SDRAW :: Volume #19

#1803: Are you willing to become Mamy Restaurant proprietress?

Goes downstairs alone, Mag took up also places that letter/believes on table to sweep one fast. 独自下了楼,麦格还是拿起还放在桌上的那封信快速扫了一眼。 As he expected, the content of letter/believes is chaste. 不出他所料,信的内容非常纯洁。 However from the somewhat hasty handwriting, after Gloria should receive temporarily leaves the Chaos City news, writes this letter/believes specially to deliver to restaurant. 不过从有些仓促的笔迹来看,歌洛璃娅应该是临时收到离开混乱之城的消息后,写了这封信专程送到餐厅 By the Moreton family influence, receives the Chaos City critical news not to make him be surprised ahead of time. 莫尔顿家族的影响力,提前获得混乱之城危急的消息并不让他感到意外。 However Gloria in so urgent situation, but also comes to inform him specially promptly far away from Chaos City, the sincerity of expression, touches him somewhat. 不过歌洛璃娅在如此紧急的情况下,还特意前来通知他及时远离混乱之城,言辞之恳切,着实让他有些感动。 Miss Gloria is really a trustworthy partner, it seems like, can continue to cooperate.” Mag returned to the envelope the letter/believes stopper, lost conveniently on the counter, turned around kitchen. 歌洛璃娅小姐真是一个值得信任的伙伴,看来以后还是可以继续合作的。”麦格把信塞回了信封,随手丢在了柜台上,转身进了厨房 A head silent searched from the staircase corner, Irina looked at one to be thrown the letter/believes on counter at will, nod of looking pensive. 一个脑袋无声的从楼梯转角探了出来,伊琳娜看了一眼被随意丢在柜台上的信,若有所思的点了点头。 The Mag corners of the mouth curl upwards, promote the later sense of hearing to rise dramatically, naturally discovered Irina that goes downstairs. 麦格嘴角微翘,升级之后听觉飙升,自然发现了下楼来的伊琳娜 I agree to adopt Annie.” Irina gets to the kitchen entrance, looks at cleaning vegetables Mag saying: She is a pretty clever child, moreover Amy also likes her.” “我同意收养安妮。”伊琳娜走到厨房门口,看着正在洗菜的麦格说道:“她是个漂亮乖巧的孩子,而且艾米也喜欢她。” You can like her, really good.” Mag turns around to smile is visiting her. “你能喜欢她,实在太好了。”麦格转身微笑着看着她。 The years as if freeze on her face, as before are the appearance of young girl, among the frown and smile, have the charm that the young girl is unable to compare. 岁月似乎在她的脸上冻结,依旧是少女的模样,一颦一笑间,却又有着少女无法比拟的魅力。 That pair of deep blue eyes, just like sea in general is pure and profound, making one unable to bear perish. 那双湛蓝色眼睛,犹如大海一般纯净而深邃,令人忍不住沉沦。 Mag is looking at her, was looks to stay unexpectedly. 麦格望着她,竟是看呆了去。 Irina to the vision of that burning hot, felt the cheeks to feel hot inexplicably, somewhat is at heart shy, is somewhat delighted, having several points to rebuke saying: Stares at me to do? What on the face has?” 伊琳娜对上了那炙热的目光,莫名觉得脸颊发烫,心里有些害羞,又有些欢喜,带着几分嗔怪道:“盯着我干嘛?脸上有什么吗?” Is a little attractive.” Mag said with a smile. “有点好看。”麦格微笑道 „, When did learn speak this words?” Irina narrows eyes to size up Mag slightly, the corners of the mouth of rising is actually revealing her mood without doubt. “啧,什么时候学会说这种话了?”伊琳娜微微眯起眼睛打量着麦格,上扬的嘴角却将她的心情表露无疑。 Time that today the last thunder and lightning chops, you know that what I am thinking?” The Mag smile asked. “今天最后一道雷电劈下来的时候,你知道我在想什么吗?”麦格微笑问道。 Is dying?” “要死了?” Mag chokes, unexpectedly so accurate. 麦格一噎,竟是如此的准确。 However he completes the psychological construction quickly gently, the vision looks at Irina, I am thinking, without liked you dying well again one time, that heavy labor then did not have the significance one time.” 不过他很快做好心理建设,目光温柔的看着伊琳娜,“我在想,如果没有好好再爱你一次就死了,那重活一次便毫无意义。” Un?” Irina somewhat surprised looks at Mag. “嗯?”伊琳娜有些惊讶的看着麦格 Hello, Irina, I am Mag, are you willing to become Mamy Restaurant proprietress?” Mag knees down, in hand magic appearance one piece sapphire ring, handed over to Irina. “你好,伊琳娜,我是麦格,你愿意成为麦米餐厅老板娘吗?”麦格单膝跪地,手上变魔术般的出现了一颗蓝宝石戒指,递向了伊琳娜 Irina is opening mouth slightly, looks partly kneels in ground Mag. 伊琳娜微微张着嘴,看着半跪在地上的麦格 The present man, unloaded the armor, put down the unapproachable heavy sword, puts on plain chef uniform, offers the knight highest formality, gently and said these words to her assuredly. 眼前的男人,卸下了铠甲,放下了无可匹敌的重剑,穿着素净的厨师服,献上骑士的最高礼节,向她温柔而笃定的说出了这段话。 It is not the wife of matchless Great General, is not the dragon slayer beautiful woman, is only a restaurant proprietress. 不是举世无双大将军的夫人,不是屠龙勇士的美人,只是一家餐厅老板娘 Probably actually one handful of pink fresh flowers, pounded on her bottom of the heart. 却像是一捧粉色的鲜花,砸在了她的心尖上。 In the three years undergoes suffering with misery, the tears that these night calmly flows, changed into worth in this moment all. 这三年间经受的委屈与苦难,那些夜晚静静流淌的眼泪,在这一刻尽数化为了值得。 Yes. 是啊。 She wants, but is he also has Amy in the same place, simple and joyful life. 她想要的,不过就是和他还有艾米在一起,简单而快乐的生活。 Without these so-called national principle of righteousness and race rise and fall, does not need to involve these endless plot maelstrom. 没有那些所谓的国家大义、种族兴衰,不需要介入那些无休止的阴谋漩涡 Becoming Mamy Restaurant proprietress, comes a simple happy love with him, probably is a happy matter. 成为麦米餐厅老板娘,和他重新来一段简单甜蜜的恋爱,大概就是一件令人开心的事情吧。 I want.” Irina extended the left hand toward Mag. “我愿意。”伊琳娜向着麦格伸出了左手。 Mag holds that only fair slender hand gently, wore the ring on her ring finger, then set out to enter in the bosom her tight supporting. 麦格轻轻捧起那只白皙修长的手,将戒指戴在了她的无名指上,然后起身将她紧紧的拥入怀中。 This is not his temporary conceiving a plan, but is the long-premeditated action. 这并非他的临时起意,而是蓄谋已久的举动。 He has long known, oneself has fallen in love with this woman. 他早就知道,自己已经爱上了这个女人。 He is very clear, that is not excited for a while, is not the greedy her body, but is the true love, he to the woman has never had the emotion. 他很清楚,那不是一时心动,也不是馋她的身子,而是真正的爱,他对女人从未有过的情感。 Because the disparity in strength, he always cannot take that step. 因为实力上的差距,他总迈不出那一步。 He wants to become one to protect her man, rather than often the man who needs her to protect. 他想要成为一个能够保护好她的男人,而不是一个时常需要她来保护的男人。 Therefore he has thought that wanted to restore the peak strength that day, said own intention to her. 所以他早就想好要在恢复巅峰实力的那一天,向她道出自己的心意。 He is Mag, Mamy Restaurant Boss, the Amy's father. 他是麦格,麦米餐厅老板,艾米的父亲。 He wants by this status and she is in love, lives with her. 他想要以这个身份和她谈恋爱,和她一起生活。 proprietress.” Mag said in her ear in a soft voice. 老板娘。”麦格在她耳边轻声道。 The light flower fragrance sends out from her body, the Mag smile never so satisfies to relax. 淡淡的花香从她的身上散发,麦格的笑容从未如此满足而放松。 „Is proprietress a cashier?” Irina raised the head, smiling asking. 老板娘是不是管钱的?”伊琳娜抬起头,笑盈盈的问道。 Mag looks at the close smiling face, such as the orchid breath has swept his face, long eyelashes, deep blue eyes, that enthusiasm such as the lip of fire, the heart accelerates to beat, could not bear lower the head to kiss. 麦格看着近在咫尺的笑脸,如兰的鼻息扫过他的脸,长长的睫毛,湛蓝的眼睛,还有那热情如火的嘴唇,心脏不禁加速跳动起来,忍不住低头吻了上去。 For a very long time later, separations of two talent some difficult sheds. 久久之后,两人才有些难舍的分开。 The double cheek of Irina is ruddy, the aura somewhat was chaotic, the vision is somewhat blurred and pretty stared Mag. 伊琳娜的双颊红扑扑的,气息都有些乱了,目光有些迷离而又娇俏的瞪了一眼麦格 This fellow...... becomes has offensive well. 这家伙……变得好有侵犯性。 But I quite like. 但我好喜欢啊。 Mag looks at she slightly inflamed attractive lip, bore kiss an impulsion again, the affection: Later, the home, including me, turns over to you to manage.” 麦格看着她微微红肿的诱人嘴唇,忍住了再亲一次的冲动,深情道:“以后,这个家,包括我,都归你管。” That is not good, this was too complex, tired to my, me, so long as were a cashier is good.” Irina shakes the head, puts out a hand toward Mag, said with a smile: Cash box key.” “那不行,这样太复杂了,会累到我的,我只要管钱就好了。”伊琳娜摇头,向着麦格伸出了手,笑吟吟道:“钱箱钥匙。” This is the cash box key, this is in the bedroom closet the key of safety deposit box, large paper money in inside.” Mag fishes out two keys from the bosom, put in the hand of Irina. “这是钱箱钥匙,这是卧室衣柜里保险箱的钥匙,大额的钱票都在里边。”麦格从怀里摸出两把钥匙,放到了伊琳娜的手上。 Has the beloved person to help be a cashier, probably was the happiest matter. 有心爱的人帮忙管钱,大概是最幸福的事情了吧。 But some people, not only does not have money, but also does not have the wife. 而有的人,不光没钱,还没有老婆。 Really clever.” In Irina looks to begin two keys, before gathering up, kissed cheeks of Mag. “真乖。”伊琳娜看着手里的两把钥匙,凑上前亲了一下麦格的脸颊。 However she soon realized that oneself behavior is a little as if frivolous, or looked like the little miss who was just in love, on the face raised pink. 不过她很快意识到自己的行为似乎有点轻佻,或者说太像刚谈恋爱的小姑娘了,脸上又升起了一丝粉红。 Some Mag feeling extremely flattered touched their face, then looks at Irina to say with a smile: You first sit rest a meeting, kitchen gave me to be OK.” 麦格有些受宠若惊的摸了一下自己的脸,然后笑着看着伊琳娜道:“你先去坐着休息一会吧,厨房交给我就可以了。” Blames this fellow, unexpectedly like treating the child is favoring me.” Irina looks at Mag, felt like that sweet, suddenly eyes lit up said: Was inferior that I also trade a status and appearance, like this I can justifiable in restaurant, when always helped mother, letting Amy can call my mother before the bystander, moreover did not need to be worried that the fellow of help/gang harboring evil intentions stared at us.” “都怪这个家伙,竟然像对待小孩一样宠着我。”伊琳娜看着麦格,心里却觉得甜甜的,突然眼睛一亮道:“不如我也换一个身份和模样吧,这样我就可以名正言顺的在餐厅当老帮娘了,让艾米可以在外人面前叫我母亲,而且也不用担心那帮不怀好意的家伙盯上我们。” Won't be wronged?” Mag a little worry visits her. “不会觉得委屈吗?”麦格有点担心的看着她。 Why will put in great inconvenience? I had thought before, if we want to be far away from these numerous and diverse things, must find a secluded from the world place, is unfair regarding Amy. If only daytime replaces slightly then can live in Chaos City, letting Amy can with the friends in the same place, why not?” Irina said naturally. “为什么会委屈?我之前就想过,如果我们想要远离那些繁杂的事情,就要去找一个与世隔绝的地方,对于艾米并不公平。如果只是白天稍稍换装便可以在混乱之城生活,让艾米可以和朋友们在一起,何乐而不为呢?”伊琳娜理所当然道。 Good, then starting from tomorrow, we knows.” The Mag smile looks at Irina. “好,那从明天开始,我们就重新认识一下吧。”麦格微笑看着伊琳娜
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