SDRAW :: Volume #23

#2287: So is why appropriate?

Everyone looks at the stone of grinding pan size Amy pulls out, on the face showed the smile. 大家看着艾米掏出来的磨盘大小的石头,脸上纷纷露出了笑容。 The Amy vision relayed in the crowd, designated Xaviera, said: Elder Sister Xaviera, you are the lucky audience, now I invite you to come with me to give this performance together.” 艾米目光在人群中转了一圈,选定了希维尔,道:“希维尔姐姐,你是幸运观众,现在我邀请你来和我一起表演这个节目。” Un??” A Xaviera face is ignorant. “嗯??”希维尔一脸懵。 „The matter that you must handle is very simple, you only need with this hammer head, placing my stone broke is OK.” Amy pulled out a sledgehammer, went forward to hand over in the hand of Xaviera. “你要做的事情很简单的,你只需要用这个锤头,把放在我身上的石头砸碎就可以了。”艾米又掏出了一个大锤,上前交到了希维尔的手里。 Xaviera is carrying a that about hundred jin (0.5 kg) sledgehammer, ignorant one will recover, does the Amy small stature, carry this sledgehammer to give her single-handed? Looks at her relaxed appearance, wants the nature compared with her. 希维尔拎着那近百斤的大锤,懵了一会才回过神来,艾米小小的个子,是怎么单手拎着这大锤交给她的?看她那轻松的模样,比她还要自然。 But that side Amy has lain down on the rug, on the chest is also suspending that heavy/thick big stone. 而那边艾米已经在地毯上躺好了,胸口上还摆着那块厚重的大石头。 Little Amy, does your...... have confidence?” Yabemiya kneels to sit side Amy, some worries visits her to ask. 小艾米,你这……有把握吗?”亚北米娅跪坐在艾米身旁,有些担心的看着她问道。 This big stone little said that also 200-300 jin (0.5 kg), the little fellow presses on oneself, moreover must make Xaviera break it with the heavy hammer. 这块大石头少说也有200-300斤,小家伙就这么压在自己身上,而且还要让希维尔用重锤把它砸碎。 I thought that is not quite appropriate.” Xaviera puts down the heavy hammer in hand. “我觉得不太合适。”希维尔把手里的重锤放下。 Pounds a little miss with such big heavy hammer, she may be unable to handle this matter. 拿这么大的重锤砸一个小姑娘,她可做不出来这种事情。 Only is looks that big stone presses her to think she was possibly compressed momentarily, where being able to get down hand. 光是看着那大石头压着她就觉得她随时可能被压扁了,哪里下得去手。 Yes, we give other performance, for example sang and dances.” Felice follows to nod, full is the worry looks at Amy. “是啊,我们表演别的节目吧,比如唱歌、跳舞啊。”菲丽丝跟着点头,满是担心的看着艾米 Has not related, my real super powerful.” About Amy looked, sees everyone not to come up to hammer her, has to hold the big stone to sit. “没关系的,我真的超厉害的。”艾米左右看了看,见大家都不愿意上来锤她,只好自己抱着大石头坐了起来。 Inserts one, I recently using novel app, App The Android apple cell phone supports! 插一句,我最近在用的小说app,【app】安卓苹果手机都支持! Good, since everyone does not want to beat me, I have to hammer itself.” Saying, her right hand got hold of the small fist, then the big stone hammered a fist to own chest is holding. “好吧,既然大家都不想捶我,那我只好自己锤自己了。”说着,她右手握紧了小拳头,然后冲着自己胸口抱着的大石头锤了一拳。 The small fist is delicate, looks without the lethality. 小小的拳头秀气可爱,看起来毫无杀伤力。 But was such a lovable small fist, the hammer in that heavy/thick big stone, actually sent out the dull thumping sound that such as the heavy hammer fell to the ground. 但就是这样一只可爱的小拳头,锤在了那厚重的大石头上,却发出了一声如重锤落地的闷响。 kacha! 咔嚓 The sounds of disruption resound, are centered on the fist, close such as crack fast delaying of spider web goes. 一道道碎裂的声音响起,以拳头为中心,一道道细密如蛛网的裂缝快速延展而去。 An entire big stone disrupted instantaneously the innumerable blocks, fell place, did not have a size to surpass the fist unexpectedly. 一整块的大石头瞬间碎裂成了无数块,落了一地,竟是没有一块的大小超过拳头的。 In restaurant peaceful a meeting, the people look that Amy’s expression somewhat is surprised. 餐厅里安静了一会,众人看着艾米的表情都有些吃惊。 But that Xaviera is mouth looks is bigger, a face shocking expression. 而那希维尔更是嘴巴长得大大的,一脸震惊的表情。 She knows that Amy meets magic, previous time they make mission together time she has exposed her the talent on magic. 她知道艾米魔法,上次他们一起去做任务的时候她就展露过她在魔法上的天赋。 But...... 可是…… Why can she chest broken big stone? 她为什么能够胸口碎大石? Moreover she is holding the stone, performed a chest broken big stone to everyone. 而且她还是自己抱着石头,向大家表演了一个胸口碎大石。 That is not the item, that is the real stone, the Chaos City common granite, the quality of material is hard. 那不是什么道具,那是真实的石头,混乱之城常见的花岗岩,质地坚硬。 Amy amazing!” A Daphne face worship looks at Amy, in the eye is the small star. 艾米好厉害!”达芙妮一脸崇拜的看着艾米,眼里全是小星星。 Ignaz moved moving toward side, to Amy, starts seriously to ponder simultaneously, treat the Amy's attitude. 伊格纳兹则是往旁边挪了挪,离艾米远一点,同时开始认真思考以后自己对待艾米的态度。 close combat magic, the terrifying in this way, I also want to study.” Barbara somewhat envied, is thinking can make Amy recommend, making her also do obeisance Crassus for the master, studies close combat magic. 近战魔法,恐怖如斯,我也想学。”芭芭拉有些羡慕了,想着能不能让艾米引荐一下,让她也去拜克拉苏为师,学习近战魔法 Magic Caster weakest is the close combat ability, as space Magic Caster, she has stronger self-preservation ability compared with ordinary Magic Caster, but also is only restricted in the self-preservation. 魔法师最弱的就是近战能力,作为一名空间魔法师,她比普通魔法师有更强的自保能力,但也仅限于自保。 Who does not want to experience near body fight hot blooded, if Ok, she also wants to try. 谁又不想体验近身战斗的热血呢,要是可以的话,她也想试试。 When people exclamation, does not forget to give Amy to applaud to approve. 众人惊叹之余,也不忘给艾米鼓掌表示认可。 Thanks.” Amy sets out to raise slightly slightly, satisfaction returned to own seat. “谢谢。”艾米起身微微欠身,满意的回到了自己的座位上。 Elizabeth waves, swept off the broken stone on rug. 伊丽莎白挥了挥手,扫去了地毯上的碎石头。 That following everyone prepares a program respectively, we come in turn, first mounts the stage to sing the song warm field by Gina.” Angela stands, undertook the work of host and atmosphere group on own initiative. “那接下来大家各自准备一个节目吧,我们轮流来,先由姬娜上台演唱歌曲暖场。”安吉拉站起来,主动承担了主持人和气氛组的工作。 Gina natural setting out stood the rug center, reports in advance bent/tune name/reputation who everyone could not understand, then started to sing loudly. 姬娜大大方方的起身站到了地毯中央,先报了个大家都听不懂的曲名,然后开始放声歌唱。 The beautiful elusive singing sound, such as chanting in a low voice of deep sea, hearing the people deluded. 优美空灵的歌声,如深海的低吟,听得众人如痴如醉。 Xaviera is far away from the corner of fireplace to sit down, hearing the whole body to be dry and hot, on the forehead is the sweat. 希维尔在远离壁炉的角落坐下,听得浑身燥热,额头上全是汗水。 Eats ice cream.” Yabemiya sat down in her side, hands over one just to make okay ice cream. “吃个冰激凌吧。”亚北米娅在她身旁坐下,递来一个刚刚做好的冰激凌 Thanks.” Xaviera scooped up one spoon of matcha tastes ice cream to feed the mouth, the icy cold feeling instantaneous thorough heart, the dry and hot feeling instantaneous dissipation, the happy and fresh flavor dispersed in the mouth, comfortable she wants to moan. “谢谢。”希维尔舀了一勺抹茶味的冰激凌喂到嘴里,冰凉的感觉瞬间透彻心扉,燥热的感觉瞬间消散,甜蜜而清新的味道在嘴里散开,舒服的她想呻吟。 Including was eating several ice cream, she thought that oneself spirit came back, listening to the delightful singing sound, the mood to relax quickly. 连着吃了几口冰激凌,她觉得自己的灵魂又回来了,听着悦耳的歌声,心情很快放松了下来。 Or I lead you to change the clothes, the armor can waits for us to go to sea put on again, tonight we play well.” The Miya smile visits her to finish eating ice cream, said. “要不我带你去换衣服吧,铠甲可以等我们出海的时候再穿,今晚我们就好好玩耍。”米娅微笑看着她吃完了冰激凌,才说道。 I......” Xaviera look on the Miya face the warm smile, is a little scruple, may finish eating ice cream, the heat wave raided again. “我……”希维尔看着米娅脸上温暖的笑容,有点迟疑,可吃完了冰激凌,热浪再次袭来。 Her clothes have no way to take off/escape, after all this is the proper party, but indeed felt too hot. 她的衣服没法脱,毕竟这是正经派对,可又的确感觉太热了。 Walks, we go upstairs to change the clothes.” Miya grabs her hand to stand up, took conveniently placed the paper bag on nearby cabinet, in Mag to kitchen said one: Boss, the clothes I took away, I lead Miss Xaviera to go upstairs to change the clothes.” “走吧,我们上楼去换衣服。”米娅抓着她的手站起身来,顺手拿了放在一旁柜子上的纸袋,冲着厨房里的麦格说了一声:“老板,衣服我拿走了,我带希维尔小姐上楼换衣服。” Good.” Mag complied with one in kitchen. “好。”麦格厨房里答应了一声。 You go to trade, but can also take a shower simply, will twist off that switch water leakage, I outside you.” Miya turns on the lamp of washroom, how teaches her to use to shower to meet, then gave Xaviera the paper bag. “你进去换吧,还可以简单冲个澡,拧开那个开关就会出水了,我在外面等你。”米娅把洗手间的灯打开,教她怎么用淋浴碰头,然后将纸袋递给了希维尔 Thanks.” Xaviera grateful and Miya said that took the paper bag to enter the washroom. “谢谢。”希维尔感激的和米娅说了一声,提着纸袋进了洗手间。 Opens the paper bag, inside has a faint yellow long skirt, the material quality is frivolous, touching to be very comfortable, in addition two underwears. 打开纸袋,里面有一件淡黄色的长裙,材质轻薄柔软,摸起来很舒服,除此之外还有两件内衣。 Xaviera face one red, never expected that his underwear prepared for her. 希维尔脸一红,没想到他连内衣都替她准备了。 However he definitely does not know the size, if inappropriate, the wear should not meet comfortably. 不过他肯定不知道尺寸,要是不合适的话,穿着应该会不舒服。 Then she saw the paper bag most under also thinks of two leopard marks with the small bag the underwears, the sexy design and trace, making the face of Xaviera become flushed instantaneously. 然后她看到了纸袋最下方还用小袋子装着两件豹纹的内衣,性感的款式和纹路,让希维尔的脸瞬间涨红了。 This...... this was also too obscene!” Xaviera felt oneself received the shame. “这……这也太下流了吧!”希维尔感觉自己受到了羞辱。 But spreads the leopard mark swim suit on chair, why seems like that sexy attractive?! 但铺在椅子上的豹纹泳装,为什么看起来那么性感诱人?! If puts in oneself, should very be attractive? 要是穿在自己身上的话,应该会很好看吧? Xaviera opens the cold water, first took a cold bath to make itself calm. 希维尔打开冷水,先冲了个冷水澡让自己冷静了一下。 Stood sends one to stay before that swim suit, she does not know own how unexpected happening wore that swim suit on the body. 站在那泳装前发了一会呆,她也不知道自己怎么鬼使神差的就把那泳装穿在了身上。 Looks that in the mirror the sex appeal does not lose wild nature, Xaviera somewhat is also enthralled. 看着镜子中性感而不失野性的自己,希维尔也是有些入神。 Quite attractive! 好好看! Has the slender waist of horse A-wire, the plentiful chest and very curls upwards the leopard mark of his buttocks lining even more sexy, bright eye complements each other with her wheat color skin color, red long hair that hangs loose at will, making her seemingly many several points of charming. 有着马甲线的细腰,将丰满的胸部和挺翘他臀部衬的愈发性感,亮眼的豹纹与她小麦色的肤色相得益彰,随意披散的红色长发,让她看起来多了几分妩媚。 But, why so appropriate?” “不过,为什么这么合适?” The Xaviera expression stiffens instantaneously. 希维尔的表情瞬间僵住。
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