SWR :: Volume #5

#401: field truth

46...... 40......” “四十六……四十……” Lu Xin passed through Forest of the Dead fast, probably ghosts and demons, shuttle back and forth among countless deceased people. 陆辛飞快的穿过了死人森林,像是一只鬼魅,穿梭在无数的死人之间。 After he starts the go it alone, he discovered that effect of this piece of Forest of the Dead on oneself, instead reduced. 当他开始单独行动后,他发现这片死人森林自己的影响,反而降低了。 Their slow responses, could not have kept up with the oneself speed. 它们那种迟缓的反应,已经跟不上自己的速度。 Even if there is sparse part to encircle, influence oneself. 纵使有稀稀拉拉的一部分围上来,也影响不到自己 He rushed to nearby Group 46 emitter quickly, one by one wipes out. Then, while he made fully the preparation, when wanted to urge to destroy two emitter again, actually suddenly discovered on map that the eyeglasses lens demonstrated that also the red points vanished towering. 他很快冲到了第46组发射器附近,一一拔除。然后,正当他做足了准备,想要再一口气催毁两个发射器时,却忽然发现了眼镜镜片显示的地图上,又有一个红点突兀消失。 This flash, Lu Xin felt the pleasant surprise. 这一瞬间,陆辛感觉到了意外的惊喜。 That is at this time on wilderness, does not know that which position, is carrying out the same mission person with oneself. 那是此时正在荒野上,不知在哪个位置,和自己执行着同样任务的人。 He destroyed 47 Group emitter, in other words, oneself now, only remained last to need to solve. 他摧毁了四十七个发射器,也就是说,自己现在,也就只剩了最后一个需要解决。 Hahahaha......” “哈哈哈哈……” Lu Xin smiled suddenly.. 陆辛忽然笑了起来。。 Although in the night of this Yin desolate fan, he smiles is not quite probably appropriate. 虽然在这个阴冷凄迷的夜里,他笑起来好像不太合适。 But he really felt that happy, laughed. 但他真的感觉到了开心,就大笑了起来。 The speed in this moment, increased the extreme. 速度在这一刻,提升到了极点。 For as far as possible quicker promotion speed, beginning Lu Xin when is two foot fierce tread grounds, the body goes to the leans forward, spells to go all-out. 为了尽可能更快的提升速度,陆辛初时是两足猛蹬地面,身体向前倾去,拼尽全力。 The eruption that in the thin body, non-stop probably strengths layer by layer, making his speed exceed the limit of human body, but this, he was unsatisfied, accelerated again at the same time, his body slightly bends, two hands are bumping the ground suddenly...... 瘦削的身体里,像是不停的爆发出一层一层的力量,使得他的速度已经超出了人体的极限,而这,他还不满意,再一次加速的同时,他忽然间身体微屈,两只手碰着了地面…… „......” “唰啦啦……” He looks like a strange spider, the four limbs is well-grounded, crawls forward. 他像一只怪异的蜘蛛,四肢着地,向前爬去。 Remembers initially took the ability examination for the first time , once had a Qinggang six insane in professor, proposed Lu Xin, if can crawl, should run to be quicker than him, Lu Xin shuts out disgraced, is not willing to attempt, if in wilderness, are not related...... 记得当初第一次做能力检测时,曾有青港六疯里面的一位教授,提出陆辛如果可以爬一下,应该比他跑起来更快,陆辛嫌弃丢人,不肯尝试,如果在荒野里,就没关系了吧…… Even if some people see, eliminates a potential informant and that's the end. 就算有人看到,灭口就是了。 Moreover he also has to acknowledge, crawls, probably the ratio is truly running quickly...... 而且他也不得不承认,爬起来,好像确实比跑着快…… ...... …… Place that Group 48 stabilizer is, beyond one kilometer situated in this time Lu Xin, in an abandoned village. 第48组稳定器所在的地方,位于此时的陆辛一千米外,一处废弃的村庄里面。 This stabilizer, had been destroyed, close to half of one group. 这一处稳定器,已经是被破坏掉的,最接近一半的一组。 Similarly, from the stabilizer distributed region, here, is this piece of field central point. 同样的,从稳定器分布的区域来看,这里,也已经是这片场域的中心点。 Without a doubt, will meet Forest of the Dead a moment ago, explained that the enemy in this piece of wilderness, has detected the arrival of oneself, then, since meets under the arrange/cloth Forest of the Dead, then does not have the truth not what fierce the trap under this village Riboux. 毫无疑问,会在刚才遇到死人森林,就说明这片荒野里的敌人,已经察觉到了自己的到来,那么,既然会布下死人森林,便没道理不在这个村庄里布下什么厉害的陷阱。 But Lu Xin actually anything could not attend to at this time, in any case, remained a oneself living person. 陆辛这时候却也什么都顾不上了,反正,就剩了自己一个活人。 He crashed in the village directly, has not tried to detour or observe. 他直接冲进了村庄,没有试图绕路或是观察。 Regardless of there is anything to meet oneself, removed well, at the worst tore down this abandoned village. 无论有什么遇到了自己,除掉就好,大不了把这个废弃的村庄拆掉。 Is holding this faith at heart, his speed is getting more and more fast, the side as if forms the force field that one group twisted. 心里抱着这个信念,他的速度越来越快,身边仿佛形成了一团扭曲的力场。 Fluttered the side fine rain, was affected, the invisible ripple flew generally. 飘到了身边的雨丝,都受到影响,无形波纹一般飞了出去。 Then the Lu Xin speed slows down slightly, the brow wrinkled. 然后陆辛的速度稍稍放慢,眉头皱了起来。 He discovered that this village, had been demolished. 他发现这个村庄,已经被拆除掉了。 On this piece of dark wilderness, without the least bit light source, therefore everywhere is the pitch-dark darkness, when Lu Xin rushed to this village , the discovery, has light vaguely unexpectedly, passed from this village building slits. 在这片黑沉沉的荒野上,没有半点光源,因此到处都是伸手不见五指的黑暗,但是当陆辛冲到了这片村庄前时,却发现,居然有依稀的灯光,从这村庄一栋栋建筑缝隙里透了出来。 He entered the first matter of village, seeks for the position that these stabilizer are, now unexpectedly does not use. 他本来进入了村庄的第一件事,就是寻找那些稳定器所在的位置,现在居然不用了。 He follows the light source to climb up directly to the village, saw a giant pit. 他直接循着光源向村庄里面攀爬过去,就看到了一个巨大的坑。 This gulf, the center situated in village, has a kilometer surrounding area fully, deeply makes twenty to thirty metres, the pit surroundings, scattered, the arrange/cloth several ray gentle lamps, taking advantage of the ray of lamp , the pit bottom have a newly-built mill building as can be seen unexpectedly. 这个深坑,位于村庄的中心,足有千米方圆,深约二三十米,坑的周围,稀稀落落,布着几盏光线柔和的灯,借着灯的光芒,可以看到,坑底居然有着一个新建的临时厂房。 Demonstration of Lu Xin on through lens, can determine, Group 48 stabilizer, below workshop. 陆辛通过镜片上的显示,可以确定,第48组稳定器,就在下方的厂房之中。 Therefore this is......” “所以这是……” Lu Xin settles down slightly, deep exhaled. 陆辛微微驻足,深呼了口气 Two fingers, are pinching the black bag, pulls before the body. 两根手指,捏着黑色的袋子,扯到身前。 Then put out one package of square paper goods from inside, pulled one, scratched cleanly two hands of oneself. 然后从里面拿出了一包四四方方的纸巾,扯出了一张,擦干净了自己的两只手。 After all a moment ago to hurry along, two hands moistened the muddy water. 毕竟刚才为了赶路,两只手沾了泥水。 Also with touching and going the paper goods, the clean place, scratches had pinched bag inside mud mark, this threw one side. 又用擦过的纸巾,干净的地方,擦了一下捏过的袋子里面的泥迹,这才扔到了一边。 Reorganized oneself clothes, then, his complexion becomes calm, slowly walked downward. 整理了一下自己的衣服,然后,他脸色变得冷静,慢慢向下走了过去。 ...... …… In light rain hazy wilderness, in abandoned village, suddenly were many a workshop. 小雨迷蒙的荒野之中,废弃的村庄里,忽然多了一个厂房。 Without a doubt, this workshop, has certainly what trick. 毫无疑问,这个厂房,一定有什么猫腻。 However what is unexpected, Lu Xin arrived in the workshop, has not actually encountered the danger. 不过出人意料的是,陆辛一路走到了厂房之中,却没有遇到危险。 Before arriving at the workshop unlatched front door, Lu Xin knocked a door gently. 来到了厂房虚掩的大门前,陆辛轻轻敲了一下门。 Inside does not have the least bit sound. 里面没有半点动静。 Therefore Lu Xin shoves open directly, then walked. 于是陆辛直接推开,然后走了进去。 Instantaneously, in the workshop, the dazzling light illuminated, Lu Xin feels some vertigos. 瞬间,厂房里面,刺眼的灯光照了过出来,陆辛觉得有些眼花。 He used the hand to cover a face of oneself, saw clearly the arrangement in workshop, then he cannot help but startled slightly. 他用手遮挡了一下自己的脸,才看清了厂房里的布置,然后他不由得微微一怔。 This workshop, unexpectedly looks very advanced. 这个厂房,居然看起来很先进。 Has the bright light, thick pipeline, the huge machine of unclear use. 有明亮的灯光,粗大的管道,不明用处的庞大机器。 The test tube card one after another in the machine assembly line, inside is the aquamarine liquids of approximately 1/3 fullness. 一排一排的试管卡在机器流水线上,里面是约三分之一满度的碧绿色液体。 Side of assembly line, is the one after another skinny soulless corpse. 流水线的旁边,则是一个又一个枯瘦无神的尸体。 Is ordinary just as the components of machine, is slow, but is skilled, is maintaining the revolution of machine. 正像机器的零件一般,动作缓慢,但却非常熟练的,维护着机器的运转。 Detected that Lu Xin came, their neck stiff turning the head looked. 察觉到了陆辛进来,它们脖子僵硬的转头看了过来。 In the empty look, as if had some hostilities. 空洞的眼神里,似乎带了些敌意。 Lu Xin deep exhaled, stand forth in these vision, he arrived at the middle of this workshop directly, sees a precise instrument, connects periphery that huge instrument, the signal was showing, this is Group 48 stabilizer. 陆辛深深呼了口气,在这些目光之中向前走去,他径直来到了这个厂房的中间,就看到一个精密的仪器,连通着周围那个庞大的仪器,信号显示,这就是第48组稳定器 Pulls out the spear/gun, is linking three spears/guns to this stabilizer, beats it thoroughly. 掏枪,对着这个稳定器连开了三枪,将其彻底打烂。 Group 48 stabilizer has destroyed. 第48组稳定器已破坏。 The Lu Xin careful induction, can find, surroundings that indistinct pressure, as if reduced at this time all of a sudden, is depending on the speculation of Researcher Wang Song, when the stabilizer destroyed quantity is over half, this field, because will unable to bear own pressure, will thus gradually collapse, will vanish, but, this need process, will not collapse instantaneously. 陆辛细细的感应,能够发现,周围那种隐隐约约的压力,似乎在这时候一下子减轻了很多,依着王松研究员的推测,当稳定器被破坏的数量超过一半时,这个场域,将会因为承受不住自身的压力,因而逐渐崩溃,消失,只不过,这需要一个过程,不会瞬间崩溃。 But can obviously feel field stress reduction, then explained that their plans, do not have the issue. 但可以明显感受到场域压力的减轻,便说明他们的计划,是没有问题的。 ...... 喀喀…… Similarly also after stabilizer broken, the machine operation sound that in the workshop bang makes noise, stopped suddenly. 同样也是在稳定器破后,厂房之中轰隆作响的机器运转声,忽然间就停了下来。 Until this time, Lu Xin had the time, sizes up all in workshop. 直到这时,陆辛才有时间,去打量厂房里的一切。 Quick, his vision, fell the deep place of workshop, on rack that a row felt the technical feeling. 很快,他的目光,就落到了厂房的深处,一排充满科技感的架子上面。 On that rack, is sewing a smooth person. 那个架子上,钉着一溜的人。 They wear the blue joined bodies clothing, by a mao nail that had the hangnail on rack. 他们都穿着蓝色的连体衣裤,被一种带了倒刺的卯钉钉在架子上。 The surroundings all kinds of lines and pipelines, inserted in each position of their body, the surroundings were row of a thing that was similar to signal emitter, aimed at them, as if at times had some unknown ripple, filling to their body each position. 周围各种各样的线路与管道,插在了他们身体的各个位置,周围则是一排类似于信号发射器的东西,对准了他们,似乎时时有某种未知的波纹,不停的灌向他们身体各个位置。 But is connecting the pipelines of their body, then there is to stick the thick liquid flow. 而连接着他们身体的管道,则有黏稠的液体流了出来。 These liquids, after a series of transformations, turned into that type of green liquid finally, pours into the test tube. 这些液体,经过一系列的改造,最后变成了那种绿色的液体,灌入试管之中。 In the entire process, these people are shivering, as if, they are living. 整个过程中,那些人都在颤抖,似乎,它们还是活着的。 ...... …… this scene, seems like the nausea, but also has the planting unclear sleep/felt severe advanced feeling. 这一幕,看起来恶心,但又有种让人不明觉厉的先进感。 Originally is this......” “原来是这样……” mother sound of footsteps, after behind resounding of Lu Xin, she looked to this row of machine, the expression appeared surprised commends. 妈妈的脚步声,在陆辛的身后响起,她看向了这排机器,表情显得惊讶且赞许。 Well......” “咦……” younger sister stretched out the small head from the shoulder of Lu Xin, the small body, as if shook. 妹妹陆辛的肩膀上伸出了小脑袋,小小的身体,似乎都抖了一下。 Therefore, this is their true goals?” “所以,这才是他们的真正目的?” Lu Xin not enough expertise, but he can feel periphery flowing of that invisible strength. 陆辛并没有足够的专业知识,但是他可以感受到周围那无形力量的流动。 Surroundings that type scatters in the in the air invisible strength, or said field, contacted one with this workshop. 周围那种飘散在空中的无形力量,或说场域,与这个厂房联系到了一起。 And majority, is invisible in dissipates. 其中大部分,都是无形之中消散的。 But actually the part, brought by some unknown method, then pours into these to be hung in the human body on rack. 但却又有一部分,被某种未知的方法引来,然后灌入那些被挂在架子上的人体内。 Through them, made to stick the thick liquid, made test tube inside thing. 通过他们,制造出了黏稠的液体,又做成了试管里面的东西。 Before Researcher Wang Song has mentioned, hoping Lu Xin can investigate thoroughly, the true goals of these people. 之前王松研究员提到过,希望陆辛可以查清楚,这些人的真正目的。 Because he felt that has the unreasonable place. 因为他感觉有很多不合理的地方。 This piece of field very strange, his not like to deal with anyone, does not even have the will. 这片场域非常的奇怪,他不像是为了对付什么人,其中甚至没有意志。 This is only piece of pure field, can say purely. 这就只是一片单纯的场域,可以说纯粹。 Such big writing skill, there is an obvious artificial trace, certainly has what goal. 这么大的手笔,又有明显的人工痕迹,一定有什么目的。 But Researcher Wang Song cannot imagine this to be what goal. 王松研究员想象不出这会是什么目的。 Until Lu Xin saw this workshop, suddenly realized the goal of this group of people are anything. 直到陆辛看到了这片厂房,才忽然意识到了这群人的目的是什么。 He understood the function of this field...... 他明白了这个场域的作用…… ...... This is through arranging this field, is dispersed the Happy Village Queen strength. ……这是在通过布置这种场域,将开心小镇女王的力量渲泄出来。 Because is dispersed is the main goal, therefore they do not care about in field, has anything to test the goal. 因为渲泄才是最主要的目的,所以他们根本不在乎场域之中,是不是有什么实验目标。 They are only the needs, this huge mental strength, falling of drum brain enters in wilderness. 他们只是需要,将这庞大的精神力量,一鼓脑的倾倒进荒野之中。 Enters the sea like the row sewage. 就像排污水进入大海。 Meanwhile, they also conducted the use of some degree. 同时,他们也进行了某一种程度的利用。 Then such as, catches the Happy Village Queen people, with the aid of their bodies, produces this medicament. 便如,捕捉开心小镇女王的子民,借助它们的身体,来生产这种药剂。 ...... …… Received the influence observation point personnel , because this matter is murdered. 受到了影响的观测点人员,就是因为这件事遇害。 Because of their observation to the S level forbidden area, will definitely discover changes and confusion in these data, therefore they become the first target, as for the Information Acquisition Unit leading troops, they come, field has formed, will therefore be murdered. 因为他们对S级禁区的观察,必然会发现这些数据上的变化与错乱,所以他们成为了第一目标,至于信息采集部队先头部队,他们进来的时候,场域已经形成,所以才会遇害。 Lu Xin deep exhaled, raised the head. 陆辛深深呼了口气,抬起头来。 Put out a hand to hold down the left picture frame of eye, although does not know that the person can receive the oneself signal, said earnestly: 伸手按住了眼睛的左边镜框,虽然不知道有没有人能够收到自己的信号,还是认真说道: Investigates mission basically to complete.” “调查任务已基本完成。” Now, I prepare to start to carry out to clean up mission.” “现在,我准备开始执行清理任务。”
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