SWR :: Volume #5

#402: The song of sorrowful perishing

Having can exchange?” “有可以交流的吗?” After the report ended, Lu Xin stand forth, the sound is tranquil: 汇报结束之后,陆辛向前走去,声音平静: I do not know that who you are, does not know that you make anything here.” “我不知道你们是什么人,也不知道你们在这里做什么。” But, the matter that because you handle, affected this piece of wilderness, affected our Qinggang person, therefore, I need to destroy now thoroughly your places, do not revolt against me, otherwise, you will be ruined.” “但是,因为你们做的事情,影响到了这片荒野,也影响到了我们青港的人,所以,现在我需要将你们这个地方彻底破坏掉,你们不要反抗我,不然,你们都会被毁掉。” The word usage is very rigorous, because he did not determine that these people are to live die, therefore used ruining this word. 用词很严谨,因为他也不确定这些人是生是死,所以用了“毁掉”这个词。 In this workshop, everyone vision gloomy and cold looks at he. 这个厂房里,所有人都目光阴冷的看着他。 Has the type primitively crazy with hostility, started to multiply from them, rushed to Lu Xin. 有种原始的疯狂与敌意,开始从他们身上滋生,涌向了陆辛 Lu Xin is welcoming their vision, nods gently, this is hints to them, oneself must start to work. 陆辛迎着他们的目光,轻轻点了点头,这是向他们示意,自己要开始工作了。 ...... …… Wū wū......” “呜呜呜……” When Lu Xin entered the workshop, in dark wilderness, resounded a car(riage) sound suddenly...... 陆辛进入了厂房的时候,四下里黑沉沉的荒野之中,也忽然响起了一阵车声…… Had the ray of headlight to cut the darkness, from three directions, before arriving at this piece of big hole, respectively. 有车灯的光芒划破了黑暗,分别从三个方向,来到了这片大坑前。 Comes from the west side, is a stock car, has the big wheel and chassis, solid Motorcade Chief, stopped after the big hole edge, from the vehicle, walked a driver, is helping gate that turned on the back seat. 从西边过来的,是一辆改装车,有着高大的车轮与底盘,还有坚实的车头,停在了大坑的边缘之后,就从车上,走下来了一位司机,帮着打开了后座的门。 Above the back seat, sitting a hair is pale, the tired color old person, he as if somewhat dreads the chilly cold rain outside car(riage), pulled the coat on lower part of the body gently. 后座之上,坐着一位头发苍白,一脸疲惫之色的老人,他似乎有些畏惧车外的凄风寒雨,轻轻扯了下身上的大衣。 The east side comes, is a person who is riding the motorcycle, he wears an armed clothing/taking, the head wears a beret, even if in this darkness to light as if swallowed night, on the face also wears gigantic black sunglasses, face beard. 东边过来的,则是一个骑着摩托车的人,他穿着一件武装服,头上戴着一顶贝雷帽,哪怕是在这个黑暗到灯光似乎都会被吞噬的夜里,脸上也戴着一个硕大的黑色墨镜,一脸胡须。 The north side comes, is a person who is throwing over black cloak, she walked from one group of deceased people. 北边过来的,则是一个披着黑色斗篷的人,她从一群死人之间走了出来。 Moved cloak, revealed the fiery-red hair. 掀掉了斗篷,露出了火红色的头发。 They from three directions, looked to the workshop in big hole deep place. 他们从三个方向,看向了大坑深处的厂房。 In them behind, then the deceased person of slow movement welled up from the darkness piece by piece. 在他们身后,则有一片片动作迟缓的死人从黑暗里涌了出来。 Their speeds are not fast, but actually non-stop walks forward, cannot see clearly many quantities, can only see that a piece in the head/number of people in the darkness rocking, as well as exposed in the surrounding headlight, skinny and pale face. 他们的速度都不快,但却不停的向前走来,看不清有多少数量,只能看到一片在黑暗里晃动的人头,以及曝露在了周围的车灯里面,一张张枯瘦而惨白的脸庞。 It looks like a forest to move, around the big hole, piles up with the person's shadow that the one after another bush also resembled. 就像是一片森林在移动,大坑周围,堆满了一个个灌木也似的人影。 In the workshop person, does not know outside sound. 厂房里面的人,不知道外面的动静。 Outside person, does not know in similarly the workshop had anything. 外面的人,同样也不知道厂房里面发生了什么。 They hear, in the workshop, resounded the huge demolition sound suddenly. 他们只是听到,厂房里面,忽然响起了巨大的爆破声响。 That sound is so huge, making one cannot help but suspect, in the workshop, had presented a mad bull, or a monster, it batters in the workshop, unscrupulous is causing the destruction. 那种声音如此巨大,让人不由得怀疑,厂房里面,是不是已经出现了一头疯牛,或是一只怪兽,它在厂房里横冲直撞,肆无忌惮的造成着破坏。 The innumerable electrical sparks, ignite from the workshop line, the surrounding light, flickers. 无数的电花,从厂房周围的线路上燃起,周围的灯光,忽明忽暗。 Bang! 轰隆! Suddenly has the huge sound to resound, above the workshop, iron sheet became twists piece by piece, raises, revealed the one after another large cave/hole. 忽然有巨大的声音响起,厂房上方,一片片铁皮变得扭曲,掀起,露出了一个个的大洞。 The surrounding ground, exuded the depressed sound, probably sent out an earthquake to thunder. 周围的地面,发出了沉闷的响声,像是发出了一场地震轰鸣。 Oh yo......” “哎哟哟……” Some people had a scare by inside sound, cannot bear said in channel: What monster is this only?” 有人被里面的动静吓了一跳,忍不住在频道里说道:“这是只什么样的怪物?” Sat in the stock car, because of fear outside cold wind, vehicle door drawing in the old person, said in channel in a low voice: „His oneself person entered the factory, then can create such big sound, particularly, in the factory strength, should to the other party inadequately too tremendous impact, but he did such big weaponry, explained his not parsimonious oneself mental magnitude.” 坐在了改装车里,因为畏惧外面的寒风,又将车门给拉上了的老人,低声在频道里说道:“他自己一个人进入了工厂,便可以造成这么大的动静,尤其是,工厂里面的力量,应该对他造不成太大的影响,但他还是搞出了这么大的阵仗,说明他并不吝啬自己精神量级。” In the channel has the voice of woman to resound: Therefore , present Qinggang, really has person who is close to the third stair?” 频道里有女人的声音响起:“所以说,现在的青港,确实已经有了接近第三个台阶的人?” cough cough......” 咳咳……” The gray-haired old person coughed gently: Do not underestimate that the oneself opponent, can estimate him is higher.” 头发灰白的老人轻轻咳嗽了一声:“不要低估自己的对手,可以把他估计的更高一些。” Should unable?” “应该不会吧?” In the channel some people smiled, is the voice of man: We not in Central City.” 频道里有人笑了起来,是个男人的声音:“我们又不是在中心城。” Regardless of he is not, we should not be negligent.” “无论他是与不是,我们都不应该大意。” The gray-haired old person breathed gently a meeting, said: I did not like surpassing grasped the matter within range. ” 头发灰白的老人轻轻喘了一会,道:我不喜欢超过了掌握范围内的事情。” divine decree arrives suddenly, making us carry out to receive and instruct the plan, originally is one in not grasping the matter within range, arrived here, discovered that Qinggang had started to the observation of Happy Village, is an unexpected matter, after mission starts, presented one not to fear death field influence ability holder suddenly, was the third unexpected matter that we came across.” 神谕突然降临,让我们来执行接引计划,本来就是一件不在掌握范围内的事,来到了这里,发现青港已经开始了对开心小镇的观察,又是一件意料之外的事情,任务开始之后,又忽然出现了一个不怕死亡场域影响的能力者,则是我们遇到的第三件意料之外的事情了。” „......” “……” But this person is very after all crude, easily rushed in the encirclement ring.” “但这个人毕竟很鲁莽,轻易就闯进了包围圈里。” The voice of woman said with a smile in channel: I will solve him.” 女人的声音在频道里笑道:“我会解决掉他的。” Gray-haired old person silent, said in a low voice: I will help you solve him together.” 头发灰白的老人沉默了一下,低声道:“我会帮你一起解决掉他。” This......” “这……” In the channel resounded the voice of man: Can be too exaggerating, after all some of our also a lot must be done.” 频道里面响起了男人的声音:“会不会太夸张了,毕竟我们还有很多事情要做。” Bishop will complete inside matter, Priest will block Qinggang.” 主教会完成里面的事,牧师会挡住青港。” Gray-haired old humanity: You coordinate Science and Technology Cleric, prepares to reset the field matter.” 头发灰白的老人道:“你去配合科技神官,准备重设场域的事情。” I and Rose, is responsible for guaranteeing that on this piece of wilderness will not have other variables to appear again.” “我与蔷薇,则负责保证这片荒野上不会再有其他变数出现。” ...... …… ...... …… , many were at heart more comfortable!” “呼,心里多少舒服了些!” Lu Xin looked to this workshop, the feeling was very satisfactory. 陆辛看向了这片厂房,感觉还是挺满意的。 He is very definite, this workshop, is impossible some people able to look again is a workshop. 他很确定,这片厂房,已经不可能再有人能看出来是厂房了。 All machines, had been ruined, various types of precise instruments, has become tattered. 所有的机器,都已经被毁掉,各种精密的仪器,也已经成为了破烂。 Has to acknowledge, is the precise instrument, when was ruined, is easier to have a feeling of satisfaction. 不得不承认,越是精密的仪器,在被毁掉的时候,越是容易产生一种满足感。 Played enough?” “玩够了吗?” mother in electric wire that one after another is glittering the spark, looks at Lu Xin and father, with younger sister, this workshop opening, but also opens is so happy, has spoiling helpless feeling, her shook the head gently, said: That friend who evidently, I made before, came across terrible business recently, to her, pulled out to the strength like this, probably with putting to death by dismemberment is the feeling similar?” 妈妈在一连串闪烁着火花的电线里,看着陆辛父亲,和妹妹,将这片厂房给拆了,还拆的那么开心,有种溺爱的无奈感,她轻轻的摇了下头,道:“看样子,我之前交的那位朋友,最近遇到了一点麻烦事呢,对她来说,被人这样抽离力量,大概与凌迟的感觉差不多吧?” Lu Xin deeply inspires, said: That as a neighbor, should we visit her?” 陆辛深深吸了口气,道:“那身为邻居,我们是不是该去探望一下她?” Yes......” “是呢……” mother looked at Lu Xin one happily, she especially likes Lu Xin this type with the way that oneself spoke. 妈妈开心的看了陆辛一眼,她特别喜欢陆辛这种跟自己说话的方式。 but......” 只不过……” Her attractive eye slightly revolution: Before visiting old friend, friend who outside these walk in what to do?” 她好看的眼睛微微一转:“在探望老朋友之前,外面这些找上门来的朋友怎么办?” Lu Xin also raised the head, looked at a periphery tattered workshop wall, said: Came neat?” 陆辛也抬头,看了一下周围破烂的厂房墙壁,道:“来齐了吗?” mother nodded, said gently: Should have others, but at least, they dare to come.” 妈妈轻轻点了下头,道:“应该还有其他人,但最起码,他们敢过来了。” Lu Xin nodded, looks up, above the workshop, dangled many disorderly electric wires. 陆辛点了一下头,抬头看去,厂房之上,垂下了很多凌乱的电线。 He turned the head to look at younger sister one, two people opinions achieved instantaneously consistently, younger sister hee hee extended the small hand with a smile. 他转头看了妹妹一眼,两人的意见瞬间达成一致,妹妹嘻嘻笑着伸出了小手。 Lu Xin held the younger sister small hand at the same time, the figure becomes flexible and fast, pulls taut the electric wire that let fall, the figure is dexterous, fast climbed up to the vault. Passes through a hole that on the workshop broke open, stood withstood/top in the workshop. 陆辛抓住了妹妹小手的同时,身形就变得灵活而迅捷,一把扯住了垂落下来的电线,身形轻巧,飞快的向穹顶攀爬了上去。穿过了厂房上面破开的一个洞,站在了厂房顶上。 The cold and dreary fine rain dropped on his face, the body, all around pale light, the penetration rain curtain interwove. 凄冷的雨丝滴落在了他的脸上,身上,四周惨白的灯光,穿透雨帘交织过来。 His vision seems like can penetrate the light, looked directly to the surroundings. 他的目光像是可以穿透灯光,直接看向了周围。 Sees only, around this time big hole, has encircled completely the one after another deceased person. 只见,这时候的大坑周围,都已经围满了一个又一个的死人。 Their people are pushing the person, simple-hearted and stiff standing in big hole edge, silencing silent, distant looks, probably in oneself enters in the workshop such extremely short time, the surroundings of this big hole, had grown a lush forest quietly. 他们人挤着人,木讷而僵硬的站在了大坑的边缘,静寂无声,远远的看去,就好像在自己进入厂房这么极短的时间里,这座大坑的周围,就已经悄无声息的长出了一片茂盛的森林。 Crazy and gloomy and cold. 疯狂而又阴冷。 Has the living person in that side?” “有活人在那边吗?” The Lu Xin vision, is sweeping in Forest of the Dead, fell decides in one, then called loudly: 陆辛的目光,在死人森林里扫着,落定在了一处,然后高声喊道: „Do you want to surrender?” “你要不要自首?” I illuminate the custom to ask one......” “我照规矩要问一声的……” „......” “……” Forest of the Dead deep place, some as if people low smiled one. 死人森林深处,似乎有人低低的笑了一声。 At once, indistinct, on wilderness of this miserable circumstances, had the gentle music sound unexpectedly, some probably type of cheap musical box is rotating, in mixed with some are sobbing the high-pitched and fine female voice, slowly reverberation in Forest of the Dead. 旋即,隐隐约约,在这片凄风苦雨的荒野上,居然有轻柔的音乐声响了起来,像是某种便宜的音乐盒在转动,内中夹杂某个哭泣着的尖细女声,缓缓回荡在了死人森林之间。 White soul, rotten mortal body ; Depressed mind, desperate person.” “白色灵魂,腐烂肉身;苦闷心灵,绝望的人。” Hell looks , the direction of god ; Crawls the coffin, arrives eternal......” “地狱仰望,神的指引;爬出棺木,永恒降临……” „......” “……” The musical sound is not resounding, but in the crowd of surroundings deathly stillness, actually passes on is very far. 音乐声并不响亮,但在周围死寂的人群里,却传的很远。 Singing sound belt/bring modulation exciting tone, spitting the word is quick, moreover is clear, as if has frantic of some morbid state. 歌声带带着种抑扬激动的语气,吐词很快,而且清晰,仿佛有某种病态的狂热。 Lu Xin is not good to describe that this concrete is anything, remembers actually indistinctly, before saw some people to conduct a funeral procession in Qinggang, at that time helped the woman who the person employed professional mourners, probably is using such tonality, made an effort lengthening, partly cried partly to read, seemed somewhat funny. 陆辛不好形容这具体是什么,倒是隐约记得,以前在青港的时候见过有人出丧,那时候帮人哭丧的女人,好像就是在用这样的音调,使劲了拖长,半哭半念,似乎有些滑稽。 When this singing sound resounds, surrounding Forest of the Dead, suddenly becomes peaceful. 在这个歌声响起的时候,周围的死人森林,忽然变得安静。 It looks like the strong winds to stop suddenly. 就像是狂风忽然停止。 The Lu Xin eyesight is very good, he can see, in being away from the oneself recent place, seems like the body quantity also young deceased person, that is a little girl, on her pale small face, trickled suddenly slowly tears that is doping the blood, fall following the face. 陆辛的目力很好,他能够看到,在距离自己最近的地方,有一个看起来身量还小的死人,那是一个小女孩,她惨白的小脸上,忽然慢慢滴下了一丝掺杂着血液的泪水,顺着脸庞滑落。 Then, she is shivering the lip, with singing. 然后,她颤抖着嘴唇,跟着唱了起来。 The monotonous wail, slowly were many many superpositions. 单调的哭泣声,慢慢多了很多重合。 The increasing number of people, do not know that voluntary or came under some influence, with singing such song. 越来越多的人,不知是自愿还是受到了某种影响,跟着唱起了这样的歌。 Does not know that is because the vocal cord damages, the sound that or other reason, they sang was hoarse. 不知是不是因为声带破损,或是别的原因,他们唱歌的声音嘶哑难听。 It is not at to move completely. 完全不在调上。 However Lu Xin can also hear in this singing sound, that unusual gloomy and strange feeling. 但是陆辛还可以听到这歌声里,那种异样的阴森与诡异感。 ...... …… . 滋滋。 As that singing sound resounds, Lu Xin sees, in the surrounding air, were many ripple of many distortion, one after another pale mental body, crawled from the dark withered body, looks like beforehand oneself sees on the observation point personnel, these pale mental body, half crawled the body, the other half, are actually extending, united one with other mental body. 而随着那歌声响起,陆辛看到,周围的空气里,多了很多扭曲的波纹,一只只苍白的精神体,从黝黑干瘪的身体里爬了出来,就像是之前自己在观测点人员身上看到的一样,这些苍白的精神体,一半爬出了躯壳,另外一半,却在延伸着,与其他的精神体联合到了一起。 Some feelings of brewing the endless hatred and hatred, sent out from them. 有蕴酿着无尽怨毒与痛恨的感觉,从他们身上散发了出来。 Center of Lu Xin situated in this vortex. 陆辛位于这漩涡的中心。 He felt a strong pressure, from turned toward him to well up in all directions, the heart broke a hole probably. 他感受到了一种强大的压力,从四面八方向着他涌了过来,心脏像是破了个洞。 The sadness of these mental body, have affected him. 那些精神体的哀伤,已经影响到了他。 ...... …… Really fearful......” “真可怕啊……” Lu Xin lowers the head, slowly is saying. 陆辛低下了头,慢慢的说着。 In his side not far away, on the mother face has the smile, said in a soft voice: „Will you really feel the fear?” 就在他身边不远处,妈妈脸上却带着微笑,轻声道:“你真的会感觉害怕?” Yes.” “是的。” Lu Xin replied in a soft voice: I will feel the fear frequently.” 陆辛轻声回答:“我经常会感觉害怕。” Is saying, he while slowly raised the head: But not because of what mental monster.” 一边说着,他一边慢慢抬起了头来:“但不是因为什么精神怪物。” Rather, I have not thought, some people can go bad to this degree......” “而是,我从来没想到,有些人可以坏到这种程度……”
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