SG :: Volume #1

#7: killing intent

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Community. 小区。 Corner that few people pay attention. 那很少有人注意的角落。 The Wang Yue imposing manner rushes, is suppressing Chen Feng comprehensively, family circumstances good he, has a big city mansion and imposing manner since childhood, only Chen Feng? 王越的气势澎湃,全面压制着陈锋,家境不俗的他,从小就有着不小的城府和气势,区区一个陈锋 Radically is the ants same character! 根本就是蝼蚁一样的人物! Since he can kill his one time, can kill his second time! 他既然能杀他一次,就能杀他第二次! He has not thought, at this time, Chen Feng opened the mouth suddenly, „, therefore, this was you to the excuse that oneself cheated to find?” 只是,他没想到,就在这个时候,陈锋忽然开口,“所以,这就是你给自己作弊找的借口?” What?” “什么?” Wang Yue gawked. 王越愣了一下。 „.” “呵。” Chen Feng smiled lightly, he thinks that Wang Yue kills Original Host is only because the interests of university are related, but looks at the Wang Yue present expression, that arrogant strength, suddenly found, perhaps Original Host are really possibly many to the trauma that Wang Yue creates in the three years. 陈锋淡淡的笑了,他原以为王越杀死原主人只是因为大学的利益相关,但是看着王越现在的表情,那趾高气扬的劲头,忽然发现,或许原主人这三年给王越造成的心理阴影可能真不少。 Raising the head. 抬起头。 Looks has arrived at oneself front Wang Yue, Chen Feng suddenly racket his small face, is very light, but still transmits two resounding, the Wang Yue eye opens suddenly. 看着已经走到自己面前的王越,陈锋忽然拍拍他的小脸,很轻,但是依然传来两声脆响,王越眼睛猛然睁大。 Obviously cannot believe, Chen Feng dares to move him unexpectedly! 显然不敢相信,陈锋居然敢动他! Child, regardless of you later are outstanding, you must remember a matter. When your high school, the person rode for three years in your head, even your college entrance examination you only dare to win with the way of cheating. You must remember, your pride, your victory, is cheats to bring forever.” “孩子,无论你以后多优秀,你都要记住一件事。在你高中的时候,有一个人在你头上骑了三年,甚至你高考你只敢用作弊的方式获胜。你要记住,你的骄傲,你的胜利,永远都是作弊拿来的。” Chen Feng sincere saying. 陈锋语重心长的说道。 Chen Feng!!” 陈锋!!” Wang Yue pats his hand, trembling of air/Qi. 王越拍开他的手,气的哆嗦。 Regardless of the self-control is much good, he eventually is only a student! 无论涵养多好,他终究只是个学生! Chen Feng pats his two, simply seems like the shame, this on forget about it, he was also insufficient unable to endure, what most made him collapse was Chen Feng that several words, gripped to the needle punctures to his heart same, routed his pride completely! 陈锋拍他那两下,简直像是羞辱,这也就算了,他还不至于忍不了,但是最让他崩溃的是陈锋那几句话,向针扎一样刺到他心底,将他的骄傲全部击溃! Why? 凭什么? He clearly is to make Chen Feng clearly recognize the reality! 他分明是来让陈锋认清现实的! He clearly is declares the victory! 他分明是来宣告胜利的! He is that smiling final person! 他才是那个笑的最后的人! Wang Yue anger. 王越愤怒。 Child, is well dry.” “孩子,好好干。” The Chen Feng racket his shoulder, encourages saying: Later waited for you to mix the reputation, I can also rub the heat degree with you, rode in the Wang Yue head man, how did you feel this title? Having is very charming?” 陈锋拍拍他的肩膀,鼓励道:“以后等你混出名头了,我也可以跟你蹭蹭热度,骑在王越头上的男人,你觉得这个称号怎么样?有没有很帅气?” Chen Feng!” 陈锋!” Wang Yue is burning with anger. 王越怒火中烧。 Bang! 砰! Cannot bear a fist come to the Chen Feng bang, under fist wielding of ruthlessly far ultra average person, however to Chen Feng front that moment, stopped suddenly. 忍不住一拳对着陈锋轰来,远超普通人的一拳狠狠的挥下,然而到了陈锋面前的那一刻,戛然而止。 That fist, was pinched by Chen Feng firmly in the hand. 那一拳,被陈锋牢牢捏在手中。 Child, you as if forgot a matter.” “孩子,你似乎忘了一件事。” Chen Feng faint smile: Although you are the college entrance examination foremost person in the field, but the foundation did not have me to be solid.” 陈锋似笑非笑:“虽然你是高考状元,但是基础还没有我扎实啊。” Bang! 砰! A fist wields, repels Wang Yue. 一拳挥去,将王越打退。 Snort, boorish fellow.” “哼,莽夫。” In the Wang Yue eye the cold light flashes through. 王越眼中寒光闪过。 Since he comes to kill Chen Feng, the nature has been ready. 既然他来过来杀陈锋,自然早就做好了准备。 ba-dump! 咕咚 He fills next small bottle strength promotion reagent, strength increases 10 points! 他灌下一小瓶力量提升试剂,力量增加十点! ba-dump! 咕咚 He fills next bottle of constitution promotion reagent, constitution increases 10 points! 他又灌下一瓶体质提升试剂,体质增加十点! That small bottle only then the fruit jelly size, Wang Yue drinks up 45 bottles of Chen Feng have never seen reagent fast, the imposing manner of whole person suddenly becomes different. 那小瓶只有果冻般大小,王越快速喝掉四五瓶陈锋从未见过的试剂,整个人的气势骤然变得不同。 Bang! 轰! The Chen Feng's fist hits on Wang Yue, somewhat painful received. 陈锋的拳头打在王越身上,有些生疼的收了回来。 The right hand, was red. 右手,红了。 You really think that I haven't prepared?” “你真以为我没有准备?” Wang Yue sneers, „, even if you escape from the shark mouth by luck, today is still your time of death! I make you know today, anything is the reality!” 王越冷笑,“就算你侥幸从鲨鱼口中逃脱,今日也是你的死期!我今天就让你知道,什么才是现实!” Your this type of does not have the background compels poorly!” “你这种没有背景的穷逼!” Forever “永远 Only can be our stepping-stones!” “都只能是我们的踏脚石!” Bang!” “轰!” A Wang Yue low roar, whole body strength surges, a fist ruthlessly goes toward the Chen Feng bang, that terrifying imposing manner, is not Chen Feng can block! 王越一声低吼,周身力量涌动,一拳狠狠的向着陈锋轰去,那恐怖的气势,绝不是陈锋可以挡住的了! merely...... 只是… Does he need to resist? 他需要抵挡吗? Chen Feng sighed, lifted own right hand slightly. 陈锋叹口气,微微的抬起了自己的右手。 Wind Edge!” 风刃!” wēng — 嗡— Wipes pale blue to flash through. 一抹淡蓝色闪过。 Is this trash ability?” “又是这个垃圾能力?” Wang Yue sneers. 王越冷笑。 Although Wind Edge is spirit Type Gene Ability, but the might is ordinary, copes ordinary also has the effect, copes with him? His Spiritual Energy may also above Chen Feng! 虽然风刃精神类型基因能力,但是威力一般,对付普通还有效果,对付他?他的精神力可还在陈锋之上呢! pū! 噗! Wind Edge falls to Wang Yue on, leaves behind together one centimeter deep wound. 风刃落到王越身上,留下一道一厘米深的伤口。 On this might?” “就这种威力吗?” The Wang Yue vision is cold, that dies!” 王越目光冷冽,“那就去死吧!” However. 然而。 Unexpectedly. 出乎意料的是。 His fist has not fallen, on Wind Edge that in the air blooms the blue light flashes through, unexpectedly presents together Wind Edge! Wang Yue the time of staring god, Wind Edge is presenting one unexpectedly. 他一拳还未落下,那空中绽放的风刃上蓝光闪过,居然又出现一道风刃王越正愣神的功夫,风刃居然又出现一个。 I depend, this is......” “我靠,这是……” The Wang Yue eye opens. 王越眼睛睁大。 Bang! 轰! Wind Edge blasting open. 风刃炸裂。 Wang Yue was rumbled to fly. 王越被轰飞出去。 Three couldn't support? 三个就撑不住了么? Chen Feng sneers, towed in Wang Yue the corner shadow simply, pitiful yell sounds transmitted unceasingly, indistinct even can also see blue to flash through brilliance. 陈锋冷笑,干脆将王越拖到了角落阴影中,一声声惨叫声不断传来,隐约甚至还可以看见一道道蓝色光辉闪过。 Later is very strong? 后期很强? The father can be oppressive now you! 老子现在就能虐你! For a long time. 许久。 Chen Feng goes out of the corner. 陈锋走出角落。 Reorganizes the clothes, refreshing going home. 整理一下衣服,神清气爽的回家了。 But crossed for a long time, in that shadow, Wang Yue is shivering slowly the both legs walks, black and blue, clothes turned into the strip thing, probably was devastated did not know many times. 而过了好久,那片阴影中,王越才颤抖着双腿缓缓的走出来,鼻青脸肿,身上的衣服都变成了条状物,像是被人蹂躏了不知道多少次。 Holds the wall, the hand of Wang Yue is shaking. 扶着墙,王越的手在抖。 He has never thought that some people dare such to him! 他从未想过,有人敢这么对他! He is Wang Yue! 他可是王越啊! He is Wang Family Heaven's Proud Child! 他可是王家天之骄子啊! He has clearly calculated Chen Feng's strength, this fellow at all possibly is not the opponent, who knows, the Chen Feng luck is so unexpectedly good, presents 34 Wind Edge continuously! 他分明算过陈锋的实力,这家伙根本不可能是自己对手,但是谁知道,陈锋运气居然这么好,连续出现三四次风刃 This failure, most makes one choke with rage. 这种失败,才是最让人窝火的。 Chen Feng, sooner or later, I must tear to shreds you!” 陈锋,早晚有一天,我要将你碎尸万段!” The tooth that Wang Yue hates is itchy. 王越恨的牙痒痒。 This child anything situation......” “这孩子什么情况……” Community several aunts passed by, is somewhat strange. 小区几个大妈路过,有些奇怪。 Who knows, now child taste heavy very much, heard couple of days ago had the summon eel gene miss by the summon card body in......” “谁知道呢,现在孩子口味重的很,听说前两天有个召唤黄鳝基因的姑娘被召唤物卡身体里了……” Wang Yue pinches tightly the fist stubbornly, lowers the head to depart. 王越死死捏紧拳头,低头离去。 But at this moment. 而此刻。 In that kilometer upper air, a little miss is looking at this easely. 那千米高空中,一个小姑娘正悠悠然的看着这一幕。 She looks at the 12-13 appearance, wears a white small skirt, the black hair shawl mild-mannered, sits is shaking the foot in the clouds. 她看着十二三样子,穿着一身洁白的小裙子,黑发披肩柔顺而下,坐在云端晃着脚丫。 Old Wang makes me protect this fool a time the clarity that says, usually makes him discipline, the crucial moment acts again, today this matter......” 老王头让我保护这个笨蛋的时候说的清楚,平时让他多磨练磨练,生死关头再出手,今天这事……” Un, the minor matter, does not need to act.” “嗯,小事,不用出手。” The little miss racket the small hand, thought aloud: That named Chen Feng's fellow a little meaning, what a pity first gene unexpectedly is this waste firewood gene, let alone later period, affects earlier is not big.” 小姑娘拍拍小手,自言自语:“那个叫陈锋的家伙有点意思,可惜第一基因居然是这种废柴基因,别说后期啊,前期作用都不大啊。” But at this moment, she, under vision staring, fearful strength jumped suddenly instantaneously shoots, the surrounding fog is shivering unceasingly. 而就在这时,她忽然顿了一下,目光凝视下方,一股可怕的力量瞬间迸射,周围的云雾都在不断颤抖。 However quick, the little miss shakes the head, returned to normal. 不过很快,小姑娘晃晃脑袋,又恢复了正常。 Strange......” “奇怪……” How to feel by that fellow discovery?” “怎么感觉被那家伙发现了?” Is impossible.” “不可能。” This fellow is only Spiritual Energy 30 points weak chicken nothing more.” “这家伙只是个精神力30点的弱鸡而已。” ......” “唔……” forget about it.” 算了。” Possibly recently had not had a good sleep, is the rest meeting.” “可能最近没睡好,还是休息会吧。” The little misses more want to be blurrier, does not think simply. 小姑娘越想越迷糊,干脆不想了。 Then, she has a yawn, lies down in the cloud, the surrounding fog flutters slowly, her body package, quick, cannot see her form again. 说完,她打个哈欠,躺在云上,周围的云雾缓缓飘动,将她身体包裹,很快,再也看不到她的身影。 But at this time. 而此时。 Chen Feng goes home, the smile on face disappears gradually. 陈锋回到家,脸上的笑容渐渐消失。 Original Host by killing, Chen Feng was not planned to process now, however and other Wang Yue came time, Chen Feng knows, two people contradictions, cannot reduce and solve! 原主人被杀事件,陈锋原本并不打算现在处理的,然而等王越过来的时候,陈锋就知道,两人的矛盾,已然不可化解! In view of this, that does not need to reduce and solve! 既如此,那就没必要化解了! Comes the taunt? 过来嘲讽? Too naive. 太天真了。 Actually, Chen Feng planned to get rid of Wang Yue, however in the air that together seems the crisis that if no makes him very vigilant, finally has not started. 其实,陈锋原打算干掉王越的,然而空中那一道似有若无的危机让他无比警惕,最终还是没有下手。 Worthily is the aristocratic family juniors. 不愧是世家子弟。 Above the upper air that kilometer away, some people are protecting Wang Yue unexpectedly! Why can feel as for him, because reason very simple the present is the hot summer! 在那千米之外的高空之上,居然有人在保护王越!至于为什么他能感觉到,原因很简单因为现在是炎夏啊! Sun poisonous can roast ripe! 太阳毒的能把人烤熟啊! Clear sky blue sky! 晴空万里无云啊! On their community has such a lump to talk excessively the clouds that he possibly can't see? In addition seems the vigilant feeling that the crisis that if no brings, Chen Feng does not understand that was fishy. 偏偏他们小区上面有那么一坨白乎乎的云朵,他怎么可能看不到?再加上似有若无的危机带来的警惕感,陈锋再不明白就有鬼了。 Why although does not know the way so simple and crude of that fellow guardian, but is not Chen Feng can resist eventually. 虽然不知道为什么那家伙保护人的方式如此简单粗暴,但是终究不是陈锋能对抗的。 Therefore, he punched the Wang Yue violent finally. 所以,他最终只是将王越暴揍了一顿。 Was too weak.” “还是太弱了。” Chen Feng hesitation moment. 陈锋沉吟片刻。 It seems like this period of time, he must pay attention to oneself behavior, best many or has the place action of monitoring, does not give the opposite party the opportunity is not missed. 看来这段时间,他要注意一下自己的行为了,最好在人多或者有监控的地方行动,不给对方可趁之机。 Without the background, he can only depend on itself. 没有背景,他只能靠自己。 However the Chen Feng too big worry, on first he has not lived sad to that situation 20 years old, fearfully what this does have? 不过陈锋并没有太大的担心,上一世他悲催到那种地步都活到了二十岁,这一世有什么可怕的? Was worried that some people do assassinate? 担心有人暗杀? This is nothing! 这算什么啊! You know that by feeling that own vacuum cleaner chases down? 你知道被自家吸尘器追杀的感觉吗? You know that in the feeling in the bathtub almost being drown to death? 你知道被在浴缸里差点淹死的感觉吗? You know that went out is possibly crushed and injured to sew seven by the bird excrement, the corner possibly presented a freight vehicle at any time, what did the under foot sewer well shutter vanish suddenly is feels? 你知道出门可能会被鸟屎砸伤缝了七针,拐角随时可能出现一辆货车,脚下下水道井盖忽然消失是什么感觉吗? Only then he knows! 只有他知道! To Chen Feng, previous life radically is the war! 陈锋而言,前世根本就是战争! Assassination? 暗杀? Most troubles nothing more. 最多只是麻烦而已 Moreover, present Chen Feng has become Beginner Grade Manufacturist, has the assistance of Luck Aura, so long as struggles diligently, he same is not too bad. 而且,如今的陈锋已经成为初级制作师,有着幸运光环的辅助,只要努力奋斗,他一样不算太差。 Calms down, Chen Feng checked under the Gene Super Rookie Competition news. 冷静下来,陈锋查了下基因新秀赛的消息。 He now be at the condition of extremely being short of money, if can attend the competition to mix a bonus is also good, but checked so-called Gene Super Rookie Competition, Chen Feng was frightened. 他现在处于极度缺钱的状态,如果能参加比赛混点奖金也是挺好的,只是查了一下所谓的基因新秀赛,陈锋被吓到了。 New competition? 新手比赛? How this possibly is the novice competes! 这怎么可能是新手比赛! This......” “这……” Chen Feng looks that the competition introduced holds breath a cold air/Qi. 陈锋看着比赛介绍倒吸一口冷气。 PS: Asked the recommendation ticket! Sought the collection! PS:求推荐票!求收藏!
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