SDRAW :: Volume #22

#2139: We need a commander

Strength of Chaos City in various races , the standing-by convoy guard population about 40,000, this time sends out 30,000 elite, obviously sincerity. 混乱之城各族中实力偏下,常备的护卫队人数在四万左右,这次派出三万精锐,可见诚意。 Michael fully realized the gravity that this crisis, after the Chaos City interior held several conferences, finally set this population. 迈克尔深知这次危机的严重性,混乱之城内部召开了几次会议之后,最终定下了这个人数。 Lewis gravely said: giant dragon race will send out eight thousand giant dragon, full power support this blocking action.” 路易斯沉声道:“巨龙族将派出八千巨龙,全力支持本次阻击战。” Eight thousand giant dragon!” Mag eyes lit up. “八千巨龙!”麦格眼睛一亮 This is the air strike ability. 这可是实打实的空中打击能力。 giant dragon has the long-distance attack capability, moreover mostly is the regional skill, can in in the air form the in the air suppression to the dead spirit regiment. 巨龙都有远程攻击能力,而且大多为区域性技能,能够在空中对亡灵军团形成空中压制。 The giant dragon quantity is in Nolan continent various races are smallest, eight thousand giant dragon, basically are the giant dragon race key forces. 巨龙数量是诺兰大陆各族中最少的,八千巨龙,基本是巨龙族的核心力量。 It seems like regarding the matter of devil's being separated from Giant Dragon Island, giant dragon race is offended. 看来对于魔鬼从巨龙岛下脱离之事,巨龙族还是非常介怀的。 various races also took a stand. 紧接着,各族也是纷纷表态。 Atlantis will set out 10,000 officers to join the allied armies, having Mag is clear, this is the Atlantis complete strength, is unretentive. 兰蒂斯特将出动一万将士加入联军,只有麦格清楚,这已经是兰蒂斯特的全部战力,毫无保留。 gnome race sends out five thousand gnome soldiers, simultaneously sends out 10,000 rear services elite, is responsible for mixing the work of logistics. 地精族派出五千地精战士,同时派出一万后勤精锐,负责调配后勤的工作。 The great strength that the gnome race logistics and plan ability become famous, lives in the complex underground cavern after all, but can also let systematic that the entire ethnic group crosses, and produces entire continent most minerals, the race talent has. 地精族的后勤和规划能力是出了名的强大,毕竟在复杂的地下洞穴中生活,还能让整个族群过的井井有条,并且出产整个大陆最多的矿产,种族天赋还是有的。 The troll clan will send out ten thousand troll soldiers, as well as 20,000 logistics troll, can shoulder the snowfield transporting work. 巨魔族将派出一万巨魔战士,以及两万后勤巨魔,可以肩负起雪原搬运工作。 dwarf clan sends out five thousand dwarf soldiers, and undertook entire allied armies the weapon restore, fortification construction and other work, is very outstanding tool person. 矮人族派出五千矮人战士,并且承担了整个联军的兵器修复、工事建设等工作,是非常出色的工具人。 beastman race will send out 20 ten thousand beastman soldiers to join the allied armies, as one can with the strong clan that Roth Empire speaks the last words, beastman race have the huge quantity of tribe soldiers. 兽人族将派出二十万兽人战士加入联军,作为一个能够和洛斯帝国叫板的强族,兽人族同样有着数量庞大的部落战士。 However beastman race set requirement, Roth Empire needs to undertake all rear services of beastman race soldier, this request had been accepted by Andre at the scene. 不过兽人族提出要求,洛斯帝国需要承担兽人族战士的所有后勤,这个要求已经被安德烈当场答应。 various races has taken a stand, is only left over elf race and demon race had not expressed. 各族已经表态,只剩下精灵族恶魔族尚未表示。 The people look at Helena and various demon race representatives. 众人看着海伦娜恶魔族各代表。 Bulk demon race and is splitting the moment at present elf race, is not indeed easy to make the decision. 散装的恶魔族和目前正在分裂关头的精灵族,的确不是那么容易做出决定。 On how many people will night elf have the battlefield?” Helena not anxiously statement, but looks at Irina to ask. 暗夜精灵会有多少人上战场?”海伦娜没有急着表态,而是看着伊琳娜问道。 Irina facial expression tranquil say/way: I have sent out the combat voluntary indication, so far, 3500 qualified elf will join Chaos City queue, 1000 named soldiers, 2500 are responsible for the medical service and logistics.” 伊琳娜神情平静道:“我已经发出了参战自愿征兆,目前为止,有三千五百名符合条件的精灵将会加入混乱之城队伍,其中一千名为战士,两千五百名负责医疗和后勤。” Very good, this point, you look like the queen very much.” Helena nods, then bright sound said: elf race will send out two ten thousand elf soldiers, 10,000 medical soldiers, being proud logistics.” “很好,这一点,你很像女王陛下。”海伦娜点头,然后朗声道:“精灵族将派出两万精灵战士,一万医疗兵,自负后勤。” Some Mag accidents/surprises looked at Helena, now Wind Forest is not quite harmonious, he thinks Helena will keep the Wind Forest protection to cause trouble main forces, but she actually almost sent out all elite main forces. 麦格有些意外的看了眼海伦娜,现在风之森林内部并不太和谐,他原本以为海伦娜会将大部分主力留在风之森林防备生变,但她却几乎派出了所有精锐主力。 After Helena statement, various races representatives also looked that to ten big races representatives who demon race came. 海伦娜表态之后,各族代表也是纷纷看向了恶魔族来的十大种族的代表。 Because no domineering race can the obedience, beforehand forming an alliance because also the infighting disintegrates, present demon race simply does not have a unified sound, person who also cannot represent the voice. 因为没有一个强势种族能够服众,之前的结盟也因为内部争斗瓦解,现在的恶魔族根本没有一个统一的声音,也没有能够代表发声的人。 Situation, collects like this on the spot, before coming, oneself can have many people, the attached race can have many people, you should know in heart.” Dracula puts down the wine glass in hand, smiles was saying: Our Vampire clan can have 1000 people.” “情况都这样了,现场凑一凑吧,来之前,自己能出多少人,附属种族能出多少人,你们应该心里都有个数吧。”德古拉放下手里的酒杯,微笑着说道:“我们吸血鬼族能出一千人。” At the clansman quantity of Vampire clan, 1000 Vampire, might be called the great writer. 吸血鬼族的族人数量,一千个吸血鬼,堪称大手笔了。 Since various races to protect Nolan continent, we do not cover-up, if cannot block, later or possibly vexed.” patriarch of Void Demon clan pounded on a table, said: Our Void Demon clan adds on attached demon race, can have 10,000 soldiers.” “既然各族都为守护诺兰大陆,我们也别藏着掖着了,要是挡不住,以后或者可能更窝囊。”虚空恶魔族的族长拍了一下桌子,道:“我们虚空恶魔族加上附属恶魔族,能出一万战士。” The Vampire clan and Void Demon clan took a stand, various demon race are not good to cover-up again, took a stand. 吸血鬼族和虚空恶魔族先后表态,各恶魔族也就不好再藏着掖着,也是纷纷表态。 Except that the civil war consumed a while ago oversized, and is saving the Flame Demon clan and Abyss Demon clan of heart of guarding, other demon races also quite have the sincerity. 除了前段时间内战消耗过大,并且存着提防之心的烈焰恶魔族和深渊恶魔族,其他恶魔种族倒也算是颇有诚意。 Finally, Demon Islands dispatches troops to 100,000, is next to Roth Empire and beastman race. 最终,恶魔群岛出兵十万,仅次于洛斯帝国兽人族 Good! Like this our Nolan continent various races also 1 million brave soldiers, with the 1 million dead spirit regiment wars of that devil, inevitably not weak leeward!” Andre claps the hands and shouts praise to say. “好啊!这样我们诺兰大陆各族也有百万雄兵,与那魔鬼的百万亡灵军团一战,必然不弱下风!”安德烈拍手叫好道。 various races regarding the matter of dispatching troops, is the sincerity is full, even far exceeded the anticipation of Andre. 各族对于出兵之事,已经算是诚意满满,甚至远远超出了安德烈的预期。 This lineup and specification, are representing at present the Nolan continent strongest battle efficiency. 这阵容和规格,代表着目前诺兰大陆的最强战斗力。 Hundred years ago, various races tangled warfare. 百年之前,各族混战。 Hundred years later, various races actually must to resist the devil fights side-by-side. 百年之后,各族却要为了对抗魔鬼而并肩作战。 various races representatives also showed several points of happy expression. 各族代表也是露出了几分笑意。 Previously heard 1 million dead spirit regiments that Mag said that was somewhat frightened. 先前听到麦格说的百万亡灵军团,着实有些被吓到了。 But now various races dispatches troops, formed an unprecedented Army group, finally felt the courage of accepting a challenge. 但现在各族鼎力出兵,组成了一只前所未有的大军团,终于感受到了应战的勇气。 Michael sets out, bright sound said: „The joint army have formed to complete, but such a huge regiment, moreover from each race, to put into fullplay in the battlefield, how must direct, is directed by whom, this matter we must determine tonight. In a state of disunity, will only degenerate into the battlefield by a slaughter oppressive side.” 迈克尔起身,朗声道:“联合军已经组建完成,但这样一支庞大的军团,而且来自各个种族,要想在战场上充分发挥作用,应当如何指挥,由谁来指挥,此事我们今晚就要确定下来。一盘散沙,只会在战场上沦为被屠虐的一方。” Michael such remarks, after various races representatives is shortly silent, then starts to discuss. 迈克尔此话一出,各族代表短暂沉默之后,便开始议论起来。 Direction? The warriors of our abyss clan always only obey my direction, whom I do not want to listen to issue arbitrary and confused orders, gave in vain the life white/in vain.” Abyss Demon clan patriarch sneers to say. “指挥?呵,我们深渊族的勇士从来只听我的指挥,我可不想听谁瞎指挥,白白送了性命。”深渊恶魔族长冷笑道。 Whose direction our inferno clan will not obey, isn't kills the dead spirit? A fireball burns one pile, but also needs to direct?” “我们烈焰族也不会听谁的指挥,不就是杀亡灵吗?一个火球烧一堆,还需要指挥?” This commander feared that is not good to elect, if chose a bias, is protecting the clansman inevitably, puts the frontline other races.” Helena is also in the words has the words to say. “这指挥官怕是不好选,要是选了个偏心的,必然护着自己族人,把其他种族放到前线去。”海伦娜也是话里有话道。 War is not the child's play, 1 million elite wars, are no one has fought the wealthy wars, who can take on this greatly duty?” Lewis also knits the brows to ask. “战争不是儿戏,百万精锐的战争,更是谁都没打过的富裕仗,谁能担此大任?”路易斯也是皱眉问道。 Just formed the loose alliance that became, the various races benefit is related, wants to select one to be able immediately the captain of obedience, obviously insufficient reality. 刚刚组建而成的松散联盟,各族利益相关,想要立刻选出一位能够服众的指挥者,显然不够现实。 giant dragon race has the prestige actually, but giant dragon goes to war always by the strength steamroll, the in the air infinite suppression, where has military professional who can direct and control million Army. 巨龙族倒是颇有威望,不过巨龙打仗向来都是靠实力碾压,空中无限压制,哪有能够指挥和掌控百万大军的军事人才。 Once determined that who is a commander, means that controller mixed the various races right, various races representatives naturally saved some thoughts. 而且一旦确定谁是指挥官,意味着掌控者调配各族的权利,各族代表自然都存了些心思。 Michael sees the people noisy, is the bright sound said: „ The various races alliance, formed the powerful allied armies, if no one can direct such as uses freely, the steel will use on the blade, we do not have the odds of success. 迈克尔见众人吵闹,也是朗声道:“各族联盟,组建了强大的联军,若是没有人能够指挥如臂使,将好钢用在刀刃上,我们毫无胜算。 I think by votes the commander who must select a just obedience, making of the allied armies is more efficient and powerful, deals the attack of devil and dead spirit regiment. ” 我认为应当用投票的方式选出一位公正服众的指挥官,让联军变得更加高效和强大,来应对魔鬼和亡灵军团的进攻。”
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