SOM :: Volume #6 Unbreakable Machine-Doll (2)

#627: All right, I was used to it

Finally, Hinowa naturally smoothly entered Rozen's room. 最后,日轮自然还是顺利的进入了罗真的房间 Even Yaya is very discontented, but since Rozen has ordered, making Yaya open the gate, opening the door that Yaya can only the heart unwilling sentiment not hope, making Hinowa come. 即使夜夜对此很不满,但既然罗真已经下令,让夜夜把门打开,夜夜就只能心不甘情不愿的开门,让日轮进来了。 Hit... disturbs.” “打...打扰了。” Hinowa only then appears very strong air/Qi in front of Yaya's, enters the room, after seeing Rozen, immediately is becomes cautious, not only takes off shoes outside the room, placing of its neat and tidy on entrance hall, but also cautious walks. 日轮只有在夜夜的面前显得很强气,进入房间,见到罗真以后,马上又是变得拘谨起来,不但在房间外面脱了鞋,将其整整齐齐的摆放在玄关上,还小心翼翼的走进来。 But arrives here, not only has Hinowa, also Subaru and Mutsura. 而来到这里的不仅有日轮,还有昴和六连 Originally do you live in this room?” “原来你住这间房间啊?” If we had known came yesterday.” “早知道昨天就过来了。” Subaru is a face senseless walks, Mutsura is the somewhat regrettable appearance, looking all around, is sizing up Rozen's room. 是一脸无趣的走进来,六连则是多少有些遗憾的样子,环顾着四周,打量着罗真的房间 Necessity that but actually has not sized up. 但其实也没有打量的必要。 „Does you two also live here? That has nothing well curious.” 你们两个也住在这里吧?那就没什么好好奇的了啊。” Rozen then rolled the eyes. 罗真便翻了一个白眼 Raphael Male Dormitory is the male student dormitory that the top students in school can move, that side the female student dormitory top student dormitory is Gryphon Female Dormitory, both dormitories are in the school the maximum scale, besides individual special-purpose cottage and workshop, in entire school treatment best is the students in these two dormitories. 拉斐尔男子寮是学院里的优等生才能入住的男生宿舍,女生宿舍那边的优等生宿舍则是狮鹫女子寮,两个宿舍都是学院里面最大的规模,除了个人专用的别房和工房以外,全学院里待遇最好的就是这两个宿舍内的学生。 Since Rozen this 101st place can move in Raphael Male Dormitory, that Subaru and Mutsura naturally does not have the truth that could not move. 而既然罗真这个第101名都能入住拉斐尔男子寮,那昴和六连自然没有入住不了的道理。 After all, ranking of Subaru is 17th place, ranking of Mutsura is 28th place, was selected into real power factions before 50, and is also in the forefront, did not have unable to move in the Raphael Male Dormitory truth. 毕竟,的排名是第17名,六连的排名则是第28名,都是被选入50名前的实力派,并且还处于前列,没有入住不了拉斐尔男子寮的道理。 As for Hinowa, Rozen has known that she is one of the 《Rounds》, moreover placed 8th place, is regarded as is most likely to win on Night Party, obtains Wiseman's name one of them, is also very high in the gambling house odds, about three times, compared with the past, was reborn thoroughly. 至于日轮,罗真已经知道她是〈十三人〉之一,而且排在第8名,被视为在夜会上最有可能获胜,得到魔王之名的其中一人,在赌场的赔率也很高,足足有近三倍,跟过去比起来,算是彻底脱胎换骨了。 ( Is this also talent that Domon Clan's bloodline gives?) (这也是土门一族的血脉赋予的天分吧?) Looks timid Hinowa that walks, Rozen is sighing with emotion in the heart. 看着唯唯诺诺的走进来的日轮,罗真就在心中感慨着。 Before, Rozen only regarded as noble family of Japan Domon Clan in Izanagi Style, has not had what special idea to this Clan. 以前,罗真只是伊邪纳岐流中的土门一族视作日本的华族,并没有对这一族有什么特别的想法。 But is now different. 但现在不同了。 Now, Rozen has worked as Tsuchimikado Clan adopted son in the Tokyo Ravens world, moreover main family's adopted son, was even hidden the adopted son identity outward, as main family's descendant, is considered as will inherit Tsuchimikado Clan Onmyouji sooner or later. 现在,罗真已经在东京暗鸦的世界里当过土御门一族养子,而且还是本家的养子,对外甚至被隐藏养子的身份,作为本家的后裔,被认为是迟早会继承土御门一族阴阳师 As the inheritance from the Great Onmyouji Abe no Seimei family, is Onmyoudou's ancestral family, was once Bureau of Onmyou wielding, has the deep-rooted relations with the government and country, until afterward abandoned Tsuchimikado Family, its standpoint actually has many similarities with Izanagi Style. 作为传承自大阴阳师安倍晴明的家族,即是阴阳道的宗家,更是曾经的阴阳寮的执掌者,与政府和国家有着根深蒂固的关系,直到后来才被废弃的土御门家,其立场其实跟伊邪纳岐流有着不少相似的地方。 Izanagi Style headed by Domon Clan in this world is noble family of Japan, in the position the equivalent to emperor's relatives, belongs to country's backbone, but also is ancestral family in 《Onmyou Arts》 aspect, until now is also persevering the inheritance of 《Onmyou Arts》, only because of the difference of environment, start gradually focuses on technique/spell in Shikigami aspect, making many Magical Arts be lost. 土门一族为首的伊邪纳岐流在这个世界里是日本的华族,地位上相当于皇亲国戚,属于国家的顶梁柱,但同时也是〈阴阳术〉方面的宗家,直到现在都还坚守着〈阴阳术〉的传承,只是因为环境的不同,渐渐的开始着重于式神方面的术式,让许多咒术都失传了而已。 However, because even if the environment, time and civilization the difference of development moves toward two different paths, but Domon Clan or Tsuchimikado Clan are Onmyoudou Grandmaster, this without a doubt. 不过,就算因为环境、时代、文明的发展的不同而走向两条不一样的道路,可无论是土门一族还是土御门一族都是阴阳道宗师,这点毋庸置疑。 Therefore, has learned 《Onmyou Arts》 Rozen to be clear, as Onmyoudou's ancestral family, actually in their bloodlines flows the blood that can bring many Innate Skill. 所以,已经习得〈阴阳术〉罗真非常明白,作为阴阳道的宗家,他们的血脉中所流的血究竟能够带来多少的天赋 Rozen even suspected, actually, Domon Clan is Tsuchimikado Clan of this world, only, because had the different events in some time, causing it not to develop Tsuchimikado Clan, but develops Domon Clan, develops Izanagi Style's sect. 罗真甚至怀疑,其实,土门一族就是这个世界的土御门一族,只是因为在某个时代里发生了不一样的事件,导致其没有发展成土御门一族,而是发展成土门一族,发展成伊邪纳岐流的宗门而已。 Taking this into consideration, regarding Hinowa can upgraded to now this boundary, Rozen not be in less than ten years surprised. 有鉴于此,对于日轮能够在短短不到十年里提升到现在这个境界,罗真并不惊讶。 ( Does not know 《Onmyou Arts》 that Akabane Clan once inherited what is.) (就是不知道赤羽一族曾经传承的〈阴阳术〉又是什么样的了。) In the past, Akabane Clan was also Onmyouji Clan, only complied with the time the mighty current, finally discarded the inheritance of 《Onmyou Arts》, then studied 《Puppet Technique》. 要知道,过去,赤羽一族同样是阴阳师一族,只是顺应时代的洪流,最终舍弃了〈阴阳术〉的传承,转而修习〈傀儡术〉了而已。 ( But even so, strictly speaking, Akabane Family's 《Blood of the Scarlet Wing》 came from in the blood of Onmyouji, and also with Izanagi Style hostile.) (但即使是这样,严格来说,赤羽家的〈红翼之血〉还是源自于阴阳师之血,并且还曾经与伊邪纳岐流敌对过。) Perhaps, these two Onmyouji Family also anything origins also perhaps. 或许,这两个阴阳师家族还有什么渊源也说不定。 But as inherited 《Puppet Technique》 also to obtain the person of 《Onmyou Arts》, origins of Rozen among with these two also becomes deeper. 而作为即继承了〈傀儡术〉又得到了〈阴阳术〉之人,罗真与这两家之间的渊源也会变得更深。 ( Takes your time.) (慢慢来吧。) Rozen is then thinking such matter, after letting Yaya pours tea, looked that to was being greeted the Hinowa three people of sitting down by oneself. 罗真便想着这样的事情,让夜夜去倒茶以后,看向被自己招呼着坐下的日轮三人。 Naturally, truly sits down only has Hinowa, Subaru and Mutsura takes bodyguard, insisted that does not sit with Hinowa, standing one on the left and other on the right in behind Hinowa, is protecting her. 当然,真正坐下的只有日轮,六连作为护卫,坚持不与日轮同坐,一左一右的站在日轮的身后,守护着她。 Also really follows a prescribed pattern.” “还真是一板一眼。” Rozen shakes the head, immediately gazes at to Hinowa. 罗真摇了摇头,随即注视向日轮 What matter has?” “有什么事吗?” Rozen then inquired like this. 罗真便这样询问。 No, and nothing.” Hinowa shakes the head, somewhat tentatively said: only, prepares to challenge the 《Marshal》 matter about Rozen-sama, in the school has passed on noisily, therefore...” “不,并没有什么事。”日轮摇了摇头,有些试探性的道:“只是,关于罗真大人准备挑战〈元帅〉的事情,学院里已经传得沸沸扬扬了,所以...” Therefore you do come to see my condition?” Rozen shows a faint smile, said: When is curious I to look for Magnus?” “所以你就来看看我的状况吧?”罗真微微一笑,道:“好奇我什么时候会去找马格纳斯吗?” Has... a little...” Hinowa seems somewhat embarrassed. “有...有一点...”日轮显得有些不好意思。 In such a case, Subaru and Mutsura opened the mouth. 在这样的情况下,六连都开口了。 But right now really did not have the escape route.” Subaru then said with no trace of politeness: If you also lose to 《Marshal》 finally, these fellows of that absolutely will by school was teased, before becoming Night Party to start the laughingstock.” “这下子可就真的没有退路了呗。”便毫不客气的道:“如果你最后还输给〈元帅〉的话,那一定会被学院里的那些家伙取笑,成为夜会开始前的笑柄。” This aspect I also approve.” Mutsura said with a shrug: Because of the relations of Night Party, this students in school basically all can be counted is the enemy, has the hitting a person when he is down opportunity words, others will certainly not miss lo.” “这方面俺也赞同。”六连耸着肩的道:“因为夜会的关系,这所学院里的学生基本上全都可以算作是敌人,有落井下石的机会的话,别人一定不会错过囖。” This actually very realistic consideration. 这倒是很现实的考虑。 only... 只是... Please do not need to be worried.” “请不用担心。” Makes the good tea Yaya then polite places the front of guests teacup one by one, while shows the smile. 泡好茶的夜夜便一边客客气气的将茶杯一一放在客人们的面前,一边露出微笑。 Has Yaya, Rozen will not lose to anybody, right, so long as there is Yaya's words, so long as rather had Yaya enough.” “有夜夜在,罗真不会输给任何人的,没错,只要有夜夜的话,不如说只要有夜夜就够了。” Yaya then seems like showing sovereignty saying such words, although on the face has the smile, but this smile actually appears some formulation. 夜夜便像是彰显主权般的说出这样的话,脸上虽然带着微笑,但这微笑却显得有些过于公式化。 Goes to whom as for the Yaya's words, can look. 至于夜夜的话语是冲着谁去的,一眼就能看得出来。 Wū... 呜... The Hinowa then whole body shook, shortly afterwards so opened the mouth. 日轮便浑身抖了一下,紧接着如此开口。 Rozen-sama was very outstanding, even other use Doll, that can still certainly win.” 罗真大人本来就很优秀,就算使用其它的人偶,那也一定能够获胜的。” Hinowa refuted Yaya, making the corner of Yaya's eye fiercely twitch for a moment. 日轮就这么反驳了夜夜,让夜夜的眼角用力的跳了一下 „Because Rozen is very outstanding, therefore needs similarly very outstanding Yaya, this will not lose to anybody, don't tell me it's not?” “正因为罗真很优秀,所以才需要同样很优秀的夜夜,这样就不会输给任何人了,难道不是吗?” The Yaya forced smile is returning by such a. 夜夜假笑着回以这样一句。 Rozen-sama does not need to depend on others, even if only then oneself, will not lose to anybody similarly, even if has no outstanding Automaton is still same.” 罗真大人是不需要靠别人的,就算只有自己一个人,同样不会输给任何人,即使没有什么优秀的自动人偶也一样。” Hinowa somewhat tenacious similarly returns by one. 日轮有些固执的同样回以一句。 Two young girls then look at each other together, in the eyes appear simultaneously the hostility. 两个少女便对视在一起,眼中同时浮现出敌意。 Sees that Subaru and Mutsura also had the movement. 见状,六连同样有了动作。 First what has an action to perform is Mutsura. 首先有所动作的是六连 Seeing only, Mutsura like expecting anything is the same, one supports Subaru. 只见,六连如同预料到什么一样,一把架住 Almost is at the same time, Subaru rampage. 几乎是在同一时间,暴走了。 Your this fellow! Had Ojou-sama also to fool around with such cute Doll! Really looked down upon the person Aaaaaaah!” “你这个家伙!有了大小姐还跟这么可爱人偶鬼混!真是太瞧不起人了啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!” Subaru then strikes an attitude to charge into Rozen, because actually Mutsura supported him to be defeated. 便作势想冲向罗真,却因为六连架住他而失败了。 I know that will turn into this.” “俺就知道会变成这样。” Continuation of Mutsura face not to wonder at strange sights is putting up Subaru. 六连一脸见怪不怪的继续架着 Rozen is looks to fight relative, two young girls who look angrily at mutually, as well as angry by Mutsura supporting Subaru, after silent for a while, carries front teacup. 罗真则是看着争锋相对,互相怒视的两个少女,以及怒气冲冲的被六连给架住的,沉默了一会以后,端起面前的茶杯。 All right, I was used.” “没事,我习惯了。” Rozen then calm drinks the tea. 罗真便淡定的喝起茶。 Until soon after... 直到不久以后... Ok.” “好了。” Rozen stood up, extends one to stretch. 罗真站起身来,伸了一个懒腰。 Rest also rested enough, was time set off.” “休息也休息够了,是时候出发了。” Rozen's words, let present everyone to restore silent. 罗真的话语,让在场所有人都恢复了寂静。 Yaya.” 夜夜。” Rozen called such a. 罗真唤了这么一声。 Yes.” “是。” Yaya exchanges the clever attitude immediately, arrived in front of Rozen. 夜夜立即换上乖巧的态度,来到罗真的面前 Hinowa, Subaru and Mutsura also stand up. 日轮六连同样站起身。 Walks.” “走吧。” Rozen spoke briefly and to the point, lets people nod one after another. 罗真言简意赅的出声,让众人相继的点下头 Therefore, entire group left the room, goes in the direction that the Magnus workshop is. 于是,一行人离开了房间,往马格纳斯的工房所在的方向而去。
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