SRW :: Volume #9

#843: Imperial concubines

Chapter 843 imperial concubines 第843章妃嫔们 Emperor sings and dances in the palaces and singing girls, happy drinks until dawn, is stewed to the gills. Daytime, singing girl nine people of untidy, cover the face to go.” “帝在殿中与众歌姬载歌载舞,欢饮达旦,大醉。昼,歌姬九人衣衫不整,掩面而去。” How untidy, the literary style of most repugnant ancient, narrated few, did not understand the packing detail. This unenlightened ruler, opens the silver to lie young Zhang Yuanqing, while read. 怎么个衣衫不整啊,最讨厌古人的文风,叙事寥寥几笔,不懂得填充细节。这昏君,年纪轻轻开银趴张元清一边啧啧,一边阅读。 Emperors and numerous Ji going boating roaming lake, ordered the singing girl except the clothing performance, ordered the palace lady except the clothing serving tea geomancy, the emperor while the whim lasts, then seized the nude girl to profane to play, the sunset returned, on the boat the palace maid all visited.” “帝与众姬泛舟游湖,勒令歌姬除去衣物表演,勒令宫人除去衣物端茶风水,帝兴之所至,便捉裸女亵玩,日落而回,舟上宫女悉数临幸。” All visits Zhao Shun kidney to be good, is it possible that is also Nightwalking God? Zhang Yuanqing sighed with emotion was crossing one page: 悉数临幸赵舜腰子不错啊,莫非也是夜游神张元清感慨着翻过一页: Emperor wants to visit the empress, the meeting on the way supple imperial concubine, the supple imperial concubine said: Your majesty takes constant care of many affairs of sate, may still remember that the gate of apricot blossom palace does open where? The emperor resists, the supple imperial concubine oh sobs: Your majesty may record that year the apricot blossom drizzle, you said the harem 3000 people, 3000 love volume of in concubine bodies. “帝欲临幸皇后,路遇柔妃,柔妃曰:陛下日理万机,可还记得杏花殿的门开在何处?帝拒,柔妃唉泣:陛下可记那年杏花微雨,您说后宫三千人,三千宠爱集于妾身。 Emperor is ashamed, then sees the empress with the supple imperial concubine, wants greatly with sleeping. The empress is angry, reprimands muddle-headedly its. The emperor shouted loudly: Although thou the model mother world, the honor or disgrace actually lies in We, after knows Us not to dare to abandon ?” “帝愧,遂携柔妃见皇后,欲大被同眠。皇后大怒,斥其昏聩。帝高呼:汝虽母仪天下,荣辱却在于朕,焉知朕不敢废后?” This was excessive, lets the empress and imperial concubine greatly with sleeping? The wife and concubine room can be the same, the consciousness in ancient people aspect should not very strong. Zhang Yuanqing to Zhao Shun absurd also had the new understanding. 这就过分了,让皇后和妃子大被同眠?正妻和妾室能一样吗,古代人这方面的意识不应该挺强的吗.张元清对赵舜的荒唐又有了新的认识。 Emperor visits a park, to Xiyuan, hears the tweedle suddenly, following the sound however goes, plays a qin in the pavilion with a woman, said: If the surface the students, the graceful varied, such beautiful woman desolate in the palace, careless and wasteful use of nature's products, is what a pity lamentable. “帝游园,至西苑,忽闻琴声,循声而去,遇一妇人于亭中抚琴,曰:面若桃李,娉婷多姿,此等美人荒于宫中,暴殄天物,可惜可叹。 Woman said: The concubine is first emperor imperial concubine, passed away from first emperor, then resides in Xiyuan, gets by impoverished, desolate Szo young person. “妇人曰:妾乃先帝妃嫔,自先帝驾崩,便居于西苑,清苦度日,萧索红颜。 Emperor said: The meat may being overwhelmed with emotion bone be pitiful, the life only fears not current, this dies compared with the eye and refined language, is willing to be affectionate couple not envy immortal. “帝曰:肉可销魂骨可怜,人生只恐不当前,得此比目和辞死,愿做鸳鸯不羡仙。 Supports the woman to go, is the night, resides in Xiyuan.” “拥妇人而去,是夜,居于西苑。” Father's women do not let off. Zhang Yuanqing discovered oneself underestimated Zhao Shun, changed mind thinks, after the emperor dies, in palace imperial concubine probably only then few choices: 连老爸的女人都不放过.张元清发现自己还是低估赵舜了,转念一想,皇帝死后,宫中妃嫔好像只有寥寥几个选择: First, to bury ; second, to mourn by the side of the coffin ; third, the force becomes monk for nun ; fourth, to put in disfavor ; fifth, had a liking for by new Monarch, integrates the harem. 一是殉葬,二是守灵,三是强迫出家为尼,四是打入冷宫,五是被新君看上,重新纳入后宫。 Zhang Yuanqing brushes to turn downward, after running into first emperor favorite imperial concubine, Zhao Shun as if opens the front door of new world, is lingering in Xiyuan including both months. 张元清刷刷往下翻,自遇到先帝宠妃后,赵舜仿佛打开新世界的大门,连着两个月都在西苑流连。 Summarizing is: This Xiyuan 11 madames, 20 beautiful women, 36 palace maids, were visited by him. 总结起来就是:这西苑十一位夫人,二十位美人,三十六位宫女,都被他临幸了一个遍。 First the favorite imperial concubine of emperor turned into his shape, serves first sweet and pretty palace maid of emperor favorite imperial concubine, turned into his shape. 先帝的宠妃变成了他的形状,伺候先帝宠妃的娇美宫女,也变成了他的形状。 Whish “哗哗哗” The paper page fast change, the daily life records more and more thinly, Zhang Yuanqing also looks is getting more and more earnest, before Zhao Shun is three days, poison, but did not contact on the same day on behalf of the spy his. 纸页快速翻动,起居录越来越薄,张元清也看的越来越认真,赵舜是三日前中的毒,但不代表间谍是在当天接触他的。 If the slow poison, possibly started to affect this body several days ago. 如果是慢性毒药的话,可能在几天前就开始影响这具身体了。 Therefore, Zhao Shun in half a month had contacted recently imperial concubine, is the Zhang Yuanqing key investigation's target. 所以,赵舜最近半个月里接触过的妃嫔,都是张元清重点考察对象。 The reason that the spies kill by poison the emperor is very simple, when two countries battle, if the emperor passed away suddenly, inevitably caused the Southern Dynasty political disturbance, although particularly this unenlightened ruler was dissolute, was childless. 间谍毒杀皇帝的原因很简单,两国交战之际,如果皇帝突然驾崩,必然造成南朝政局动荡,尤其是这位昏君虽然荒淫,却膝下无子。 Once Southern Dynasty, because competes for the throne to make, the center might recall the frontline army to strive for the imperial authority. In brief, so long as disrupts Southern Dynasty also to calculate at present the stable political power, will certainly affect the army. 一旦南朝因为争夺皇位闹起来,中枢很可能会调回前线的军队争夺皇权。总之,只要打乱南朝目前还算稳定的政权,就一定会影响到军队。 At the appointed time, south Northern Dynasty drafted twice the result with half the effort. 届时,北朝南征事半功倍。 Therefore, the spy is the near future sneaks in the palace either, either has infiltrated the imperial palace, but has held troops, until the war starts, is close to the emperor. 所以,间谍要么是近期潜入宫中,要么是早就混进皇宫,但一直按兵不动,直到战事开启,才接近皇帝。 His diligent reading from the beginning, is not the wicked interest, but is the hope from the daily life record, as far as possible the number, character, style, family background many understanding harem imperial concubine. 他孜孜不倦的从头翻看,也不是恶趣味,而是希望从起居录里,尽可能多的了解后宫妃嫔的数量、性格、风格、家世等。 Like the empress and supple imperial concubine harem old person, mostly is not the spy. Because the censorship of the censorship and imperial concubine of palace maid is different. 像皇后、柔妃这种后宫老人,多半不会是间谍。因为宫女的审查制度和妃嫔的审查制度是不一样的。 The imperial concubine who wants to be the emperor, the ancestor 18 generations must touch clear, but the examination effort of palace maid is not high. 想当皇帝的妃子,祖宗十八代都要摸得一清二楚,但宫女的审查力度并没有那么高。 Therefore, the spy big probability will enter the imperial palace as palace maid, then relies on the beauty to tempt the emperor, waits for an opportunity to intoxicate, Zhao Shun is a mellow color approves in any case, young pretty he does not let off, old pretty he does not let off. 因此,间谍大概率会以宫女的身份进入皇宫,然后再凭借美色引诱皇帝,伺机下毒,反正赵舜是个老色批,年轻貌美的他不放过,年长貌美的他也不放过。 Like Zhang Yuanqing, does not only like old pretty. 不像张元清,只喜欢年长貌美的。 Returns to the proper topic, so long as the spy has the good beauty, did not worry that is unable to be close to the emperor. 言归正传,只要间谍拥有不俗的美色,就不愁无法接近皇帝。 After a half hour, Zhang Yuanqing turns the daily life record finally, later makes one bring the harem register of names, after looking at the life experience of imperial concubines, locked on five goals. 半个小时后,张元清终于翻完起居录,随后让人取来后宫名册,看完妃嫔们的身世后,锁定了五个目标。 Goal one: Graceful beautiful woman! 目标一:婉美人! The daily life records the record: The emperor nightwalking Emperor's garden, watches flowers to enjoy looking at the moon, sees in the flowering shrubs to transmit Yingge suddenly, opens out looked, sees only in the clump to sit a young girl, the eyebrow new picture moon/month, the hair bun drags to say for the first time, stretching out the neck light song, startled is the outstanding beauty, then takes flowered cushion as the mattress, Luo has the light minute/share, the love-making, the virgin blood such as the flower is colorful, when returning to palace on the imperial robe the bloodstain is still wet, next day, to seal/confer Qiwei graceful beautiful woman. 起居录记载:帝夜游御花园,观花赏月,忽见花丛中传来莺歌,拨开一看,只见丛中坐一少女,眉新画月,髻乍拖云,引颈轻歌,惊为殊色,遂以花茵为褥,罗带轻分,颠鸾倒凤,落红如花艳,回殿时龙袍上血痕犹湿,次日,封其为婉美人。 Zhang Yuanqing locks her for the reason of suspect is: Greater part of the night called in the Emperor's garden ghost, obviously was knows Zhao Shun had the custom of nightwalking, enticing of waiting for gains without pains. 张元清把她锁为嫌疑人的理由是:大半夜的在御花园鬼叫,明显是知道赵舜有夜游的习惯,守株待兔的勾引。 Usually no matter, but entices the emperor in so sensitive time node, the suspicion is very big. 平时无所谓,但在如此敏感的时间节点勾引皇帝,嫌疑很大。 Goal two: clear/pain beautiful woman. 目标二:楚美人。 The daily life records the record: The emperor swims three Divine Mountain with the imperial concubines, galloping roaming Lie, sees a hunting household female to intrude suddenly, does not pull the silk reins, plan Ma Rufeng, the emperor heart is really pleased, about the life takes, seeing is the years approximately 13 young girls, the great happiness, to seal/confer Weichu the beautiful woman, receives the harem. 起居录记载:帝携众妃游三神山,驰骋游猎,忽见一猎户女子闯入,不挽丝缰,策马如风,帝心甚悦,命左右拿下,见是年约十三的幼女,大喜,封为楚美人,收入后宫。 Goal three: virtue imperial concubine. 目标三:德妃。 virtue imperial concubine is actually in the palace the old person, the father officer to household section Shangshu, several years ago was confiscated and beheaded by the emperor whole families, henceforth the personality big change, ties completely aggrieved, but, because of it beautiful appearance, Zhao Shun will still visit at times. 德妃其实是宫中老人,父亲官至户部尚书,几年前被皇帝满门抄斩,从此性情大变,结满哀怨,不过,因其过于美貌,赵舜仍会时时临幸。 virtue imperial concubine has to plot to murder the emperor motive, after all is the enmity of extermination. 德妃是有谋害皇帝动机的,毕竟是灭门之仇。 Goal four: Elegant madame. 目标四:雅夫人。 The imperial concubine who when the elegant wife is Zhao Shun goes on patrol to snatch, is the old beautiful appearance female, had the husband and wife, after entrusting body Zhao Shun, his husband refuses to accept, writes in the letter written in blood to assume the governor-general, sues current dynasty the emperor to seize the daughter, by the stick responsibility 80, was killed while still alive. 雅夫人是赵舜巡游时抢回来的妃子,是个年长的美貌女性,原本有家室,委身赵舜后,其夫不服,写血书上呈府尹,状告当朝天子强掳民女,被杖责八十,活活打死。 The elegant madame also has to become the spy, plots to murder the motive of emperor. To say the least, supposed that initially seized the program of daughter is the bureau that Northern Dynasty set up? 雅夫人也有成为间谍,谋害皇帝的动机。退一步说,假设当初强抢民女的戏码就是北朝设的局呢? Enters the imperial palace by the body of being taken prisoner, can eliminate the anxiety and alert of Southern Dynasty to a certain extent, after all is the emperor snatches, does not enter the palace on own initiative. 以被虏之身进入皇宫,能一定程度上打消南朝的疑虑和戒备,毕竟是皇帝抢来的,不是主动进宫的。 Goal five: King singing girl! 目标五:王歌姬! Reason that suspects the king singing girl , because before Zhao Shun has an accident in several day, has contacted with this female, no matter the slow poison fierce poison, she has the suspicion. 之所以怀疑王歌姬,是因为赵舜出事前的几天里,都和此女接触过,不管是慢性毒药还是猛毒,她都有嫌疑。 24 hours a little catch up, light/only by me, want to uncover the spy difficulty to be a little big.” Zhang Yuanqing moves at heart, making the palace maid shout comes the guard outside palace, the sinking sound said: “24小时有点赶,光靠我一个人,想揪出间谍难度有点大。”张元清心里一动,让宫女喊来殿外的侍卫,沉声道: We days before was intoxicated by the evildoer, your imperial city Si does can/but have to catch the criminal?” “朕前几日被奸人下毒,你们皇城司可有抓到罪人?” The information that the transcription gives are too few, the time is too tight, wants is not not possible by oneself, but can rely on NPC in transcription. 副本给的信息太少,时间太紧,想靠自己根本不可能,但可以依赖副本里的NPC。 The guards speak haltingly saying: Your majesty, this matter is under the charge to Zhengtongling and Li Changshi, the feudal official does not know.” 侍卫嗫嚅道:“陛下,此事由郑统领和李常侍负责,臣不知。” Zhengtongling? Is surnamed Zheng the person of wife's or mother's family Zheng? Zhang Yuanqing at heart one happy, immediately said: Fast invited.” 郑统领?姓郑是外戚郑家的人?张元清心里一喜,当即道:“速速去请。” Although Zheng dominates the royal government, causing the corrupt officials to run amuck, but Zheng after all is a wife's or mother's family, with Zhao Shun is person on one's own side, does not hope absolutely Zhao Shun untimely death. 郑家虽然把持朝政,导致贪官污吏横行,但郑家毕竟是外戚,与赵舜是“自己人”,绝对不会希望赵舜英年早逝。 After all Zhao Shun does not have the heir, if passed away, then new Monarch is lost the imperial clan, the imperial clan will not recognize Zhao. 毕竟赵舜没有子嗣,如果驾崩,那么新君就旁落宗室,宗室可不会认赵家。 Therefore in protecting Zhao Shun, discovers in the action of spy, certainly spares no effort. 因此在保护赵舜,找出间谍的行动上,一定不遗余力。 Quick, the young people who straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards star, wears the mail-armor and helmet, walk into the resting palace with stride, holds the fist in the other hand to bow: Zheng Long tu, has seen your majesty!” 很快,一位剑眉星目,身披甲胄的年轻人,大步走入寝宫,抱拳躬身:“郑龙图,见过陛下!” Zhang Yuanqing asked: Can have to find to plot to murder Our traitor?” 张元清问道:“可有找到谋害朕的奸贼?” Zheng Long tu shakes the head: Had not found.” 郑龙图摇摇头:“尚未找到。” Zhang Yuanqing flies into a rage, pats the table to curse angrily: Waste, do We raise you to do really? Might as well raises one flock of pigs, gives you six double-hour, if could not find the murderer again, We cut you.” 张元清勃然大怒,拍桌怒骂:“废物,朕养你们作甚?还不如养一群猪,给你六个时辰,若再找不到凶手,朕就斩了伱。” This expression, conforms to Zhao Shun's style very much. 这番言辞,很符合赵舜的风格。 Zheng Long attempts the complexion changes, lowers the head fiercely: Yes!” 郑龙图脸色一变,猛地低头:“是!” Sense of urgency full goes to the palace. 紧迫感十足的离殿而去。 Oh, the emperor is the waste, the official is also the waste! Zhang Yuanqing feels suddenly somewhat hungrily, making the palace maid send the cakes and pastries, first tries the poison with the palace maid, after confirming unobstructive, ate several carelessly, later arrived at the governing study room. 唉,皇帝是废物,臣子也是废物!张元清忽然觉得有些饥饿,让宫女送来糕点,先用宫女试毒,确认无碍后,草草吃了几块,随后来到御书房。 On the governing table chocks up the thick memorial to the emperor, these memorials to the emperor after screening, do not need the emperor to review, so long as approves red on the line. 御桌上摆满厚厚的奏折,这些奏折都是经过筛选的,不需要皇帝批阅,只要批红就行。 In the past, Zhao Shun has approved red, no matter anything approved red, does not need to approve the red memorial to the emperor unable to deliver to here. 过去,赵舜一直都是批红,不管什么都批红,不需要批红的奏折是送不到这里来的。 Zhang Yuanqing is reading the memorial to the emperor, discovered that half of folding booklets impeach Yang, the other half folding booklet impeaches Yang policy. 张元清翻看着奏折,发现一半的折子是弹劾杨家的,另一半折子是弹劾杨策的。 Looked at the moment patiently, knows that Yang policy is the general, this time commanders-in-chief of the three services that resisted the Northern Dynasty military invasion, was the blood younger brother of empress. 耐心看了片刻,才知道杨策是骠骑将军,本次抵御北朝军队入侵的三军统帅,也是皇后的亲弟弟。 Two big wife's or mother's family Yang and Zheng of Southern Dynasty were political opponents, pinched potential like water and fire. 南朝的两大外戚杨家和郑家是政敌,掐的势如水火。 Because the empress does not have under the birth the heir, Yang at the disadvantage, senior wife's or mother's family Zheng has pressed Yang Jia to hit. 而因为皇后没有诞下子嗣,杨家处在劣势,资深外戚郑家一直压着杨家打。 This transcription should have two maps, one is a national capital, one is Linxia, I in the national capital, the eldest child should in Linxia, this conform to the occupation of his Yanshi, Yang policy is very likely is eldest child “这个副本应该有两个地图,一个是国都,一个是临夏,我在国都,老大应该在临夏,这符合他偃师的职业,杨策极有可能就是老大” Zhang Yuanqing makes the judgment quickly. 张元清很快做出判断。 Fu Qingyang is eight levels of Yanshi, possibly is not ineffective and worthless troops, only then Yang policy of commander-in-chief of the three services is reasonable, Yang policy is the marshal, defeat must die, the difficulty rank also tallies. 傅青阳是八级偃师,不可能是虾兵蟹将,只有三军统帅的杨策才合理,杨策是元帅,战败必死,难度等级也符合。 Since is little Fu, do not want to impeach “既然是小傅,那你们就别想弹劾了” Zhang Yuanqing sits before the governing table, raised the writing brush, refuted entirely the memorial to the emperor of impeachment, this well satisfied putting down pen, getting two guards to leave the resting palace. 张元清坐在御桌前,提起毛笔,把弹劾的奏折统统驳斥一遍,这才心满意足的放下笔,领着两名侍卫离开寝宫。 Then, has the vision of critique, scrutinized Zhao Shun's harem. 接下来,就是带着批判的目光,审阅赵舜的后宫了。 Mentioned the harem, after Queen Zheng dies, the first matter that Zhao Shun did, in expansion harem, not only old construction renovation reconstruction, but also chose place of high opening east the palace garden, all day long assigned/life the wage adjustment artisan, constructed the new palace. 说起后宫,在郑太后死后,赵舜做的第一件事,就是在扩充后宫,不但把旧建筑翻新重建,还在宫苑东边选了一块高敞之地,终日命工调匠,建造新殿。 Adjusts cleanly a prefectural repository, the marrow of the world blew blew, was popular one year of odd-job man to complete fully. 把一个府库调得干干净净,天下的骨髓刮了又刮,整整兴了一年的工役才完成。 Zhang Yuanqing rides the deer car(riage) to stroll in the spacious road surface that the blue stone lays down, opens the curtain screen to look, sees only the garret height to serve as contrast, picture colludes with the flying roof ridge faintly, or reveals several vermilion Lan slantingly, area either slightly sneaks a peek embroiders the curtain, the phosgene of pearls and jade is reflecting the daylight, ripples five-colors, just like fairyland. 张元清乘着鹿车漫行在青石铺设的宽敞路面,挑开帘子望去,只见阁楼高低相映,画栋与飞甍隐隐勾连,或斜露出几曲朱栏,或微窥见一带绣幕,珠玉的光气映着日色,漾成五彩,宛如仙境。 Really wasteful, even I want to get rid of Zhao Shun.” Zhang Yuanqing puts down the curtain screen, the unstated criticism own role. “真奢靡啊,连我都想干掉赵舜了。”张元清放下帘子,腹诽着自己的角色。 Hunting household's daughter who the when first goal of trip is that roaming hunts for meets, does not have him, this female recently. 此行的第一个目标是那位游猎时遇见的猎户之女,无他,此女最近。 Good the quarter of an hour, the deer car(riage) stopped in front of three garrets, sees only the eave corner/horn to fly to curl upwards, gold/metal is reflecting the sunlight, Liang Dong is drawing the color painting. 行了一刻钟,鹿车停在一座三层阁楼前,只见檐角飞翘,金瓦映着日光,梁栋绘着彩画。 In the institute the sight of green scallion scallion, is planting the strange flower and grass. 院中绿意葱葱,栽种着奇花异草。 Zhang Yuanqing jumps out of deer Che, under surrounding and protecting of guard, the stride spirited stepping into courtyard, then sees the palace maids and officials is carrying the good meal and spatial tray, rushes about in the main building and partner room. 张元清跳下鹿车,在侍卫的拱卫下,大步昂扬的踏入院子,然后就看见宫女和宦官端着美味佳肴和空盘子,在主楼和伙房间奔波。 Zhang Yuanqing stops by calling a palace maid, knits the brows: 张元清喊住一位宫女,皱眉道: In building is holding the feast?” “楼中正在办宴?” The palace maids stare, at once responds: Is the clear/pain beautiful women is dining.” 宫女一愣,旋即回应:“是楚美人在用餐。” What?” Zhang Yuanqing is startled, looked at several passing in and out palace maids and officials, confirmation asking: You said that the clear/pain beautiful women are dining?” “什么?”张元清大吃一惊,又看了几眼进进出出的宫女和宦官,确认般的问道:“你说楚美人在用餐?” Is the daily life record has problems, his eye has problems. 是起居录出了问题,还是他的眼睛出了问题。 Our clear/pain beautiful woman is Godzilla, capacity for food so empty boasting? 朕的楚美人是哥斯拉吗,饭量如此浮夸? Zhang Yuanqing hesitant, was worried that Godzilla requests to wait on the bedroom, is worried about Godzilla to be satiated with food and wine, a palm of the hand claps the emperor who delicate cannot take care of oneself. 张元清犹豫了一下,既担心“哥斯拉”要求侍寝,也担心“哥斯拉”吃饱喝足,一巴掌拍死柔弱不能自理的皇帝。 Therefore turns head to look to two guards: Goes forward to clear the way!” 于是扭头看向两名侍卫:“上前开道!” Two guard strides go forward, the dispelling palace maids and officials, stride in the threshold. 两名侍卫大步上前,排开宫女和宦官,跨入门槛。 Zhang Yuanqing enters the main building later, in the building is more luxurious, the gold makes the column, the jasper is the column, the bead curtain embroiders the curtain, in the building various places ignite strange fragrant, the quiet room and distant room find at everywhere, the strange flower and grass complements. 张元清随后进入主楼,楼内更为奢华,黄金做柱,碧玉为栏,珠帘绣幕,楼中各处燃起奇香,幽房与邃室随处可见,奇花异草掩映。 Across the winding corridor, enters outside the hall, he sees a 14 or 15-year-old young girl, supports the small belly of plump to stand near the table, a roast chicken, mutton, eaten being greedy. 穿过曲折长廊,进入外堂,他看见一位十四五岁的少女,挺着圆滚滚的小肚皮站在桌边,一手烧鸡,一把羊肉,吃的满嘴流油。 Although this young girl appetite is big, the appearance actually is really elegant. 这少女食量虽大,模样却甚为秀美。 Can question the moral behavior of unenlightened ruler, but cannot question his aesthetic appreciation. Zhang Yuanqing relaxes, makes an effort to cough. 可以质疑昏君的人品,但不能质疑他的审美.张元清松了口气,用力咳嗽一声。 Your majesty!” “陛下!” The palace maid officials in hall kneel down to salute in abundance. 堂内的宫女宦官纷纷下跪行礼。 The young girl is rousing the cheek help/gang, looked, sharp-eyed is sizing up Zhang Yuanqing. 那少女鼓着腮帮,望了过来,目光锐利的打量着张元清 PS: After wrong character first, changes. PS:错字先更后改。
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