SG :: Volume #1

#8: Gene Super Rookie Competition

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Gene Super Rookie Competition. 基因新秀赛 Below 25 everyone can participate. 25岁以下所有人都可以参与。 So long as elects to have the rich reward through the sea, the first more than ten rewards are one by one rich, but the first three rewards, join Gene Manufacture Association unexpectedly. 只要通过海选就有丰厚的奖励,前十几名的奖励更是一个比一个丰厚,而前三名的奖励,居然是加入基因制作协会 This obviously is the Gene Manufacture Association alternative job fair! 这显然是基因制作协会举行的另类招聘会! Gene Manufacture Association where? 基因制作协会什么地方? Place that all Gene Manufacturist most yearn for! 所有基因制作师最向往的地方! But now...... 而现在…… This place unexpectedly hiring! 这个地方居然招人了! Chen Feng thinks this is only the competition of Beginner Grade, simply has not thought that this so-called Gene Super Rookie Competition, is most Manufacturist of younger generation competes, is the most authoritative competition! 陈锋原本以为这只是初级的比赛,根本没想到这所谓的基因新秀赛,是年轻一代的最制作师比赛,也是最权威的比赛! First several that here wins, are very likely most Manufacturist of younger generation! 这里获胜的前几名,很有可能是年轻一代的最制作师 To join the Gene Manufacture Association quota, is for the reputation of most Manufacturist, this is a heavyweight competition of fierce struggle between two evenly matched opponents! Although Super Rookie Competition set the age limit, but Chen Feng is certain, when the time comes magnanimous Gene Manufacturist comes to participate! 无论是为了加入基因制作协会的名额,还是为了最制作师的名头,这都是一场龙争虎斗的重量级比赛!尽管新秀赛设置了年龄限制,但是陈锋可以肯定,到时候海量的基因制作师前来参赛! Novices? 新手? Sorry. 抱歉。 Cannon fodder. 只是炮灰。 As for elects through the sea? Second examination? 至于通过海选?复试? Difficult! 难上加难! This......” “这……” Chen Feng forced smile. 陈锋苦笑。 Competition that Uncle Zhang raised accidentally, obviously at all was not Chen Feng can participate, knows from the age limit, this was one to the competition of university student the society or just graduated, Beginner Grade Manufacturist that Chen Feng this high school just graduated, simply did not have the qualifications to attend this competition! 张叔无意中提起的比赛,显然根本不是陈锋可以参与的,从年龄限制也知道,这是一个面向社会或者刚毕业的大学生的比赛,陈锋这种高中刚毕业的初级制作师,根本没有资格参加这种比赛! Even went by luck, is still the cannon fodder. 就算侥幸去了,也是炮灰。 . 只是。 Like this gives up? 就这样放弃么? Why does not know, in the Chen Feng's heart, small flame is burning. 不知道为何,陈锋的心中,一朵小火苗在燃烧。 His plan promoted with steady steps, but today appearance of Wang Yue, stimulated him, really can develop by the Wang Yue rolling slowly? 原本他的计划是稳步提升,但是今天王越的出现,也将他刺激到了,真的要这么慢慢发展被王越辗压吗? He is unwilling! 他绝不甘心! Wang Yue what status? 王越什么身份? He is not clear, but protects the Wang Yue person from that can guess correctly some Wang Yue back strength multi- terrifying probably! The high school, was their only fair competition stage! From the high school graduation, two people competitions, contained the background and all! 他不清楚,但是从那保护王越的人身上,大概可以猜出王越背后的实力到底有多恐怖!高中,是他们唯一公平竞争的舞台了!从高中毕业开始,两人的竞争,就包含了背景和所有一切! He, at all is not an opponent. 他,根本不是对手。 Although in the mouth taunted Wang Yue to borrow his stain to become famous, but how he possibly how did! Even is famous, he still wants rolling Wang Yue, becomes true powerhouse! 虽然口中嘲讽王越要借用他的污点出名,但是他怎么可能怎么做!就算要出名,他也要辗压王越,成为真正的强者 But at present, as if has such a opportunity. 而眼前,似乎就有这么一个机会。 Gene Super Rookie Competition? 基因新秀赛么? So long as rushing first three! 只要冲到前三名! So long as enters Gene Manufacture Association, henceforth carp fish dive Dragon Gate! 只要进入基因制作协会,从此鲤鱼跃龙门! The university in too heavy is too heavy, then, if enters compared with university better Gene Manufacture Association that in the person eye of this time looks? Who dares to look down upon you? 大学在这个时代的人眼中看的太重太重,那么,如果进入比大学更牛的基因制作协会呢?谁敢看不起你? Moreover, there has better resources, making you stronger! 而且,那里有更好的资源,让你变得更强! First three?” “前三名么?” The Chen Feng eye is fiery. 陈锋眼睛火热。 Normal, his rookies are absolutely impossible. 正常来说,他这种菜鸟是绝无可能的。 Even said that Manufacturist of many 34 years of level have no chance, who knows in this Gene Super Rookie Competition, which going against heaven's will evildoer/monstrous talent will present? Gene Super Rookie Competition is held every year, every year first several, has the talent of strong manufacture level! No exception! 甚至说很多三四年水准的制作师也没希望,谁知道这基因新秀赛中,会出现哪种逆天的妖孽?基因新秀赛每年举行一次,每年的前几名,都是拥有超强制作水准的天才!没有一次例外! However...... 但是…… They are the talents, why am I not possible?” “他们是天才,我为什么不可能?” Chen Feng looks at Luck Aura on light screen, the innermost feelings is ready to make trouble, you have the background, I have Luck Aura. 陈锋看着光幕上的幸运光环,内心蠢蠢欲动,你们有背景,我有幸运光环啊。 Compared with the backstage, I am not worse than you! 比后台,我不比你们差! First achieves the registration qualifications!” “先达到报名资格!” Then turns toward first three to initiate the sprint!” “然后再向着前三名发起冲刺!” In the Chen Feng heart had the resolution. 陈锋心中有了决断。 . 只是。 The registration qualifications are are not so easy to achieve. 报名资格并不是那么容易达到的。 In order to prevent many novices disturbs, the Gene Super Rookie Competition lowest registration threshold, needs the Beginner Grade Gene Manufacture level, achieves 20 Star Rating! 为了防止很多新手捣乱,基因新秀赛的最低报名门槛,需要初级基因制作水准,达到二十个星级 20 Star Rating?” “二十个星级?” The Chen Feng brow wrinkles slightly. 陈锋眉头微微皱起。 20 Star Rating are not difficult, regarding had Manufacturist of several years of experience, even if with working the gene pile can pile enough 20 Star Rating! However, just basic Chen Feng, was actually a big difficult problem , Wood Bear Gene Formula Degree of Difficulty, 1-Star! 二十个星级并不算难,对于很多有了几年经验的制作师来说,哪怕是用打工基因堆都能堆够二十个星级!然而,刚刚入门的陈锋来说,却是一个大难题,要知道,一个木熊基因配方难易度,才一星啊! I.e .” “也就是说。” If I all with Wood Bear gene this Formula(s), do need to grasp 20 Formula(s) to reach the 20 Stars level the level?” “如果我全用木熊基因这种配方的话,需要掌握二十个配方才能够达到二十星级的水准?” Under Chen Feng forget about it, this is a shocking number. 陈锋算了下,这是个惊人的数字。 However, he has no frame of reference now, only then grasps Wood Bear Gene Formula, can determine that grasps time that Wood Bear gene requires. 不过,他现在没有任何参照物,只有掌握木熊基因配方,才能够确定掌握木熊基因需要的时间。 First completes Wood Bear gene.” “先把木熊基因完成。” Then according to the Wood Bear gene finish time, decides the plan for the aftermath.” “然后根据木熊基因的完成时间,决定后续计划。” Chen Feng looked at the next time. 陈锋看了下时间。 The registration closing date is in September, three months, he has not had the opportunity to flush. 报名截止日期是九月份,还有三个月时间,他未尝没有机会冲一冲。 Naturally, these decided that he has not told anybody, if makes Uncle Zhang know own this just the basic novice, attempted to bribe first three unexpectedly, certainly thinks oneself were insane. 当然,这些决定他没告诉任何人,如果让张叔知道自己这个刚刚入门的新手,居然企图染指前三名,一定会以为自己疯了。 However sometimes, must insane. 但是有时候,就得疯一把。 First grasped Wood Bear gene.” “先把木熊基因掌握了。” Chen Feng sets the goal. 陈锋定下目标。 Although his also several hundred thousand materials expenses, but if not use Luck Aura, he estimated that has money to squander cannot make several end products. 虽然他还有几十万的材料费,但是如果不用幸运光环的话,他估计所有钱花光也做不出几个成品。 These money, but also is far from enough! 这些钱,还远远不够! Must this selling out.” “得把这个卖掉。” Chen Feng is shaking the reagent bottle in hand. 陈锋晃着手中的试剂瓶。 gene reagent that later he must sell are possibly many, needs to look for a long-term sell point. But this, must involve this world quite advanced place, Virtual Community. 以后他要卖的基因试剂可能不少,需要找一个长期的出售点。而这,就要涉及到这个世界比较先进的地方了,虚拟社区 The science and technology of this world is quite advanced, the technology of virtual reality is also quite perfect, almost each family connected Virtual Community network to be similar to the computer of Earth. 这个世界的科技比较先进,虚拟现实的技术也比较完善,几乎家家都接入了虚拟社区的网络跟地球的电脑类似。 That is an instrument of semicircle, after entering Spiritual Energy, can enter a total information Virtual World. 那是一个半圆形的仪器,进入精神力之后,可以进入一个全息的虚拟世界 Chen Feng opens. 陈锋打开。 wēng — 嗡— The entire room starts to change, Chen Feng that crude room turns into mysterious Virtual World suddenly, the blue sky, he himself stands in a giant square. 整个房间开始变化,陈锋那简陋的房间忽然变成一个神奇的虚拟世界,蓝天白云,他自己则站在一个巨大的广场上。 This is Virtual Community, is this time most popular thing, the entertainment, shops and trains, it can meet all your needs. 这就是虚拟社区,是这个时代最受欢迎的东西,娱乐、购物、训练,它能满足你的所有需求。 But left side, is the transaction area that Chen Feng needs! 而左侧,就是陈锋需要的交易区! There is each family shop, on the street the bustling crowd. 那里是一家家店铺,街道上熙熙攘攘的人群。 Vr Taobao?” “vr淘宝么?” Chen Feng is shocking. 陈锋惊艳。 At present springs the translucent light screen, on the light screen can conduct price, Type and other screening, the shop that screens will highlight in entire Virtual Community, you can easily arrive there. Naturally, you can also optional strolls on this street, is almost the same as the reality! 眼前弹出半透明的光幕,光幕上可以进行价格、类型等筛选,筛选出来的店铺会在整个虚拟社区高亮显示,你可以轻易的走到那里。当然,你也可以随意的在这条街道上闲逛,跟现实几乎一样! So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” Chen Feng looking pensive. 陈锋若有所思。 Arbitrarily enters in a shop, on the surroundings glass window lattice places gene reagent, Chen Feng can even put out a hand to take up, that real touch makes him exclaim in surprise. 随意进入一个店铺之内,周围玻璃窗格上摆放着一个个基因试剂,陈锋甚至可以伸手拿起来看,那真实的触感让他惊叹。 Naturally. 当然。 The one who makes him exclaim in surprise is the price. 更让他惊叹的是价格。 Although has removed all high Grading Gene Fusion Reagent, but sole F Grade Gene Fusion Reagent, is a sky-high price. 尽管已经排除所有高等级基因融合试剂,但是单单F级基因融合试剂,就是一个天价。 F Grade gene reagent demon spider gene F级基因试剂魔蛛基因 Fusion requirements: agility 15 points, constitution 6 points. 融合要求:敏捷15点,体质六点。 Gene Ability: The spider's silk, can project to have the powerful tough spider's silk from the hand. 基因能力:蛛丝,可以从手中射出拥有强大韧性的蛛丝。 Trading value: 50000 Yuan 出售价格:50000元
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