SG :: Volume #1

#29: Overbearing school!

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Ice blue silk.” “冰蓝丝。” Xu Fei is excited, I finally found.” 徐飞激动,“我终于找到了。” He grasps cautiously to that grass. 他小心翼翼抓向那株小草。 However in this instance, the entire room slight vibration, the wall of that ice crystal secret room, turns into ugly great strange skin unexpectedly, four sides the wall, is its torso changes unexpectedly! 然而就在这个瞬间,整个房间轻微的抖动,那冰晶密室的墙壁,居然变成一头丑陋巨怪的皮肤,四面墙壁,竟是它的躯干化作而成! „It is not good.” “不好。” People complexion big change. 众人脸色大变。 Environment camouflage technique! 环境伪装术! This is the ability of ice crystal chameleon, this ugly ice crystal monster, has bloodlines gene of ice crystal chameleon unexpectedly! 这是冰晶变色龙的能力,这丑陋的冰晶怪物,居然有着冰晶变色龙的血脉基因 Bang!” “轰!” A fist falls. 一拳落下。 Be careful.” “小心。” Zhou Ling calls out in alarm. 周玲一声惊呼。 shuā! 刷! At the same time the float ice crystal mirror keeps off in in the air. 一面悬浮的冰晶镜子挡在空中。 Bang! 轰! The ice crystal great strange fist pounds down, that instantaneous shatter, can delay merely flickers, but is this flickers, making Xu Fei respond, a turn over escaped. 冰晶巨怪一拳砸下,那面瞬间破碎,仅仅能够延迟一瞬,而就是这一瞬,让徐飞反应过来,一个翻转逃了出去。 Bang! 轰! The ground cracks. 地面崩裂。 Unexpectedly was pounded a hole forcefully. 居然被硬生生砸出一个窟窿。 Paralysis.” “麻痹的。” Xu Fei is so shocked they broke out in a cold sweat, a moment ago that flash, if not Zhou Ling responds quickly, it had the possibility dead very much here, this damn thing. 徐飞惊出一身冷汗,刚才那一瞬间,如果不是周玲反应快,它很有可能已经死在这里了,这狗日的东西。 Trivial E Grade Mutated Beast......” “区区E级变异兽……” Xu Fei is burning with anger. 徐飞怒火中烧。 Bang! 轰! Xu Fei berserk. 徐飞暴走 One has the rich flame brilliance to fall sincerely, great strange makes giant potholes ice crystal, finally by Xu Fei living dying by explosion! E Grade Mutated Beast, is not pure fight Type, unexpectedly dares to ambush he? But what is most essential, he was almost also swindled. 一拳拳带着浓郁火焰的光辉落下,将冰晶巨怪身上打出一个个巨大的坑洞,最终被徐飞活生生的轰死!一个E级变异兽,还不是纯战斗类型的,居然敢埋伏他?而最关键的是,他还差点上当了。 Hateful! 可恨! Xu Fei stepped on a foot ruthlessly, ice crystal changed to beach liquid to vanish greatly strangely. 徐飞又狠狠的踩了一脚,冰晶巨怪化作一滩液体消失。 Looked at the surroundings vigilantly. 警惕的看了看周围。 Xu Fei then cautious received that precious grass has prepared in the good box, several people then relax, trip task, completed. 徐飞这才小心翼翼的将那株宝贵的小草收到早已准备好的盒子中,几人这才松了口气,此行任务,完成。 Walks.” “走。” Xu Fei selects to nod. 徐飞点头 Several people leave fast, however waited till that flash of entrance. 几人快速离开,然而等到了入口的那一瞬间。 Bang!” “轰!” The walls of four entrances bond are rumbled suddenly broken. 四层入口的壁障忽然被轰破。 One group of teenage boys and girls walked, the high three 2 classes of students and teacher, came! Chen Feng brow wrinkled, subconscious hid in Tie Shi behind, can only be able to see half Shadow. 一群少男少女走了出来,高三二班的学生和老师,来了!陈锋眉头微皱,下意识的就躲在了铁石身后,只能看得见半个影子 „Does the fourth level have the person unexpectedly?” 第四层居然有人?” Some Xie Kangzhong unexpected, sweeping a discovery are several E Grade Genetic Warrior, immediately understands clearly, light saying: We must to gain experience, you probably make here.” 谢康中有些意外,扫了一眼发现是几个E级基因战士,顿时了然,淡淡的说道:“我们要在这里历练,你们要让一让了。” Good.” “好。” Xu Fei selects to nod. 徐飞点头 They not with the plan that this group of people fight. 他们本身也没有跟这群人交手的打算。 However. 然而。 In this instance, Xie Kangzhong opens the mouth suddenly: „That box of your arms, what attire is what?” 就在这个瞬间,谢康中忽然开口:“你怀里的那个盒子,装的是什么?” Spare reagent that I prepare.” “我自己准备的备用试剂。” Xu Fei brow wrinkled. 徐飞眉头微皱 I bought.” “我买了。” Xie Kangzhong light saying: Bids.” 谢康中淡淡的说道:“出个价吧。” Does not sell.” “不卖。” Xu Fei tranquil saying. 徐飞平静的说道。 Doesn't sell does not dare to sell?” “不卖还是不敢卖?” Xie Kangzhong sneers: This thing should take here, I think, needs with the words that this type of thing preserves, only has a thing ice blue silk.” 谢康中冷笑:“这东西应该是在这里拿的吧,我想想,需要用这种东西来保存的话,只有一个东西冰蓝丝。” Xu Fei form slightly. 徐飞身影微微一顿。 Ice blue silk.” “冰蓝丝。” One group of students call out in alarm immediately. 一群学生顿时惊呼。 It is said that thing is very valuable.” “据说那玩意很值钱啊。” Yeah, valuable is not the key point, the key point is not easy to preserve, therefore does not have the city valuably.” “可不是么,值钱不是重点,重点是不易保存,所以有价无市啊。” Yeah, right, can the gene material of Su Jin this breakthrough, as if also use the ice blue silk?” “哎,对了,苏瑾这次突破的基因材料,似乎也要用到冰蓝丝吧?” Probably.” “好像是。” The people discuss spiritedly. 众人议论纷纷。 Hands over, you can leave.” “交出来,你们可以离开了。” Xie Kangzhong coldly (calmly) looks at Xu Fei and the others, in the hand light strength flashes through, some not own thing, took was killed carefully.” 谢康中冷冷的看着徐飞等人,手中一股淡淡的力量闪过,“有些不属于自己的东西,拿了小心丧命。” A student looks excited, this is the aggression of D Grade Genetic Warrior! 一众学生看着兴奋不已,这就是D级基因战士的霸气! Trivial how many E Grade? 区区几个E级 Is a bird! 算个鸟! In addition their status, the would-be university student, the powder of these open country cultivates does not dare to begin, even if otherwise won unable to eat to capture! 再加上他们的身份,准大学生,这些野外的散修根本不敢动手,不然就算打赢了也吃不了兜着走! „Does returning alive die?” “生还是死?” Yourself elect.” “你自己选。” The Xie Kangzhong aggressive side leaks. 谢康中霸气侧漏。 The chill in the air in Xu Fei eye has condensed, is not willing to annoy these people, does not represent him to be willing to let the person to devastate, has not thought that has been hiding from them very much, but also was discovered. 徐飞眼中的寒意已经凝聚,不愿意惹这些人,不代表他愿意任人蹂躏,没想到已经很躲着他们了,还被发现了。 It seems like...... 看来…… The Xu Fei look becomes chilly. 徐飞神色变得清冷。 Xie Kangzhong is also the faint smile visits them, prepares to act at any time. 谢康中也是似笑非笑看着他们,随时准备出手。 The fight, is ready to be set off. 战斗,一触即发。 However. 然而。 In this instance, a supple sound resounds suddenly, Chen Feng?” 就在这个瞬间,一个柔柔的声音忽然响起,“陈锋?” The people look following her vision, behind that tall and strong soldier, is having a person's shadow, carefully looks, isn't Chen Feng?! 众人顺着她的目光看去,那一个魁梧的战士后面,正有着一个人影,仔细一看,可不就是陈锋么?! Unexpectedly is he?” “居然是他?” I go, cultivated/repaired to mix the same place with these quickly wildly.” “我去,这么快跟这些野修混到一起了。” Because others belonged to here Ah? hā hā.” “因为人家本来就属于这里啊?哈哈。” Was then fun.” “这下好玩了。” Some students take pleasure in others' misfortunes, beforehand Teacher thanks was best to Chen Feng, never expected that he fails an admissions examination unexpectedly, but also refused the graduation to practice, has not thought that unexpectedly came.” 一些学生幸灾乐祸,“以前谢老师可是对陈锋最好了,没想到他居然落榜,还拒绝了毕业修行,没想到居然自己来了。” Yeah? Who knows, solemn school first will fail an admissions examination unexpectedly.” “可不是么?谁知道,堂堂全校第一居然会落榜。” People taunt. 众人嘲讽。 But at this time, Xu Fei and other talent surprise looks at Chen Feng, school first? Really aggressive! No wonder before Chen Feng, said that is by dark forget about it, if were not plotted, by the Chen Feng's result, what university didn't get up? Talent in Gene Manufacturist aspect...... 而这个时候,徐飞等人才诧异的看着陈锋,全校第一?果然生猛!难怪陈锋之前说是自己被暗算了,如果不被暗算,以陈锋的成绩,什么样的大学上不了?还有在基因制作师方面的天赋…… This is the true talent. 这可是真正的天才啊。 Plots? 暗算? This group of fools, do not know obviously oneself made anything. 这群傻逼,显然不知道自己做了什么。 Xu Fei shakes the head, the present student, was really one is inferior to one. 徐飞摇摇头,现在的学生,真是一届不如一届了。 Oh, teacher. ,还有老师。 It seems like the father did not go to school by oneself, but is the decision trains personally is correct, in this group of stupid teachers, how many good students can teach? 看来老爹不让自己上学,而是决定亲自培养是正确的,在这群傻逼老师中,能教出几个好学生? Chen Feng.” 陈锋。” The Xie Kangzhong somewhat complex look falls to Chen Feng on, you......” 谢康中有些复杂的神色落到陈锋身上,“你……” Yeah.” “哎。” How you fall to so the situation.” “你怎么落到如此地步。” Xie Kangzhong shakes the head: I know that your self-respect, is not willing to graduate to practice with us, but...... yeah, forget about it, does not say.” 谢康中摇摇头:“我知道你自尊心强,不愿意跟我们来毕业修行,但是……哎,算了,不说了。” Chen Feng: „......” 陈锋:“……” He remembers that this goods simply haven't invited themselves? 他记得这货根本没邀请过自己吧? Looks in your face, I forgive their life.” “看在你的面子上,我饶他们一命。” Xie Kangzhong light saying: Makes your friend hand over the thing, this matter passed.” 谢康中淡淡的说道:“让你朋友交出东西,这件事就这么过去了。” „Does brain have the hole?” “脑子有洞?” Chen Feng sneers. 陈锋冷笑一声。 The human brain circuit in his somewhat curious this world why so elegant! 他有些好奇这个世界上的人脑回路为何如此清奇! Tittered.” “噗嗤。” Zhou Ling smiled at that time, Xu Fei and the others are also the corners of the mouth twitches, is suppressing the happy expression, at this time said these characters, but also was really pertinent. 周玲当时就笑了,徐飞等人也是嘴角抽搐,强忍着笑意,这个时候说出这几个字,还真是一针见血。 Chen Feng!” 陈锋!” In the Xie Kangzhong eye cold light hold, high school three years I treat you greatly well, do you return me?” 谢康中眼中寒光大盛,“高中三年我待你最好,你就是这么回报我的?” Ok.” “行了。” Chen Feng shakes the head: School pays out the wages to make you teach to you, when became to my favor? If you treat me wholeheartedly also on forget about it, I feel grateful inevitably, but knows after my college entrance examination fails an admissions examination, from the start has not invited me, is this your teacher's ethics?” 陈锋摇摇头:“学校给你发工资让你授课,什么时候成了对我的人情了?你若是真心实意待我也就算了,我必然感恩,但是知道我高考落榜之后,压根就没邀请我,这就是你的师德?” „The teacher who school I know are many.” “学校我认识的老师很多。” Some teacher really kindhearted hearts are friendly, although some teachers some influences, but is frank, but only you, are actually one that I most look down upon.” “有些老师是真的仁厚心善,有些老师虽然有些势力,但是光明磊落,但是唯独你,却是我最看不起的一个。” Chen Feng sneers, worked as the whore also to set up the memorial arch, really thinks that the student was so good to deceive?” 陈锋冷笑,“当了婊子还想立牌坊,真以为学生那么好糊弄?” Dental cusp mouth advantage.” “牙尖嘴利。” Xie Kangzhong is pale: You do not have the father not to have mother, without the education, I can understand, but honors the teacher and respects his teachings does not understand, was the supercilious look wolf. Without running into you also on forget about it, since today meets, I educate you well, gives on you last class, making you know, what is the teacher's ethics!” 谢康中脸色发青:“你没爹没妈,没有教养,我可以理解,但是尊师重道都不懂,就是白眼狼了。若是没遇到你也就算了,今日既然遇到,我就好好教育教育你,给你上最后一堂课,让你知道,什么叫师德!” Bang!” “轰!” In the Xie Kangzhong hand the cold light blooms, prepares to act, Xu Fei and the others stand side Chen Feng silently. 谢康中手中寒光绽放,准备出手,徐飞等人默默站在陈锋身边。 Teacher's ethics?” “师德?” Chen Feng cannot help laughing, this saying said from your mouth, but was really the dog mouth puts out the ivory.” 陈锋哑然失笑,“这话从你嘴里说出来,可真是狗嘴吐出象牙啊。” Chen Feng!” 陈锋!” Xie Kangzhong killing intent hold, you really thinks greatly on you who these E Grade waste firewood can protect?” 谢康中杀意大盛,“你真以为就这几个E级的废柴能保护的了你?” No.” “不。” Chen Feng shakes the head, you do not dare to act.” 陈锋摇摇头,“你不敢出手。” Why?” “为何?” Xie Kangzhong sneers. 谢康中冷笑。 You are very strong.” “你很强。” Chen Feng faint smile: If slaughters, we naturally are not your opponent, but you determined that your following student can live? Un...... makes me think, during graduating practices, the teacher is the report personal grudge, all students died, only then the teacher comes back, this scene is also quite magnificent.” 陈锋似笑非笑:“若是厮杀,我们自然不是你对手,但是你确定你后面的学生能活下来?嗯……让我想想,毕业修行期间,老师为报私仇,所有学生死亡,只有老师回来,这场面也是相当壮观吧。” Xie Kangzhong complexion immediately one stiff. 谢康中脸色顿时一僵。 He then thinks, oneself present leading teacher! 他这才想起来,自己现在可是带队老师! Before these weak chickens also on forget about it, now his opponent are four E Grade peaks, oneself really can preserve under the foundations of all students, took them? 之前那些弱鸡也就算了,现在他的对手可是四个E级巅峰,自己真的能保全所有学生的基础下,拿下他们吗? Chen Feng......” 陈锋……” A supple sound conveys. 一个柔柔的声音传来。 Chen Feng subconscious looks, that is a very attractive school girl, has a delicacy of lady, making one unable to bear tender. 陈锋下意识的看去,那是一个很漂亮的女学生,有着一种大家闺秀的柔弱,让人忍不住怜惜。
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