SAHDA :: Volume #20

#1979: Starting off

Person many strengths are big, let alone is one group of professionals, third day, the team of small red horse film and television company enriched to improve " Fatal ID » script, this may compared with the Zhang Tan speed quickly. 人多力量大,何况是一帮专业人士,第三天,小红马影视公司的团队就把《致命ID》的剧本丰富完善了,这可比张叹的速度快多了。 Before, Zhang Tan must write a script, worked overtime to do several days and several nights, can complete the script. 以前,张叹要写一个剧本,都是加班加点干个几天几夜,才能把剧本完成。 But now, after giving the team, the relaxedness handled. 而现在,交给团队后,轻轻松松就搞定了。 It seems like before me, limited, should do, must believe everyone's strength. 看来我以前还是局限了,早就应该这么干的,要相信大家的力量。 After Zhang Tan attained " Fatal ID » script, first looks, in that movie some differences from memory, is mainly detail. 张叹拿到了《致命ID》的剧本后,第一时间看完,和记忆中的那部电影有些区别,主要是细节方面的。 Looked with the feeling of Zhang Tan, he will like the edition of present. 张叹的感觉看,他会更喜欢现在的这个版本。 After the script sets, was the discussion project establishment. 剧本定下之后,就是要讨论项目立项了。 Because the investor of this project respectively is the small red horse film and television and small red horse galloping APP, the owners are Zhang Tan, therefore is actually the Zhang Tan oneself decision. 因为这个项目的投资方分别是小红马影视和小红马奔腾APP,所有者都是张叹,所以其实就是张叹自己决定。 Reason that chooses two companies jointly to invest, mainly to further attempt to use small red horse galloping APPL to get online the movie, opens the oneself net Upper House line. 之所以选择两家公司共同投资,主要是为了进一步尝试利用小红马奔腾APPL来上线电影,开辟自己的网上院线。 According to the established procedure/program, after the script writes, is to hold the script seminar. 按照既定程序,剧本写好之后,就是要召开剧本研讨会。 This chapter of Zhang Tan not only looked for the team of small red horse film and television, invited the small red horse to gallop, both sides held the half-day conference in the conference room. 这回张叹不仅把小红马影视的团队找来了,同时也请来了小红马奔腾的,双方在会议室里开了半天的会议。 Zhang Tan has not attended the meeting. 张叹没有参会。 If he attended the meeting, it is estimated that everyone will not speak freely. 他要是参会,估计大家就不会畅所欲言了。 Although he approves «Fatal ID» this script very much, but still hopes that the related team can speak freely, everyone finds fault together. 他虽然很认可《致命ID》这个剧本,但是依然希望相关的团队能够畅所欲言,大家一起来找茬。 Such procedure/program is for this reason a magic weapon of company long-lived. 这样的程序才是为此一家公司长久生存的法宝。 Cannot be his practice of "what I say goes". 千万不能是他的一言堂。 Who can guarantee oneself each time right. 谁能保证自己每次都对呢。 It is said that this time seminar goes on is very intense, everyone is really speaks freely. 据说,这次的研讨会开的很激烈,大家是真的畅所欲言。 Afterward, Zhang Tan asked Li Qing to come the conference summary especially, saw only densely and numerously was the suggestions, had five pages of papers. 事后,张叹特地找李青要来了会议纪要,只见密密麻麻的都是意见建议,足足有五页纸。 Many suggestions in his opinion have the constructive nature very much. 很多建议在他看来也是很有建设性的。 After script Zhang Tan after improvement looked, gave the strong approval. 完善后的剧本张叹看了之后,给予了高度评价。 The project initiated a project very much fast, then builds the secondary roles. 项目很快速地立项了,接着就是搭建班底。 First what must look was the producer, in the Zhang Tan heart soon had haggling over. 首先要找的是制片人,张叹心中很快有了计较。 The words of director, open with along getting ther first, first walked on own initiative. 导演的话,张同顺近水楼台先得月,第一个主动找上门来了。 However after Zhang Tan ponder moment, turned down. 但是张叹沉思片刻后,就婉拒了。 Opening with along is not suitable to direct this play. 张同顺不适合执导这部剧。 Opens with along the forced smile, but approved the judgment of Zhang Tan. 张同顺苦笑不已,但还是认可了张叹的判断。 In Zhang Tan this moment heart has the resolution. 张叹此刻心中已经有了决断。 In the afternoon, his office then came a middle-aged man. 当天下午,他办公室便来了一个中年男人。 Liu hasn't Dao, seen for a long time, please sit down, drinks tea or drinks the coffee?” Zhang Tan warmly and opposite party shakes hand. “刘导,好久没见,请坐,喝茶还是喝咖啡?”张叹热情地和对方握手。 stretch/open, your elegant demeanor won in the past. Gives me one cup of tea, I have been drinking too white Xiuya recently.” “张总,您风采更胜往昔。给我一杯茶吧,我最近一直在喝太白秀芽。” He wanted one cup of green tea. 他要了一杯清茶。 The favor reaches practices is the article, before he comes, has definitely done the schoolwork, knows that too white Xiuya is in the Zhang Tan oneself tea reprocessing factory. 人情达练即文章,他来之前肯定是做过功课的,知道太白秀芽是张叹自己的茶厂里的。 Coming the person is director Liu Jinlu. 来人是导演刘金路。 He and Zhang Tan were old acquaintances, two people have cooperated «Silent Truth» and «Secret Corner». 他和张叹是老熟人了,两人合作过《沉默的真相》和《隐秘的角落》。 Is directed suspense action movie «Fatal ID» by him is most appropriate. 由他来执导悬疑动作片《致命ID》是最合适的。 Two people exchanged greetings to chat, talking at random, finally was Liu Jinlu cannot bear, inquired this time purpose in coming on own initiative. 两人寒暄闲聊了一阵,东拉西扯,最终是刘金路没能忍住,主动询问起这次的来意。 In the Zhang Tan telephone has not said the matter of movie project, but invited him to sit to the company. 张叹电话里没说电影项目的事情,只是邀请他到公司来坐一坐而已。 Liu Jinlu really does not certainly think that Zhang Tan asked him to sit chats, must chat will not arrange in the company, definitely had anything. 刘金路当然不会真以为张叹只是请他来坐坐闲聊,要闲聊也不会安排在公司,肯定是有什么事。 But Zhang Tan asks him to have anything, nothing but is the matter of film and television project. 张叹找他能有什么事呢,无非是影视项目的事情。 As soon as he receives the Zhang Tan call, cannot bear in the heart excited, is suppressing to the present, sees Zhang Tan still to chat other leisurely, then could not bear, asked on own initiative. 他一接到张叹的电话,就忍不住心中激动,强忍着一路到现在,见张叹还在优哉游哉地聊其他的,便忍不住了,主动问起。 Zhang Tan smiles, then said the matter. 张叹笑了笑,便把事情说了。 Liu Jinlu listens, is really the movie project, almost wants not to think, complied. 刘金路一听,果然是电影项目,几乎想也不想,就答应了下来。 When he attains the script, after looking, is excited. 而当他拿到剧本,看完之后更是兴奋不已。 Such script, if patted, he can the film and television leave a good name. 这样的剧本,若是拍好了,他可以影视留名的。 But at this time, the knock resounded, Liu gold/metal roadside first looked, seeing was only an old acquaintance, hold Xiaoxiao. 而这时候,敲门声响起,刘金路侧头一看,只见是个老熟人,盛潇潇。 hold ~ “盛总~” Liu ~ for a long time does not see.” “刘总~好久不见。” Liu gold/metal road and hold Xiaoxiao is also an old acquaintance, two people have cooperated «Silent Truth» and «Secret Corner». 刘金路和盛潇潇也是老熟人,两人合作过《沉默的真相》和《隐秘的角落》。 In addition Zhang Tan, this was the initial iron triangle. 再加上张叹,这是当初的铁三角。 Now after several years, three people cooperate again, cannot help sighing with regret. 如今过了几年,三人再次合作,不胜唏嘘。 ...... …… Ok.” “还是算了吧。” On came up, why must consider as finished.” “上都上来了,干嘛要算了。” Really, Zhang Tan we consider as finished.” “真的,张叹我们还是算了吧。” Aiya you fear anything, considers you usually to practice the car(riage) on the line, do not fear, driving is bold yet cautious.” “哎呀你怕什么,就当是你平时练车就行,不要怕,开车就是要胆大心细。” „...... Good, that called little white and Xier gets out.” “……好吧,那叫小白和喜儿下车。” Both of you, right, said is you, gets out.” “你们俩,对,说的就是你们,下车去。” little white and Xier are full of grievances, was caught up to get out by Mr. stretch/open. 小白和喜儿满腹牢骚,被张老汉赶下了车。 Two people have not as if recovered, the day, they were caught up to get out unexpectedly, this is the first time that since birth. 两人似乎还没回过神来,天了噜,她们竟然被赶下了车,这可是有生以来第一次啊。 But the fact is, they stand in the cold wind at this moment, chilly getting malaria. 但事实就是,她们此刻站在寒风中,冷飕飕的打摆子。 The clothes creeping motion of Xier arms, then a furry small head drilled from the neckband, looks at the automobile that drove away slowly curiously, raised the head again, stares at the cheek of master to look, must look at to spend. 喜儿怀里的衣服一阵蠕动,接着一只毛茸茸的小脑袋从领口钻了出来,好奇地看了一眼缓缓开走的汽车,再抬头,盯着主人的脸蛋瞧,要瞧出个花来。 Tan Jiner has attained the driver's license, but she did not have on to pass by officially, this time was called to come his car(riage) by Zhang Tan. 谭锦儿已经拿到了驾照,但是她还没有正式上路过,这次被张叹叫来开他的车。 Tan Jiner naturally does not dare, but stubborn Zhang Tan, can only drive to start off trembling. 谭锦儿自然不敢,但拗不过张叹,只能战战兢兢地开车上路了。 Zhang Tan sits in the copilot position, the entire journey escorts. 张叹坐在副驾驶位上,全程保驾护航。 You, if thought that the helmet tunnelled the vision, takes down, can take down?” “你要是觉得头盔挡住了视线,就取下来吧,要不要取下来?” Good, waits for the traffic light time I take down again.” “好吧,等红绿灯的时候我再取下来。” Then why is troublesome.” “何必那么麻烦。” Zhang Tan stretches the body forward, is close to Tan Jiner, helped her take down the pink helmet personally. 张叹探身,挨近谭锦儿,亲自帮她取下了粉色的头盔。 Tan Jiner does not look askance, is staring at the front anxiously, but blushes from the neck together the fast climb, has extended the ear. 谭锦儿目不斜视,紧张地盯着前方,但是一道红晕从脖子上快速爬升,一直延伸到了耳朵。 Under the reminder of Zhang Tan, Tan Jiner gradually overcame the fear in heart, is driving Chang'an Avenue West, later turned the Pujiang main road, went to Nanjing Road again...... 张叹的提醒下,谭锦儿逐渐克服了心中的恐惧,开着车上了西长安街,之后拐进了浦江大道,再又上了南京路…… She more opens is more satisfactory, the intense look on face was short gradually, the confidence comes. 她越开越顺心,脸上的紧张神色渐渐少了,信心就是这么来的。 Two people drive to catch the wind outside, after twenty minutes, opened Huang Village. 两人开车在外兜风,二十几分钟后,才重新开回了黄家村。 But was caught up with little white and Xier and small orange cat that get out, but also stands in the Little Red Horse Academy entrance, stands erect in the cold wind, looks at the direction that they are coming neatly. 而被赶下车的小白和喜儿以及小橘猫,还站在小红马学园门口,矗立在寒风中,齐刷刷地望着他们过来的方向。 Sees them to come back, two children wave warmly, the mouth is shouting anything, approaching to hear is Xier in saying them lives is really being good to live ~ 看到他们回来,两个小朋友热情地挥手,嘴里嚷嚷着什么,靠近了才听到是喜儿在说“他们活着回来了”“真是太好啦活着呢”~ A heavy line of Zhang Tan face, Tan Jiner is also a speechless expression, obviously is to youngest sister having a big mouth, helpless. 张叹一脸的黑线,谭锦儿也是一副无语的表情,显然是对小妹妹“口无遮拦”无奈了。 Had this experience, Tan Jiner eventually gradually overcame the fear in heart, later under the arrangement of Zhang Tan, drives the opportunity of starting off to be getting more and more, sometimes goes to the school to take the little friend to be on vacation from school, is the driver by her. 有了这一次的实践经验,谭锦儿终于逐渐克服了心中的恐惧,之后在张叹的安排下,开车上路的机会越来越多,有时候去学校接小朋友放学,便是由她来当司机。
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