SOM :: Volume #16 Fate/Grand Order (5)

#2591: 《Ars Almadel Salomonis》

As was created by human, most can imitate an evil example with the human history huge disaster, the Goëtia goal naturally not only eliminates human, destroys human history. 作为被人类所创造,又最能有效恶用人类史的大灾害,盖提亚的目的自然不仅仅是消灭人类,摧毁人类史而已。 Eliminates human, destroying human history is it is used to achieve the method of goal. 消灭人类,摧毁人类史不过是其用来达成目的的手段。 Goëtia through using human history, uses huge Magic Power that Human Order Incineration obtains, only to achieve a goal. 盖提亚通过利用人类史,利用人理烧却所获得的庞大魔力,只是为了达成一个目的。 What is your goal? Demon God King Goëtia!” “你的目的到底是什么?魔神王盖提亚!” Mash on is resisting from Goëtia body vicious Magic Power, while loud interrogation. 玛修就一边抵抗着自盖提亚身上袭来的凶恶魔力,一边大声的质问。 Regarding this, Goëtia has not chosen to conceal again, but very refreshed answers. 对此,盖提亚也没有再选择隐瞒,而是很爽快的做出回答。 Our 72 Demon God Pillars goal is to arrive at the extreme, namely becomes on this planet only existence.” “吾等七十二柱魔神的目的就是到达极点,即成为这颗行星上唯一的存在。” Goëtia said. 盖提亚就这么说了。 „Becoming on this planet only existence?” “成为这颗行星上唯一的存在?” Mash is shocked. 玛修不禁愣住。 Only has Rozen, somewhat understands the idea of Goëtia. 只有罗真,多少有些明白盖提亚的想法。 Because, Goëtia loathes human without doubt, hates human, but he loathes is actually not the stupidity and ignorance of human and hates, but is loathes and hates this race the imperfection. 因为,盖提亚无疑是厌恶人类,憎恶人类的,可他厌恶和憎恶的其实不是人类的愚蠢及愚昧,而是厌恶和憎恶这个种族的不完美。 Solomon does not have the choice to correct under the understood human incurable as well as ugly condition, ultimately accepted the death.” 所罗门知道了人类的无可救药以及丑陋的状况下没有选择纠正,最终接受了死亡。” But, Demon God do not approve, I and others do not approve.” “但是,魔神们并不认同,我等并不认同。” Witnessed human history all, conclusion that I and others drew finally, is human as well as this race future has no value.” “见证了人类史的一切,我等最终得出的结论,就是人类以及这个种族的未来没有任何的价值。” Goëtia is commenting pompously. 盖提亚如此冠冕堂皇的评论着。 To survive to plunder.” “为了生存而掠夺。” To plunder to slaughter.” “为了掠夺而杀戮。” To slaughter to be greedy.” “为了杀戮而贪婪。” Died for greedy.” “为了贪婪而死亡。” human lifetime got down all kinds of crimes on making, made all kinds of industry, but finally, they only left behind these crimes, these industry dying that but anything cannot carry off.” 人类的一生就造下了各种各样的罪,造下了各种各样的业,可最后,他们又只留下这些罪、这些业而什么都不能带走的死去。” Right, the human life is doomed dead.” “没错,人类一生下来就注定会死。” They have the life span.” “他们有寿命。” They have the weakness.” “他们有弱点。” But obviously is this, they also to survive cruelly harms others unceasingly, even is cruelly harms planet and environment, tops ambition for own behavior „” and desire and redemption and pursue wait/etc. given name, recklessly unseemly behavior is to make all that dying that finally anything has not left behind. ” “可明明就是这样,他们还在为了生存不断的残害他人,甚至是残害星球及环境本身,更为自己的行为冠上“野心”、“欲望”、“救赎”、“追求”等等的名讳,肆意妄为的做着自己想做的一切,最后又什么都没有留下的死去。” „Does this behavior have what significance?” “这种行为到底有何意义?” „Does this life have what significance?” “这种生命到底有何意义?” No! Absolutely does not have!” “没有!根本就没有!” Goëtia loud shout. 盖提亚高声呐喊着。 Since has the result that can eliminate, why that does survive?” “既然存在会消灭的结局,那又为何而生存?” In just several years, can grow even finally, when dying, wasn't did not have?” “在短短的数十年里,就算能够成长到最后,等到死去时,还不是什么都没有了?” Such being the case, why can also survive?” “既然如此,为什么还要生存?” Such being the case, why can also grow?” “既然如此,为什么还要成长?” human this life since the beginning is a mistake, does not have any value!” 人类这种生命打从一开始就是一个错误,没有任何的价值!” Therefore, I and others to serving human this goal conducts again settings, must prove oneself are on this planet existence of highest, arrives the extreme that Solomon cannot even arrive in!” “所以,我等才会对侍奉人类这一目的进行重新设定,一定要证明自己才是这颗行星上最高的存在,到达连所罗门都未能抵达的极点!” human must kill is completely good, must kill, must burn!” 人类就全部都要杀死才行,非杀不可,也非烧不可!” Above this planet surface, cannot stay behind, even if a living witness!” “这个星球的地表之上,不能留下哪怕一个活口!” If asked why, that is because, this is the human maximum existence significance, most valuable dead end!” “若问缘何的话,那便是因为,这就是人类最大限度的存在意义,最具价值的末路!” Saying, Goëtia opens both hands, the body float, stands erect above the vault of heaven. 说着,盖提亚张开双手,身体悬浮而起,屹立于天穹之上。 In its behind, becomes the jet black band of light just like the total solar eclipse generally there. 在其背后,宛如日全食一般变得漆黑的光带就在那里。 This band of light gathered existence of human history several thousand years of years, survived all mankind and history that burn after over several thousand years human history in completely, to transform the heat, deputed Magic Power, Noble Phantasm that finally formed.” “这个光带乃是汇聚了人类史数千年的岁月的存在,将数千年以上的人类史中生存的所有人类及其历史都燃烧殆尽以后转化成热量,提纯成魔力,最后所形成的宝具。” In this Noble Phantasm has several hundreds of millions hot lines, each hot line is the might compares favorably with Holy Sword the ray of side light beam sufficiently, gathers together completely, on this planet, does not have any has and even concept can dominate above.” “这个宝具里有着数亿道的热线,每一道热线都是威力足以媲美圣剑的极光柱的光线,全部汇聚在一起,在这个星球上,没有任何存在乃至概念可以凌驾于其上。” It is announced the band of light that human ends, can give to burning out the earth's surface, gives power that planet passes through.” “它就是宣告人类终结的光带,可以将地球表面都给烧尽,将星球本身都给贯穿的力量。” So long as gathers this band of light, conducts the acceleration and collecting again, depends on this Magic Power, this energy, that even can complete the long years the time to travel.” “只要聚集这光带,再进行加速和收束,靠着这股魔力,这股能量,那甚至能完成漫长岁月的时间旅行。” This is to Human Order Noble Phantasm ———— 《Ars Almadel Salomonis》.” “这就是对人理宝具————〈诞生之时已至,以此修正万象(ArsAlmadelSalomonis)〉。” hearing this, Rozen in the eyes cold light flashes, Mash is sucked in a cold breath. 闻言,罗真眼中冷芒一闪,玛修则是倒吸了一口凉气 Although has long known that band of light is out of the ordinary, but, its terrifying degree, unexpectedly to this scale. 虽然早就知道那个光带非同凡响,但没想到,其恐怖的程度,居然到了这种规模。 Can the burninging out earth's surface. 能够烧尽地球表面。 Can pass through planet. 能够贯穿星球本身。 So power, the fundamental impersonal force can, even gods, even Grand and beast step, should not have power of this scale to be right. 如此力量,根本非人力所能为,即使是神明,即便是冠位及兽阶,都不应该拥有这种规模的力量才对。 Goëtia spent for several thousand years, after several thousand years of arrangement and work, eventually realized it. 盖提亚就花费了数千年的时间,经过了数千年的布置和作业,最终实现了它。 Most can imitate an evil example with the human history huge disaster, using power that human history gathers, created this fearful band of light. 最能有效恶用人类史的大灾害,就利用人类史本身汇聚起来的力量,创造了这个可怕的光带。 Arrived this situation, human was also good, in the future also fine, I no longer have any interest.” “到了这个地步,人类也好,未来也罢,我早已不再抱有任何兴趣。” I, what we seek is born the beforehand 4.6 billion years to recall this planet at one fell swoop, travels, that split second that after the longest time returning to this celestial body born, takes back oneself to have all energies all.” “我,我们所寻求的乃是将这颗星球诞生之前的46亿年给一举回溯,经过最漫长的时间旅行,回到这个天体诞生的那一瞬间,将其所有的能量都尽数收归己有。” In other words , I and others will become new celestial body by oneself, new world that the creation had not died.” “换言之,我等将让自己成为新的天体,创造没有死亡的新世界。” This is the Goëtia goal, is the 72 Demon God Pillars goal, is this Human Order Incineration Ritual ultimate goal. 这就是盖提亚的目的,也是七十二柱魔神的目的,更是这一人理烧却式的最终目的。 „The time travel of this grade of scale needs greatest Magic Power.” “这等规模的时间旅行需要莫大的魔力。” Therefore, I and others to human make a move, to human history make a move, accumulated until now total Magic Quantity to collect several thousand years of Human Order, from the human history all transformation of 1000 B. C. to 2020 A. D. was Magic Power, this can leap goes to beginning of end star.” “因此,我等才向人类出手,向人类史出手,将数千年的人理所积累至今的总魔力量都收集了起来,把自公元前1000年至公元2020年的人类史悉数转换为魔力,这样才能一跃前往星之始端。” Exterminates and burns goal actually human, that is all.” “将人类灭绝和烧却的目的,仅此而已。” You is I and others was used to arrive origins sky injection gear forget it/that's all, has no difference from the manned rocket.” “尔等就不过是我等用来抵达起源天空的喷射装置罢了,和载人火箭没什么区别。” Goëtia then disparaging human in maximum degree, despises human, even despises the human history, stepped on it in the under foot did not say, but also conducted trampling ruthlessly. 盖提亚便在最大程度上的贬低人类,轻视人类,甚至藐视人类的历史,将其踩在脚下不说,还狠狠的进行了践踏。 human should be honored, because I and others good for nothing their existence significance excavating, making them realize the only value, obtained the effective use.” 人类应该感到光荣,因为我等将毫无价值的他们的存在意义给发掘出来了,让他们实现了唯一的价值,得到了有效的利用。” We will prove this point surely, showed that the King Solomon mistake, proves the uselessness of that stupid king.” “我们就必定会证明这一点,证明所罗门王的错误,证明那个愚蠢的王的无用。” Meanwhile, thanks for your trouble diligently to the present, Chaldean puppets.” “同时,也辛苦你们努力到现在了,迦勒底的人偶们。” „If you, should also understand, some human multi- damn?” “如果是你们的话,应该也明白,人类到底有多可恶吧?” The Goëtia words, let Rozen as well as Mash are silent. 盖提亚的话,就让罗真以及玛修都沉默了。 Because, only has this point, they are unable to refute. 因为,仅有这一点,他们无法反驳。 After all, they are also human existence that to achieve own goal creates. 毕竟,他们也是人类为了达成自己的目的创造出来的存在。 No matter Mash, is Rozen, is so. 不管是玛修,还是罗真,都是如此。 You are actually innocent.” “你们其实是无辜的。” Because of the human benighted behavior, you even nearly untimely death, die young.” “因人类愚昧无知的行为,你们甚至险些英年早逝,就地夭折。” That, you should be clear, human is one crowd of how pitiful and hateful existences.” “那么,你们应该清楚,人类是一群多么可悲又可恨的存在。” True life precious, they do not understand.” “真正的生命到底有多珍贵,他们根本不懂。” Therefore, you almost dying early, can only depend on the illusory miracle to live finally.” “所以,你们才差点早早的死去,最后只能依托虚无缥缈的奇迹来活着。” Value that they have not saved, why do you strive for them to this situation?” “他们就没有拯救的价值,你们又何必为他们奋斗到这个地步呢?” A Goëtia word language, spread to Rozen and Rozen miles directly. 盖提亚的一言一语,均都直接传入了罗真 only... 只是... Illusory miracle?” Rozen lifted, said: You felt, the miracle is the illusory thing?” “虚无缥缈的奇迹?”罗真抬起了头来,说道:“你觉得,奇迹是虚无缥缈的东西吗?” Rozen was asking such a issue unexpectedly. 罗真竟是问了这么一个问题。 Naturally.” “当然。” Goëtia replied without hesitation. 盖提亚毫不犹豫的回答了。 Regarding this, Rozen smiled. 对此,罗真笑了。 Smiles abnormal tranquility. 笑得异常平静 „, I will show that you are wrong.” “那么,我会证明你是错的。” Is such matter. 就是这么回事。 Miracle, absolutely is not the illusory thing.” “奇迹,绝对不是什么虚无缥缈的东西。”
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