After Mu ChanghongleavesAll Times Sect, has been waiting forJun Changxiaoto look for itself, finallythishedoes not have the sound.沐长虹离开万古宗后,一直在等君常笑来找自己,结果这丫始终没动静。
It is not good.
不行。Mustbe initiative.
必须主动。Thereupon, bringingMu Honglianto pay a visiton own initiative.
It is not Sect Master Junwith the rack, mainlypreviouslyhad the side effect, but must developsect gateto completeEpic Mission, even to visitCity Lord Mu, is difficultto find the time.
不是君宗主拿架子,主要先前有副作用,还要发展宗门完成史诗任务,纵然想去拜会沐城主,也难抽出时间来。Thesemonths, Mu Changhongis always investigatingJun Changxiao’sChe. (Yeah, right.)
这几个月,沐长虹始终在调查君常笑的一切。Especially- sentimental!
The resultletshisvery satisfiedintent, the little fellowalwaysdevelopssect gate, absolutelydoes not have the scandal on emotion.
那是必须的。Ifinthisworldhas the paparazzi, points is photographing surreptitiously the Sect Master Junprivate lifeto disclose, can definitely starve to deathwhile still alive.
当然。Notslightlyarrangesgoodpossiblyby the titleabundanteyeball, for example-
The lord of solemnThree Asect gate, the emotionblank, isdemise of morals, the charactertwistsuntil now, has the secret facts?
The Mu Changhonglifelovesoneperson.沐长虹一生挚爱一人。
The promising youth who Jun Changxiaohas bright prospectslike this, emotionally a blank, naturallywins very bigfavorable impression, thereforedecidesto deliver tothissect gateto cultivate the daughter.君常笑这样大有可为的后起之秀,感情上一片空白,自然博得很大好感,所以决定将女儿送到这个宗门来修炼。Your does All Times Sectalsolack the disciple? Under my daughterwantsto do obeisanceto cross the threshold.
你万古宗还缺弟子吗?我女儿想拜入门下。These wordssubtextis, Ilack a son-in-law, wantsto marry you daughter.
这句话潜台词是,我缺个女婿,想把女儿嫁给你。Jun Changxiaosaid: „Lacks!”君常笑是道:“缺!”
The Commandery Princess Honglianaptitudecannot dispute, moreoverwoman, justcancompromise the potential of sect gatehaving an excess of Yang and not enough Yin, evencomesseveral hundred, definitelystillmeetsdoes not accepthesitant.红莲郡主资质没的说,而且还是女人,刚好可以调和宗门阳盛阴衰之势,就算来几百个,肯定也会不犹豫收下。„Honglian.”
“红莲。”Mu Changhongsaid with a smile: „Has not participated insect masterquickly.”沐长虹笑道:“还不赶快参加宗主。”SinceSect Master Junis a person who does the important matter, making the daughterassist, two peopleslowlycreate the revolutionaryfriendship, thendid not success when conditions are ripe.君宗主既然是个干大事的人,让女儿来辅佐,两人慢慢建立革命友谊,然后不就水到渠成了吗。City Lord Muis very enlightened, will not care aboutwhatmasters and disciplesto relate.沐城主很开明,绝不会在意什么师徒关系。In his opinion, agesimilarmen and women, so long asis not a relative, has the right of falling in love.
在他看来,年龄差不多的男女,只要不是亲属,都有相爱的权利。Managesmatter of city?
管理城池的事情?Oneselfalsonotold, but can also be competent, the daughterhappinessis important.
自己还没老,还能胜任,女儿幸福才重要。Mu Honglianknows that the fatherwas joined the Sect Master Junsect gate’sideabyoneself, is blushingto salute saying: „DiscipleMu Honglian, seesect master.”沐红莲知道父亲让自己加入君宗主宗门的想法,红着脸行礼道:“弟子沐红莲,参见宗主。”Shehas wantedto joinAll Times Sect.
The butfatherhas not gone out, but must manage the city, onlyrepeatedly delays, nowalsocalculates that achieved wishes.只是父亲没出关,还要管理城池,唯有一拖再拖,如今也算如愿了。As for the idea of Mu Changhong, Mu Honglianwill not care, shecomesAll Times Sectonly to becomestronger, notforlife-longimportant matter.
至于沐长虹的想法,沐红莲不会放在心上,她来万古宗只为变得更强,不是为了终生大事。„Ding! Ding!”
“叮!叮!”Fills inentering sect form, Commandery Princess Honglianbecomes the All Times Sectdisciple.
填上入门表,红莲郡主成为万古宗弟子。„Sect Master Jun.”
“君宗主。”Mu Changhongsaid: „Mytreasuredaughtergaveyou.”沐长虹道:“我的宝贝女儿就交给你了。”These words saying, the moodwas a little hard-to-control, almost unable to bearshedtears.
The daughterisfather'ssmallcotton-wadded jacket.
都说女儿是父亲的小棉袄。However , the association president is big, hasoneday of getting married.
但是,终归也会长大,有出嫁的一天。City Lord Mu!沐城主!Your daughterbutenteredAll Times Sect, does not get married, sosentimentallydon't be good!
……Mu Changhonghas not left, but is Jun Changxiaotalks.沐长虹并没离开,而是和君常笑交谈起来。Two peopletalked about the worldsituationfrom the gossip, ifexchangedagaindeep, will chat the origin of universe.
两人从家长里短谈到天下大势,如果再深度交流,都会聊到宇宙的起源。„Timewas also similar.”
“时候也差不多了。”Duskapproaches, Mu Changhongsets outto say goodbye.
黄昏来临,沐长虹起身告辞。Was just arrangedMu Honglian of side buildingto deliver the father, looksslightlyreveals the back of vicissitudes, been able to bearshouting: „Father.”
“女儿。”Mu Changhongsettles down, said: „PracticesinAll Times Sectwell, do not disappoint the father.”沐长虹驻足,道:“好好在万古宗修炼,不要让父亲失望。”
The countless wordsare unable to express the complexmood, Mu Honglian can only at heartaftersilentslightly, said: „Un.”
千言万语无法表达心里复杂的情绪,沐红莲只能在沉默稍许后,道:“嗯。”Mu Changhongleft.沐长虹离开了。Mu Honglianstartedherin the road of All Times Sect’scultivation, justenteredsect gate, allarethatstrangeandmysterious.沐红莲开始了她在万古宗的修炼之路,刚进入宗门,一切都是那么陌生和神秘。„Studies the elder sister.”
“学姐。”Huo Lingpresses the sound saying: „Arrives atAll Times Sect, mustbe carefulSenior Apprentice Brother Li, hisjoyfulfootballwas completely unreasonable!”霍灵压着声音道:“来到万古宗,一定要小心李师兄,他的快乐足球完全不讲道理!”Asseasoned person, hedeeplybyitsevil.
作为过来人,他深受其害。xiū-----------咻-----------Really, joyfulfootballdragsto entrain the flowing light, explodesto shootfromMartial Arts Field.
果然,快乐足球拖拽流光,从演武场爆射而来。„Studies the elder sister, careful......”
The wordshave not said, the Huo Lingeyestared the circleimmediately. The goal that because the rubber balllocks onis notMu Honglian, butisoneself!
他吓得急忙逃避。Butdoes not havewith enough time, receives the rubber ballwith the facedirectly, thenpersonalso‚bang’hitson the wall.
“……”Mu Hongliandumb as a wooden chickenstandson the spot.沐红莲呆若木鸡立在原地。Thathad flowna moment agothing, seemed like that was not quick, seemedcontainssomeability, is unable to avoid.
刚才那飞过的东西,看似并不快,却好似蕴含某种能力,让人根本无法躲开。Thisisgoldenright footLi Fei’sSure Kill Technique, the percentagehundredcatches a ballwith the face.
此乃黄金右脚李飞的必杀技,百分百用脸接球。Thismoveoncewere displayed, canavoidbesidessect masteras well asa small number ofdisciples, others candoisassumes the postureto greet!
……All Times Secthasthroughout the invariablelaw.万古宗有个始终不变的定律。
The joinedmaledisciplesmustexperience9 × 9 = 81 tribulations, onlyfemale disciplewas looked afterspecially, thereforeMu Honglianhas not receivedanysuffers, for several daystosect gatebrand-newcognition.
加入的男弟子都要经历九九八十一难,唯独女弟子被特殊关照,所以沐红莲没受到任何折磨,短短几天就对宗门了全新的认知。„sect master.”
“宗主。”Thisday, shearrives at the main hall saying: „Can Icultivationthatflamemartial skill?”
这日,她来到大殿道:“我能修炼那种火焰武技吗?”Scarlet Firmaments Raging Flame Cut that said.
说的赤霄烈焰斩。At that timeJun Changxiaoin the school, reduced and solved a style of schoolpowerhousedirectly, makingCommandery Princess Honglianhave a vivid memory.
当时君常笑在学府,直接化解一名学府强者的招式,让红莲郡主记忆犹新。„Thatmartial skill, onlyformale.”
“那种武技,只适用于男性。”„Thatis a pity.”
The Mu Honglianbright eyesexudedepressed.沐红莲明眸泛起一丝沮丧。„.”
“不过。”Jun Changxiaosaid: „sect gatealsohasmanynot wrongmartial skill, youcanstudycasually, Yuanxue, leadingherto go to the Merit Law Pavilionchoice.”君常笑道:“宗门还有很多不错的武技,你可以随便学习,渊雪,带她去功法阁挑选吧。”„Yes, sect master.”
“是,宗主。”Ling YuanxuebringsMu Honglianto arrive atMerit Law Pavilion.凌渊雪带沐红莲来到功法阁。
The latterenters, sawdazzlingmartial skill that on the rackplaces, saidwith amazement: „So manymartial arts?”
后者进入其中,看到架子上摆放的琳琅满目武技,惊讶道:“那么多武学?”„junior apprentice sister.”
“师妹。”„Theseareoutsidemartial arts.”
“这些都是外面的武学。”„sect mastersaid that isbringsto serve as a stopgap, does not needto cultivate, oursect gatedisciplemuststudy must studyonlygatemartial skill.”
“宗主说是拿来充数的,没必要修炼,咱们宗门弟子要学也得学独独门武技。”Ling Yuanxue said that while the directionalrack, saidsomewhere: „OnthisisourAll Times Sect’sspecialmartial skill, youcanchoose the cultivationcasually.”凌渊雪一边说,一边指向某处架子,道:“这上面都是咱们万古宗的独门武技,你可以随便挑选修炼。”„ó.”
“哦。”Mu Honglianwalks, takes up‚I Cut’convenientlyrare book, seesinsidestylerecord, getting suckedin which that immediatelyis hardto extricate oneself.沐红莲走来,随手拿起‘我斩’秘籍,看到里面招式记载,顿时难以自拔的深陷其中。
The I Cutrankis not high, butasSpirit Powermartial skill, the meritlies in the consumptionis extremely low, thismakesherextremelyshocking.我斩等级不高,但作为灵力型武技,优点在于消耗极低,这让她非常震惊。Then.
而后。Mu Honglianglances throughRupturing FistandOpening Mountain Palmone after another, the shock that as well asSpirit Armorand othermartial skill, in the bright eyesexudeis even more intense.沐红莲又陆续翻阅爆裂拳、开山掌,以及灵铠等武技,明眸中泛起的震惊愈发强烈。EspeciallySeven Mysterious Red Clouds Light Break!
尤其是七玄霞光破!Thismartial skillmnemonics and revolutionwayare able to discriminateFalling Star Great Continent, was really as deep as a well!
这种武技的口诀和运转方式有别星陨大陆,实在太高深莫测了!Closes the rare bookunassuageable, the Mu Honglianstate of mindtwitteringsaidfor a very long time: „No wonder the senior apprentice brotherstrengthis so strong, thesemartial skillareveryexcellent!”
合上秘籍,沐红莲心境久久难以平静的呢喃道:“难怪师兄实力那么强,这些武技都是非常上乘的!”„junior apprentice sister.”
“师妹。”Ling Yuanxuewalks, said: „ThisisReconstructing Body PillandQuenching Spirit Pill, Ihelpedyoulead.”凌渊雪走进来,道:“这是塑体丹和淬灵丹,我帮你领出来了。”„Reconstructing Body Pill?”
“塑体丹?”Mu Honglian is quite surprised the different way: „Thatpill medicine that Huyang CityAi Familybuys?”沐红莲颇为诧异道:“胡阳城艾家买的那种丹药吗?”Thispill medicine, shehas heard, buthas not cared, eventhinks, even if there is effect, stillnothing butis applicable to the low grade.
“对呀。”Ling Yuanxuesaid: „Inoursect gate, the newofficial apprenticesmusttake.”凌渊雪道:“在我们宗门,新入门弟子都要服用。”Mu Hongliangod.沐红莲愣神了。Thispriceveryexpensive/noblepill medicine, crosses the thresholdmusttake, explained that insect gatehasmany!
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