Chapter 671did not speakWu De
The officehouse number plateis the treasurysafe deposit boxbusiness agency.
The manageris the potbelliedblondemiddle-aged person, sending the borderlineis slightly high, calorie-richfoodadds on the deficientmovement, letshisstatureseriouswalking.
经理是个大腹便便的金发中年人,发际线略高,高热量的食物加上缺乏运动,让他的身材严重走型。„Operates the safe cabinet?” The middle-agedmanagersets outhastily, directingZhang Yuanqingto sit downinnearbyreceiving callerssofa.
After reception clerksbut actuallytwocups of lukewarm water, thendrew back.
接待员倒了两杯温水后便退了下去。Zhang Yuanqingsippedlukewarm water, the visionsweeps the middle-aged personchest, the taghas written„Carl Parker”, hesaid with a smile: „ManagerParker, Icome the safety deposit box, safety deposit boxserial number0042.”张元清抿了一口温水,目光扫过中年人胸口,胸牌写着“卡尔・帕克”,他笑道:“帕克经理,我是来开保险箱的,保险箱编号0042。”Parkernods: „Pleaseshow the document.”
The customerscaninspectanduseoneselfsafety deposit boxat any time, whenopens the safety deposit boxeach timeneedsto carry the documentalong, andafteropening the safety deposit boxsigns the record.
客户可以随时检查和使用自己的保险箱,但每次打开保险箱时都需要随身携带证件,并在打开保险箱后签署记录。„Youhave readmydocument.”Zhang Yuanqingis staring at the eyes of ManagerParker.
“你已经看过我的证件了。”张元清凝视着帕克经理的眼睛。Latterabsent-minded, subsequentlysets outto saywarmly: „Youcomewithme.”
后者恍惚了一下,继而起身热情道:“您跟我来。”AsZhang Yuanqingheleaves the office, the thoroughbank, rides the elevatorto arrive at the bottom, passed through the channel that goes to the treasury, Parkerandbankstaff, take out the key, opens the 30-cmburglar-proof door.张元清随着他离开办公室,深入银行内部,乘坐电梯来到地底,穿过了前往金库的通道,帕克和一位银行工作人员,取出钥匙,打开厚达30厘米的防盗门。Finallyopens an iron fencedoor, finallygoes to the personal insuranceboxhall.
最后打开一扇铁栅栏门,终于来到个人保险箱大厅。Heresafety deposit boxlike the bone ashdepositingwall of temple, one after another.
这里的保险箱就像寺庙的骨灰存放墙,一排又一排。ManagerParkerbringsZhang Yuanqingto arrive at No. 00region, stopsbefore No. 42safety deposit box, said: „Youpleaseas one likes.”
帕克经理带着张元清来到00号区域,停在42号保险箱前,道:“您请自便。”Then, drew back.
说罢,退了出去。Zhang Yuanqinginputpassword, thenfacetopasswordkeynearbypinholecamera, after severalseconds, hearingiris recognition the successfulpromptsound.张元清输入密码,然后把脸对着密码键旁边的针孔摄像头,几秒后,听见了虹膜识别成功的提示音。
No. 0042combination-locked briefcaseunlocking.
0042号密码箱解锁。Heopens the safety deposit boximmediately, insideis lying downfoursquare shapewooden boxes.
“啪嗒!”Zhang Yuanqingturns on the wooden box, saw a fan-shapedcopper billet, itsends the whole to be a bronzedisc, is divided intofour.张元清打开木盒,看见了一块扇形铜块,它的完整体应该是一块青铜圆盘,共分为四块。
The fan-shapedcopper billetsurfaceis carvingtadpoleshaperune/symbolwriting, butlooks atone, Zhang Yuanqingfeels the eyesto feel dizzy, the consciousnessfalls into the deepvortex, is hardto work loose.
扇形铜块表面刻着蝌蚪状的符文,只是看一眼,张元清就感觉双眼发晕,意识陷入深沉的漩涡,难以挣脱。Hecloses the eyehastily, has not continuedto watch, simultaneouslygripped the copper billet in hand, triesto read the goodsinformation.
After severalseconds, Zhang Yuanqingopened eyes, gawkedstaring.
几秒后,张元清睁开眼,愣了愣。Without the goodsinformation
没有物品信息„Strange, the relic of Popeinevitablyis the Spirit Territorygoods, whydoesn't have the goodsinformation?”
“奇怪,教皇的遗物必然是灵境物品,为什么没有物品信息?”Without the goodsinformationa littlehas a headache, becauseis unable to definetothisthing, like the demonMr.'sconcealedtreasurechartfragment, in the goodsinformationgives„a total ofsix”directlyand„emergenceimmortal gatetreasure house”and other information.
The treasure huntdirectionall of a suddensimplyis clear.
寻宝的方向一下子简单明确。„Canmakemyeyesfeel dizzy, certainlyis noteverything, butdoes not have the goodsinformation. Thisonly then an explanation, thisthingis not the Spirit Territorygoods, was the ancientcultivatorspreads.”
“能让我双眼发晕,就一定不是凡物,但没有物品信息.这只有一种解释,这玩意不是灵境物品,是古代修行者流传下来的。”Zhang Yuanqingremembered a rumorsuddenly, Holy Seehas the completeancientcultivatorto inherit, in the darkmiddle ages, the knightcharge of Holy Seeis resisting the werewolf, sorceress and vampirefirst line.张元清忽然想起一则传言,教廷拥有完整的古代修行者传承,在黑暗的中世纪,教廷的骑士冲锋在对抗狼人、女巫、吸血鬼的第一线。ThereforeHoly Seehas the goods that in the ancient times the cultivatorinherited, is very reasonable.
所以教廷拥有古代修行者传承下来的物品,很合理。„Does not know that the Poperelicisthiscopper tray, the copper trayis only a key, collectslatercanobtain the genuinePoperelic.”
Does thisfanjarpillar in frontacenaphthenesacrificial ceremonypermitto dispatch the fishy smellbariummoldbrightnewly-risen sunto copy?
这件扇瓮楹苊飨允遣腥钡模煌暾摹?Zhang Yuanqingtakes out the fan-shapedcopper billet, returns the safety deposit boxwooden box, turned aroundto leave the hall.张元清取出扇形铜块,把木盒子放回保险箱,转身离开了大厅。Left the bankbuilding, Zhang Yuanqingfluctuatedcontinuouslyseverallooks, replaced the attire, an appearance of changed/easyRongchengblondehandsome fellow, has not returned to the red brickbuilding, buttook the taxi, going to the public securitywas quite chaotic, immigratedmanyKings County.
离开银行大楼,张元清连续变幻了几次相貌,更换衣着,易容成一位金发帅哥的模样,没有返回红砖楼,而是乘坐出租车,前往治安较为混乱,移民最多的金斯县。On the way, heponderssecretly:
„ Nowlooks at the dayto punishwith the response of hunterassociation, iflooksmyis the hunterassociation, thenplans the organization of serieshomicideis the freetreaty of alliance, Icantake advantage of opportunityto infiltrate the enemy.
“现在就看天罚和猎人公会的反应,如果找我的是猎人公会,那么策划连环凶杀案的组织就是自由盟约,我可以顺势打入敌人内部了。„Otherwise, isday of punishingwords, does not needto pay attention, processes the Poperelicwith single-hearted devotion.”
After onehour, Zhang Yuanqingarrives inKings County, hereurban constructionobviouslyinferiorIsle of Man, no matter the streetandhouse, are passing the aura of years, highlyalsoinsufficient.
一小时后,张元清抵达金斯县,这里的城市建设明显逊色曼岛,不管是街道、住宅,都透着岁月的气息,高度也不够。Zhang Yuanqingcomes toKings Countyto have the reason, heinguarding against the backengineeris the freetreaty of alliance.张元清来金斯县是有原因的,他在防备背后策划者是自由盟约。Ifwerefreetreaty of allianceoneled the serieshomicide, then after hesubmitted„completedtask” the application, the hunterassociationwill definitely pay attention tohim, to look forhim.
如果是自由盟约一手主导了连环凶杀案,那么他提交“完成任务”的申请后,猎人公会必然会关注他、寻找他。In the New Testamentcountyinternational metropolis, seeks a personbestwaylike thisisto use the high-techmethodlocalization, for example, through the hunterapplocalization.
在新约郡这样的国际大都市里,寻找一个人最好的方式是利用高科技手段定位,比如,通过猎人app定位。At this timereturned to the red brickbuildingagain, was equal tofromexploding the position, although can also ceasetracingandlocalizationthrough the close-down, butas the matter stands, hedid not have the means and hunterassociationattachment.
这个时候再回红砖楼,等于自爆了位置,虽然也可以通过关机杜绝追踪、定位,可这样一来,他就没办法和猎人公会接头。„If the freetreaty of alliancetakes seriously the Poperelicvery much, will then certainly contactmetoday, un, theyalsoneedto select the time to find out‚JiaFeizhang’to take the banksafety deposit boxgoods, waitsagain.”
“如果自由盟约很重视教皇遗物,那么今天就一定会联络我,嗯,他们还需要点时间才能查出‘贾飞章’取走了银行保险箱物品,再等等.”HestrollsaimlessinKings County.
他漫无目的在金斯县闲逛起来。Most populouscity area of Kings Countyin the fivedistricts of New Testamentcounty, the badness of public security, canplace on a parwithBronkarea that Elder Brotheris found.
The public securitybadplace, there is a common ground: The socialpersonandprostituteat easegather.
治安恶劣的地方,有一个共同点:社会闲散人士、妓女聚集。Zhang Yuanqingjuststrolled the moment, sees a weartight-fittingone-piece dress, is carryinghold/containerhold/container, dressed up the beautifulblondeto collect.张元清刚逛了片刻,就看见一个穿着紧身连衣裙,拎着包包,打扮妖艳的金发女郎凑了过来。„Mister, althoughalsowantslong timefrom the darkness, butIhave wantedto indulgewithyouimpatiently.” The blondedemonstrated her stature, said:
“先生,虽然距离天黑还要很长时间,但我已经迫不及待想和你放纵了。”金发女郎展示了一下自己的身材,道:„Wants200US dollars, youcanhaveme. The words of additional200federationcoins, you can also havemeagainin the evening.”
“只要两百美元,你就可以拥有我。再加两百联邦币的话,晚上伱也能拥有我。”200federalcoins? In the pricesoaringNew Testamentcounty, ischeapmaterially beneficial, longalsopretty good, hasyourman more certain, sorry, Ido not havecustomZhang Yuanqing of crowdedsubwayto turn down saying:
两百联邦币?在物价高昂的新约郡,算是便宜实惠的了,长的还不赖,拥有过你的男人一定很多,抱歉,我没有挤地铁的习惯张元清婉拒道:„Madame, the price that Icanacceptis100federalcoins, un, onewhole evening.”
The blondemadamsizes uphisseveraleyes, smilescharmingly: „Looksinyousuchhandsomeshare, 100federalcoins.”
金发女士打量他几眼,妩媚一笑:“看在你这么英俊的份上,一百联邦币也可以。”Sorry, not the custom of pushinginexpensivesubway. Zhang Yuanqingleavesin low spirits.
抱歉,没有挤廉价地铁的习惯.张元清闷头走人。Alsocrossed for twohours, heateElder Brotherin the Kings Countystreet the fried chicken, looked at the street dance, looked at the energeticyoung fellowto play the slide, to play the basketball.
又过了两小时,他在金斯县街边吃了尼哥炸鸡,看了街舞,看了精神小伙玩滑板、打篮球。Feltherepublic securitydoes not havein the hearsayis so bad, naturally, possiblydoes not have the reason of darkness.
感觉这里的治安也没传闻中的那么差,当然,可能是没有天黑的缘故。„Kings CountyandBronkareais the eviloccupationhiding place, mustinduce the mood, looks for the eviloccupation? The undifferentiatedinductioneveryonemood, does not beartomeis too big, does not needto lookoppressively”
“金斯县和布朗克士区是邪恶职业藏身之所,要不要感应一下情绪,找一找邪恶职业?唔,无差别的感应所有人情绪,对我负担太大,没有必要找虐”At heartthinking, Zhang Yuanqingis fishing out the sparecell phone, starting, openshunterapp, but alsowithoutheexamined the backstage, sawin the mailboxto be manytwonot to read the mail.
心里想着,张元清摸出备用手机,开机,打开猎人app,还没等他查看后台,就看见信箱里多了两封未读邮件。Oneis the dutyalready the prompt that completes, anotherfrom the hunterappofficial.
一封是任务已完成的提示,另一封来自猎人app官方。„Respectablehunter‚exceedingly highfounder’, youdisplayedto attractourattentionsplendidly, regarding the outstandinghunter, wehad the education plan of specialty, as well aswas divided into, the favorable treatment in bonus, pleasebefore6 : 00 pm, go to the New Testamentcountyhunterassociationbranchto report.”
“尊敬的猎人‘通天教主’,您出色的表现吸引了我们的注意,对于优秀的猎人,我们有专业的培养方案,以及分成、奖金方面的优惠待遇,请您在今日下午六点前,前往新约郡猎人公会分部报道。”Really the freetreaty of allianceplannedseriesmurder caseZhang Yuanqingto narrow the eyesis ending the informationshortly, immediatelyhas the judgment.
啧啧,果然是自由盟约策划了连环杀人案张元清眯着眼看完信息,立刻有了判断。„Thisinformationclarifiedwantsto makemego to the associationbranch, theyshouldhavethroughapplocateI, after the failure, chose the bad plan, according to the inference of association president, the hunterassociationshouldhave the tolerancetome, but ifIrefusedto hand over the Poperelic, was very difficultto guarantee that the hunterDukecankill peopleto seize the treasure, against.”
“这条信息摆明了是想引我去公会分部,他们应该有通过app定位我,失败后才选择下策,按照会长的推断,猎人公会对我应该是有容忍度的,但如果我拒绝交出教皇遗物,很难保证猎人公会不会杀人夺宝,得防一手。”„Yincorpseis the bestcannon fodder, but the aura of Yincorpsecamouflagesno matter how, is impossibleto hide the truth from the eyes of topstandardtraveler/ascetic, in order to the insurance, letseightten inchesmirrorsclone.”
“阴尸是最佳的炮灰,但阴尸的气息不管如何伪装,都不可能瞒过高位格行者的眼睛,保险起见,让八咫镜的分身去吧。”Zhang Yuanqingjust decided that thatcell phonesound of normaluse.张元清刚打定主意,正常使用的那部手机响了。Comes the electricitypersonisCaoQianxiu.
来电人是曹倩秀。She? Howshewill look forme. The Zhang Yuanqingconnectiontelephone, saidlightly: „Unusual, this is the first time that youmademyphone callin the school hours.”
她?她怎么会找我.张元清接通电话,淡淡道:“稀奇,这是你第一次在上课时间打我电话。”CaoQianxiu of telephonethatheadcomes straight to the point: „Organizationhigh levelmustseeyou, has very urgentandimportantmatter.”
电话那头的曹倩秀开门见山:“组织高层要见你,有非常紧急和重要的事。”„Whatmatter?”Zhang Yuanqinggawked, the heartsaid that the urgentmatterwas not one's turnme, by the rankIwas only a saint, the counter-black and whitealliancedid not lack the high-endstrength.
“什么事?”张元清愣了一下,心说再紧急的事也轮不到我吧,论等级我只是圣者,反黑白联盟不缺高端战力。On the relations, myjustjoined the swordsman of organization, in the final analysisbystander.
论关系,我一个刚加入组织的剑客,归根结底还是外人。„It is not quite clear, butshouldbe relatedwithlast nightevent, Ihave asked for leaveathome, youcome back, Ileadyouto see the hegemons and elders.”CaoQianxiusaid.
“不太清楚,但应该和昨晚的事件有关,我已经请假在家了,你回来吧,我带你去见盟主和长老们。”曹倩秀说。Zhang Yuanqingonehearwas relatedwithlast nightevent, the thought that wantsto turn downthenpressed, said: „Ok, youathomeI.”张元清一听和昨晚事件有关,原本想婉拒的念头便按了回去,道:“行,你在家等我。”Immediatelytakes outeightten inchesmirrors, clonein the secludedplacemanufacture, withcloneto go separate ways, respectiveaction.
当即取出八咫镜,在僻静之处制造分身,与分身分道扬镳,各自行动。1 : 00 pm.
下午 1 点。Associationrow of villa area that the rich person in Chinatownconverges, before CaoQianxiuleadsZhang Yuanqingis arriving at a villa, according tosoundentrancevisibletospeakingdoorbell.
唐人街的富人云集的联排别墅区,曹倩秀领着张元清来到一栋别墅前,按响大门口的可视对讲门铃。„Master, Iamsixgroups of memberJudgeCao, of mysideis the freeswordimmortal of seconddistrict, wassixgroups of newpromotemembers.”CaoQianxiuseriousintroduced.
“帮主,我是六组成员曹法官,我身边的这位是第二大区的逍遥剑仙,也是六组的新晋成员。”曹倩秀一本正经的介绍道。Then, ironskillfront door„”, boltseparating.
说完,铁艺大门“咔嚓”一声,锁舌弹开。CaoQianxiuturn headlooked atZhang Yuanqing, said: „Goes.”
曹倩秀回头看了一眼张元清,道:“进去吧。”Two peopleacross the garden, arrive at the western-stylestyleundermaid'sleadership the living room, Zhang Yuanqinglooktosittingon the sofatwo people.
两人穿过花园,在女佣的带领下来到西式风格的客厅,张元清看向坐在沙发上两人。Oneis the heavy features, air/Qi the fieldoverbearingmiddle agerobust man, oneisto have the air of scholarly refinementprettymiddle-aged person.
一个是浓眉大眼,气场霸道的中年壮汉,一个是有着书卷气的清俊中年人。Heavy featuresshouldbe the hegemon, another is eldersurnamed Tao? Zhang Yuanqinganalyzestwo peoplestatussilently, on the comeroadhelistened toCaoQianxiu saying that the counter-black and whitealliancehad a hegemon, twoelders.
The hegemonisMasterthunder, anothertwoeldersare the windmaster and sea-nymph.
The makings of threebigoccupationsare very goodto distinguish.
三大职业的气质很好分辨。„JudgeCao, youfirstgoes to the leaninghallto drink tea.”Has not waited fortwo peopleto open the mouth, DengJingguosays.
“曹法官,你先去偏厅喝茶吧。”没等两人开口,邓经国开口说道。CaoQianxiuobedientwent to the leaninghall.
曹倩秀乖顺的去了偏厅。DengJingguocarefully examinesZhang Yuanqing, whilehintshimto take a seat, sinkingsoundopens the mouth: „Are youseverallevels of swordsmen?”
邓经国一边审视张元清,一边示意他入座,沉声开口:“你是几级的剑客?”„Fivelevels of peaks!”Zhang Yuanqingreplied.
“五级巅峰!”张元清回答道。DengJingguoandTao Siminglook at each otherone, thisreplysurprisesthemsomewhatandpleasantly surprised.
邓经国和陶思明对视一眼,这个回答让他们有些意外和惊喜。Tao Simingsaid with a smile: „Wewantto askyouto help.”
陶思明笑道:“我们想请你帮个忙。”Help? LiveI of bringing deathdefinitelydo not meet. Zhang Yuanqingasked: „Yousaid.”
帮忙?送死的活我肯定不接.张元清问道:“您说。”Tao Simingsinceresay/way: „Youscout, mostis good attracingandinvestigating, wewantto askyouto find a person, heis a monetary rewardhunter, Spirit TerritoryIDis the exceedingly highfounder.”
猎人公会分部。„Iwasclonein any case, diedalsoindifferently, whentriedfor the main bodywrong.”
“反正我是个分身,死了也无所谓,就当替本体试错了。”„If the persondirectblade of freetreaty of allianceI, then the plan of association presidentis invalid, Imusttrade a statusto infiltrate the enemy”
“如果自由盟约的人直接刀我,那么会长的计划行不通,我得换个身份打入敌人内部”In the conference room of hunterassociation, Zhang Yuanqingboth handshold the teacup, is thinkingaimless.
猎人公会的会议室里,张元清双手捧着茶杯,漫无目的思索着。Quick, heheard the sound of footsteps.
The gate of conference roomshoves open, the female who wears the work placeuniform/subduewalked.
紧接着,会议室的门推开,一位穿着职场制服的女性走了进来。Shehas a raregrayshort hair, the yearapproximately30, the chestis full, the waistis slender, the buttockshipis clear, the biglong leg that twocancel the person, the whole bodyis passing the juicy peachmaturefragrance.
The five sensesfinesuch ascarve, the beautifulbeing able to pick upslight defect, the light graypupilis hazy, hiddencharacter and style.
五官精致如刻,美的挑不出瑕疵,浅灰色的眸子迷蒙妩媚,暗藏风情。Zhang Yuanqingonlylooked atone, thought that bigsuch asfights, has a parched mouth, the heartpassionflamingsurges upward, wishes one couldto pressthiswomanunder the bodywhipsheartily, being calledherto ask for advicecapableNightwalking Godone. attacking of three seconds Afast.张元清只看了一眼,就觉得头大如斗,口干舌燥,心底的情欲熊熊高涨,恨不得把这个女人压在身下尽情鞭挞,叫她领教精壮夜游神一秒三A的攻速。Zhang Yuanqingrestrains the moodimmediately, the attemptreturns to normalownpassion, expelsdiligently the evil fire, butas the imaginarytechniquemasters of sixlevels of peaks, is somewhat hardat this momentunexpectedlyautomatic control.张元清立刻收敛情绪,尝试平复自己的情欲,努力把邪火驱逐出去,但作为六级巅峰的幻术师,此刻竟有些难以自控。Thisis a control!
这是一个主宰!Hehas thoughtpossibility that the freetreaty of alliancemurderseizes the treasure, evencompletedto sacrifice the exceedingly highfounderstatus, in additionopened the preparation of waistcoat.
他想过自由盟约杀人夺宝的可能性,甚至做好了牺牲掉通天教主身份,另开马甲的准备。But the opposite partyunexpectedly was never so expected that mean and shameless, sending a controllevelto likewanting the occupation.
但没想到对方竟如此卑鄙无耻,派了一个主宰级爱欲职业。Yes, letslikewanting the occupationto actissafely the most effectivechoice, not only can the control objectivecharacter, does not needto wage a war!
是啊,让爱欲职业出手是最稳妥最有效的选择,既能控制目标人物,又不用大动干戈!Todaycannot do wellmakes the persongoodstwolosedirectly, I the brainactsMarionow! Comes upto usehoney trap, the freetreaty of alliancea littledid not speakWu De. Zhang Yuanqinggrinssecretly.
今天搞不好直接让人货两失,我现在满脑子都是扮演马里奥!一上来就用美人计,自由盟约有点不讲武德啊.张元清暗暗龇牙。PS: After wrong characterfirst, changes.
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