SOM :: Volume #8 Strike the Blood (1)

#1179: 《Witch of the Void》

Rumble————! 轰————! When rumbling sound changes to the sound wave, when such as the shock wave expansion opens, the light sword in Valkyrie hand broke out the Prison Barrier seal, making entire Prison Barrier resemble the inverted image in water to be the same, was first broken out, shortly afterwards reverberates in intermittent ripples, like planning to return to the original condition, gradually changes original appearance. 轰鸣声化作音浪,如冲击波般的扩展而开时,女武神手中的光剑劈开了监狱结界的封印,让整个监狱结界都似水中的倒影一样,先是被劈开,紧接着又在一阵阵涟漪中回荡,如同打算恢复原状一样,渐渐的变回原来的外形 But, this changes, looked like the mirage not stably is dragging Prison Barrier more changes the congealing reality, including changes into the entity with islands connected floating bridge. 可是,这一变,原本还像蜃景般不稳定的摇曳着的监狱结界是越变越凝实,连和岛屿相连的浮桥都化为实体。 In this, the Prison Barrier seal was eradicated, radical return to ordinary space. 于此,监狱结界的封印被破除,彻底的回归到普通的空间中。 The shaking of space eliminated. 空间的摇荡消灭了。 What remains is the solid realistic scene. 留下来的是实实在在的现实景象。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Sees that Kojou cannot help but cried out in surprise, Meyer Sisters reveals the happy expression. 见状,古城不由得惊呼出声,梅雅姐妹则是露出喜色。 As for Tokoyogi Yuuma, is actually the least bit happy expression does not reveal. 至于仙都木优麻,却是半点喜色都不露。 Even if the Prison Barrier seal were eradicated, the prisoners have not appeared as before.” “即使监狱结界的封印被破除了,囚犯们依旧没有出现呢。” Tokoyogi Yuuma confirmed this point on only. 仙都木优麻只是确认了这一点。 Really must solve the source to be good.” “果然得解决掉源头才行啊。” Tokoyogi Yuuma has transferred the line of sight, first shot a look at Kojou, then looks to Rozen's direction. 仙都木优麻转过视线,先是瞥了一眼古城,再看向罗真的方向 „To know that truth words, that comes with me together, Minamiya Youbi.” “想知道真相的话,那就跟我一起过来吧,南宫曜日。” Saying, Tokoyogi Yuuma brings Number 6 and Avrora, integrates in space, vanished from sight. 说着,仙都木优麻带着第六号阿古罗拉,融入到空间之中,消失不见 thanks to this, Valkyrie in midair is also dragging the rainbow light vanished, such as retires after meritorious service general. 拜此所赐,半空中的女武神亦摇曳着虹光的消失了,如功成身退一般。 Wait! Yuuma!” “等等!优麻!” Kojou then responded, to direction shouted that Tokoyogi Yuuma vanishes. 古城这才反应了过来,冲着仙都木优麻消失的方向呐喊出声 Trades is actually Tokoyogi Yuuma a few words. 换来的却是仙都木优麻的一句话。 This is not the place that you should come, Kojou, you go back, I do not want to harm you.” “这不是你该来的地方,古城,你回去吧,我不想伤害你。” Leaves behind such a few words, Tokoyogi Yuuma radical disappearance. 留下这样的一句话,仙都木优麻彻底的消失。 Following that Number 6 did not say a word left together, grabs Avrora that struggled unceasingly, similarly vanished. 第六号一言不发的跟着一起离开,抓着不断挣扎的阿古罗拉,同样消失了。 damn!” 可恶!” Immediately Kojou makes an effort fights with the fists on floating bridge, making the skin of fist split, seeps out the blood. 古城顿时用力的一拳打在浮桥上,让拳头的皮肤裂开,渗出鲜血。 Nearby, Rozen looked into the distance to the Prison Barrier direction, looks to be situated in Sacred Hall of peak. 一旁,罗真眺望向了监狱结界的方向,看着坐落在峰顶的圣堂 Recalled that the Tokoyogi Yuuma words, and Natsuki matter, in Rozen's heart has about the guess. 回想起仙都木优麻的话,以及那月的事情,罗真的心中已经大约有了一些猜测。 Natsuki-nee...” 那月姐...” Rozen is muttering in a low voice, and took a deep breath. 罗真低声喃喃着,并深吸了一口气 „The Prison Barrier seal had been eradicated, but the prisoners have not fled , should inside have to guard against the mechanism that the prisoners escape?” 监狱结界的封印已经被破除了,但囚犯们还没有逃离出来,想必,里面应该也有防备囚犯们逃跑的机制吧?” Rozen looks to Kojou, so opens the mouth. 罗真看向古城,如此开口。 Now, Prison Barrier present world, space has also stabilized completely thoroughly, I can go in the space shift one breath, do you also want to follow to come together?” “现在,监狱结界已经完全现界,空间也彻底稳定下来,我可以用空间转移一口气进去了,你还要跟着一起来吗?” The reply that this issue, trades naturally only has one. 这个问题,换来的回答自然只有一个。 „, Takes me.” “啊,带上我吧。” Kojou reply without hesitation. 古城毫不犹豫的回答。 Good.” “好。” Rozen extend the hand, according to Kojou's shoulder. 罗真伸出手,按在古城的肩膀上。 The next second, two people together vanished from sight, making this side Tiandi restore silent. 下一秒钟,两人一起消失不见,让此方天地恢复了寂静。 Only is left over the Meyer Sisters two people, probably loses the function to be abandoned to be the same thoroughly, is clenching jaws. 只剩下梅雅姐妹二人,像是彻底失去作用而被抛弃一样,正在咬牙切齿着。 ............ ............ Prison Barrier, Sacred Hall. 监狱结界,圣堂 Here does not have ray, presents the jet black luster all over the body, is ordinary like the true prison, not only ice-cold and darkness Sacred Hall interior. 这里是没有一丝光线,通体呈现漆黑的色泽,有如真正的监狱一般,既冰冷又黑暗圣堂的内部。 Sacred Hall all over the body hollow, does not have any furniture and ornaments, some only spacious halls, as well as are placed in a hall midpoint chair. 圣堂通体中空,没有任何的家具和摆设,有的只是空旷的大厅,以及摆在大厅正中央的一把椅子。 Is spreading on the luxurious armchair of velvet, the young girl is sitting, depends on the arm rest, falls into deep sleep closing one's eyes. 铺着天鹅绒的豪华扶手椅上,有一个少女正在坐在,靠着扶手,陷入沉睡般的闭着眼睛。 Young girls not only beautiful, and young, the facial features just like Doll, the physique seem Witch, like the motionless deep sleep, is looking like a princess to be the same simply, only beautiful must make one breathe the stagnation. 少女既美丽,又年幼,面容宛若人偶,身姿好似魔女,像这样一动不动的沉睡着,简直就像是一位公主一样,唯美得令人呼吸停滞。 In Sacred Hall that in this usually no one visits, at this moment, welcomed the guest finally. 而在这个平时根本无人造访的圣堂里,这一刻,终于迎来了客人。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Buzz!” “嗡!” In the space trembling sound, two groups of people arrived here simultaneously. 空间的震颤声中,两批人同时抵达了这里。 Then, both sides saw respectively sat the young girl on luxurious armchair. 然后,双方就分别都看到了坐在豪华扶手椅上的少女。 That... that is...!?” “那...那是...!?” By Rozen to taking to bring in Kojou like cannot believe that own eye is the same, astonished. 罗真给带进来的古城如同不敢相信自己的眼睛一样,惊愕了起来。 How can...” “怎么会...” By Number 6 grabbing Avrora also thorough forgot struggling, young girl who looks at the deep sleep, complete dumbfounded. 第六号给抓着的阿古罗拉亦彻底的忘记了挣扎,看着沉睡的少女,完全呆住了。 „Is this Prison Barrier's key?” “这就是监狱结界的钥匙吗?” Number 6 static gaze this. 第六号静静的注视着这一幕。 Really here.” “果然在这里呢。” Tokoyogi Yuuma puts out the one breath, wear a look of illusory smile. 仙都木优麻吐出一口气,面带虚幻的笑容。 As for Rozen... 至于罗真... ......... “.........” Is looking at that like the Doll beautiful young girl, Rozen throughout remains silent, only has line of sight continuously tight staring in body of opposite party. 望着那如人偶般美丽的少女,罗真始终保持着沉默,唯有视线一直紧紧的盯在对方的身上 Heart, was chaotic. 心,则是乱了。 Thorough was chaotic. 彻底的乱了。 In these circumstances... 在这样的情况下... To guarantee to imprison world most vicious magic criminal, Man-made Island Management Corporation constructed Prison Barrier, is actually not able to confirm the Prison Barrier location including oneself, because could it be that only hides it in different space, could no one find?” “为了保证能够囚禁世间最凶恶魔导犯罪者们,人工岛管理公社建造了监狱结界,却连自己都无法确认监狱结界的所在地,难道只是因为将它藏在异空间里,谁都找不到吗?” Tokoyogi Yuuma explanation slowly. 仙都木优麻缓缓的说明。 Moreover, does not know Prison Barrier of position Man-made Island Management Corporation, is used what way to deliver the prisoner by whom?” “而且,连人工岛管理公社都不知道位置的监狱结界,又是由谁用什么样的方式将囚犯送进来的啊?” The all of these answer, obtained making known here. 这一切的答案,都在这里获得了揭晓。 Actually, simplicity of truth accidental/surprised. 其实,真相意外的简单。 To construct a prison that has the absolute safeguard, Man-made Island Management Corporation entrusts the authority of prison to a person completely.” “为了建造一个拥有着绝对的保障的监狱,人工岛管理公社就将监狱的管理权全部托付给一个人。” Like the goal that I was created is to rescue mother, Man-made Island Management Corporation to construct Prison Barrier, making Witch be born.” “就像我被创造出来的目的是为了解救母亲一样,人工岛管理公社为了建造监狱结界,让一个魔女诞生了。” This Witch concurs Prison Barrier's watchman, gatekeeper, door and key.” “这个魔女身兼监狱结界的看守者顾门人门扉以及钥匙。” So-called Prison Barrier, is actually used for the seal vicious magic criminal Magecraft name, but this Witch is only one can use this Magecraft person.” “所谓的监狱结界,其实就是用来封印凶恶魔导罪犯魔术的名称,而这位魔女就是唯一一个能够使用这个魔术的人。” Tokoyogi Yuuma is explaining like this. 仙都木优麻这样子说明着。 Perhaps Kojou cannot understand, but the Rozen's words, have not suspected this point completely. 古城或许听不懂,但罗真的话,完全没有怀疑这一点。 Because, is similar to Prison Barrier such Magecraft, Rozen also knows. 因为,类似于监狱结界这样的魔术,罗真也是知道的。 ———— 『Reality Marble』. ————「固有结界」 Can heart world manifestation of user, be close to Magic Great Magecraft likely infinitely. 能够将使用者的心象世界具现化,无限接近魔法大魔术 Prison Barrier, precisely and Reality Marble similar Great Magecraft. 监狱结界,正是固有结界类似的大魔术 only, it not heart likely world manifestation of user, because of the deep sleep of user, changed to the reality the dreamland of user, becomes the prison. 只是,它不是将使用者的心象世界具现化,而是藉由使用者的沉睡,将使用者的梦境化作了现实,成为了监狱。 A dream that Prison Barrier, precisely this Witch has. 监狱结界,正是这个魔女所做的一场梦。 All prisoners were imprisoned in its dreamland, thus is absolutely inescapable. 所有的囚犯就都被囚禁在其梦境之中,因而绝对无法逃脱。 As for here Sacred Hall, this islands, that is just used to accept the Prison Barrier outer covering. 至于这里的圣堂,这座岛屿,那只不过是用来收容监狱结界的外壳。 Accepts has been maintaining the Prison Barrier young girl in the dreamland, becomes the deep sleep place of young girl, and leads her to go into hiding in different space, outer covering that no one is able to find. 收容一直在梦境中维持着监狱结界的少女,成为少女的沉睡场所,并带着她隐匿在异空间中,谁都无法找到的外壳。 This Sacred Hall is the castle that she lives, her continuously here deep sleep, ten years ago starts, has not had been to outside one time. “这座圣堂就是她所居住的城堡,她一直都在这里沉睡,从十年前开始,一次都没有到过外面。 Tokoyogi Yuuma sound clear incomparable spreads to everyone's ear. 仙都木优麻的声音清晰无比的传入所有人的耳中。 You her who knows outside, but is her true body with avatar that Magecraft creates, her only has been having a dream, in the way of having a dream, is experiencing the experience of outside avatar.” “你们在外面认识的她,不过是她的本尊魔术创造出的分身,她只是一直在做着梦,以做梦的方式,体验着外面的分身的经历而已。” Therefore, Tokoyogi Yuuma will say, outside, no matter how copes with her to be pointless. 因此,仙都木优麻才会说,在外面,不管怎么对付她都是没意义的。 Now, we finally see true body.” “现在,我们终于见到本尊了。” Tokoyogi Yuuma toward sitting young girl respectful saluting of deep sleep on armchair. 仙都木优麻向着坐在扶手椅上沉睡的少女恭敬的行礼。 very honored can see you, Prison Barrier manager.” 很荣幸能够见到你,监狱结界管理者。” 《Witch of the Void》.” 《空隙的魔女》。” Minamiya Natsuki.” 南宫那月。” Tokoyogi Yuuma called the name of young girl. 仙都木优麻唤出了少女的名字。 Rozen looks at the appearance of own Elder Sister composed deep sleep, finally closed the eye. 罗真就看着自己的姐姐安祥的沉睡的模样,终于闭上了眼睛。
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