SG :: Volume #1

#30: This wave does not owe!

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Su Jin.” 苏瑾。” Chen Feng remembers this name. 陈锋想起这个名字。 Oh, right, female student who Original Host once unrequited loved. Relations that because the Chen Feng result is among the best, two people relations are quite actually good. ,对了,原主人曾经暗恋的女生。因为陈锋成绩名列前茅的关系,两人的关系其实相当不错。 How did you turn into this?” “你怎么变成这样了?” Su Jin spooky saying, modestly also is very very good in school you.” 苏瑾幽幽的说道,“在学校的你很谦虚也很善良的。” Chen Feng: „......” 陈锋:“……” We know that your college entrance examination fails an admissions examination, is impetuous, but how can you say the teacher like this? Teacher thanks is good to you in the high school three years, your scholarship is the teacher helps you apply, how otherwise can you possibly afford spirit Type gene reagent?” “我们都知道你高考落榜,情绪浮躁,但是你怎么可以这样说老师?谢老师在高中三年可是对你非常好的,就连你的奖学金都是老师帮你申请的,不然你怎么可能买得起精神类型基因试剂?” Su Jin earnest saying. 苏瑾认真的说道。 Chen Feng: „......” 陈锋:“……” He felt that oneself present Su Jin whole body simply is the Saint does brilliantly, that rich white light even composed several large character White Lotus flowers. 他感觉到自己眼前的苏瑾浑身简直是圣光大作,那浓郁的白光甚至组成了几个大字白莲花。 Is this miss who Original Host likes? 这就是原主人喜欢的姑娘? The taste is very heavy. 口味很重嘛。 Chen Feng simply is incapable tsukkomi. 陈锋简直无力吐槽 But at this time, other students are also indignant, the Su Jin words worked up the mood of all students obviously, yes, how cultivates the behavior can like this? 而此时,其余学生也是愤愤不平,苏瑾的话显然调动了所有学生的情绪,就是,做人怎么可以这样? What he said is real Ah? “他说的是真的啊? Xu Fei also curious say/way. 徐飞也好奇道。 Yes.” “是啊。” Chen Feng does not know whether to laugh or cry: My result school first, the scholarship does not give me also to whom...... he to want but actually to others, he gives.” 陈锋也是哭笑不得:“我成绩全校第一啊,奖学金不给我还能给谁……他倒想给别人呢,他给的了么。” So that's how it is. 原来如此。 Did the scholarship that Zhou Ling and the others suddenly, mother, even the school provide become the favor of teacher? 周玲等人恍然,妈呀,连学校发放的奖学金都成老师的人情了? The present school was too fearful. 现在的学校太可怕了。 Teacher, does not need rubbish with him.” “老师,不用跟他废话。” Wang Yue opens the mouth suddenly, student I protect, you cope with that several fellow.” 王越忽然开口,“学生我来保护,你去对付那几个家伙。” „Do you have the means?” “你有办法?” Xie Kangzhong knows that this student has background very much, but he flatters many times, Wang Yue is neither cold nor hot about him, how now to stand? 谢康中知道这个学生很有底蕴,只是他巴结很多次,王越都对他不冷不热的,现在怎么站出来了? Naturally.” “自然。” Wang Yue gives a calm smile. 王越淡然一笑。 Gets up!” “起!” His wrist/skill fluctuates, activates a chip. 他手腕浮动,激活一个芯片。 wēng — 嗡— A light energy defense cover covers all students. 一个淡淡的能量保护罩将所有学生笼罩。 E Grade energy defense cover, can block E Grade Genetic Warrior to strike.” E级能量保护罩,能挡住E级基因战士一击。” Wang Yue light saying, naturally, teacher you, if makes them clash the attack, my cover cannot block several.” 王越淡淡的说道,“当然,老师您要是让他们冲过来攻击的话,我这个罩子根本挡不住几下。” Some Wang Yue small regrets. 王越有些小遗憾。 Because his strength is too weak, can only use the E Grade energy cover chip high, otherwise...... 因为他实力太弱,最高只能用E级的能量罩芯片,否则的话…… Relax, cannot.” “放心,不会。” Xie Kangzhong gloomy and cold smiled, several E Grade wild dog nothing more, I have not paid attention. I also want to take a look while convenient, without these dogs supports to you, your Chen Feng also whether rampant getting up?” 谢康中阴冷的笑了,“几条E级的野狗而已,我还不放在眼里。顺便我也想看看,没有这几条狗给你撑腰,你陈锋还能否嚣张的起来?” Teacher, do not injure to him.” “老师,不要伤到他。” Su Jin supple saying: „The Chen Feng heart does not go bad.” 苏瑾柔柔的说道:“陈锋心地不坏的。” Cannot.” “不会的。” Xie Kangzhong smiles to her: Gives him a lesson, not, but his present character, later annoyed others to be the danger.” 谢康中对她笑笑:“只是给他一个教训,不然以他现在的性格,以后惹了别人可就是生命危险了。” Su Jin then draws back. 苏瑾这才退下。 Chen Feng: „......” 陈锋:“……” His can only with praising to the heavens to describe to the miss performance. 他对着姑娘的表现只能用叹为观止来形容了。 But at this time. 而这时。 Xie Kangzhong has taken. 谢康中已然迈出。 Bang!” “轰!” The D Grade Genetic Warrior terrifying imposing manner inclines, even if Xu Fei and the others had arrived at the E Grade peak, still feels a fearful pressure. D级基因战士恐怖气势倾斜而下,哪怕徐飞等人已经到了E级巅峰,依然感觉到一股可怕的压力。 D Grade......” D级……” Xu Fei smiled. 徐飞笑了。 This promotes in the school to the D Grade teacher in charge, really thinks that D Grade can end oppressive E Grade? Even ends the oppressive five E Grade peaks? 这个在学校提升到D级的班主任,真的以为D级就可以完虐E级吗?甚至是完虐五个E级巅峰? That gives a try.” “那就试试看吧。” Xu Fei shows the somewhat cruel smile. 徐飞露出有些残忍的笑容。 But at this time, another side. 而这时,另一边。 Wang Yue is the faint smile looks at Chen Feng, how many wild dogs looked to work as the backer, thinks that what oneself was great was? Although Xie Kangzhong is not the good thing, but how I want to take a look at him to tidy up you today actually.” 王越则是似笑非笑的看着陈锋,“找了几个野狗当靠山,就以为自己了不起的是吧?虽然谢康中不是好东西,不过今天我倒是想看看他怎么收拾你。” „Does this E Grade energy cover chip buy newly?” “这E级能量罩芯片新买的?” Chen Feng shocking looks at this light screen, this world has this thing unexpectedly. 陈锋惊艳的看着这层光幕,这世界居然有这东西。 Naturally.” “当然。” Wang Yue is proud: This is not your type of trash can contact......” 王越自豪:“这可不是你这种垃圾能接触……” No wonder previous time punches your time has not seen.” “难怪上次揍你的时候没看见。” Chen Feng suddenly. 陈锋恍然。 Wang Yue shakes, the head is angry. 王越手一抖,头上青筋暴露。 The surrounding student then thinks, couple days ago, some as if people saw Wang Yue injured, has not thought that unexpectedly was Chen Feng hits. 周围学生这才想起来,前几天,似乎有人看见王越受伤来着,没想到居然是陈锋打的。 hē hē hē hē.” 呵呵呵呵。” Wang Yue coldly (calmly) looks at Chen Feng, Chen Feng, I thought how long you can be rampant? Aren't you worried about your friend? They estimated that quick died.” 王越冷冷看着陈锋,“陈锋,我看你能嚣张多久?你就一点不担心你的朋友?他们估计很快就死了。” They?” “他们?” Chen Feng shakes the head: I am not worried about them, I am worried about you actually.” 陈锋摇摇头:“我不担心他们,我倒是担心你们。” Is worried about us?” “担心我们?” The Wang Yue feeling is not suddenly wonderful. 王越忽然感觉不妙。 Right.” “对啊。” You determined, your this thing can defend the attack of E Grade?” “你确定,你这玩意能防住E级的攻击?” Chen Feng is curious. 陈锋好奇。 Naturally.” “当然。” Wang Yue despises: This is the Storm Technology product......” 王越鄙夷:“这可是风暴科技出品的……” His a few words have not said. 他一句话还没说完。 Chen Feng pulls out one bottle to glitter slowly white brilliance gene reagent from the pocket, distant throwing down, fell above that energy defense cover. 陈锋慢悠悠从兜里掏出一瓶闪烁着白色光辉的基因试剂,远远的丢了下去,落到了那能量保护罩之上。 Bang!” “轰!” Inexhaustible thunder loudly under. 无穷尽的雷霆轰然而下。 Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” In a flash, the thunder blasts open, energy defense cover that in the Wang Yue mouth that roars flamboyant, but also without display might, by bang powder forcefully. 一瞬间,雷霆炸裂,王越口中那牛逼哄哄的能量保护罩,还没有发挥威力,就被硬生生的轰散。 Everyone was shocked! 所有人惊呆了! This special What the hell? 这特么什么玩意 Can withstand the defense cover that the E Grade soldier attacks one time, unexpectedly played? 能够承受E级战士一次攻击的保护罩,居然就这么玩完了? Is this possible? 这怎么可能? A Wang Yue face collapses, looked that to light screen that own wrist takes, above was demonstrating a fearful digital energy exhausts! 王越一脸崩溃,看向自己腕带上的光幕,上面显示着一个可怕的数字能量耗尽! In other words, the attack that flash, Chen Feng created a moment ago, has exceeded the limit that the energy cover has been able to withstand, not only the energy cover was destroyed, the energy stone that he prepares consumed spatially. 也就是说,刚才那一瞬间,陈锋造成的攻击,已经超过了能量罩所能承受的极限,不单单能量罩被摧毁,就连他准备的能量石都耗空了。 How is this possible?! 这怎么可能?! You......” “你……” Wang Yue referred to Chen Feng quite a while, does not dare to open the mouth obstinately. 王越指了陈锋半天,愣是没敢开口。 Because of this time, Chen Feng leisure pulls out one to glitter equally brilliance gene reagent bottle, under ice crystal brilliant ray of blue, like that sparkle. 因为这个时候,陈锋又慢悠悠的掏出一个闪烁着一样光辉的基因试剂瓶,在蓝色冰晶光辉照耀下,那般闪耀。 Also can try again?” “还要再试试?” Chen Feng ease saying, the reagent bottle turns over in the hand back and forth. 陈锋悠悠然的说道,试剂瓶在手中来回翻转。 ba-dump.” 咕咚。” All students swallow the saliva, panic-stricken looks at Chen Feng, for fear that thing falls down from his hand. 所有学生吞咽一下口水,惊恐的看着陈锋,生怕那玩意从他手中掉下去。 But at this time. 而此时。 Is preparing to go all out one Xie Kangzhong that Xu Fei and the others destroyed completely, after hearing the following sound, called a halt, inconceivable looks at the reagent bottle in Chen Feng hand. 正准备大干一场将徐飞等人灭掉的谢康中,听到后面的动静后也停手了,不可思议的看着陈锋手中的试剂瓶。 „Is this also your harvests?” “这也是你们这次的收获?” The Xie Kangzhong vision is cold and gloomy, is very good, unexpectedly threatens me with my student.” 谢康中目光森冷,“很好,居然用我的学生威胁我。” Walks.” “走吧。” I ask you to leave!” “我让你们走!” Xie Kangzhong angrily roars, hurries to roll out from here.” 谢康中怒吼,“赶紧从这里滚出去。” Chen Feng smilingly watches his performance. 陈锋笑眯眯的看着他的表演。 Walks.” “走吧。” Xu Fei said. 徐飞说道。 They really do not want to exchange with these I.Q obviously not online on fellow. 他们真的不想跟这些智商明显不在线上的家伙交流了。 Un.” “嗯。” Chen Feng slightly to nod. 陈锋微微点头 Suddenly, his footsteps, looks to these students, light saying: Believes that Xie Kangzhong this fellow, you will regret sooner or later.” 忽然,他脚步一顿,看向那些学生,淡淡的说道:“相信谢康中这个家伙,你们迟早会后悔的。” Go away!” “滚吧!” fellow that is not concerned about face!” “不要脸的家伙!” Several students cursed angrily. 几个学生怒骂。 Paralysis, Chen Feng, you dare to threaten the teacher with us unexpectedly.” “麻痹的,陈锋,你居然敢用我们威胁老师。” Yes, went too far.” “就是,太过分了。” Many people are indignant. 许多人气愤。 How you turned into this.” “你怎么变成这样了。” Su Jin is disappointed. 苏瑾失望。 These damn fellow, dare to threaten me with you unexpectedly, is really......” “这些该死的家伙,居然敢用你们威胁我,真是……” Xie Kangzhong angry saying. 谢康中愤怒的说道。 Teacher, does not fear him, we think that revenges to you!” “老师,不怕他,我们以为给你报仇!” Yes, we may be the would-be university students.” “就是,我们可都是准大学生。” We went to the university......” “等我们到了大学……” Many students comfort to say. 很多学生安慰道。 You......” “你们啊……” Xie Kangzhong is gratified. 谢康中欣慰。 Although he surface is angry, but has not actually been angry at heart. It seems like that was insulted by Chen Feng, but he obtained the favors of all students! 他虽然表面愤怒,但是心里却并没有那么生气。看似被陈锋辱骂了一顿,但是他却得到了所有学生的人情! Why obviously under drawing back of strength strongest Xie Kangzhong final humiliation? 为什么明明实力最强的谢康中最后屈辱的退下了? For these students! 为了这些学生! Has the wood to have much with emotion? 很感动有木有? Looks that the looks of these students knew, besides the Wang Yue basic being disinclined bird him, in the eyes of others, is full of the gratitude. 看着这些学生的眼神就知道了,除了王越根本懒得鸟他之外,其余人的眼中,都充满着感激。 This wave, does not owe! 这波,不亏!
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