SOM :: Volume #13 Tokyo Ravens (2)

#2073: Soul Reaper of hell

What appears in behind Ashiya Douman is very unusual men and women. 芦屋道满的背后出现的乃是一对非常奇特的男女。 The male stature is low, extremely obese, keeps dreadlocks, wears one piece sunglasses, nose above puts on the nose link, the whole dresses up to demonstrate the street laughing style. 男子身材低矮,却异常肥胖,留着雷鬼头,戴着一副单片式的墨镜,鼻子上面穿着鼻环,整体装扮呈现街头嘻哈风格。 The female figure is slim, and is quite plentiful, is tying up ponytail, wears blocks from the big sunglasses of half small face, under curling up the jacket of sleeve the wear reveals small cute of waist to match the ultra-short hot-pants tightly, puts on extremely revealing. 女子身材修长,且极为丰满,绑着马尾,戴着遮住半张小脸的一副大墨镜,在卷起袖子的夹克底下穿着露出紧实腰肢的小可爱搭配超短热裤,穿着异常暴露 That different from ordinary people appearance and appearance, let Natsume, Suzuka and Kyouko stunned. 异于常人的外貌及打扮,让夏目铃鹿京子愕然了。 What is more dismayful, is these two appearance unusual men and women, its body, sends out almost to be able with concentrate unexpectedly solid and thick ghostly aura that the hand touches. 更让人惊愕的是,就是这两个打扮奇特的男女,其身上,竟是均都散发出几乎可以用手来碰触到的凝实又浓密的鬼气 Without a doubt, those are Oni. 毋庸置疑,那是鬼 Demon Type Spiritual Disaster that just did not form, but is such as Kakugyouki like that has true Oni of ancient spirituality/intelligence and years. 不是刚刚成形的鬼型灵灾,而是如角行鬼那般,拥有着古老的灵性及岁月的真真正正的鬼 These two ancient Oni enter the stage, immediately on an exciting appearance. 这两位古老的鬼一出场,立即就一副兴奋不已的模样。 Was one's turn us to enter the stage finally!” “总算轮到我们出场了!” The dreadlocks obese man grins to smile. 雷鬼头的肥胖男子咧嘴笑着。 Douman-sama! let us go!” 道满大人让我们上吧!” Puts on female incomparably cheerful raising hand of exposition to express. 穿着暴露的女子则无比欢快的举手表示。 two Oni one eager appearance, is staring at surrounding these Monsters, Devils, Ghosts and Freaks, in the eyes glittering the others unobservable vicious tendencies. 两个鬼就都一副跃跃欲试的模样,盯着周围的那些妖魔鬼怪,眼中闪烁着旁人难以察觉的戾气。 That vicious tendencies, making many Monsters, Devils, Ghosts and Freaks tremble. 那戾气,让不少的妖魔鬼怪都为之战栗了。 This does not have the matter of means. 这也是没有办法的事情。 Ox head. 牛头。 Mezu. 马面 These are Oni that appeared in myths and legends. 这是在神话传说中都有登场的鬼 They are prison guard of hell, Soul Reaper of netherworld, guards and hunts down the ghost and Vengeful Spirit specially, regarding the common ghost, is like natural enemy existence. 他们是地狱的狱卒,阴间的勾魂使者,专门看守和搜捕鬼魂及怨灵,对于一般的鬼来说,乃是有如天敌般的存在。 On existing years, they will not compare Kakugyouki to be few, by power, their inferior Kakugyouki will not be also many, will otherwise not then become prison guard of hell the millenniums ago, depended is powerful power. 论存在的岁月,他们不会比角行鬼少,论力量,他们亦不会逊色角行鬼太多,否则不会在千年前便成为地狱的狱卒,靠的就是强大的力量 Now, they seemingly were given to subdue by Ashiya Douman, becomes his Shikigami. 如今,他们貌似都被芦屋道满给收服,成为了他的式神 Also was really interesting.” “还真是有意思了。” Rozen outlined the corners of the mouth. 罗真勾勒起了嘴角。 Without the means. 没办法。 Since the opposite party are ancient Oni, that naturally cannot absent in Hyakki Yagyou. 对方既然是古老的鬼的话,那自然不会在百鬼夜行中缺席了。 Rozen then also has a relish opens the mouth to summon. 罗真便也饶有兴致般的开口呼唤。 „, You also come out, Gozu, Mezu.” “那么,你们也出来吧,牛头,马面。” Such remarks, is stagnating in Ashiya Douman's side exciting Gozu and Mezu complexion at the scene, showed the stunned expression. 此话一出,正在芦屋道满的身边兴奋不已的牛头和马面当场面色一滞,露出了愕然的表情。 However, in behind Rozen, ghostly aura has swept across with the cold wind together, making two Shikigami appear. 但是,在罗真的背后,一阵鬼气早已随着阴风一起席卷,让两个式神出现。 Appeared two Shikigami, one ox-headed person holing chains, one horse-headed person holding chains, the build is grandiose, body black wind winds around, seems like mighty extraordinary. 出现的两个式神,一个为手持锁链的牛头人,一个为手持锁链的马头人,体型壮硕,身上黑风缭绕,看起来威武不凡 This...” “这...” Gozu was dumbstruck. 牛头目瞪口呆了起来 „This this this... how did this come about...!?” “这这这这这...这是怎么回事啊...!?” Mezu was pointing to this side, sends out to yell. 马面更是指着这边,发出大叫。 Responds precisely that Rozen's summoning presents at present these two ancient Oni same existences, prison guard of hell ———— Gozu, Mezu. 响应罗真的召唤出现的正是与眼前这两个古老的鬼一样的存在,地狱的狱卒————牛头,马面 Although the appearance is different, might as well say Rozen two Shikigami are more like the legendary Gozu and Mezu appearance, but both sides is actually genuine true body. 虽然外貌不同,倒不如说罗真这边的两个式神更像是传说中的牛头马面的样子,可双方其实都是货真价实本尊 This point, ghostly aura that sent out from both sides body is completely exactly the same can look comes out. 这一点,从双方身上散发出来的鬼气完全一模一样就能够看得出来了。 Therefore, Rozen will find it interesting. 所以,罗真才会觉得有趣。 Naturally, Prison Guard Gozu and Prison Guard Mezu find it very interesting. 理所当然,牛头狱卒马面狱卒更是觉得十分的有趣。 Opposite is also Gozu and Mezu.” “对面的也是牛头马面啊。” But was fun.” “这下可好玩了。” Stood then grins to smile in the Rozen behind two prison guards, an elated appearance. 站在罗真身后的两个狱卒便都咧开嘴笑了起来,一副乐不可支的模样。 Reviews Gozu and Mezu, the exciting vigor had completely vanished, what replaces it is the hostility of whole face. 反观牛头马面,兴奋劲已经完全消失了,取而代之的是满脸的敌意。 Ashiya Douman is rare somewhat surprised. 芦屋道满更是罕见的有些惊讶了起来。 Unexpectedly is also Gozu and Mezu, so that's how it is, this is by thou personally training and manufacture that the Kurahashi Family's little rascal mentioned parts in hundred ghost?” Ashiya Douman said with a smile in a low voice: Interesting, interesting, such being the case, which one side ghost comes to see more legitimate, how thy “craftsmanship” is. ” “居然也是牛头马面,原来如此,这就是仓桥家的小鬼所提及的由汝亲手培养并制造出来的百鬼中的一部分吧?”芦屋道满低声笑道:“有趣,有趣,既然如此,就来看看哪一边的鬼更加正统,汝的“手艺”又是如何吧。” Ashiya Douman's voice falls, its Gozu and Mezu immediately just like receiving anything ordered to be the same, runs out forward. 芦屋道满的话音一落,其身边的牛头和马面立即宛如接到了什么命令一样,向前冲出。 Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” Was stimulated to be the same just like two rounds of shells, Gozu and Mezu is just one step treads, the ground was stepped on immediately broken, shakes the intense fresh breeze, lets two people like bullet violently shoots, the speed is much faster. 宛如两发炮弹被激发一样,牛头和马面只不过是一步踏出而已,地面立即被踩碎,震起强烈的劲风,让两人如子弹般的暴射而出,速度快得惊人。 Sees that Prison Guard Gozu and Prison Guard Mezu also refuse to admit being inferior. 见状,牛头狱卒马面狱卒也是不甘示弱。 Oooh...!” 噢噢噢...!” Two Soul Reaper one after another flung to begin the chains, the bang to attack Gozu and Mezu, making the cold wind intermittent, the atmosphere was howls. 两位勾魂使者纷纷甩动起手中的锁链,轰向了来袭的牛头和马面,让阴风阵阵,大气更是呼啸不已。 Still is using that type of weapon? could it be that do you also want to cancel my soul to be inadequate?” “还在用那种武器吗?难道你还想勾我的魂不成?” Gozu loudly shouted, grips tightly the fist, to the chains of attack, a fist is rumbling. 牛头大声的呐喊着,紧握拳头,对着来袭的锁链,一拳轰了出去。 Bang————!” 嘭————!” In stifling sound, the chains were blown away by Gozu, the ball approached another direction. 闷击声中,一条锁链被牛头给轰飞,弹向了另一个方向。 That is the Prison Guard Gozu chains. 那是牛头狱卒的锁链。 Regarding this... 对此... „Who managing you are, so long as dares to offend Master, then wait to have the soul pulled out by me!” “管你是什么人,只要敢冒犯主人,那就等着被我勾魂吧!” Prison Guard Gozu coldly snorted, in the ox muzzle spouted two cold winds, the sturdy arm pulls, cold wind intermittent chains immediately its flexible brought, probably the python was the same, throws bites to Gozu's direction. 牛头狱卒冷哼了一声,牛鼻子里喷出了两道阴风,粗壮的手臂一扯,阴风阵阵的锁链立即被其灵活的带了回来,像是蟒蛇一样,扑咬向了牛头的方向 Qī! 嘁! Gozu was immediately amazed, has not actually retreated, instead one step steps forward, the whole body ghostly aura crazy distortion, told others, this Oni already started to go all out. 牛头立即咋舌,却没有退却,反而一步跨出,浑身鬼气疯狂扭曲,告诉了别人,这位鬼已经开始拼命了 No, not only Gozu, Mezu is also going all out. 不,不仅是牛头而已,马面都在拼命 Iya! 呀! Mezu then release an ear-splitting scream, facing raiding the chains, extends slender both hands directly its tight holds, again makes an effort pulled, the whole body is releasing ghostly aura, gave to tow chains another side Prison Guard Mezu. 马面就发出刺耳的尖叫,面对袭来的锁链,直接伸出纤细的双手将其紧紧的抓住,再用力的扯了过来,周身都释放着鬼气,将锁链另一边的马面狱卒都给拖了过去。 Strength is actually big, what a pity is useless.” “力气倒是不小,可惜没用。” Prison Guard Mezu snorts contemptuously comes to a stop with both feet loudly, even tramples, lets the ground just like the earth quaked and the mountains shook trembling, shook Mezu's feet into slipping, lost the center of gravity, instead by Prison Guard Mezu pulling. 马面狱卒嗤之以鼻般的用双脚轰然站稳,甚至一个践踏,让地面宛如地动山摇般的震颤,震得马面脚下一滑,失去了重心,反而被马面狱卒给扯了过去。 Do not be rampant! damn fake goods!” “别太嚣张了!可恶冒牌货!” Coming to a stop that again Mezu clenches jaws, ghostly aura rebellion/riot, making her build inflate unexpectedly, broke open originally on exposed clothes. 马面咬牙切齿的重新站稳,鬼气暴动,让她的体型竟是膨胀了起来,撑破了原本就暴露的衣服 Who is fake goods?” “谁是冒牌货啊?” Prison Guard Mezu also the fire was immediately big, rushes directly, a hand grips tightly turns into a fist, to rumbling that Mezu is relentless. 马面狱卒顿时也火大了,直接冲了上去,一只手紧握成拳,对着马面毫不留情的轰了上去。 BOOM! 咚! A heavy fist bang on Mezu's abdomen, let Mezu called out. 沉重的一拳轰在了马面的腹部上,让马面叫出了声 But shortly afterwards, Mezu ominous also erupted, unexpectedly does not dodge does not evade, the fist same bang approached Prison Guard Mezu. 紧接着,马面的凶性也爆发了,居然不闪不避,拳头同样轰向了马面狱卒 BOOM! 咚! Probably was been same by shell long jab face, Prison Guard Mezu's face by fist strike ruthlessly, was spouted Yin Energy. 像是被炮弹直击面门一样,马面狱卒的脸被狠狠的一拳击中,喷出一口阴气 Right now, Prison Guard Mezu also made a determined effort. 这下子,马面狱卒同样发狠了。 BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! 咚!”“咚!”“咚!”“咚! As can shock the bombardment sound of atmospheric and land resounds unceasingly, two Mezu started crudely to bang, to the meat, is very sincerely flagitious. 随着能够震动大气及大地的轰击声不断响起,两个马面开始了最为粗暴的对轰,拳拳到肉,无比凶残。 Perhaps is because clear knows that opposite existence is the relations of Gozu and Mezu, both sides who is not willing to lose, is not willing to acknowledge oneself are inferior to another self, therefore makes a determined effort, comes up on make every effort. 或许是因为清楚的知道对面的存在也是牛头马面的关系,双方谁都不愿意输,不愿意承认自己不如另外一个自己,因此都发了狠,一上来就拼尽全力 Including both ox heads is so, non-stop with chains bang in body of opposite party, because while could not pull closer the distance, disassembled the building unexpectedly directly, moved the wall and house beam, pounding of heavily to the opposite party, pounded same the earth quaked and the mountains shook. 连两个牛头都是如此,一边不停的用锁链轰在对方的身上,一边因为拉近不了距离,竟是直接拆开建筑物,搬起墙壁及房梁,重重的砸向了对方,砸得同样地动山摇 Scene, exceptionally stirring. 场面,异常的震撼人心 Natsume, Suzuka and Kyouko three people shaken losing spoken language. 夏目、铃鹿以及京子三人已经被震的失去言语了。 Rozen and Ashiya Douman actually looked that continually has not looked at that side one, the complexion incomparable tranquility. 罗真芦屋道满却连看都没有看那边一眼,面色无比的平静。
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