SDRAW :: Volume #24

#2350: The Sir is wise

In courtyard immediately one static, the people look at Jeffrey, in the eye have being astonished color. 院子里顿时一静,众人看着杰弗里,眼中都有讶色。 Cyril is also shocked completely, on face burning hurting, has not thought the father was in front of so many people to slap his unexpectedly. 西里尔也是完全愣住,脸上火辣辣的疼,却怎么也没想到父亲竟然当着这么多人的面打了他一巴掌。 Evil creature! Do you also dare to defy City Lord's mansion?” Jeffrey fierce say/way. “孽障!你也敢违抗城主府?”杰弗里厉声道。 I......” Cyril fear and fear, suddenly does not know should say anything, can only seek help looked to nearby Denise. “我……”西里尔又畏又惧,一时间不知该说什么,只能求助的看向了一旁的丹妮斯 Master, you must help our sons, he was unjust, where he dares to handle the matter that anything violates religious commandment illegally.” On Denise comes, is wiping tears, while entreated: You and Sir city lord said, making him not grasp Cyril.” “老爷,你要帮帮我们的儿子啊,他是被冤枉的,他哪敢做什么违法犯戒的事情啊。”丹妮斯上前来,一边抹着眼泪,一边哀求道:“您和城主大人说说,让他别抓西里尔了。” ! Jeffrey lifts the hand is a resounding palm of the hand, this palm of the hand fell on the face of Denise. 杰弗里抬手又是一记响亮的巴掌,这一巴掌落在了丹妮斯的脸上。 The servants in courtyard see this, eyes stared in a big way several points, moved out of the way the vision, does not dare to look. 院子里的仆人们见此,眼睛都瞪大了几分,纷纷挪开目光,不敢多看。 Cyril was also shocked, is opening mouth to look that hit Denise and cold Jeffrey of face, has had one's heart sink with disappointment at heart. 西里尔也是愣住了,张着嘴看着被打的丹妮斯和冷着脸的杰弗里,心里已经凉了半截。 Old Madam Denise gawked some little time, recovered, is covering the face, cannot believe looks at Jeffrey, the sound became sharp several points all of a sudden, wailed saying: You...... you hit me!” 丹妮斯老夫人愣了好一会,才回过神来,捂着脸,还是不敢相信的看着杰弗里,声音一下子变得尖利了几分,哀嚎道:“你……你打我!” Loving mother defeat! You so spoil the love, he is also insufficient today's so situation, you have not thought to repent by the present, but also wants to walk the dishonest ways, does not hit you, how real family rule!” Jeffrey visits her indifferently. “慈母多败儿!要不是你如此娇惯宠爱,他也不至于到今天这般地步,到现在你还不思悔改,还想走歪门邪道,不打你,何以真家规!”杰弗里冷眼看着她。 Is good your heartless man (Han), an age hits the wife, the during that time my maternal home lends a hand, your where has today so the prestigious family background, now dislikes me to be old, wanted to kill me to remarry is?! I told you, without was so easy! I......” Denise sit toward the ground today, started to be unruly directly. “好你个负心汉,一把年纪打老婆,当年要不是我娘家帮衬,你哪有今天这般煊赫家世,现在嫌我年老色衰,想要打死我续弦了是不是?!我告诉你,没那么容易!我今天……”丹妮斯往地上一坐,直接开始撒泼了。 Brings to get down her!” Jeffrey looked that has not looked at her one eyes, direct cold sound ordered. “把她带下去!”杰弗里看都没看她一眼,直接冷声下令。 Although nearby several senior wet nurses look the embarrassment, actually does not dare to disobey grandfather's order, after all big slap is not delicious, half partly held carries off Denise. 一旁几位老嬷嬷虽然面露难色,却也不敢违逆姥爷的命令,毕竟大嘴巴子不好吃,半拉半扶就把丹妮斯带走了。 Matter is yourself annoys, yourself undertake, this time, no one will help you clean up again.” Jeffrey looked at Cyril, to nearby City Lord's mansion offical mission attendant nodded, turns around to depart. “事情是你自己惹出来的,就你自己来承担,这一次,没有人会再帮你擦屁股。”杰弗里看了一眼西里尔,冲着一旁的城主府官差点了一下头,转身离去。 Father......” Cyril is frightened catches up two steps, was covered the shoulder by two offical mission attendants one on the left and other on the right. “父亲……”西里尔惊惶的追上两步,却被两位官差一左一右扣住了肩膀。 Young Master Cyril, please follow one us now.” The offical mission attendant of lead said with a smile, waves, towed Cyril to walk directly. 西里尔少爷,现在请跟我们走一趟吧。”带头的官差笑道,挥了挥手,直接拖着西里尔走了。 The servants let clear the way in abundance, whatever Cyril called the broken throat, no one dares to go forward to stop. 仆人们纷纷让开道来,任凭西里尔叫破喉咙,也没有人敢上前阻拦。 Although they do not know that actually Cyril violated anything, but in all will of the people had common understanding, Young Master Cyril was ended thoroughly, the home, later was Miss Gloria takes responsibility. 虽然他们都不知道西里尔究竟犯了什么事,不过所有人心里都有了一个共识,西里尔少爷算是彻底完了,这个家,以后得是歌洛璃娅小姐做主。 Two criminals were arrested City Lord's mansion, appears in City Lord's mansion together also has Mag and as personal testimony attendance Cynthia of replacement look. 两位人犯被拘到了城主府,一同出现在城主府的还有更换相貌的麦格和作为人证出席的辛西娅 The commanding officer of adjudicating a case was Deeks, the Mag old friend. 审案的主官是迪克斯,麦格的老朋友了。 Can be so high as for the City Lord's mansion efficiency, is actually because he and Deeks greets, should report Michael there, therefore the examination paper just handed over, the person was arrested directly. 至于城主府的效率能够如此高,其实是因为他和迪克斯打了个招呼,应该汇报到了迈克尔那里,所以卷子刚递上去,人就被直接拘回来了。 Cyril and Delmar were taken away to record the oral confession respectively, in the spirit is under the supervision of Magic Caster, is unable to lie as two people of average person, can only the process 1510 said. 西里尔和德尔玛被分别带去录了口供,在精神系魔法师的监督下,作为普通人的两人无法说谎,只能将过程一五一十的讲了一遍。 The case is actually very simple, is a breach of contract case. 案情其实很简单,就是一个合同违约案。 So long as can repay money, the responsibility for an offense is not big, but the amount is huge, therefore first arrests to appear in court two people. 只要能够偿还金钱,罪责不大,但金额巨大,所以先将两人拘捕到案。 Deeks looked the contract that two people oral confessions and Mag provide, the nod said: „ So, the case is clear, you and Liev signed this contract, pledged the liabilities for breach, and some people shoulder the responsibility as the guarantor. 迪克斯将两人的口供与麦格提供的合约一看,点头道:“如此看来,案情已经非常清楚,你们二人与列夫签订了这份合约,承诺了违约责任,并且有人作为担保人承担责任。 Now Mr. Liev wrote up the proof, the original works author gave up continuing this, and will request from the bookstore bottom carriage, this violated the employment term completely, your commitments had the fraud. 现在列夫先生出具了证明,原著作者放弃续写这本,并且要求将从书店下架,这完全违反了合约条款,你们二人的事前承诺存在欺诈。 Now Mr. Liev requests to terminate the contract, asking for you to compensate the corresponding amount 60 million copper coin. ” 现在列夫先生要求终止合约,要求你们赔偿相应金额六千万铜币。” slut! You play me! You said will obviously continue to write well!” Delmar points is standing Cynthia on witness seat angrily roars. 贱人!你耍我!你明明说了会继续好好写的!”德尔玛指着站在证人席上的辛西娅怒吼。 I have arrived at your publishing house to make clear my attitude this morning, in your company there are many people to hear our dialogue and dispute, as for agreement that you said that I did not know, you can write up the evidence.” Cynthia said calmly. “我今天早上已经到你们出版社明确告知了我的态度,你们公司里有许多人都听到了我们的对话和争执,至于你说的约定,我并不知晓,你可以出具证据。”辛西娅从容说道。 You lie! You said obviously!” Delmar grabs the parapet, the knuckle flood white, the forehead blue vein sticks out suddenly. “你说谎!你明明说了!”德尔玛抓着栏杆,指节泛白,额头青筋暴起。 60 million copper coin, even if he and Cyril half, that is also 30 million copper coin. 六千万铜币,哪怕他和西里尔一人一半,那也是三千万铜币。 Even if sold the publishing house, he cannot repay! 就算是把出版社卖了,他也赔不起啊! Above tribunal, silence!” Deeks shouted coldly. “公堂之上,肃静!”迪克斯冷喝道。 Cyril looks at Delmar, has had one's heart sink with disappointment at heart. 西里尔看着德尔玛,心里已经凉了半截。 30 million copper coin, place Moreton family, is big floating capital, to him, pulls out money that the spatial underpants cannot take. 三千万铜币,放在莫尔顿家族来说,也是一笔不小的流动资金,对他来说,更是掏空底裤也拿不出来的钱。 If before, he possibly also thought that the father can help him reveal. 要是以前,他可能还觉得父亲会来帮他兜底。 But Jeffrey has told him today clearly, this matter will not help him be tiny bit. 可今天杰弗里已经明明白白的告诉他,这件事情不会帮他一分一毫。 Where does he want to look for these 30 million copper coin?! 那他要从哪里去找这三千万铜币?! Sir! Sir matter and I have not related, I was deceived by him signed, my what has not obtained, this matter and I have not related, what should I not need to undertake?” Cyril looks at Deeks to say. “大人!大人这件事和我没有关系,我就是被他骗了去签字的,我什么都没有得到,这件事和我没有关系,我应该不用承担什么吧?”西里尔看着迪克斯说道。 This sureproof does not write, you are a guarantor, shoulders half of responsibility, therefore this compensation money you obtain half.” Deeks looked at his one eyes, smiled: Moreover, you are not have not obtained, your oral confessions said that Delmar permits the commissions of your 5 million copper coin, you are causing difficulties for others money, handles matters, where has the good deed that does not brave dangers?” “这白纸黑字不是写着吗,你是担保人,承担一半的责任,所以这赔偿费你得出一半。”迪克斯看了他一眼,笑了:“而且,你可不是什么都没有得到,你们的口供都说了,德尔玛许你五百万铜币的好处费,你这是拿人钱,替人办事,哪有不担风险的好事?” One that the Cyril complexion brushes becomes pale, is pointing at Delmar and Mag said: That...... that is they forms a partnership to deceive me! Where has such skillful matter, contract that in the morning just signed, money has not taken, did this break a contract?! Sir, I am unjust! I deceived that!” 西里尔脸色刷的一下变得惨白,指着德尔玛和麦格道:“那……那是他们合起伙来骗我!哪有这么巧的事情,早上刚签的合同,钱都还没有拿到手,这就违约了?!大人,我冤枉啊!我才是被骗的那一个!” Deeks does not pay attention to him, but judges to say directly: „ This case case is simple, the evidence understands, Delmar and Cyril two people of breaches of contract and frauds, according to the contract amount pay damages the Liev 60 million copper coin, two people account for half respectively, pays damages 30 million copper coin respectively. 迪克斯并不理会他,而是直接宣判道:“此案案情简单,证据明了,德尔玛和西里尔二人合同违约、欺诈,按照合同金额赔付列夫六千万铜币,二人各占一半,分别赔付三千万铜币。 In view of the fact that the amount is big, detains your two people for the time being, you make the family member collect the penalty to deliver to City Lord's mansion to come, after junction full amount, obtains the person concerned to forgive, may soon release. If you are unable to pay in full the penalty, according to the difference will determine guilt! ” 鉴于金额较大,将你二人暂且拘留,你们让家人筹集违约金送到城主府来,交足额后,获得事主谅解,可早日释放。倘若你们无法交足违约金,将按照差额定罪!” Sir is wise.” The Mag smile cups one hand in the other across the chest. “大人英明。”麦格微笑拱手。
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