Chapter 675HuoZhengkuisubsequent hand
第675章霍正魁的后手Dwellingvegetable/dish? Dwellingandvegetable/dish? Zhang Yuanqingis complainingat heart, whileis inducing the mood of opposite party.
宅菜?又宅又菜吗?张元清一边在心里吐槽,一边感应着对方的情绪。He„well”, in the mood of thissole line of descentknighthad not been hostilewithgreedily, does not have the murderous intention, thisdoes not conform to the mentality of spy a stratagemseizes the Poperelic.
他心里“咦”了一声,这位单传骑士的情绪里没有敌视和贪婪,也没有杀机,这不符合一个谋夺教皇遗物的间谍的心态。Arrogant, self-confident, is impatient, the moodis poor, envying of faint trace, will not really envymySpirit TerritoryID, the wantedwords, 998YuansellsZhang Yuanqingreceives the hostilitytothispersontoyoufor the time being, the probesaid:
傲慢,自信,不耐烦,心情不怎么好,还有一丝丝的羡慕,呃,不会真的羡慕我的灵境ID吧,想要的话,998元卖号给你啊张元清暂且收起对此人的敌意,试探道:„Knightsole line of descent? The Poperelicwas just the victim, youthenfoundhere, if not see clearly the techniqueto makemesee that youhave not lied, your excellencyactionis really doubtable.”
“骑士单传?教皇遗物刚失窃,你便找到了这里,如果不是洞察术让我看出你没说谎,阁下的举动实在让人怀疑。”Then, helookstothunderMasterDengJingguo, said: „Hegemon, Iproposed that keeps the audit, no onecancompile the liebeforeme.”
接着,他看向雷法师邓经国,道:“盟主,我提议留下来旁听,没有人能在我面前编造谎言。”DengJingguonodsslightly, „I am also thismeaning.”
Obviously, he is also untrustworthythisto visitsuddenly, andmentioned the so-calledknightsole line of descent of Poperelic.
After Zhang Yuanqingtakes a seat, DengJingguolooksto the marten skinknight, said:
待张元清入座后,邓经国看向貂皮骑士,道:„Mr.Zhaivegetable/dish, thisis the members of ourcounter-black and whitealliance, the swordsman who Ihave a high opinion, then, hecan the entire journeyrepresentmeandyoutalks.”
“翟菜先生,这位是我们反黑白联盟的成员,我所倚重的剑客,接下来,他会全程代表我与您谈话。”„Swordsman?”Zhaivegetable/dishlazy by the sofa, is sizing upZhang Yuanqing, said with a smile: „The swordsmanquantity of firstdistrictare not many, swordsmen in the civil society organizationwere less, youis the daypunishesto arrange, scouts the person of aristocratic familyFu?”
“剑客?”翟菜慵懒的靠在沙发,打量着张元清,笑道:“第一大区的剑客数量不多,民间组织里的剑客就更少了,伱是天罚安排进来的,还是斥候世家傅家的人?”Histone, stance and expression, passone„Iare beingbig shot”self-confidence, even ifinhavingscene of control, notslightlycautious.
Isn't thisstance, a control? Zhang Yuanqingsomewhatbecomes doubtfulat heart.
这副姿态,不会是个主宰吧?张元清心里有些犯嘀咕。However, even if the opposite partyis the control, he can still induce the realinnermost feelings of opposite partythrough the moodchange, thisknightsole line of descentdoes not think, the presentswordsman is actually an imaginarytechniquemaster, howto guardto see clearly the techniqueagainis the futile effort.
不过,即便对方是主宰,他也能通过情绪变化来感应对方的真实内心,这位骑士单传不会想到,眼前的剑客其实是一位幻术师,再怎么提防洞察术都是徒劳。„WhoI am unimportant, youarewhois very important.”Zhang Yuanqingsaid: „Mr.Zhaivegetable/dish, how can youproveyourstatus?”
“我是谁不重要,您是谁很重要。”张元清道:“翟菜先生,您要怎么证明自己的身份?”„Ceases the means of lyingto have, the seeing clearlytechnique of swordsmanis in my opinion subjective, andwas restrainedby the experteasily, is well belowto formulate the ruleto be simple.”Zhaivegetable/dishgrasps the apple on fruit tray, moderatelytoward a tea tableracket, „Iproposed,everyoneplays a realsoul talkbigadventure, wholieswhodies.”
“杜绝说谎的办法有很多,剑客的洞察术在我看来过于主观,且容易被高手克制,远远不及制定规则简单有效。”翟菜抓起果盘上的苹果,不轻不重的往茶几一拍,“我提议,大家玩一场真心话大冒险,谁说谎谁就死。”Patsalong with the applein the tea tableslightlysound, a round of brasscolorhaloproliferation, has swept the living room.
伴随着苹果拍在茶几的微响,一轮黄铜色的光晕扩散,扫过客厅。Zhang Yuanqing and DengJingguoclearfeeling, darkhad the invisiblestrengthto lock in the mind, changed the cognition, layturns into the unpardonably wickedgrave offenseall of a sudden, enduredcompared with the murder.张元清和邓经国清晰的感觉到,冥冥中有无形的力量锁住了心灵,改变了认知,说谎一下子变成十恶不赦的重罪,堪比杀人。Verystrongbinding force, the simpleformulationrule, gavemyfeelingon the steamrolldaypunishingsixlevels of knightsummerZuo, thiswas a controllevelknight, pandaZhang Yuanqing in pandaat heartonecold.
很强的束缚力,简单的制定规则,给我的感觉就碾压了天罚的六级骑士夏佐,这是一位主宰级骑士啊,大熊猫中的大熊猫张元清心里一凛。DengJingguois unemotional, nodsslightly:
邓经国则面无表情,微微颔首:„Ibelieve that youwere a knight.”
After showing one's skillsimply, Zhaivegetable/dishsighed:
„ Itrulyamknightinheritance of Holy See, youknowHoly See, the words that does not knowIexplainedlater, the knightgroupwas the Holy Seemost powerfulstrength, was not feared the knightoccupation of deathcomprised ofonecrowd.
„ Theyare powerfulandfearless, the place visited, evil and enemywill change into the fragmentpowder, thisarmycombines, even the Popes can only withdraw. Butmore than a century ago, Holy Seedestructionduringfearfulturbulence, only then a powerfulknightsurvivesby luck, thatknightconcealed identitysome time, afterwardcontactedwithHuoZhengkuion.
„ HefromHuoZhengkuitherelearned that the PopegavethisOriental the relic, thereforetwo peoplediscussed,is divided into four Saintplate, in two waysseal, twoonlymake the simpleseal, each otherinduction. Anothertwowithexquisiterwayseal, are processedbyHuoZhengkui.
The Saintplate that „ thattwocaneach otherinduce, is taken care by HuoZhengkuiandmasterancestor, person. Two peopleagree, the mutual attention, protects the Saintplate of Holy Seetogether, afterward, both sidesseparated, agree for fiveyearsto contactonetime.
„ HuoZhengkuicontinues, whenhiscriminal syndicatebig shot, thatHoly Seeknightreceived a person of Asian descentto be the disciple, taughthisknightto fight the technique and Sainttechnique.
„ Does thattohoodwinkenemy'sfield of visionprobably, does not thinklikesomepeople, the Popewill give a person of Asian descentthatimportantSaintplate.
“这么做大概是为了蒙蔽仇家的视野,就像不会有人想到,教皇会把那么重要的圣盘交给一个黄种人。„Then, the knightinheritedagainturnsbewilderedlyour.”
“再然后嘛,骑士传承就莫名其妙变成我们的了。”Zhang Yuanqinglistenssilently, asked:张元清默默听完,问道:„Whatevidencehas to provethesewords that youspoke?”
“有什么证据能证明你说的这些话?”hearsword, wears the blackto peel off the knightmister of coat, takes outtwothingsfromname brandpackage, is placedon the tea table.
闻言,身穿黑色掉皮大衣的骑士先生,从身边的名牌包里取出两件东西,摆在茶几上。Oneis the fan-shapedcopper billetandonepile of yellowingletter paper.
!!! The Zhang Yuanqingpupilcontractsslightly, onlythought that the spacefell the pie, unexpectedlythisgood deed?
!!!张元清瞳孔微微收缩,只觉得天上掉馅饼了,竟还有这种好事?Zhaivegetable/dishlaunchestheseyellowingletter paper, said:
„ Inthesematterletterssaidis very clear, youlooked that understood.
„ To be honest, Ido not have the sense of belongingtoHoly See, does not wantto participate inthesematters, Iwill be probably same as the masterandmasterancestor, accepts the disciplesilently, inherits the faith token, has not thought that yesterday evening, thiscopper billetrelieved the sealsuddenly.
“说实话,我对教廷没有归属感,更不想参与这些事,我大概会和师傅、师祖们一样,默默收徒,传承信物,可没想到,昨天晚上,这件铜块忽然解除了封印。„The Saintplateseal of HuoZhengkuiandknightis a whole, the sealrelievestogether, anotherwill also contact, warnedmutually.”
“霍正魁和骑士的圣盘封印是一个整体,其中一块封印解除,另一块也会接触,互相示警。”Hesighed: „ThereforeIam forcedto do business, shouldersto transit the discipling from the duty, walked.”
他叹了口气:“于是我就被迫营业,担负起师承任务,找上门来了。”DengJingguotakes up the letter papercarefullyto read.
邓经国拿起信纸仔细阅读。For a long time, heputs down the letter paper, the nodsaid: „Does not have the issue!”
许久,他放下信纸,点头道:“没有问题!”HuoZhengkuialsoholds back one trickunexpectedly, this was worried that ownlatterDalyhad/left the non-loyal son, orwas foundby the freetreaty of alliance, thereforegives the knightto take careSaintplatetogether? Compares the fairknight, latterDalyhas the unfilialdescendants'probabilityto be bigger, butoldsuddenlydescendantsare good, has not disappointedhim. Zhang Yuanqingfrowns:
霍正魁居然还留了一手,这是担心自己的后代里出了不孝子,或者被自由盟约找到,所以把圣盘的其中一块交给骑士保管?相比起公正的骑士,后代里出不肖子孙的概率更大,不过老霍的子孙还行,没让他失望.张元清皱起眉头:„Howyouknow that DengMengzhuisHuoZhengkuigrandson? Before the Poperelicloses, thissecrethe himselfdoes not know.”
“你怎么知道邓盟主是霍正魁的孙子?在教皇遗物遗失之前,这个秘密连他自己都不知道。”„Saidboth sidesagree for fiveyearsto contactonetime, after HuoZhengkuireturns toSpirit Territory, hisillegitimate childDeng Guoguanghad sought helpwe, the counter-black and whitealliancecanbe founded, the master of mymaster has also striven.” The knightssaid:
“都说了双方约定五年联络一次,霍正魁回归灵境后,他的私生子邓国光曾经求助过我们,反黑白联盟能成立,我师傅的师傅也是出过力的。”骑士说道:„AfterDeng Guoguangdies, twolose contact.”
“直到邓国光死后,两家才失联的。”„Said,yourknightsare the insurances that HuoZhengkuikeeps, onceHuothisSaintplateloses, the knightwill intendto recover.”DengJingguohesitates saying:
„ Poperelicwas truly woncouple days ago, my fatherimitatesHuoZhengkui, gave the illegitimate child the Poperelic, severaldays ago, thatillegitimate childwas bitten the spiritby the stars, died.
“教皇遗物前几天确实被夺走了,我的父亲效仿霍正魁,把教皇遗物交给了私生子,几天前,那位私生子被星官噬灵,不幸牺牲。„Thismatterhastwists and turns”
“不过这件事另有波折”ImmediatelykillsJiaFeizhang the stars, the matter that was also interceptedby the exceedingly highfounderin the halfway, toldZhaivegetable/dish.
当即把星官杀死贾飞章,又在半途被通天教主截杀的事,告诉了翟菜。Dumbfounded that the marten skinknightlistens to: „Suchcomplex. Un, it seems like, thatexceedingly highfounderobtains the Saintplate, andsuccessfullyrelieves the seal. Thisis also good, among the Saintplatesmeets the mutual induction, Iwill tryto discoverhim, recaptures the Saintplate.”
貂皮骑士听的一愣一愣:“这么复杂的吗.嗯,这么看来,那个通天教主已经得到圣盘,并成功解除封印。这样也好,圣盘之间会相互感应,我会试图找出他,夺回圣盘的。”Iwill not takefor these daysit. Zhang Yuanqingsaidsilently.
我这几天都不会把它取出来的.张元清默默道。DengJingguolookedtoswordsman who the Eastcame, saidtoZhaivegetable/dish:
邓经国则看向了东方来的剑客,对翟菜说道:„Saintplatedoes not have the inheritanceto giveme, Iam not willingto mixthis matterfrom the bottom of the heart, but since is the familymission, IasHuoZhengkuidescendants, striveby rights ought.”
“圣盘没有传承给我,从心底来说,我并不愿意掺和此事,但既然是家族使命,我作为霍正魁的子孙,理当出力。”InZhang Yuanqingthinks when hemustexpresssomeWeiguangopinions, thenlistens toDengMengzhuthread of conversationonerevolution:
就在张元清以为他要发表一些伟光正的言论时,便听邓盟主话锋一转:„Ihave delegated the free and unfetteredswordimmortaltracingexceedingly highfounder, the free and unfettered, youare then responsible forassistingZhaivegetable/dish, recaptures the Saintplate, when necessary, Icanmake a move.”
“我已经委派逍遥剑仙追踪通天教主,逍遥,接下来你就负责辅助翟菜,夺回圣盘,必要的时候,我可以出手。”Appearance that DengMengzhudoes not wantto meddle, good, Iambushsidethisknight, looks for the opportunityto seize the Saintplate. Zhang Yuanqingnodsslightly: „Iwill make contribution!”
邓盟主一副不想插手的样子,也好,我就潜伏在这个骑士身边,找机会把圣盘夺过来.张元清微微颔首:“我会尽力!”Hewants saying that if too dangerous, Imustincrease the reward, sets the example, butchanges mindthinks,thesewordsdo not need saying that canaskDengJingguoto discussin secret.
他本来想说,如果太危险,我要增加报酬,好歹做做样子,但转念一想,这些话没必要说,可以私底下找邓经国谈。Saying is too instead artificial.
说出来反而太做作。Zhaivegetable/dishsquintlooks atZhang Yuanqing, a would rather notexpression: „A swordsman.”
翟菜斜眼看着张元清,一副不太情愿的表情:“一个剑客.”Shakes the headdisappointedlywhile.
一边摇头一边失望的啧啧。What do you mean!! Zhang Yuanqinga littlewantsto hit the person.
你这是什么意思!!张元清有点想打人。LeavesDengJingguovilla, Zhang YuanqingandZhaivegetable/dishin tandem, goes slowlyalong the long street.
离开邓经国的别墅,张元清和翟菜一前一后,沿着长街缓行。Iam turned the signby the luckygoddesstoday, thirdSaintplatefellin front ofmeto come...... thisknightbigprobabilityis the control, robbedverydifficultly, mustask the association presidentto act. Hiscopper billetisIwill enter the stepping-stone of hunterassociation...... Zhang Yuanqingto lookin the frontvegetable/dishknight, onlyfeels the opposite partylikeattractivestreaky pork.
我今天是被幸运女神翻牌了吗,第三块圣盘自己掉我面前来了……不过这个骑士大概率是主宰,强夺很难,得请会长出手。他身上的铜块将是我进入猎人公会的敲门砖……张元清看着走在前方的菜骑士,只觉得对方就像一块诱人的五花肉。Wait! Hechanges mindthinks, ifthisknightdoes not die, certainlywill cause havoc the New Testamentcounty, a controlmakes a big row the New Testamentcounty, hunterassociationtoo many people around, inquires the Zhaivegetable/dishrestlessreasonvery mucheasily.
等等!他转念一想,这骑士如果不死,一定会大闹新约郡,一名主宰大闹新约郡,猎人公会耳目众多,很容易就打探到翟菜闹腾的原因。When the time comeshowIexplained that seizes the Saintplatefromcontrol? The hunterassociationwantsstupidly, unable to guess correctlybehindmeto have the person.
到时候我怎么解释从一名主宰手里夺走圣盘?猎人公会只要不傻,就能猜出我背后有人啊。Killed the knight? The knightdefends the forewordcamp, scoutingis more honest, bladegood personnotmyoriginal wishes . Moreover the panda in thispanda, the bladetoowasted, keepshimusefully...... Zhang Yuanqingto fall intosuddenlyawkwardly.
杀了骑士吗?骑士是守序阵营,比斥候更正派,刀好人非我本愿,而且这种大熊猫中的大熊猫,刀了太浪费,留着他更有用……张元清一时间陷入为难。At this time, Zhaivegetable/dish of taking the leadhas turned headsuddenly, brought back the corners of the mouth:
这时,走在前面的翟菜忽然扭过头来,勾起嘴角:„Iinduced the hostilityfromyou.”
“我从你身上感应到了敌意。”Zhang Yuanqingat heartonestartled, saidlightly: „Ialsoinduced the hostilityfromyou.”张元清心里一惊,淡淡道:“我也从你身上感应到了敌意。”Herespondedquickly, the knightwill not see clearly the technique, did not have the inductionmoodability, in additionpondered, the routinecollectingmood, the opposite partywas impossibleto feel the enemy.
他很快反应过来,骑士不会洞察术,也没有感应情绪的能力,再加上自己思考时,习惯性的收束情绪,对方不可能感受到敌人。This is explodinghim.
这是在炸他。„After all was the companion, Icame and went freely, did not trust the companion.”Zhaivegetable/dishshrugs, thensaid:
„ Thatexceedingly highfounderwhereaboutsis uncertain, the New Testamentcountyis so big, finds the personto look for a needle in a haystack, troublesome, is really troublesome. Our companyalsobigpile of matters of mustprocess, does not wantto tie downbythesebrokenmatters.
“那个通天教主行踪不定,新约郡这么大,找人就是大海捞针,麻烦,真麻烦。我公司还有一大堆的事要处理,不想被这些破事缠住。„Freeswordimmortal, Igive you Saintplatesimply, do youfind the personforme?”
“逍遥剑仙,干脆我把圣盘给你,你替我找人吧?”Ido not know that youare explodingme, is thisfellowsowhy bigtomyhostility? Zhang Yuanqingsimplyis cold the face, does not respondhim.
我也不知道你是不是在炸我,这家伙为什么对我敌意这么大?张元清索性冷着脸,不搭理他。Alsowalkedone, Zhang Yuanqingtakes a look at a back of marten skinknight, said something to smooth things overon own initiative, said:
又走了一阵,张元清瞅一眼貂皮骑士的背影,主动搭讪,道:„Youhaveanythingto plan.”
The marten skinknight, asked back: „Youthought that whatIshouldhaveto plan? DengMengzhusaid that youin the investigationexceedingly highfounder, whatfeaturedo have? Do not tellmewhatachievementnot to have.”
The tone that thisfellowspokegoodunderto punch. Zhang Yuanqingasked: „Youare the control.”
这家伙说话的语气好欠揍.张元清问道:“你是主宰吗。”Zhaivegetable/dishtakes a look athim, said with a smile: „Iamhalfgod!”
翟菜瞅了瞅他,笑道:“我是半神!”Ifyouhalfgod, Ilower the headat the scenedo obeisance. Zhang Yuanqingsaidlightly:
„ Exceedingly highfounderis the monetary rewardhunter, whatmetis the duty of Chinatownseriesmurder case, explained that hishunterrankis not high. Ispent a money, investigatedhispasttask list, discovered that thispersonhates the wicked as if they were personal enemies, killedis the criminal and gang member.
“通天教主是赏金猎人,接的是唐人街连环杀人案的任务,说明他的猎人等级不高。我花了点钱,调查了他过去的任务列表,发现此人嫉恶如仇,杀的都是罪犯、黑帮成员。„Inknowinghisapproximaterank, andin the charactersituation, the fishinglaw enforcementis the most efficientway, Iposted a reward a dutyin the hunterassociationyesterday, hunts and killsmy ownduty. Idescribed myself the avid follower who rapedto plunderto stop at no evil.”
“那么在知道他大致等级,且性格的情况下,钓鱼执法是最高效的方式,我昨天在猎人公会悬赏了一个任务,猎杀我自己的任务。我把自己描述成奸淫掳掠无恶不作的狂徒。”Zhaivegetable/disheyesonebright: „If the exceedingly highfounderseesthatduty, the bigprobabilitywill meet, thenso long asthenhewalked into a trapon the line.”
翟菜眼睛一亮:“如果通天教主看到那个任务,大概率会接,那么接下来只要等他自投罗网就行。”Zhang Yuanqingalsosmiled, takes advantage of opportunity saying: „Therefore, ifyouare the control, thenbesttreatwithmein the same place. However, do not have the toohighhope, possiblywasotherhuntershad the assignment.”张元清也笑了起来,顺势道:“所以,如果你是主宰,那么最好跟我待在一起。不过,不要抱太大的希望,也可能是其他猎人接了任务。”Zhaivegetable/dishis tilting the head, the thinkingmoment, thathandsomefacebrings back the smile of underpunching: „Goodidea, Iwhenyourthreedays of bodyguard, inthreedaysdoes not have the clue, wego separate ways, Ilook.”
翟菜歪着头,思索片刻,那张英俊的脸庞又勾起欠揍的笑容:“不错的主意,那我就当你三天保镖,三天内没有线索,咱们就分道扬镳,我自己去找。”Thereforetwo peoplechat while walking, acrosssixblocks, arrived atred bricklittlebuilding.
于是两人边走边聊,穿过六个街区,来到了红砖小楼。Zhaivegetable/dishraised the head, is carefully examiningsixbuildings, said: „Youliveinthiscivilianbuilding, does not conform to the status of saint, Iopened the presidential suiteinIsle of Man'sInternational Hotel, youmixwithme.”
翟菜抬起头,审视着六层建筑,啧啧道:“你就住在这种平民楼里吗,不太符合圣者的身份啊,我在曼岛的国际酒店开了总统套房,你还是跟我混吧。”„Yourmanagement company?”Zhang Yuanqingcuriousasking.
“你经营公司?”张元清好奇的问。„Good and evil is also the big shot of worth10 billionfederationcoins, latercalledme the vegetable/dishalways.” The sole line of descentknightchinlifts.
“好歹也是身价百亿联邦币的大佬,以后叫我菜总。”单传骑士下巴一抬。Zhang Yuanqingdoes not wantrubbishwithhim: „Myroomis403, youlove.”张元清不想跟他废话:“我的房间是403,你爱住不住。”
In hegoes upstairsdirectly, rides the elevatorto go home, pouredonecup of water, sitspondersin the table.
他径直上楼,乘坐电梯回到家里,倒了一杯水,坐在餐桌边思考起来。Hehas the approximatementality, firstdeceivesin the knight of sixgenerations of sole lines of descent the family/home, thenmakes the exceedingly highfounderattack, after attackfailure, immediatelylooks for the hunterassociation, toldthem the whereabouts of copper billet.
他已经有大致的思路了,先把六代单传的骑士骗到家中,然后让通天教主袭击,袭击失败后,立刻找猎人公会,告诉他们铜块的下落。Thenlets the hunterassociationandcontrols the knightto pinchmutually, hefishes in troubled watersinside.
接下来就让猎人公会和主宰骑士互掐,他在旁浑水摸鱼。As the matter stands, sincehas the confessionto the hunterassociation, canpreserve the copper billet, wantingthissole line of descentknightto be ablepowerful, naturally, if not powerful, making the hunterassociationtake away the copper billet, thatfree and unfetteredswordsmanstatus, cancontrol the knightjointly.
这样一来,既是对猎人公会有交代,又能保住铜块,希望这个单传骑士能给力点,当然,如果不给力,让猎人公会拿走铜块,那逍遥剑客这个身份,就可以联手主宰骑士。Thinks ofhere, Zhang Yuanqingsees the sole line of descentknightnot to go upstairs, the heartsaid that won't really walk?
想到这里,张元清见单传骑士还没有上楼,心说不会真走了吧?Arrives at the windowhastily, opens the windowto overlook the street, seesZhaivegetable/dish who wears the blackmink coat, standsbefore the stall in roadside, holdsoneboxto explode the strong-smelling bean curdto eatwith great interest.
连忙走到窗边,推开窗户俯瞰街道,看见身穿黑色貂皮大衣的翟菜,站在路边的小吃摊前,捧着一盒炸臭豆腐吃的津津有味。„Ifinished eatingcome upagain!”Hebeckons.
Do youlive in the style of International Hotel? Do yourworth10 billioncompellingstandardssquatin the roadsideeat the strong-smelling bean curd? The Zhang Yuanqingcorners of the mouthpull out, the closingwindow that brushes.
你住国际大酒店的格调呢?你身价百亿的逼格就是蹲在路边吃臭豆腐?张元清嘴角一抽,刷的关上窗户。PS: After wrong characterfirst, changes.
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