SDRAW :: Volume #19

#1809: It exploded!

Mag confessed that is unable to undertake to protect a responsibility of clan, he even often for oneself whether can become a father and a husband to worry. 麦格自认无法承担起守护一族的责任,他甚至时常为自己是否能够当好一个父亲、一个丈夫而担忧。 Gina is looking at Mag dull, does not seem to think that he will refuse, to stare a meeting, some helpless say/way: What was...... is I to make the mistake?” 姬娜呆呆望着麦格,似乎没有想到他会拒绝,愣了一会,才有些手足无措道:“是……是我做错了什么吗?” No, you not wrong, Atlantis not wrong.” Mag covers the hand gently in the head of Gina, is comforting her flurried mood, smiles is visiting her saying: „ Atlantis , if not contend with its clan, naturally does not need to be worried that its clan entering the sea fights with you, why also to deliver to my bystander the scepter, is under the control of others. I forever am the Atlantis friend, if there is a need I to help, I naturally cannot sit by and do nothing. “不,你没有错,兰蒂斯特也没有错。”麦格把手轻轻盖在姬娜的头上,安抚着她慌乱的心情,微笑着看着她道:“兰蒂斯特倘若不与它族相争,自然无需担心它族入海与你们相斗,又何必将权杖交予我这个外人,受制于人。我永远是兰蒂斯特的朋友,倘若有需要我帮助的,我自然不会坐视不管。 Let alone, I am only a person, not god. I like cooking, likes restaurant, likes such simple life, the right to me, but floating clouds. ” 何况,我只是一个人,并非什么神。我喜欢做菜,喜欢餐厅,喜欢这样简单的生活,权利对我而言,不过浮云而已。” Gina is opening mouth to look at Mag slightly, his body just like is sending out the sacred brilliance, like that day appearance that presents in the crystal ball Savior in general. 姬娜微微张着嘴看着麦格,他的身上犹如散发着神圣的光辉,就像那日出现在水晶球中救世主一般的模样。 Simple...... joyful life.” In the heart of Gina had a clear(ly) to become aware, vigorously nods, I will go back according to the facts and imperial father and High Priest say.” “简单……快乐的生活。”姬娜的心中有了一丝明悟,用力的点了点头,“我会回去据实和父皇大祭司说的。” Goes.” Mag took back the hand, in the vision filled encouragement. “去吧。”麦格收回了手,目光中充满了鼓励。 Looks Gina that goes out goes far away, Mag relaxes, good Irina not on the scene, otherwise also explained that well one followed life-long is what meaning. 看着出门远去的姬娜,麦格松了口气,还好伊琳娜不在场,不然又得好好解释一番终生追随是什么意思了。 „Should Hannah Lumme Brewery also finish?” Mag pushes the bicycle to go out, prepares to go to the city north to transfer, examines the Hannah rum to put the progress, recently many guests closely examined the rum. 汉娜的朗姆酒厂也该完工了吧?”麦格推着自行车出门,准备去城北转一圈,查看一下汉娜的朗姆酒放进度,最近有不少客人追问朗姆酒。 Next Mag also prepares Maotai and matter of Whiskey mass production puts on the agenda. 其次麦格还准备把茅台酒威士忌量产的事情提上日程。 His family/home balcony ferments Beer is the limit, this Whiskey and a Maotai brewing need bigger location, the need longer brewing time, establishes the brewery directly to be in the mass production stage simultaneously, naturally is very good mentality. 他家阳台酿啤酒已经是极限,这威士忌茅台酒酿造需要更大的场地,同时需要更长的酿造时间,建立酒厂直接进入量产阶段,自然是非常不错的思路。 But the liquor water the profit quite rich industry, Beer, rum, Whiskey and Maotai, the hand grasps king Zha Mag, has the confidence to monopolize the Nolan continent high-end liquor market. 酒水可是利润相当丰厚的产业,啤酒、朗姆酒、威士忌茅台酒,手握王炸的麦格,非常有信心垄断诺兰大陆的高端酒市场。 As for the wine, Mag looks in the Hill face, decided that temporarily does not replace the reputation of Buffett restaurant. 至于葡萄酒,麦格看在希尔的面子,决定暂时不取代巴菲特酒庄的名头。 Host, please do not wallow in making money, outputs gourmet food to this world is you as the matter that the God of Cookery candidate must handle!” The System reminder said. “宿主,请不要沉迷于赚钱,向这个世界输出美食才是你作为厨神候选人应当做的事情!”系统提醒道。 Money? I have not bumped money, I have no interest in money. I am only wish make this world the person of nice wine also be able to enjoy the genuine good wine, lets these blue ruin a little improvements the sense of crisis and direction.” A Mag face lofty say/way. “钱?我从来没有碰过钱,我对钱没有兴趣。我只是想要让这个世界的好酒之人也能够享受到真正的美酒,让那些劣酒有点改进的危机感和方向。”麦格一脸崇高道。 Rides a bicycle to go out, with is sitting in Mobai and Lulu that the smithy entrance rests greets, blows the whistling to ride the bicycle to depart. 骑车出门,和正坐在铁匠铺门口歇息的墨白鹿鹿打了个招呼,吹着口哨骑着自行车离去。 Boss Mag may really be a natural person.” Mobai looks at Mag’s back to say with a smile. 麦老板可真是一个潇洒的人。”墨白看着麦格的背影笑着道。 He is a good person.” Lulu said with a smile gruffly. “他是个好人。”鹿鹿憨笑道。 ...... …… Has not arrived at the brewery distantly, Mag then saw white smog that in that standing tall and erect chimney emits. 还未到酿酒厂,麦格远远的便看到了那高耸烟囱中冒出的白色烟雾。 This girl, but also is really the impatient wish operation.” The Mag brow tip selects, Hannah has started to test machine evidently. “这妮子,还真是迫不及待的想要开工啊。”麦格眉梢微挑,看样子汉娜已经开始测试机器了。 It can understand that actually the Hannah unbearably anxious mentality, this Lumme Brewery, from the machine blueprint to the Factory layout blueprint, is she explodes the liver to catch up after all completely day and night, later squats daily in the work site, defends constructing that the double-shift work artisan is working overtime to be good. 它倒是能够理解汉娜的急不可耐的心态,毕竟这个朗姆酒厂,从机器图纸到工厂布局图纸,全部都是她日日夜夜爆肝赶出来的,之后更是天天蹲在工地,守着两班倒的工匠加班加点的建好。 Said that is the painstaking care crystallizes, is not overrated. 说是心血结晶,也是丝毫不为过。 Bang “砰” The Mag bicycle just stopped in the brewery entrance, inside then broadcast a sound of explosion. 麦格的自行车刚在酿酒厂门口停好,里边便传来了一声爆炸的声音。 „Is this?” Mag looks the chimney that stands tall and erect shook shaking in one group of black smokes, unwilling dropping down. “这是?”麦格看着那高耸的烟囱在一团黑烟中晃了晃,不甘的倒下。 The artisan who one crowd is improving the Factory environment detail trades flustered ran, a face fear. 一群正在完善工厂环境细节的工匠换慌张张的跑了出来,一脸害怕。 Mag first breaks in the billowing black smoke, fished Hannah that a face compels ignorant. 麦格第一时间冲入滚滚黑烟之中,把一脸懵逼的汉娜捞了出来。 The cheek was blackened by smoke, Hannah that beautiful hair such as golden hair Lion King blasts out gawked a meeting, flutteringly blinked, notices Mag, then showed a face shocking expression: It...... it exploded!” 脸蛋被熏黑,一头秀发如金毛狮王般炸开的汉娜愣了一会,眨了眨眼睛,才注意到麦格,然后露出了一脸震惊的表情:“它……它炸了!” Un, I saw.” Mag is sipping the lip, was not smiled to make noise by oneself diligently. “嗯,我看到了。”麦格抿着嘴唇,努力让自己不笑出声。 It...... it exploded!” Hannah innocent with having the sound of several points of weeping voice, repeated. “它……它就这么炸了!”汉娜一脸无辜的用带着几分哭腔的声音,又重复了一遍。 Un, I saw......” Mag has turned head, could not bear send out ‚’ sound. “嗯,我看到了……”麦格扭过头去,还是忍不住发出了‘库库库’声音。 He by specialized training. 他受过专业的训练。 However could not bear. 但是没忍住。 Doesn't matter, the person still, all can start from the beginning.” Mag smiled, then looks at somewhat absent-minded Hannah, patted her shoulder to say comfortably. “没关系,人还在,一切都可以从头开始。”麦格笑完了,回头看着有些失神的汉娜,拍了拍她的肩膀宽慰道。 „From the painting?” The Hannah eyelid turns, faints directly in Mag’s bosom. “从画图开始吗?”汉娜眼皮一翻,直接晕倒在麦格的怀里 This child......” Mag is holding Hannah, first directs the artisans on the scene first open fire that because the explosion causes extinguished, making them not worry to tidy up the scene, nearby delivered to Textile Mill Hannah. “这孩子……”麦格抱着汉娜,先指挥在场的工匠们先把因为爆炸引起的明火灭了,让他们不着急收拾现场,把汉娜就近送到了纺织厂 Irina is not, but some meets Heal Magic Caster . Moreover the specialized hospitals, night elf has 30,000 people after all. 伊琳娜不在,不过有的是会治疗术魔法师,而且还有一个专业的医院,毕竟暗夜精灵有三万人。 The explosion has not injured to Hannah, she is because adds on exhaustedly to catches up with the chart again the despair, therefore fainted. 爆炸没有伤到汉娜,她是因为疲惫加上对再次赶图的绝望,所以晕厥了过去。 The elf therapist used returning to normal mood magic arts to her, brow then stretch/leisurely development that she tightens, the breath is gradually smooth, has fallen asleep. 精灵治疗师给她施展了一个平复心情的法术,她紧锁的眉头便舒展开了,呼吸渐渐平顺,已然睡着。 That elf also used a clean technique to her while convenient, cleaned Hannah of black salt, changed clothes. 精灵还顺便给她施展了一个清洁术,把一身黑灰的汉娜清洗了一下,换了身衣服。 Slept to wake up does not have the issue.” elf comes out from the room, looks at Mag to say. “睡一觉醒来就没问题了。”精灵从房间里出来,看着麦格说道。 Had the work, making her first rest here a meeting, I was late meet her again.” Mag looks was lying down peacefully Hannah, turned around the medical office. “有劳了,让她先在这里休息一会吧,我晚点再来接她。”麦格看了一眼安静躺着的汉娜,转身出了医务室。 Mag returns to the brewery. 麦格返回酿酒厂。 Looks at place in confusion, is somewhat is speechless. 看着一地狼藉,也是不禁有些无语。 The boiler exploded, the brewing machinery also dispersed place, the entire boiler room in a complete mess. 锅炉炸了,酿酒机也是散了一地,整个锅炉房一塌糊涂。 Mag pulls out n95 to put on, narrows eyes to look the workshop that also somewhat the smog winds around, is asking at heart: System, inspects the issue.” 麦格掏出一个n95戴上,眯着眼睛看着还有几分烟雾缭绕的厂房,在心里问道:“系统,检查一下问题吧。” Host......” “宿主……” 1000 copper coin.” Mag shut the mouth of System. “一千铜币。”麦格堵住了系统的嘴。 But the host does not have money now......” “可现在宿主已经没有钱了……” Mag expression one stiff, smiled saying with a smile: I have secret stash of money.” 麦格表情一僵,笑了笑道:“我有私房钱。” Scans, according to the design paper reconstruction graphic model, discovered that structural problem six, material issue three, have redrawn to this/should wine-making machine design paper, whether needs to print?” About after one minute, the System sound conveys. “扫描完毕,根据设计图纸重建三维图,发现结构问题六处,材料问题三处,已对该酿酒机器设计图纸重绘,是否需要打印?”大约一分钟后,系统的声音传来。 Naturally.” Mag nods. “当然。”麦格点头。 Prints a 2 copper coin, this blueprint altogether 32 pages, collect fees 64 copper coin, has deducted!” The System cheerful sound resounds. “打印一张二铜币,本图纸一共32页,收费64铜币,已扣除!”系统欢快的声音响起。 Mag is looking in the hand thick one pack of blueprints, was complaining being greedy for money of System at heart, but regarding this exceptionally standardized blueprint is very satisfied. 麦格看着手中厚厚一叠图纸,在心里吐槽了一下系统的贪财,但对于这份异常规范化的图纸还是挺满意的。
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