SOM :: Volume #5 Tokyo Ravens

#591: Said the useless bitter experience

At this moment, outstanding Spiritual Energy that and inflates in slowly walks three Independent Exorcism Officer body that to ascend toward here, making entire by barrier covering the winding corridor curled up the Spiritual Energy air current to be the same, maneuver of unceasing appearance Spiritual Energy. 这一刻里,出众且膨胀的灵气在缓缓的向着这边走来的三名独立祓魔官身上升腾着,令得整条被结界给覆盖的回廊都卷起灵气的气流一样,不断的出现灵气的回旋。 ———— 《Omnipotent Sword》. ————〈神通剑〉 ———— 《Oni Eater》. ————〈噬鬼者〉 ———— 《Binding Princess》. ————〈结界姬〉 Three subordinate in Exorcism Bureau's Independent Exorcism Officer such appeared in front of Rozen, becomes Rozen's obstacle. 三名隶属于祓魔局的独立祓魔官就这么出现在了罗真的面前,成为了罗真的拦路虎。 Since were these three people appeared, Rozen wants to disregard all attacks to batter again also impossible. 而既然是这三人出现了,罗真再想无视所有的攻击横冲直撞也不可能了。 After all, even if there is Golden Crow and Jade Rabbit's power, Rozen does not have to thinking the opposite party self-confidently blocks own footsteps unable to accomplish continually. 毕竟,就算有金乌和玉兔的力量,罗真也没有自信到认为对方连拦下自己的脚步都办不到。 only... 只是... Onmyou Agency also really lacks the talent, copes with Magical Arts Practitioner, unexpectedly sets out Exorcism Officer.” 阴阳厅还真是缺乏人才啊,对付咒术者,居然出动祓魔官。” Three Independent Exorcism Officer walk shortly slowly toward oneself, Rozen then ease smiling, said such words. 眼看着三名独立祓魔官向着自己缓缓的走来,罗真便悠然的笑着,说出这样的话语。 The as the saying goes technique industry studies, copes with the Spiritual Disaster words, sets out Exorcism Officer naturally is the natural matter, may cope with Magical Arts Practitioner, really the Mystical Investigator comparison excels, therefore, Rozen also thinks that appears in oneself front person can be Amami Daizen either, either can be Ohtomo Jin such Character. 正所谓术业有专攻,对付灵灾的话,出动祓魔官自然是理所当然之事,可对付咒术者,果然还是咒搜官比较擅长,所以,罗真还以为出现在自己面前的人要么会是天海大善,要么会是大友阵那样的人物呢。 However... 不过... Who lets exorcising Spiritual Disasters is the Onmyou Agency main work? In Mystical Investigator lacks the 《Twelve Divine Generals》 Level talent as if is also natural.” “谁让祓除灵灾才是阴阳厅最主要的工作呢?咒搜官中缺乏〈十二神将〉等级的人才似乎也是理所当然的啊。” Rozen shrugs, completely the person who had not been forced into the hopeless situation should have the appearance that. 罗真耸了耸肩,完全没有被逼入绝境的人该有的模样。 But Rozen said also right. 罗真说的也没错。 In nowadays Onmyou Agency, is listed as in 《Twelve Divine Generals》 National First-Class Onmyouji, only has Amami Daizen one person to subordinate in Mystical Investigation Department, Exorcism Bureau has entire four Independent Exorcism Officer, it can be imagined, compares magical crime, the Onmyou Agency's work is partial in exorcising Spiritual Disasters. 现如今的阴阳厅里,被列为〈十二神将〉国家一级阴阳师中,仅有天海大善一人隶属于咒搜部,祓魔局则是有着整整四名独立祓魔官,可想而知,相比较起咒术犯罪,阴阳厅的工作还是更偏向于祓除灵灾 Although gone into seclusion Ohtomo Jin also once subordinated in Mystical Investigation Department, therefore cannot say that Mystical Investigation Department does not have the talent, but in Exorcism Bureau also has Independent Exorcism Officer, because accidental/surprised injured relations in training, compares the talent, really Exorcism Bureau are quite many. 虽说现已隐退的大友阵也曾经隶属于咒搜部,所以也不能说咒搜部没有人才,但祓魔局里同样有一名独立祓魔官因为意外受伤的关系正在修养中,相比较起人才,果然还是祓魔局这边比较多。 But can act as the Rozen opponent also only then 《Twelve Divine Generals》 Level Onmyouji, the opposite party seems like considers. 而能充当罗真对手的也只有〈十二神将〉等级阴阳师,对方似乎是这么考虑的。 Such being the case, making three Independent Exorcism Officer appear here, as if also becomes natural. 既然如此,让三名独立祓魔官出现在这里,似乎也变得理所当然。 The issue only lies in... 问题仅在于... When Rozen thinks something, opposite three people also opened the mouth. 就在罗真想到某件事情的时候,对面的三人也开口了。 Said accurately, should say was Kogure Zenjirou takes the lead to open the mouth to be right. 更准确的说,应该说是木暮禅次郎率先开口了才对。 Surrender.” “投降吧。” In the hand grips tightly Kogure Zenjirou of divine blade to regard Rozen tightly, by before has never had calm and serious tone, saying. 手中紧握神刀的木暮禅次郎紧视着罗真,以之前从来没有过的冷静且沉重的口吻,如此说着。 If surrenders now, I can by my name guarantee, make you deal with leniently inevitably.” “如果现在投降的话,我可以以我的名义担保,势必会让你受到从轻发落。” Kogure Zenjirou said such words unexpectedly. 木暮禅次郎竟是说出了这样的话。 But this point is not strange. 可这一点都不奇怪。 Even Kurahashi Genji is all black hand behind the scenes, but this does not represent entire Onmyou Agency to be black. 即使仓桥源司是一切的幕后黑手,但这并不代表着整个阴阳厅就是黑的。 In the middle of active duty 《Twelve Divine Generals》, should, only then Miyachi Iwao knows all inside stories truly and choice stands in Kurahashi Genji that side person, should other people not understand the truth? 在现役的〈十二神将〉当中,应该只有宫地盘夫是真正知晓所有的内幕并且选择站在仓桥源司那边的人,其余人应该还不了解真相吧? At least, Rozen does not think that at present these three people can be Kurahashi Genji's lackey. 至少,罗真不认为眼前这三人会是仓桥源司的马前卒 Did not say that feels the sense of justice and sense of responsibility Kogure Zenjirou, is that has followed a prescribed pattern, meticulous Yuge Mari, Rozen does not think that she will choose to stand that side Kurahashi Genji. 不说充满正义感和责任感的木暮禅次郎,就是那个一直一板一眼,一丝不苟的弓削麻里,罗真都不认为她会选择站在仓桥源司那一边。 Was needless to say as for Kagami Reiji, he was the person who that type can help a tyrant do evil, which he is that type will not rather choose explicit standing in one side, so long as can the type that raises a disturbance to act without hesitation. 至于镜伶路就更是不用说,与其说他是那种会助纣为虐的人,不如说他是那种不会选择明确的站在哪一边,只要能够大闹一场就会毫不犹豫的行动的类型。 Therefore, looks like at present these three people, academy student that Rozen should only not fall into error carefully? 所以,在眼前这三人看来,罗真应该只是一名不小心误入歧途的塾生吧? Outstanding ability caused rampage, this is Onmyouji sorrowful.” “过于优秀的才能导致了暴走,这就是阴阳师的悲哀啊。” Yuge Mari was then saying in a low voice such words, told Rozen, how these Independent Exorcism Officer actually think. 弓削麻里便低声说着这样的话,告诉了罗真,这些独立祓魔官到底是怎么想的。 Obviously, the opposite party is thinks that Rozen because of the outstanding ability, does not satisfy the sluggish progress, thus touched the taboo, offends Onmyou Law to make now all things? 显然,对方是认为罗真是因为过于优秀的才能,不满足于慢吞吞的进步,因而触及了禁忌,触犯了阴阳法才会做出现在所有的事情的吧? Kurahashi Genji as well as Miyachi Iwao are such to these explanations. 想必,仓桥源司以及宫地盘夫就是这么向这些解释的。 After all, because Rozen the Divine Descent ceremony almost causes chaos one, these Exorcism Officer on the scene may experience with own eyes. 毕竟,罗真因为降神的仪式差点引起大乱的一幕,在场的这些祓魔官可都是亲眼见识到的。 But now, in their opinion, Rozen also only unwilling in stops there, therefore prepares to escape. 而现在,在他们看来,罗真只是不甘心于就此止步,所以准备逃跑而已。 In other words , for the time being regardless of Kagami Reiji, at least Kogure Zenjirou and Yuge Mari stands in the correct standpoint handles affairs. 换言之,姑且不论镜伶路,至少木暮禅次郎弓削麻里是站在正确的立场上行事。 Especially Kogure Zenjirou, perhaps because of very good the relations to Rozen's impression and sense, cares about the beforehand former friendship, now will persuade vigorously. 特别是木暮禅次郎,或许是因为对罗真的印象和感官都很好的关系,顾及之前的旧情,现在才会极力的劝说。 By your ability, can contribute in Magical Society in the future surely, does not need to finish in a hast, touches the taboo that should not contact.” “以你的才能,将来必定能够在咒术界里有所贡献,根本不需要急于求成,去触及不该接触的禁忌。” Kogure Zenjirou then by powerful tone to the Rozen opens the mouth. 木暮禅次郎便以强而有力的口吻对着罗真开口。 I do not know what you made specifically, but looked that you put on now in the body coat know, certainly did and Yakou related research?” “我是不知道你具体做了什么,但看你现在穿在身上的大衣就知道,一定是做了和夜光有关的研究吧?” This is actually correct. 这倒是正确的。 It seems like that Kogure Zenjirou also has to Raven's Wing understand. 看来,木暮禅次郎鸦羽也是有所了解的。 Who lets Exorcism Bureau's protecting clothes is copy Raven's Wing manufactures? 谁让祓魔局的防障衣就是仿造鸦羽制作出来的呢? Such being the case, will have this guess, that is also very normal. 既然如此,会有这种猜测,那也很正常。 Just... 只不过... „The Yakou domain is extremely dangerous, does not immerse to be one of them carefully, that will become like Yakou worshiper same existence, in Onmyou Academy you will rise spiritedly to revolt obviously, certainly not allow was taken possession by Raven's Wing, now has could it be that degenerated?” 夜光的领域是极其危险的,一个不小心沉浸在其中,那就会成为如同夜光信徒一样的存在,在阴阳塾里的时候你明明奋起反抗,绝不容许鸦羽附身,现在难道已经堕落了吗?” Kogure Zenjirou makes such interrogation. 木暮禅次郎就做出这样的质问。 conversely Kagami Reiji, very happy grinning is smiling. 反倒是镜伶路,非常愉快的咧嘴笑着。 Then, Kagami Reiji said. 然后,镜伶路就这么说了。 „, You are really Yakou's reincarnation, now has awakened?” “还是,你真的是夜光的转世,现在已经觉醒了呢?” The Kagami Reiji's words then make the atmosphere change. 镜伶路的话语便让现场的气氛都为之一变。 But is this estimate Kogure Zenjirou at the matter of worry? 但这估计就是木暮禅次郎在担心的事情吧? Only looks at the present condition, Rozen simply looks like by taking possession of Raven's Wing, and obtained this Legendary Rank the approval of Magical Tool to be the same, not only did not have rampage, instead was quite sane. 只看现在的状况,罗真简直就像是被鸦羽的附身,并得到了这件传说等级咒具的认可一样,不但没有暴走,反而相当理智。 Such being the case, falls on person in the eyes that does not know the circumstances of the matter, looks like Rozen to be identified as Yakou's reincarnation simply, now has awakened the previous life memory, will just now make this series of things. 既然如此,落在不知情的人眼中,简直就像是罗真已经被确认为夜光的转世,现在已经觉醒了前世的记忆,方才会做出这一连串的事情。 The evidence is the Kogure Zenjirou following words. 证据就是木暮禅次郎接下来的话。 You really prepare again steps the previous existence industry? Tsuchimikado!” “你真的准备再一次的踏上前生的业吗?土御门!” Kogure Zenjirou cannot help but raised own sound. 木暮禅次郎不由得提高了自己的声音。 Regarding this... 对此... Said uselessly.” “多说无益了呢。” Rozen as if realized that the explanation is useless, does not think that at present these people believe oneself excuse was common, curls the lip, smiled. 罗真仿佛认识到解释是没用的一样,更不认为眼前这些人会相信自己的说辞一般,撇了撇嘴,笑了起来。 Excuse me, I rush to time very much, trouble you to make way there.” “不好意思,我很赶时间,麻烦你们在那里让开吧。” Words rashly, making the atmosphere finally become at daggers drawn. 不由分说的话语,令得气氛终于变得剑拔弩张了起来。 It seems like indeed said uselessly.” “看来的确多说无益了。” Yuge Mari tied tight charming face. 弓削麻里紧绷了俏脸 „Is this your choice?” “这就是你的选择吗?” Kogure Zenjirou closes the eye, after deep breath one next, the whole person starts to release chilly sword aura. 木暮禅次郎闭上眼睛,深呼吸了一下以后,整个人都开始释放出冷冽剑气 Right! Is this!” “没错!就是要这样!” Kagami Reiji actually finally is dissolute laughs, stares cruel that in Rozen's eyes is reappearing to be wild with joy. 镜伶路却终于是放肆的大笑起来,盯着罗真的眼中浮现出欣喜若狂的暴戾。 Made me realize the initial words, here killed you, smelly little rascal!” “就让我实现当初的话,在这里杀了你吧,臭小鬼!” Shouting, Kagami Reiji's body is exploding astonishing Magical Power. 如此喊着,镜伶路的身上爆起惊人的咒力 The war, breaks out in this. 大战,在此爆发。
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