SOM :: Volume #6 Unbreakable Machine-Doll (2)

#626: only wants to help you graduate

On this day, Walpurgis Royal Academy of Machinart thorough was lively. 这一天,华尔普吉斯皇家机巧学院彻底热闹了。 transfer student that Far East comes provoked Magnus!” 极东来的转学生挑衅了马格纳斯!” That is direct declaration of war!” “那是正面的宣战啊!” Some people prepared to challenge 《Marshal》!” “有人准备挑战〈元帅〉了!” Loreley Agnesen!” 罗雷莱·阿涅真!” Ranks 101!” “排名101名!” The above words and expressions, all of a sudden become the thing of frequent appearance in each corner of school. 以上的字句,一下子成为在学院的各个角落里频繁的出现的东西。 Because students one after another that vast momentum challenge clamored, not only understood the entire process of matter all of a sudden, but also knew the long and short of the story of Challenger, making the information pass on the school insanely. 学生们纷纷都因为那声势浩大的挑战而喧哗起来,不仅一下子了解了事情的全过程,还得知了挑战者的来龙去脉,让情报在学院里面疯传着。 But after knowing this matter, almost most students laugh. 而在得知这件事情以后,几乎大部分的学生都为之嗤笑。 Unexpectedly enters the school on challenge Magnus?” “居然一进入学院就挑战马格纳斯?” Really was insane.” “真是疯了。” Because ranks 101, only almost can enter Night Party, therefore was anxious?” “因为排名101名,只差一点就能进入夜会,所以急了吧?” in other words, this does transfer student prepare to borrow Magnus to become famous?” 也就是说,这个转学生准备借马格纳斯出名吗?” That also was really insane, does not think that who Magnus was.” “那还真是疯了,也不想想马格纳斯到底是谁。” one by one student then one after another is such response, treats as this matter comes to see lively. 一个个的学生便纷纷都是这样的反应,将这件事情当做热闹来看。 These top-ranked students, many saw through behind this matter is only not simple. 唯独那些排名靠前的学生们,多少看穿了这件事情背后的不简单。 After all, on that day before Magnus declares war, the giant eagle cry makes a sound the entire school, spread to everyone's ear. 毕竟,那天针对马格纳斯的宣战发生前,巨大的鹰啼声可是响遍整个学院,传入了所有人的耳中。 If that is the Magecraft effect, the coverage scope was too big.” “如果那是魔术的效果的话,覆盖范围就太大了。” „The sound that is in that rumor mentioned the big eagle that makes?” “那是那只传言中提到的大鹰发出来的声音吧?” If that is Automaton, what Magic Circuit of this big eagle is?” “若那是自动人偶,这只大鹰的魔术回路又是什么呢?” Such big coverage scope, even if no substantive injury effect, Magic Power that needs to consume are still many.” “这么大的覆盖范围,就算没有实质性的伤害效果,需要耗费的魔力也不少啊。” This 101st place certainly is not the common people.” “这个第101名一定不是泛泛之辈。” If, had not heard his side has what Hawk-Type Doll.” “如果,没听说过他的身边有什么鹰型的人偶啊。” Really is various aspect very mysterious transfer student.” “真是一个各方面都很神秘的转学生。” Although does not think that Magnus will lose to him, but the opposite party is not simple, this is certain.” “虽然不认为马格纳斯会输给他,但对方也不简单,这点是可以肯定的。” „Before may become Night Party starts, extremely unexpected afterpiece also perhaps.” “可能会成为夜会开始前极为出乎预料的一个余兴节目也说不定。” Hopes this transfer student a little ability.” “希望这个转学生有点能耐。” While this opportunity, could collect Magnus's Squadron some information.” “趁着这个机会,也许能够收集到马格纳斯的战队的一些情报。” The top-ranked smart people then had such idea, subsequently had high attaching great importance to this matter. 排名靠前的聪明人们便都产生了这样的想法,继而对这件事情产生了高度的重视。 Naturally, the school high levels had the attention similarly. 理所当然,院方的高层们同样对此产生了关注。 Regarding the school, Magnus is the most precious object without a doubt, since can break the record that the school provides until now, as cultivates the outstanding Puppeteer organization specially, naturally impossible looked on that such Innate Skill was threatened. 对于学院来说,马格纳斯是毋庸置疑的至宝,能够打破开校以来至今为止留下的记录,作为专门培育优秀人偶使的机构,自然不可能坐视这样的天赋之才遭受到威胁。 Therefore, the school has always been very protective of Magnus, will not allow the students to attack it recklessly. 因而,院方一直都对马格纳斯很是保护,不会允许学生们肆意对其进行袭击。 But if the challenge of open and aboveboard, that regarded as another matter. 但如果是光明正大的挑战的话,那又另当别论了。 How to say again, this school esteems strength ideology Training Institution, if there is a strength open and aboveboard initiation challenge, only if were rejected by Challenger unilaterally, does not accept the challenge, otherwise, school will not involve. 再怎么说,这所学院都是推崇实力主义培育机构,若是有实力者堂堂正正的发起挑战,那除非是被挑战者单方面拒绝,不接受挑战,否则,院方就不会介入。 But declares war is for sometime, that side Magnus actually including a news not to have, school is not naturally able to be involved, can only pay attention temporarily. 而宣战过去已经是有一段时间,马格纳斯那边却连一点消息都没有,院方自然无法介入其中,只能暂时关注而已了。 Meanwhile, school is also starts to pay close attention to Rozen. 与此同时,院方也是开始高度关注起罗真来。 „Should that eagle not be his Automaton?” “那只鹰应该不是他的自动人偶吧?” Automaton of student will register in school, and does not allow to go out before the graduation, if he carries build that big Automaton, here impossible had not discovered, impossible has not registered.” “学生的自动人偶都会在院方进行登录,并在毕业前不允许外出,如果他携带体型那么大的自动人偶,这边不可能没有发现,更不可能没有登记。” Perhaps, is that with the trump card that what method hidden?” “又或许,那是用什么方法隐藏起来的王牌?” Really was interesting.” “真是有意思了。” The school high level then pays attention to Rozen to come. 院方的高层便就此关注起罗真来。 Then, Rozen to the Magnus declaring war incident, makes instantaneously is noisy. 就这样,罗真马格纳斯宣战一事,瞬间闹得是沸沸扬扬。 Although all parties' response is different, but the matter is only certain. 虽然各方的反应不同,但唯有一件事情是可以肯定的。 That is, Rozen became famous thoroughly. 那就是,罗真彻底出名了。 That is all. 仅此而已。 Just, oneself is in an incomparable headache now Status/condition. 只不过,本人现在正处于一个无比头疼的状态 Wū... wū wū wū...” 呜...呜呜呜...” In Raphael Male Dormitory, in Rozen's room, Yaya then squatted to sit in the corner, is shivering the shoulder, while decorated sobs is sending out to swallow the sound. 拉斐尔男子寮中,罗真的房间里,夜夜便蹲坐在了角落,一边颤抖着肩膀,一边缀泣着发出咽呜声。 Looks at such Yaya, Rozen is speechless of face. 看着这样的夜夜,罗真是一脸的无语。 Almost? Yaya?” “差不多就得了吧?夜夜?” Rozen then weakly and without strength made noise. 罗真便有气无力的这么出声了。 Wū wū wū... 呜呜呜... However, Yaya actually turns a deaf ear, hides in the corner as before sobs, probably was been same by the enormous grievance, is acting difficult. 然而,夜夜却是充耳不闻,依旧躲在角落里哭泣,像是受了极大的委屈一样,正在闹着别扭。 Naturally, Rozen does not love dearly. 当然,罗真一点都不心疼。 Without the means. 没办法。 Obviously is the attack of your unremitting ample force I, I conduct the resistance am also very normal matter, why is you are wronged?” “明明就是你不懈余力的袭击我,我进行反抗也是很正常的事情,为什么是你受委屈啊?” Rozen on partly narrowing the eyes saying these words. 罗真半眯着眼睛的说出这番话。 Regarding this, Yaya was cries the tear-stained face of a beauty protest. 对此,夜夜是哭得梨花带雨般的抗议了起来。 Why must revolt!?” “为什么要反抗啊!?” „...... You said actually why I can't revolt?” “......你倒是说说我为什么不能反抗啊?” Yaya good to do that for Rozen!” 夜夜可是为了罗真好才这么做的!” „...... Is this how to say it?” “......这又是怎么说呢?” Because Rozen is still a virgin! Yaya only wants to help you graduate!” 因为罗真还是个童贞啊夜夜只是想帮你毕业而已!” Thank you! But can you let alone 『Virginity』 this matter!?” “谢谢你哦!但你能不能别说「童贞」这件事情啊!?” In any case all of a sudden on the past! If thought that bored counts the dirt on ceiling! Other gave Yaya to be good completely!” “反正一下子就过去了啊!要是觉得无聊的话就数一数天花板上的污渍!其余的全部都交给夜夜就好了!” I said again, you are Automaton, is not inflatable doll, can other opens the mouth silent be the trough points!?” “我再说一遍,你是自动人偶,不是充气人偶,能不能别张口闭口都是槽点啊!?” Rozen then conducted the resistance to Yaya all speeches. 罗真便对夜夜所有的发言进行了反抗。 In such a case, Yaya as if also endured patiently the limit. 在这样的情况下,夜夜似乎也忍耐到极限了。 This way...... Rozen must by vixen robbing this way...!” “再这样下去...再这样下去...罗真就要被狐狸精给抢走了啊...!” Yaya cried howlingly. 夜夜嚎嚎大哭了起来。 Oh...” “唉...” Rozen felt that own head changed hurts. 罗真感觉自己的头又变疼了。 Since Hinowa appears, Yaya's mood becomes extremely unstable, originally can be called is the insane behavior, now is becomes intense. 自从日轮出现以后,夜夜的情绪就变得极其不稳定,本来就可以称得上是疯狂的行为,现在已经是变得更加的变本加厉。 Rozen is innumerable, to now, oneself one in the evening because Yaya's surprise attack wakes up many times, drove out many times from own bedding her. 罗真都已经数不清,到得现在,自己一个晚上都因为夜夜的袭击醒来多少次,又将她从自己的被窝里赶出去多少次了。 Therefore, Rozen basically does not dare to take off Golden Crow's Coat now again, even Jade Rabbit's Ring has worn. 所以,罗真现在基本上已经不敢再脱下金乌大衣,甚至连玉兔之戒都一直戴着。 Who made Yaya have to the criminal record that the Rozen's water and meal prescribed medicine? 谁让夜夜有给罗真的水与餐点下药的前科了呢? But Jade Rabbit's Ring is internal Magical Tool of effect, wears the body words, will significantly promote to the poisonous resistance similarly, Rozen needs now extremely its. 玉兔之戒是对内起效的咒具,戴着身上的话,对毒的抗性同样会大幅度提升,罗真现在可是极其需要它的啊。 It seems like, Hinowa's appeared really forms the sense of crisis to Yaya.” “看来,日轮的出现真的对夜夜形成危机感了。” Otherwise, Yaya does not change is so positive. 否则,夜夜也不会变的这么积极。 No, originally is very positive, now only was intense.” “不,本来就很积极,现在只是变本加厉了而已。” Rozen then tsukkomi makes noise. 罗真便吐槽出声。 At this time... 偏偏,这个时候... Bang bang bang...” “砰砰砰...” A very polite knocking on a door sound, making the voice in room stop suddenly completely. 一个非常礼貌的敲门声响了起来,让房间内的声音全部戛然而止。 Naru... Rozen-sama, I am Hinowa.” 鸣...罗真大人,我是日轮。” A coy sound conveys from outside the door. 一个扭扭捏捏的声音就从门外传来。 This instance, Rozen saw. 这一个瞬间,罗真看到了。 vixen vixen vixen vixen vixen...!” 狐狸精狐狸精狐狸精狐狸精狐狸精...!” Yaya stopped the sob, the whole body emitted black aura, even the eye became is fierce like ferocious beast. 夜夜停下了哭泣,全身冒出黑气,连眼睛都变得有如猛兽般狰狞。 Rozen has been able to foresee will then have anything. 罗真已经能够预见接下来会发生什么了。 Please go back! Rozen not in!” “请回去!罗真不在!” Deceives... deceives people!” “骗...骗人!” Yaya then jumped, stops up in the entrance, does not make Hinowa pass through the gate. 夜夜便跳了起来,堵在门口,坚决不让日轮进门。 But Hinowa is also stubborn, aimed at unexpectedly thoroughly with Yaya, continuously in knocking on a door of effort. 日轮也是倔强,竟是跟夜夜彻底针对上了似的,一直都在用力的敲着门。 Two young girls are away from mutual effort of door, fights relative, clenching jaws. 两个少女便隔着一扇门的互相用力,争锋相对,咬牙切齿着。 Oh...” “唉...” Rozen sighed again. 罗真再次叹气了。
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