SOM :: Volume #7 Fate/Grand Order (3)

#854: 『Limiter』

Buzz————!” 嗡————!” In Chaldean Control Room, the air was filled Magic Power that opens to give to confuse finally, expresses buzz the cry. 迦勒底的管制室里,空气终于是被弥漫而开的魔力给搅乱,发出嗡鸣。 Alarmed and afraid Magic Power bit by bit ascended from Roman body, as if has what shackles bit by bit also unties to be the same, making Roman that ordinary conduct the aloof power feeling and sense of presence to cannot the ordinary body. 让人惊惧的魔力一点一点的从罗曼身上升腾了起来,仿佛有什么枷锁也被一点一点的解开一样,令得罗曼那原本普通到不能再普通的身体携带上超然的力量感和存在感 Examines... to examine the astonishing Magic Power response...!” “检...检测到惊人的魔力反应...!” This... this what's the matter...!?” “这...这到底是怎么回事啊...!?” Dr. Roman...!” 罗曼医生...!” Doctor!” “医生!” In Rites Center/Command Room, the one by one staff start to send out to call out in grief one after another. 司令室内,一个个的工作人员开始相继发出悲鸣。 Under the function of Roman that astonishing Magic Power, Rites Center/Command Room just like blowing typhoon, if produced the earthquake to be the same, shivering. 罗曼那惊人的魔力的作用下,司令室宛如刮起台风似的,又如产生了地震一样,不停的颤抖。 Bang!” “嘭!” An instrument like bearing the excessive load was common, the direct explosion, emits the fire. 一台仪器有如承受了过重的负荷一般,直接爆炸,冒出火来。 pā jī pā jī pā jī...!” 啪叽啪叽啪叽...!” Every kind expensive equipment starts to produce cracking, making the glass and components unceasing bounces from above. 一样样昂贵的器材开始产生龟裂,让玻璃以及零件都不断的从上面弹跳出来。 Chaldean staff and technical staff then one after another panic dodge. 迦勒底的工作人员与技术人员便纷纷惊慌失措的躲开 Drew back to Roman recent Olga Marie directly, makes noise with amazement. 罗曼最近的奥尔加玛丽更是直接退了出去,骇然出声。 Romani...!” 罗玛尼...!” At this time, in Olga Marie's voice is filling astonished and shocks. 此时,奥尔加玛丽的声音中充满着惊愕和震撼。 Without the means that this Chaldea's Director-sama has not thought completely, Roman's body, can present such fearful Magic Power unexpectedly. 没办法,这位迦勒底的所长大人完全没有想到,罗曼的身上,居然能够出现这么可怕的魔力 Not is only Roman, everyone on the scene extremely astonished and shocks, if Rozen, will definitely have the similar response here? 不仅是罗曼而已,在场的所有人都万分的惊愕和震撼,如果罗真在这里的话,肯定也会对此产生同样的反应吧? Roman is not Magus, but is the truly average person, namely does not have Magic Circuit, without the Magecraft accomplishment, the understanding Magecraft is only restricted in the knowledge, in Chaldea on a only doctor, does not have the second status in addition, turns into Evil Spirit after Olga Marie has to become his spokesman, as the Director proxy, is issuing some instructions with the decision. 要知道,罗曼可不是什么魔术师,而是真真正正的一般人,即没有魔术回路,亦没有魔术素养,对魔术的了解仅限于知识上,在迦勒底内就只是一个医生,没有除此之外的第二种身份,直到奥尔加玛丽变成邪灵以后才不得不成为其代言人,作为所长代理,下达着一些指示跟决定。 Such Roman absolutely does not have Magus power, impossible has Magic Power. 这样的罗曼绝对没有魔术师力量,更不可能拥有魔力 Naturally, the Magic Power source is life force, so long as is human, can actually derive some Magic Power from its body, but that cannot absolutely huge to this degree of thing, opposite also very weak. 当然,魔力的源头乃是生命力,只要是人类,其实都能从其身上汲取到一些魔力,但那绝对不是能够庞大到这种程度的东西,相反的还非常的微弱。 Therefore, Magic Power that at this moment, Roman shows makes one unable to believe simply, this can be that is usually spiritless , the doctor of waste material. 所以,此时此刻里,罗曼展现出来的魔力简直让人不敢相信,这会是平时那个即懦弱,又废材的医生。 Only has Da Vinci... 只有达芬奇... calm down! Romani!” 冷静一点罗玛尼!” Da Vinci raises hand, is resisting Magic Power that changes to the storm, while to just like standing in center's same Roman to shout. 达芬奇一边举起手来,抵抗着化作暴风的魔力,一边冲着宛若站在台风中心一样的罗曼呐喊着。 『Limiter』 that if continue like this, you plant with great difficulty must untie, that a time only limits miracle, like this...!?” 在这样下去的话,你好不容易种下的「限制」就要解开了,那可是仅限一次的奇迹,这样好吗...!?” Da Vinci then turns toward Roman so to shout. 达芬奇便向着罗曼这般呐喊 Obviously, this Omnipotent talent actually knows the circumstances of the matter regarding the current condition. 显然,这位万能的天才对于目前的状况其实是知情的。 This person knows Roman some secrets, therefore knows that now exactly has anything, is what condition. 这个人知晓罗曼的一些秘密,所以知道现在到底发生了什么,又是什么状况。 precisely because of this, Da Vinci cannot help but is anxious. 正是因为这样,达芬奇才不由得焦急起来。 quickly calm down!” 快冷静下来!” Da Vinci continuously raises the sound. 达芬奇不住的提高声音。 What a pity, Roman actually seems like anything not to hear to be the same, as before dull screen that looks at the display 5th Singularity condition, is ordinary like the thorough losing soul, Magic Power more and more terrifying that the whole body erupts. 可惜,罗曼却像是什么都没有听到一样,依旧呆呆的看着显示第五特异点状况的荧幕,如同彻底的失去灵魂一般,全身爆发出的魔力越来越恐怖 That has dominated in Servant Level, and even was close to the 《Holy Grail》 degree Magic Power. 那已经是凌驾于从者等级,乃至接近〈圣杯〉程度的魔力了。 if continue this way... 再这样下去的话... That 『Limiter』 will really be undone...” 那个「限制」真的会被解开的啊...” Da Vinci's expression appears extremely ugly. 达芬奇的表情显得极其的难看。 When the matter soon becomes again also not irrecoverable... 就在事情即将变得再也无法挽回的时候... Eh? 唉? Olga Marie suddenly is surprised and pleasantly surprised called out. 奥尔加玛丽突然即惊讶又惊喜的叫出了声 Looks there quickly!” “快看那里!” Olga Marie then uses the wing of owl, aimed at the direction of screen. 奥尔加玛丽便用猫头鹰的羽翼,指向了荧幕的方向。 This is...” “这是...” Da Vinci looked, is first startled, immediately is also one happy. 达芬奇看了过去,先是一怔,随即也是一喜。 ————!” ————!” Trembled including delay stood in place Magic Power of Roman whole body, shortly afterwards disappearance slowly. 连原本呆滞般站在原地罗曼浑身的魔力都为之一颤,紧接着缓缓的消失。 The in the eyes, only has the mood of being pleasantly surprised. 眼中,只剩下又惊又喜的情绪。 ............ ............ 5th Singularity, North American Continent basin. 第五特异点,北美大陆盆地。 extremely intense, even can be called is fearful battle is still being in progress. 异常激烈,甚至可以称得上是可怕的厮杀还在进行。 Bang!” “轰!” With world-shaking rumbling sound, under Berserker hand dividing of axe sword heavily, fell on the ground, gives the entire bombardment to result in the smashing to open that ground, raises the intermittent sand dust. 伴随着惊天动地般的轰鸣声,Berserker手中的斧剑重重的劈下,落在地面上,将那一块地面都给整个轰击得粉碎而开,掀起阵阵的沙尘。 Cú Chulainn avoided at an exceptional pace fearfully this strikes, cleaves the waves same bathing like riding the wind in the sand dust and fresh breeze, sudden retreat. 库-丘林以惊人的速度避开了这可怕的一击,如同乘风破浪一样的沐浴在沙尘和劲风里,暴退了出去。 But just avoided Berserker's strike, a silhouette burning with flames then advances its front. 可才刚刚避开Berserker的一击,燃烧着烈焰的身影便突进到其面前。 Pays the price for own stupidity, Mad King.” “为自己的愚行付出代价吧,狂王。” Karna coldly makes such declaration, makes the whole body burn the flame, while holds up Divine Spear in hand, resembles hot bunches, the squally shower thorn to Cú Chulainn. 迦尔纳冷冷的做出这样的宣言,一边让浑身燃烧着火焰,一边将手中的神枪举起,似一道道火束,狂风骤雨般的刺向库-丘林 At first sight, looks like the innumerable flame light beams to fly to flee is ordinary simply to Cú Chulainn, Divine Spear that even the ground was fled high-speed blows gullies, sends out the burned black smell, exceptionally terrifying. 乍看之下,简直就像是无数的火焰光束在飞窜向库-丘林一般,连地面都被高速窜动的神枪刮出一道道的沟壑,散发出焦黑的气味,异常的骇人 Facing such fiercely attacks... 面对这样的猛攻... Is called 《Hero of Charity》 Character worthily, even if only is a sideshow is still quite effective.” “不愧是被叫做〈施舍的英雄〉人物,只是杂耍的话还满有效的。” Cú Chulainn responds with extremely direct taunting, in the hand Demonic Spear/Magic Gun dances spear flower, during glittering, unexpectedly Karna's attack completely receives. 库-丘林报以极其直接的冷嘲热讽,手中魔枪舞出一道道的枪花,闪烁期间,竟是将迦尔纳的攻击全部接下。 Clang!” Clang!” Clang!” Clang!” “铛!”“铛!”“铛!”“铛!” The extremely fast hit of Divine Spear and Demonic Spear/Magic Gun makes collision sound be full of resounding of rhythm, lets sparks and spark splits open. 神枪魔枪极速撞击让一道道的交击声饶有节奏的响起,亦让火星与火花迸裂。 Innumerable aureole are blooming between two spears/guns, seems like complementary waves that the flame and Magic Power attack to produce mutually, dazzling. 无数光轮在两把枪之间绽放着,似乎是火焰与魔力互相冲击所产生的余波,眼花缭乱。 Cú Chulainn then with was Karna that to make an exception to have hit evenly matched in top Servant. 库-丘林便与在顶级从者之中都是破格存在的迦尔纳打了一个势均力敌。 No, as fight gradually conducts, Cú Chulainn unexpectedly is the acquisition winning side gradually. 不,随着战斗的逐渐进行,库-丘林竟是渐渐的取得上风。 That is also natural. 那也是自然。 Promoted power under 《Holy Grail》 enforcement...!?” “在〈圣杯〉加持下提升了力量了吗...!?” Karna keen seeing through this point. 迦尔纳敏锐的勘破了这一点。 Responded, bestows you dead.” “答对了,就赐你一死吧。” Cú Chulainn hoists cruel smile, in the hand Demonic Spear/Magic Gun shakes, Karna's Divine Spear shaking. 库-丘林扯起一个残忍的笑容似的,手中魔枪一震,将迦尔纳的神枪给震开。 only... 只是... Does not undergo own tempering power that but must come, you will turn for the person who this power will be pleased with oneself unexpectedly, will really be disappointing.” “不是经过自己的磨炼而得来的力量,你居然变成会为这种力量沾沾自喜的人,真是让人失望。” Has such words, Scáthach to enter in the bosom of Cú Chulainn suddenly, in the hand Demonic Spear/Magic Gun does not know several time changes scarlet flashes, under ominous Magic Power, violently thrust to the chest of Cú Chulainn. 带着这样的话语,斯卡哈蓦然窜进库-丘林的怀中,手中魔枪不知道第几次的化作猩红的一闪,于不祥的魔力之下,暴刺库-丘林的胸膛。 Goal, precisely Cú Chulainn's heart. 目标,正是库-丘林的心脏 Clank————!” 哐啷————!” Demonic Spear/Magic Gun that in the resounding collision sound of sword halberd, punctures like lightning by same extremely fast Demonic Spear/Magic Gun to flicks, burst out a violent strength. 剑戟的响亮碰撞声中,闪电般刺出的魔枪被同样极速魔枪弹开,迸发出一阵猛烈的劲气来。 Cú Chulainn then lets in the hand Demonic Spear/Magic Gun like wind wheel revolving, resists, with breech of rifle flicks Scáthach's fatal strike. 库-丘林便让手中魔枪如风轮般旋转,一个招架,用枪尾弹开斯卡哈的致命一击 Then... 然后... No matter what power, so long as can slaughter, can massacre mutually, that is best power.” “不管是什么样的力量,只要能够屠戮,能够互相残杀,那就是最好的力量。” Cú Chulainn to existence that takes own master, as before like that callous speech. 库-丘林对着作为自己师傅的存在,依旧还是那般,冷酷的发言。 However even if this dead thorn, if cannot kill people, cannot have power, that is the waste of having no merit to speak, even rejection how?” “而哪怕是这根死棘,若是不能杀人,不能拥有力量,那就是一无是处的废物而已,就算舍弃又怎么样?” Cú Chulainn Demonic Spear/Magic Gun that inherited from master there says the hand in just like the variegated rock of roadside, tiny bit recall did not have continually. 库-丘林就将自己手中从师傅那里继承的魔枪说得宛如路边的杂石,连一丝一毫的留恋都没有。 Do not tell me your truth not to understand, can murder to kill Divine Spirit Queen of the Land of Shadows.” “别告诉我你连这点道理都不懂,能够弑杀神灵影之国女王。” Saying, in the Cú Chulainn hand Demonic Spear/Magic Gun is shaking again, probably a poisonous snake is common, extremely fast jumps out, bites to Scáthach's throat. 说着,库-丘林手中魔枪再次一震,像是一条毒蛇一般,极速窜出,咬向斯卡哈的喉咙 Starts, has not been forgiving completely. 下手,完全没有留情。
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