Chapter 674Holy Seeknightinheritance
第674章教廷骑士传承者Late at night.
深夜。Zhang Yuanqingwas awakened by noiseby the gratingting, fishes out the cell phone under pillowto look, comes the electricitypersonisFu Qingyang.张元清被刺耳的铃声吵醒,摸出枕下的手机一看,来电人是傅青阳。Hisspiritinspires, immediatelyconnects the call:
他精神一振,立刻接通电话:„Eldest child, had the result.”
“老大,有结果了吗。”„No!” The reply of Fu Qingyanglets his disappointment, then listens toeldest childthread of conversationonerevolution: „Butbegan to materialize, needsyouto coordinate, delivers to the white tigerhealth/guardfactionwarehousethatcopper billet, Ihave an ideato needto confirm.”
“没有!”傅青阳的回答让他一阵失望,接着便听老大话锋一转:“但有眉目了,需要你配合,把那个铜块送到白虎卫帮派仓库,我有个想法需要验证。”„Wait a bit!”Zhang Yuanqingis making the call, whileturns on the goodscolumn, takes out the red-cap, opens the factionwarehouseagain, the applicationdeposits.
The nextsecond, the applicationpasses, the red-capentered the factionwarehouse of white tigerhealth/guard.
The nextsecond, the red-capvanishesin the warehouseagain.
再下一秒,小红帽消失在仓库里。„Mynews.”Takes outFu Qingyang of red-capto hang up the telephone.
“等我消息。”取出小红帽的傅青阳挂断电话。Beijing Museum.
京城博物馆。In the lounge, Fu Qingyangis grasping the red-cap, shookshaking, the person's shadowfallstogetherfrom the hatspace.
休息室里,傅青阳握着小红帽,抖了抖,一道人影从帽子空间里掉出来。Wears the tintedjeans, the whiteT-shirt, the cheekis fine, the redpupilis beautiful.
正是银瑶郡主。Inred-capstuffyoneweek of silverYaoprincess, pleasantly surprisedholds up the smallloudspeaker: „Did Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginningmakememixwithyou?”
It is not you. Fu Qingyangreceivessilentlyher, washes one's hands ofagain.
The silverYaoprincesscame out, happyis lifting the smallloudspeaker: „Did Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginningmakememixwithyou?”
银瑶郡主又出来了,开心的举着小喇叭:“元始天尊让我跟伱混了?”Fu Qingyangsinkingsound said: „Hands over the thing.”傅青阳沉声道:“把东西交出来。”
The silverYaoprincesspretendto look atsceneryin all directions.
The Fu Qingyangcheekpulls out, sinkingsound said: „Iwill tellPrimordial Beginning, laterputsyouto come outto take a walkregularly.”傅青阳面皮一抽,沉声道:“我会告诉元始,以后定期放你出来散步。”„Said it and meant it!” The silverYaoprincessfish out a fan-shapedazurecopper billetfrom the pocketfast, loseson the table.
“一言为定!”银瑶郡主快速从兜里摸出一枚扇形青铜块,啪嗒丢在桌上。Fu Qingyangflings the hat, takes backher, Primordial BeginningtheYincorpse, calculates that nearMohistswas black, graduallywithlearning the slippery fellowandrascal of master.傅青阳则甩一下帽子,把她收回,元始的这个阴尸,也算近墨者黑了,渐渐和学会了主人的滑头和无赖。
The solemnprincess, knew the bookto reach the principleto be eatenby the dog.
堂堂郡主,知书达理都被狗吃了。Hetakes back the goodscolumn the hat, the visionfallsin the copper billet, with rapt attentiontadpoleshaperune/symbolwriting who examines carefully the surface.
他把帽子收回物品栏,目光落在铜块上,凝神细看表面的蝌蚪状符文。„The sealincantation of long nightoccupation, thereforepracticed divinationanddivine according to the diagrams, deduction is not not possibleto findit.”Fu Qingyanglooks straight aheadtheseto make the incantation that oneis dizzy, the expressionis calm, as if there is expectationearly.
The long nightoccupationisin the majoroccupations, mostexcels at the seal, the seal and deep sleepare the core competencies of long night.
永夜职业是各大职业中,最擅长封印的,封印和沉睡是永夜的核心能力。Sinceis the seal, thatwas easy to do.
既然是封印,那就好办了。Fu Qingyanggrasps the copper billet, throwsgentlyto the midair, during the copper billetturn over, hisspeed of lightgrasps a Jade Dragonsword, sees only the swordlightto flash, in the midairhears a sharpsound that puts ongold/metalLieshi.傅青阳抓起铜块,轻轻抛向半空,铜块翻转间,他光速抓出一口玉龙剑,只见剑光一闪,半空中传来一声穿金裂石的锐响。Was cut the copper billetto eruptdazzlingradiance, aboveincantationshines, subsequentlyobliterates.
The copper billetfalls to the ground, the incantationvanishes, what replaces it isgorgeouspatternrelief.
铜块落地,咒文消失,取而代之的是华美的花纹浮雕。Fu Qingyangpicks up the copper billet, graspsin the palm, after waiting for severalseconds, the goodsinformationappears:傅青阳捡起铜块,握在手心,等待几秒后,物品信息浮现:【Name: Saintplate】
【名称:圣盘】【Type: Key】
【类型:钥匙】【Function: Unsealing】
【功能:解封】【Introduced: One of Holy Seethreebigsacred objects, turn on the key of Holy Seeconcealstreasure house, is runbyall previousPope, allwealth and secrets of Holy See, will be openedbyit. Last after the Popebodyperishes, Saintplatebyseal.】
【介绍:教廷三大圣物之一,开启教廷藏宝库的钥匙,由历代教皇掌管,教廷的一切财富和秘密,都将由它来打开。最后一任教皇身殒后,圣盘被封印。】【Note: Relievesamong the Saintplatefragments of sealto meet the mutual induction.】
【备注:解除封印的圣盘碎片之间会相互感应。】Mutual induction? Fu Qingyang the fan-shapedcopper billetgatheringZhouJifengbirdgreeting, 50 cms in heightphoenixbirdbronzesculpture, humming soundvibratessuddenly.
The fan-shapedcopper billet in Fu Qingyang, tremblesto continuesimilarly.傅青阳手里的扇形铜块,同样震颤不止。„Reallyin the bronzeware, is not the constructionin the bronzeware, butis the sealin the bronzeware.”Fu Qingyangfrowns.
Obviously, the secondcopper billetby the sealin the bronzeware, is wantedto take out the copper billet, only thentwomeans;first, to display the correspondingskillandincantation, relieves the seal.
很显然,第二枚铜块是被封印在青铜器里,想取出铜块,只有两种办法,一是施展相应的技能、咒语,解除封印。Second, violentdestruction.
二是暴力破坏。Butthiswill destroythiscultural relicinevitably, althoughFu Qingyangdoes not care about the so-calledcultural relic, butheknows that the cultural relicis symbolizinganythingto a country and nation.
但这势必会摧毁这件文物,虽然傅青阳并不在乎所谓的文物,但他知道文物对一个国家和民族象征着什么。Thinks for severalseconds, Fu Qingyangcarries the swordto set out, brandishesconvenientlyseveral, looks for the feel.
思索几秒,傅青阳拎着剑起身,随手挥舞几下,找了找手感。Changes intootheroccupations, others, can only destroy the bronzeware, orseeks for the long nightoccupationhelp, butFu Qingyangfeltoneselfcantrywithoutdestroyingcultural relic, cuts the brokenseal.
换成其他职业,其他人,只能破坏青铜器,或者寻找永夜职业帮忙,但傅青阳觉得自己可以试试在不破坏文物的情况下,斩破封印。Thisneeds the extremelyaccuratesword technique, as well aspowerfultobeing possible be calledabnormalcontrol.
这就需要极其精准的剑术,以及强大到堪称变态的掌控力。Mostswordsmen, and evenYanshidoes not havethisability, butFu Qingyang, incursbecause of the redundantandmonotonoussword, hepracticedfor a lifetime.
大部分剑客,乃至偃师都不具备这种能力,但傅青阳可以,因为重复而单调的剑招,他练了一辈子。Fu Qingyanginspiresgently, bends/bow the step, the sinkingwaist, belowsteps, sonorous, the swordlightflashesto pass.傅青阳轻轻吸一口气,弓步,沉腰,下跨,铿锵一声,剑光一闪而逝。Thatsay/wayflashes the swordlight that passes, almostpastes the bronzewareto cut, cut, seemed likehas not cut.
那道一闪而逝的剑光,几乎是贴着青铜器斩过的,斩到了,又像是没斩到。Butafter the swordlight flash, the bronzewarestopped the tremor, littleradiancedissipates, subsequentlygathers, changes intotogether the fan-shapedcopper billet.
“还剩两块!”Fu Qingyangreceivestwofan-shapedcopper billets.傅青阳收起两枚扇形铜块。New Testamentcounty.
新约郡。Late at night, the Zhang Yuanqingcell phone„ding-dong”, hesets outto examine the informationlookhappilyone:
„ Did eldest childfindsecond? Is the controllevelscoutsworthily, the effectis sincere. Saintplate? One of threebigsacred objects, includingone is a chalice.
“老大找到第二块了?不愧是主宰级斥候,效率真高。圣盘?三大圣物之一,呃,其中有一件是不是圣杯啊。„Originally the Saintplateisopens the Holy Seeburied treasure the key, the copper billetwas not the ancientcultivatorinherits, butbyseal?”
“原来圣盘是打开教廷宝藏的钥匙,铜块不是古代修行者传承的,而是被封印?”Zhang Yuanqingtakes out the red-cap, shake-outtwocopper billets, looks at the Fu Qingyanginformation, whileexamines the goodsattribute.张元清取出小红帽,抖出两枚铜块,一边看傅青阳的信息,一边查看物品属性。
The bothersomestthistypeneedsto collect the key, gives the buried treasure is not gooddirectly. Zhang Yuanqingis staring attwocopper billets, ponders over:
啧,最烦这种需要收集钥匙的,直接给宝藏不好吗.张元清盯着两枚铜块,思忖起来:„In this case, the duty of hunterassociationwas accomplished.”
“这样的话,猎人公会的任务就完成了。”Hissuddenlycomplexionchanges, „ is not right, iftold the hunter the associationIto havetwokeys, Katherinewill certainly take awayone, otherwisetheywere the fools. Among the keyswill attractmutually, so long astheyattain the same place, otherthreeondanger.
他忽地脸色一变,“不对,如果告诉猎人公会我有两块钥匙,凯瑟琳一定会拿走一枚,不然他们就是傻子。钥匙之间会相互吸引,他们只要拿到一块,其他三块就危险了。„Butdoes not give the hunter the association the key, Iam unable to infiltrate the interior, is unable to obtain the information of enemy, is unable to eliminatesneaksindefending the big shot in forewordorganization.”
“但不把钥匙交给猎人公会,我就无法打入内部,无法得到敌人的情报,无法肃清潜入在守序组织里的大佬。”Zhang Yuanqingfrowns, in a dilemma.张元清皱起眉头,左右为难。„Oraskseldest child'sopinion? Cannottoorely ontohim, moreoveris not difficult, Ithought of the means”
The Zhang Yuanqingmeansare, as far as possiblein15days of deadlines, collectionsimultaneous/uniformthree, evenfourkeys, thenopen the Holy Seeburied treasure, firstevacuatedsaidagain.张元清的办法就是,尽可能的在十五天的期限里,集齐三块,甚至四块钥匙,然后打开教廷宝藏,先搬空再说。Naturally, thistooidealizes.
当然,这太理想化。Bestisvolume of simultaneous/uniformthreekeys, gives the same placeagain, finallylookswith the hunterassociationtogether.
最好是集齐三块钥匙,再给出一块,最后一块和猎人公会一起找。As the matter stands, the hunterassociation the collectionsimultaneous/uniformkey, Zhang Yuanqingdidmany thingsforeverin this period, couldfish outmanyambushesto defend the fallen of forewordorganization.
这样一来,猎人公会永远集不齐钥匙,期间张元清做很多事,说不定能摸出不少潜伏在守序组织的堕落者。Nowover the past one day, the timealsoearly, firstsleeps, tomorrowconvenes the deadto turn over to the incoming wire lineto assemble, strokesHuoZhengkuilife. Zhang Yuanqingcovers the quilt, heavygoes off.
现在才过去一天,时间还早,先睡觉,明天召开亡者归来线上集会,捋一捋霍正魁的人生.张元清盖上被子,沉沉睡去。Next morning.
次日清晨。Zhang Yuanqinggets out of bedwashing, after accompanyingAnnefinished eating the breakfast, dragging the suitcaseto deliverherto go downstairs.张元清起床洗漱,陪安妮吃完早餐后,拖着行李箱送她下楼。
A blackbusiness automobilehas been waitingoutside the building.
一辆黑色商务车已经在楼外等着。Gazes afterAnneto go by carto depart, Zhang Yuanqingreturns tofourbuildings, heard the dingsquickly.
目送安妮坐车离去,张元清返回四楼,很快听到了门铃声。Out of the doorselectssimple and beautifulhigh, seriousstraightneighboryoung girlCaoQianxiu.
门外是清丽高挑,严肃端正的邻家少女曹倩秀。„Ourgroup the action, do youwantto participatetoday?”CaoQianxiuimpliedsaying of anticipation: „Isthatstarry skycontractorganization, recentlyin the Chinatownregion of sixgroups of jurisdiction, ourschooldispersed the wheat flour, wehave united the day of punishingactionsquad, thistimemustreal thing.”
“我们小组今天有一个行动,你要参加吗?”曹倩秀暗含期待的说道:“就是那个星空契约组织,最近又在六组管辖的唐人街区域,还有我们学校散白面,我们已经联合天罚的行动小队,这次要动真格了。”Then, sherealized a Qingyangdoes not know„starry skycontract”, explainedbusily:
说完,她才意识到张青阳不知道“星空契约”,忙解释道:„Wasthat dayhas kickedCaoChaorider, theywere the peripheralmembers of starry skycontract, onegroup of campusbludgers.”
“就是那天踢过曹超的骑手,他们是星空契约的外围成员,一群校园混混。”„Is the criminal syndicate that the Spirit Territorytraveler/asceticforms?”Zhang Yuanqingasked.
“是灵境行者组建的黑帮吗?”张元清问道。„Yes! Thisorganizationnot onlysells the wheat flour, but also is engaged in the bodybusiness . Moreover, theyare the racists.”
“是!这个组织不但贩卖白面,还从事皮肉生意,另外,他们还是种族主义者。”Everyonewas the racist, the big brotherdoes not say the Second Brother! Zhang Yuanqingsaid: „Howto say?”
„ The eldest child of starry skycontractis hostile towardusvery much, sells the wheat flourin the Chinatown, lends money at high interest, opens the casino, the woman who the forcecannot returnmoneysells into servitude, the words of man, forcetheirfamily'sfemalesto sell into servitudeto repay a debt.
“星空契约的老大很仇视我们,在唐人街卖白面,放高利贷,开赌场,强迫还不上钱的女人卖身,男人的话,就强迫他们家里的女性卖身还债。„The starry skycontractdoes not have the saint, reason thatcanlivenow , because theireldest childrenpunishin the dayinternalhave the relations. Howeverthisdaypunishesmusteliminateorganizesinternalclothes eating insect, real thing.”
“不过星空契约没有圣者,之所以能活到现在,是因为他们的老大在天罚内部有关系。不过这次天罚要肃清组织内部的蛀虫,动真格了。”Zhang Yuanqingalsoaskedseveralquestions, invision that theninCaoQianxiuanticipates, rejectedher.张元清又问了几个问题,然后在曹倩秀期待的目光中,拒绝了她。
The complexion of neighboryoung girlbroke downinstantaneously, walkeddepressed. Whydoesn't wantto goalso to askso many?
邻家少女的脸色瞬间垮了下去,闷闷不乐的走了。不想去为什么还要问这么多?10 : 30 am, Zhang Yuanqingtakes the taxito arrive at the associationrow of villacommunity in Chinatown, according tomaking a sound the doorbell of DengJingcountry.
上午 10 点半,张元清乘坐出租车来到唐人街的联排别墅小区,按响了邓经国家的门铃。Then, he can lock the exceedingly highfounder, discovered that heis looking for anything is the reason, obtains by illegal purchaseHuoZhengkui more, a more privateinformationfromDengJingguothere.
接下来,他会以锁定通天教主,发现他正在寻找什么东西为由,从邓经国那里套取霍正魁更多、更私密的情报。Bellsoundmoment, maidlong in coming.
铃声响了片刻,女佣姗姗来迟。„Bossinreceiving guestsperson!” The maids explained that in makinghimenter.
“老板在见客人!”女佣解释了一句,引着他入内。Enters the living room, Zhang YuanqingseesDengJingguoin the receiving callersareareceptionguest, thatguestyearapproximately30, wear the blackmink coat, the five sensesare quite handsome.
进入客厅,张元清一眼就看见邓经国在会客区接待客人,那位客人年约三十,穿着黑色貂皮大衣,五官颇为英俊。Staturestrong, but not the tall and strong, smoothmusclelinemakeshimlookjust like a vigorousleopard.
The makingsdid not say, at first sight, fairserious, examined carefullyagain, will discover that thisfellowcorners of the mouthbrought back, eyeslightlycurved, passedoneto look down on the world.
气质不好说,乍一看,公正严肃,再细看,会发现这家伙嘴角勾起,眼睛微弯,透着一股玩世不恭。SeesZhang Yuanqingto come, thatguestis slanting the eyeto carefully examine, and bringing backcorners of the mouth of instinct.
见张元清进来,那位客人斜着眼睛审视,并本能的勾起嘴角。DengJingguogreetedon own initiative: „Youcomejust in time, thisguestsaid that isknightinheritance of Holy See, sixgenerations of sole lines of descent, coming tohereto inquire the Poperelic.”
邓经国主动招呼道:“你来的正巧,这位客人自称是教廷的骑士传承者,六代单传,来这里询问教皇遗物。”Holy Seeknightinheritance? Alsosixgenerations of sole lines of descent? Onecrowd of blondwatermelons, howpass onare passing onfellow who turned into the blackhairyellowskin? Zhang Yuanqingcomplainedat heart, did not believe that hitthisboymarkLangdirectly.
教廷骑士传承者?还六代单传?一群金发碧眼的白皮,怎么传着传着变成了黑头发黄皮肤的家伙?张元清心里吐槽,丝毫不信,直接把这小子标狼打。Is the hunterassociationsendsmostly.
多半是猎人公会派来的。„Hello, freeswordimmortal!”Zhang Yuanqingexhibits the indifference that scoutsto be in sole possession.
“你好,逍遥剑仙!”张元清摆出斥候独有的冷漠。„Freeswordimmortal?” The felloweye of knightsixgenerations of sole lines of descentonebright, said: „Goodnamegoodname, hello/you good, mySpirit TerritoryID: Zhaivegetable/dish.”
“逍遥剑仙?”自称骑士六代单传的家伙眼睛一亮,啧啧道:“好名字好名字,你好,我的灵境ID:翟菜。”PS: Iremember that the cultural relic of museumbasicallyis the real thing, only if the real thingwill be damagedwill use the replica, will again be the preciouscultural relic, for exampleAlong the River During Ching Ming Festival, thesewithimitating. Issomeneeds the special condition to preserveagain, withimitating, the bronze relicgenerallyis the real thing, un, general idea!
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