SSAT :: Volume #6

#597: half step Martial Saint kills, difficult of sect gate

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All Times Sect. 万古宗 Jun Changxiao sits in the main hall, inventories natural spirit stone in space ring deliciously. 君常笑坐在大殿内,正美滋滋盘点空间戒指内的天然灵石 After finding the Demon Fiend Sect spirit stone mineral lode, he its occupied without hesitation. 找到魔煞宗灵石矿脉后,他毫不犹豫将其占据。 Mentioned also skillfully. 说来也巧。 This medium mineral lode was also picked quickly spatially. 这个中型矿脉也快被采空了。 The Demon Fiend Sect aspect starts to inventory, prepares to escort to the headquarters 100,000 spirit stone, finally has not left, Sect Master Jun led the person to kill. 魔煞宗方面开始盘点,准备将十万颗灵石送往总部,结果还没动身,君宗主就带人杀了过来。 No wonder Yin Shangye meets the violent anger. 难怪殷上野会暴怒。 After all, that is solid 100,000 natural spirit stone! 毕竟,那可是实实在在的十万颗天然灵石 Two peak Martial Sovereign that is killing, the will is not giving All Times Sect to bring much greatly troublesome, only hopes spirit stone that brings back to lose. 正在杀过来的两名巅峰武皇,志不在给万古宗带来多大麻烦,只希望拿回失去的灵石 These spirit stone are used to develop sect gate, can enhance many strengths absolutely.” Jun Changxiao twittering said. “这些灵石用来发展宗门,绝对能提升不少实力。”君常笑呢喃道。 The disciples were many, in the mountain in the mineral lode supplies is a little beset with problems, 100,000 natural spirit stone, the value is considerable. 弟子多了,山内矿脉供给上有点捉襟见肘,十万颗天然灵石,价值非常可观。 This time does accounts very smoothly. 此次去算账很顺利。 The little small regret, has not completed any hidden mission. 有点小遗憾,没完成任何隐藏任务 Actually has 20000 in the contribution value, Sect Master Jun is not urgently needed. 其实在贡献值有20000,君宗主并不急需。 He needs Talisman of Experience, because only misses one step to enter into the peak to trigger Epic Mission! 他需要经验之符,因为只差一步就可以迈入巅峰来触发史诗任务 !” “呼!” Jun Changxiao goes out of the main hall happy. 君常笑心情舒畅走出大殿。 Old Wei stands outside sadly, over the face raises the head to look at the day. 魏老站在外面,满面忧愁的仰首看着天。 „Does Old Wei, what think?” 魏老,想什么呢?” Clouded over.” “变天了。” Immediately must rain.” “马上要下雨了。” Jun Changxiao looks the dark cloud that presses said. 君常笑看着压过来的乌云道。 The Old Wei look said dignifiedly: sect master, I have an ominous premonition.” 魏老神色凝重道:“宗主,我有一种不祥的预感。” What's wrong?” Jun Changxiao said. “怎么了?”君常笑道。 Old Wei said ; sect gate was too recently free, fears the disaster to happen.” 魏老道;“最近宗门太招摇,恐有劫难发生。” All right.” “没事的。” Jun Changxiao said: I have assigned Old Zhen, arranges array at the foot of the hill, if some people cause trouble, certainly explodes their peach flowers to open.” 君常笑道:“我已命甄老,在山脚下布置阵法,如果有人来闹事,一定炸得他们桃花朵朵开。” In outside wave enough, after coming back, pondered over. 在外面浪够了,回来后自己也琢磨。 Rampancy that these days displays, two third-class evil sects will definitely not give up. 这段时间表现的那么嚣张,两个三流邪宗肯定不会善罢甘休。 Although there is sect protecting great array, but in order to the security, is order bomb crazy demon Zhen Dejun, arranges all kinds of array at the foot of the hill each important highway, to prepare emergency requirement. 虽有护宗大阵在,但安全起见,还是命令炸弹狂魔甄德俊,在山脚下各个要道布置五花八门阵法,以备不时之需。 Old Wei said: Zhen Dechou that fellow after all but Array King, when the strength of enemy is more powerful, arrangement array will be very difficult to resist.” 魏老道:“甄德丑那家伙终归只是阵王,当敌人的实力更强大,布置的阵法将很难去抵御。” For example half step Martial Saint, shakes the space conveniently, easily can break the array foundation, thus loses the effect.” “比如半步武圣,随手撼动空间,轻易就能破掉阵法根基,从而失去效果。” Related half step Martial Saint, Jun Changxiao has also heard. 有关半步武圣,君常笑也听说过。 Strict sense, this is between Martial Saint and peak Martial Sovereign a level. 严格意义上来讲,这是介乎于武圣和巅峰武皇之间一个层次。 Martial King and Martial Sovereign did not have a half step saying. 武王武皇半步一说。 Martial Saint and Martial Emperor have, calculates in high realm to divide alone. 武圣武帝有,算高境界中单独划分出来的。 Jun Changxiao said: As far as I know, Falling Star Great Continent’s Martial Saint are not many, half step Martial Saint should not find at everywhere, this level powerhouse does not pursue Martial Way wholeheartedly, will divert attention to take care the secular matter?” 君常笑道:“据我所知,星陨大陆的武圣并不多,半步武圣应该也不是随处可见,这种层次强者不一心追求武道,会分心来管世俗事情吗?” Old Wei said: My also but makes an analogy.” 魏老道:“我也只是打个比喻。” Relax.” “放心吧。” Jun Changxiao said: Will not have the matter.” 君常笑道:“不会有事的。” hū hū ------ 呼呼------ In the meantime, a vast strength, condenses from the vaults of heaven, changes to one greatly to be in charge instantaneously, carries the unsurpassed strength to press outrageously. 就在此时,一股浩瀚之力,从苍穹间凝聚而出,瞬间化作一只巨大掌印,携带无上之力悍然压下来。 This sudden accident, lets the Old Wei complexion big change. 这突如其来的变故,让魏老脸色大变。 When feels that terrifying spirit energy, is blurts to call out in alarm said: half step Martial Saint!” 待感受到那股恐怖的灵能,便是脱口惊呼道:“半步武圣!” At this moment, on the Jun Changxiao face the smile stops suddenly, in the heart raises immediately intense ill omen. 此刻,君常笑脸上笑容戛然而止,心中顿时升起强烈的不祥之兆 My Old Wei! 我的魏老 You may really be crow mouth Ah! 你可真的是乌鸦嘴 Jun Changxiao!” 君常笑!” In the vaults of heaven, transmitting lets the space for the angry sound that however it shakes suddenly: Bullies my Extreme Cold Palace, today Old Man comes hundred times to present especially also!” 苍穹间,忽然传来让空间都为之震荡的怒然之声:“欺我极寒宫,今日老朽特来百倍奉还!” hū hū ---- 呼呼---- Greatly is in charge, shakes the dark cloud directly is defeated and dispersed, just like the meteorite presses from by below from the day, in the Ironbone Mountain range, is the air/Qi of flood domineering withering! 巨大掌印,直接将乌云震得溃散,犹如来自天外陨石般从上由下压来,铁骨山范围内,更是泛起强势肃杀之气! At that moment. 那一刻。 The Qingyang Commandery eight cities, all martial artist heard shouted angrily from half step Martial Saint’s, gigantic being in charge that as well as between that vaults of heaven emerged out of thin air. 青阳郡八座城池,所有武者均听到了来自半步武圣的怒喝,以及那苍穹间凭空出现的硕大掌印。 They frighten look pale, the mind shivers! 他们吓得面色苍白,心神颤动! Ended!” “完了!” Xie Guangkun look with amazement. 谢广昆神色骇然。 So long as being in charge of that terrifying presses, let alone All Times Sect, even if the entire Ironbone Mountain surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km), will change to stretch of ruins! 那恐怖的掌印只要压下去,别说万古宗,哪怕整个铁骨山方圆百里,都将化作一片废墟! To the strong strength, contains may not the disobedient meaning! 至强力量,蕴含不可忤逆之意! Even if remote Deep-Green Mountain Sect, saw being in charge clearly, the each and every one complexion is ugly! 哪怕遥远的苍山派,都清晰看到了掌印,一个个脸色难看! The Jun Changxiao mind also shivers under the pressure, actually hurried starts sect protecting great array, the loud anger shouted: Opens Spirit Armor!” 君常笑心神也在威压下颤抖,却急忙将护宗大阵启动,大声怒喝道:“开启灵铠!” Buzz! 嗡! Buzz! 嗡! Shortly, in All Times Sect the outer court, all disciples release spirit energy, gathers the armor before the body, actually deeply realized that strength is too terrifying, oneself contend certainly difficultly! 顷刻间,万古宗内外院,所有弟子释放灵能,在身前汇聚铠甲,却深深地意识到,那股力量太恐怖,自己绝难抗衡! Is dying! 要死了吗! This is Li Qingyang and the others in the heart the only thought. 这是李青阳等人心中唯一的念头。 Hateful!” “可恶!” Just walked Ye Xingchen that from Experience Tower, felt that terrifying pressure, angrily said: this emperor, if has previous generation cultivation base, this grade of strength, but the light of glow!” 刚从历练塔走出来的夜星辰,感受那股恐怖威压,怒道:“本帝若有前世修为,这等力量,不过萤火之光!” What a pity. 可惜。 He now not. 他现在并没有。 Therefore under killing move of half step Martial Saint gathering, the Ye Xingchen body was fettered, can only look helplessly is in charge to press to be helpless! 所以在半步武圣汇聚的杀招下,夜星辰身体被束缚,只能眼睁睁看着掌印压下来而无能为力! „It is not wonderful! It is not wonderful!” “不妙!不妙!” The He Wudi complexion also changes is ugly. 何无敌脸色也变的难看起来。 Oneself consume all cultivation base, can escape from the powerful enemy to chase down, must experience the life and death in ordinary realm, this too damn! 自己耗费所有修为,才得以逃脱强敌追杀,如今在凡界又要经历生死,这实在太操蛋! hū hū--- 呼呼--- In the meantime, the All Times Sect outer court, the dreadful flame raises! 就在此时,万古宗外院,滔天火焰升起! Only sees Little Dragondragon to stimulate second battle form, changes to the giant shape, a both legs tread, just like the shell to run out of sect protecting great array, angrily said: No one permits to injure my master!” 只看到小龙龙激发第二战斗形态,化作巨人状,双腿一蹬,犹如炮弹冲出护宗大阵,怒道:“谁都不准伤我主人!” The speech period of five days, barefooting Xiao Moxian has stood before him, in the eye has the unprecedented earnestness, said: Clown insect, your I fights for the master today shoulder to shoulder!” 说话候,赤脚的小魔仙已站在他面前,眼睛里有着前所未有的认真,道:“小丑虫,你我今天并肩为主人而战!” ! A Little Dragondragon palm of the hand flings, the lovable small girl will infiltrate in sect protecting great array. 小龙龙一巴掌甩过来,将可爱的小丫头打入护宗大阵内。 He raised the head being in charge that looks at to press, the vision said decidedly: Repugnant woman, should not be in the way here!” 他抬头看着压下来的掌印,目光决然道:“讨厌的女人,别在这里碍事!” Brother Long. 龙哥。 Real man! 真爷们! hū hū ---- 呼呼---- In the meantime, is in charge to press dreadfully. 就在此时,滔天掌印已经压下来。 Little Dragondragon looks to Jun Changxiao, the corners of the mouth raises the bright smile, subsequently raised the head, everywhere flame erupts, the entire body has the transformation instantaneously, changes to whole body scarlet Fierce Beast. 小龙龙看向君常笑,嘴角扬起灿烂微笑,继而抬起头,漫天火焰爆发,整个身体瞬间发生蜕变,化作一头全身赤红的凶兽 Corner/Horn deer and camel, eye rabbit and snake! 角似鹿、头似驼,眼似兔、项似蛇! Abdomen clam and scale fish, palm tiger and ear cow! 腹似蜃、鳞似鱼,掌似虎、耳似牛! Steps on void, there are four feet that the flame fills, has five eagle same sharp claws. 踩在虚空中,有火焰弥漫的四足,均有五个似鹰一样的锋利之爪。 This is the dragon. 这是龙。 This is- five claw Divine Dragon! 这是-五爪神龙! Sees Little Dragondragon to transform the body of representative China totem, Jun Changxiao whole person dumb as a wooden chicken. 看到小龙龙幻化出代表华夏图腾的身体,君常笑整个人呆若木鸡 Roar! 吼! dragon cry, shocks for nine days! 一声龙吟,震撼九天! Little Dragondragon is dragging the long body, carries the endless flame welcomed to that pressure vast being in charge. 小龙龙拖着长长的身体,携带无尽火焰迎向那压下来的浩瀚掌印。 No!” “不!” The Jun Changxiao appearance angrily roars fiercely. 君常笑面目狰狞怒吼。 Being in charge that presses, is too terrifying, even if Little Dragondragon the flame achieves the pinnacle now, rushes still fights a hopeless battle without doubt! 压下来的掌印,实在太恐怖,就算小龙龙现在火焰达到极致,冲上去也无疑是以卵击石! Does not permit! 不允许! Does not permit! 决不允许! The Jun Changxiao double pupil is red, the whole body emerges the strong winds instantaneously, 40 meters broadsword draws out directly, and locks in that pressure on being in charge! 君常笑双眸通红,周身瞬间涌现狂风,四十米大刀直接拔出,并锁定在那压下来的掌印上! Frame! 定格! Frames to Laozi/father! 老子定格! Only pitifully, how whatever he operates, carries unsurpassed dignified being in charge, was still falling loudly, not by space fetter influence. 只可惜,任由他如何操纵,携带无上威严的掌印,仍在轰然落下,丝毫不受空间束缚影响。 Sabre of Difficult to Restrain after Bankai, although is very strong, but is not really good facing half step Martial Saint! 卍解后的难收之刀,虽然很强,但面对半步武圣真的不行! Did not have this blade, Jun Changxiao to be equal to losing the biggest card in hand, at this moment can only eye socket wants to crack look that Little Dragondragon welcomed to be in charge vastly. 没了这柄刀,君常笑等于失去最大底牌,此刻只能目眦欲裂看着小龙龙迎上浩瀚掌印。 Bang ------ 轰------ The deafening explosive passes on sect protecting great array, the entire land as if loses all colors in a flash! 震耳欲聋的爆响在护宗大阵传出来,整个大地仿佛一瞬间失去所有色彩! Jun Changxiao heart in drop blood. 君常笑心在滴血。 Little Dragondragon overruns, in the face of absolute strength absolutely more unfortunate than fortunate! 小龙龙这么冲过去,在绝对力量面前绝对凶多吉少! Ka ka ka ------ 咔咔咔-----— The space large surface area on Ironbone Mountain collapses, concave-convex, seem the mirror by torn to pieces of direct bang. 铁骨山上的空间大面积坍塌,凹凸一块块,就好似镜子被直接轰的支离破碎。 half step Martial Saint strength, really fearfully! 半步武圣力量,实在可怕至极! shuā! 刷! The flowing light has fled from array together, then falls on the ground loudly, Little Dragondragon restores the original appearance, faints hollowly on the ground. 一道流光从阵法内窜过,然后轰然落在地上,小龙龙恢复原来模样,凹陷在地上昏死过去。 My fuck your mother!” The Jun Changxiao anger however cursed. “我草泥马!”君常笑怒然大骂。 Next second, ignorant ratio. 下一秒,懵比了。 Because the hot tempered energy dissipates thoroughly, the sect protecting great array sky were many a dignified middle-aged person, his single-handed post in void, substantializing defensive barrier presents, covers entire Ironbone Mountain. 因为暴躁能量彻底消散,护宗大阵上空多了一名威严的中年人,他单手贴在虚空,实质化防御结界呈现,笼罩整座铁骨山 Young brat!” “小兔崽子!” Mu Changhong has turned the head, the collapse said: I kick it to get down to rescue it, as for shouting abuse?” 沐长虹转过头,崩溃道:“我踢它下去是为了救它,至于破口大骂吗?” Then, looks in hanging half step Martial Saint in vaults of heaven, said: In my domain, so erupts cultivation base unscrupulously, is who gives your courage?” 说罢,看向悬在苍穹间的半步武圣,道:“在我的地盘上,如此肆无忌惮爆发修为,是谁给你的勇气?”
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