仙都木优麻来说,这个突如其来的不速之客除了敌人以外,没有第二种身份,对方却拥有着仅凭一把剑来挡下第四真祖的眷兽力量,不可能不惊疑,不可能不警惕。 Believes, in everyone on the scene, besides seeing Altera Avrora, other people should not have one not to feel bewildered and uncertain about the appearance of Altera? 相信,在场的所有人里,除了见过阿蒂拉阿古罗拉以外,其余人应该没有一个不对阿蒂拉的出现感到惊疑不定的吧? Only has Rozen, looks at the Altera back, on the face full is the complex mood. 只有罗真,看着阿蒂拉的背影,脸上满是复杂的情绪。 This instantaneous , before Rozen remembered itself, continuously in dream of doing. 这一个瞬间里,罗真就想起了自己之前一直在做的梦。 One is the joyful dream. 一个是快乐的梦。 One is the sad dream. 一个是悲伤的梦。 The joyful dream is the white young girl runs quickly on the prairie. 快乐的梦是白色的少女在草原上奔驰。 The sad dream is white Giant devastates in the land. 悲伤的梦是白色的巨人在大地上蹂躏。 These two dreams, are at present the past of this young girl. 这两个梦,都是眼前这个少女的过去。 Even if now, this in oneself front young girl, is actually Titan Altera a dream. 哪怕是现在,这个在自己面前的少女,其实都是巨神阿蒂拉正在做的一个梦而已。 Such being the case, regarding Altera , the dream certainly is very important thing? 既然如此,对于阿蒂拉来说,想必,梦一定是非常重要的东西吧? Just... 只不过... No matter what dream, will have waking up Heavens sooner or later.” “不管是什么样的梦,迟早都会有醒来的一天啊。” The Rozen's light language spread to the ear of Altera in a low voice. 罗真的低声轻语传入了阿蒂拉的耳中。 „......” “......” Altera has not made noise. 阿蒂拉没有出声。 Because is turning away from the relations, Rozen is unable to see the Altera present expression. 由于背对着的关系,罗真也无法看到阿蒂拉现在的表情。 However... 但是... Dream that even if can wake up sooner or later, that still have no reason to give others to awaken.” “就算是迟早会醒来的梦,那也没有理由交给别人去唤醒。” Rozen took a deep breath, before letting , the innermost feelings of randomly falling return to normal. 罗真深吸了一口气,让之前乱掉的内心重新恢复平静。 At this moment, Rozen decided. 这一刻里,罗真就决定了。 Even if must awaken, that is still my matter, is not one's turn you to meddle.” “就算要唤醒,那也是我的事情,轮不到你们来插手。” Rozen's tone follows becomes incomparably tranquil. 罗真的语气跟着变得无比平静。 Soon will approach the tranquility before the storm, making people alarmed and afraid. 如同暴风雨即将来临前的宁静,让人惊惧。 Really, you will hinder me.” “果然,你还是会妨碍我呢。” Tokoyogi Yuuma is then sighing. 仙都木优麻便叹息着。 The side, Number 6 went forward. 其身边,第六号上前了。 To me, these do not matter.” “对吾而言,这些都无所谓。” Number 6 is welcoming Rozen's line of sight, so opens the mouth. 第六号迎着罗真的视线,如此开口。 „But since thou has set firm resolve, that starts in this.” “但既然汝已经下定决心,那就在此开始吧。” Starts among us the banquet.” “开始吾等之间的宴席。” In Number 6's body, Magic Power violently surge of biggest rank, shook the air. 第六号的身上,最大级别的魔力暴涌而出,撼动了空气。 Rozen bathes in the Magic Power storm. 罗真就沐浴在魔力的暴风中。 wait for me, Natsuki-nee...” 等我一下吧,那月姐...” I, but must well with you complained that is willing to give up one time...” “我啊,可是要好好的跟你抱怨一次才肯罢休呢...” Whose probably is like speech, after Rozen low mumble such, lifts the view. 像是在跟谁说话一样,罗真低喃了这么一句以后,抬起眼帘。 The body, Magic Power radical eruption. 身上,魔力彻底的爆发。
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