Chapter 670HuoZhengkui
第670章霍正魁RwandanJingdid not answerto ask back: „Youknow the grandfather who Ching-kuowhois.”
卢景不答反问道:“你知道经国的爷爷是谁吗。”Tao Simingshakes the head, hejoins the counter-black and whiteallianceto only have20years, 20years ago, DengJingguofatherhas returned toSpirit Territory.
The counter-black and whitealliance is actually the baseindustry of Deng, heat mostis a promising youth, becomes the shareholderby the professional abilityprominently, naturally, Tao SimingandDengJingguoare the goodbrothers who have a common goal, is not the bystander.
反黑白联盟其实是邓家的基业,他顶多是后起之秀,凭借业务能力突出成为股东,当然,陶思明和邓经国是志同道合的好兄弟,并不算外人。Thereforetonight'stalk, hecansithere.
因此今晚的这场谈话,他才能坐在这里。„Mygrandfather”DengJingguoalsofrowns, „from infancy to maturity, Ihave not listened to the fatherto mention the grandfather.”
The Rwandanscenic spotnods:
卢景点点头:„Hedoes not certainly dare saying that saidpossiblycannot livegrown, your grandfather'sname wasHuoZhengkui.”
The HuoZhengkuithreecharacters, raise the great unrestinDengJingguoandTao Siming, the control that twohave experiencedgreat stormswas shocked.
霍正魁三个字,在邓经国和陶思明心里掀起轩然大波,两位见识过大风大浪的主宰都愣住了。In the Chinesetravelers in New Testamentcounty, fewdoes not know that HuoZhengkui, un, the babies of new generationpossiblydid not understand, buttheirthesemiddle-aged people and old people, whoveryclearHuoZhengkuiis.
在新约郡的华裔行者里,几乎没有人不知道霍正魁,嗯,新一代的娃娃们可能不了解,但他们这些中老年人,很清楚霍正魁是谁。Heis the New TestamentcountyChinatownSpirit Territorytraveler/asceticorganizes( criminal syndicate) the founder, enlivenedinlast centurySpirit Territorytraveler/ascetic.
The Chinese of New Testamentcountysince the immigration, is always encountering the oppression and racial discrimination of unfairtreatmentandcapital, first foreign nationalsare engaged in the dirty jobtiring work that mine, farm, cigarfactory, lumber milland otherCaucasiansare not willingto make.
新约郡的华裔自移民以来,始终遭遇着不公的待遇、资本的压迫和种族歧视,先侨们从事着矿场、农场、雪茄厂、木材厂等白人不愿意做的脏活累活。In the freefederaleconomic crisisarrivalperiod, the Caucasianis unemployedmassively, makes the dirty jobtiring workChineseto be ableon the contrary the warm and sufficient condition, thereforebecame the governmentto shift the contradictorytarget.
The Caucasianpeopledenounce in word and in writing, the governmenttakes advantage of opportunity, butfor the promulgationChinese Exclusion Actwait/etc, the Chinesedaypasses is really difficult.
白人民众口诛笔伐,政府顺势而为颁布排华法案等等,华裔日子过的甚是艰难。Undersuchbackground, a Spirit Territorytraveler/asceticorganizes( criminal syndicate) to arise at the historic moment, thiscriminal syndicatecalled„fraternity”, got downcontinually the poverty-strickenpeople, oncontinuallywealthysocial class, withgovernmentcooperationandgambling, whiledealt withsqueezing of capitalsocial class, when necessaryevenadopted the military forceresistance.
在这样的背景下,一个灵境行者组织(黑帮)应运而生,这个黑帮叫“兄弟会”,下连穷苦民众,上连富裕阶级,一边跟政府合作、博弈,一边应对资本阶级的压榨,必要的时候甚至采取武力反抗。Fraternitymostpeaktime, tenChineseninearethis/shouldorganizationmember.
兄弟会最巅峰的时候,十个华裔九个都是该组织成员。But the numerous and disorderlymemberstructuresalsocausedinternalinstability, HuoZhengkuilivingtime, everyonetookhim, the fraternitymaintainedtotteringly.
After HuoZhengkuireturns toSpirit Territory, underadding fuel to the flames of New Testamentcounty government, the fraternitysplitthreebigorganizations, is the presentfamousChineseSpirit Territorytraveler/asceticorganization: Black DragonhallandBao Lin, great wild goosehelp/gang.
霍正魁回归灵境后,在新约郡政府的推波助澜下,兄弟会分裂成了三大组织,正是如今大名鼎鼎的华裔灵境行者组织:黑龙堂、宝林堂、鸿帮。„Is my fatherHuoZhengkuiillegitimate child?”DengJingguomuttered.
The Rwandanscenic spotnods, intonationvicissitudes:
卢景点点头,语调沧桑:„When Old MasterHuoreturns toSpirit Territory, your father is also only an unimportant person, the fraternitysplits, hedoes not dareto exposeoneselfstatus, leadingmeto come outto fightalone, asourrankis getting higher and higher, established the counter-black and whitealliance, reason thatgivesthisname, on the one handcarries forwardOld Mastersuddenlyunfulfilled will, on the other hand, mixesin the freefederation, whohadn't been squeezedbythesefellows?”
The thinold mancarries the teacupsleek/moistsleek/moistthroat , to continue saying:
„ Old MasterHuoisonestartledcertainly the colorfulSpirit Territorytraveler/ascetic, when is youngtravelsEurope, worked assome timemonetary rewardhunter there, knew the Pope, I who howknowam not clear, the youfatherhad not said,possiblyhedoes not know.
„ More than 100years ago Europe, hadoneit is said a turbulence that is inconceivable, as the entire worldmost powerfulSpirit Territorytraveler/asceticorganization, Holy Seedestruction.
„ Before Popejust before the end, gaveOld MasterHuo a thing, possiblyisbecauseOld MasterHuois the Chinesestatus, at that timehewas also combing the braid of Qing dynasty, appearsinEuropeis incompatible, no onethinks that the Popewill give the preciousrelicyellowpeople who has the braid.
„ Therefore, Mr.Huo the innertube the Poperelic, is leavingEurope, arrived at the New Testamentcounty, establishes the fraternity. Old agetime, hegave the illegitimate childthatrelicinheritance, isChing-kuo'sfather.
“于是,霍老爷子带着教皇遗物,离开欧洲,来到了新约郡,建立兄弟会。晚年的时候,他把那件遗物传承给了私生子,也就是经国的父亲。„This is because the illegitimate childstatusis more covert, by the same token, my brothersalsogave the illegitimate childJiaFeizhang the Poperelicinheritance.”
“这是因为私生子身份更隐蔽,出于同样的原因,我那兄弟也把教皇遗物传承给了私生子贾飞章。”„Originallyisthis”Tao Simingis suddenly enlighted, glancesDengJingguo, said:
Is the reason that „ maydo thatwhat? If the relic of Popeis very precious, Old MasterHuoshouldobtainit, becauseonly then the Spirit Territorytraveler/ascetic of powerhouse, cancontrol the powerfulandpreciousgoods.
“可这么做的原因是什么呢?如果教皇的遗物很珍贵的话,霍老爷子应该自己得到它,因为只有强者的灵境行者,才能掌控强大又珍贵的物品。„IfOld MasterHuo, is unable to obtainfor some reasons, that should also inheritto the powerfulheir, making the decendantscomplete, worst, trades the dayto punishit, feels betterto an illegitimate child.”
“如果霍老爷子因为某些原因,无法得到,那也应该传承给强大的子嗣,让后代子孙去完成,最不济的,把它交易天罚,也好过给一个私生子吧。”DengJingguocold-ly snorted and said: „My father, althoughis the illegitimate child, buthe is also the Spirit Territorytraveler/ascetic, compared withwestrongerSpirit Territorytraveler/ascetic.”
邓经国冷哼道:“我爸虽然是私生子,但他也是灵境行者,比我们更强的灵境行者。”Air of scholarly refinementTao Simingsmiles bitterly: „Your father'sapproachcould not understand, whygaveJiaFeizhang, rather thangivesyou. Uncle Dengfelt,JiaFeizhang can also become the Spirit Territorytraveler/ascetic?”
书卷气的陶思明苦笑一声:“那你父亲的做法就看不懂了,为什么给了贾飞章,而不是给你。邓叔叔是觉得,贾飞章也能成为灵境行者?”„Theseare unimportant.”RwandanJingsinkingsound said: „Popereliccannotfall into othershand, sinceJiaFeizhangdied, thatis taken care by Ching-kuo, wemustrecapture the Poperelic.”
“这些都不重要了。”卢景沉声道:“教皇遗物不能落入别人手里,贾飞章既然死了,那就由经国来保管,我们必须夺回教皇遗物。”DengJingguothick eyebrowstighten: „Uncle Jing, ourenemyiswhodoes not know how to recapture? Alsonot necessarilyhasstrengththatto recapture.”
邓经国浓眉紧锁:“景叔,我们连敌人是谁都不知道,如何夺回?也未必有那么实力夺回。”Silver-hairedLuJingdisplaysstrongly, saidespeciallyimmediately: „Thatreportpunishesto the day, making the daypunishrecaptures, thisat leastwecanpunishthereto takecommissionsfrom the day.”
满头银发的卢景表现得格外强势,当即道:“那就汇报给天罚,让天罚夺回,这样至少我们能从天罚那里要一笔好处费。”DengJingguoandTao Siminglook at each otherone, had not opposed.
邓经国和陶思明对视一眼,都没有反对。„Thatdecided.”RwandanJingfishes out the cell phone, planned that contacts the dayto punish the high levelinNew Testamentcountybranch, „IandWeiBertramhave hadseveralcontacts, sheishonestMasterthunder, althoughis somewhat unreasonable.”
“那就这么决定了。”卢景摸出手机,打算联络天罚驻新约郡分部的高层,“我和薇妮・伯特伦有过几次接触,她是个正直的雷法师,虽然有些不近人情。”At this time, Tao Siming'scell phoneon handding-dong, hefished out the cell phoneto look,suddenly the complexionchanged:
“等等!”RwandanJingHedengChing-kuofollowing the soundlooks like.
卢景和邓经国循声看来。Tao Simingexpressionis strange, raises up the cell phone, facestwo people, „wein the duty that the hunterassociationissues. Completed!”
陶思明表情古怪,把手机竖起,朝向两人,“我们在猎人公会发布的任务.完成了!”Next day, 8 : 00 am.
次日,早上 8 点。Zhang Yuanqinggets out of bedwashing, goes to the living room, seeingAnneto suspend the breakfast, but also is with good intentionrips open the cruller, bubblesinsaltysoybean milk.张元清起床洗漱,来到客厅,看见安妮已经摆好早餐,还善解人意的把油条撕开,一块块的泡在咸豆浆里。Her ownbreakfastis the omelette, toast, Bacon and sweetsoybean milk.
她自己的早餐则是煎蛋、吐司、培根和甜豆浆。„Why do youeat the sweetsoybean milk?”
“为什么你吃甜豆浆?”„Iam not familiar with eat the saltysoybean milk.”
“我不习惯吃咸的豆浆。”„Promisesme, laterdo not drink the sweetsoybean milk.”
“.”Eats the breakfast, Zhang Yuanqinghas heldin the pocket the cell phone, twists off the door knob, goes out of the room, seesCaoQianxiuto holdyounger brother'shandto walkexactly.
吃过早餐,张元清把手机揣兜里,拧开门把手,走出屋子,恰好看见曹倩秀牵着弟弟的手走出来。OnCaoChaoface the tear stains , the handare still pinching an icicle, does not know that was punchedby mother, was punchedby the elder sister.
曹超脸上泪痕犹在,手里捏着一根冰棍,不知道是被妈妈揍了,还是被姐姐揍了。both sidesmeet face to face, CaoQianxiulives in the footstepsfiercely, the eyeslightlybrightly, actuallyconstrainedhas not opened the mouth, is stiffon the spot.
双方打了个照面,曹倩秀猛地顿住脚步,眼睛微亮,却又拘束的没有开口,僵在原地。Zhang Yuanqingapproaches, touchedCaoChaohead, said with a smile: „What's wrong?”张元清主动上前,摸了摸曹超的脑瓜,笑道:“怎么了?”CaoChao„”cries, graspselder brother'sleg, wipes the tearsnasal mucus, whilecries saying: „Iwantto eattwoicicles, mother do not makemeeat, said that Iam the beddingyoung!”
曹超“哇”的哭出来,抱住哥哥的腿,一边把眼泪鼻涕抹上去,一边哭道:“我想吃两根冰棍,妈妈不让我吃,说我是铺盖仔!”„Yougo backnow, roarstoyourmother: Pleasecallmyhandsome young man!”Zhang Yuanqingsaid: „Shewill makeyoueattwoicicles.”
“你现在回去,冲你妈吼一声:请叫我靓仔!”张元清道:“她就会让你吃两根冰棍。”„Really?” The youngboyopens the naivepupil.
“真的?”小男孩睁大天真的眸子。„Iin childhoodwassuchroarmy mother, certainline!”Zhang Yuanqinggives the courageandencouragement.
“我小时候就是这么吼我妈的,一定行!”张元清给予勇气和鼓励。CaoChaothinks,stemming from yearning of icicle, and trust the neighborelder brothers, the pullburglar-proof door of high morale, breaks in the living roomto look for an apartment the easternwifeto the line.
曹超想了想,出于对冰棍的向往,以及对邻家哥哥的信任,斗志昂扬的拉开防盗门,冲入客厅找房东太太对线。Zhang Yuanqingthenlooksto the neighboryoung girl, drivingopens the mouth:张元清这才望向邻家少女,主动开口:„Sorry, Iconcealed the realrank.”
“抱歉,我隐瞒了真实等级。”CaoQianxiuforces a smile: „Wetrusted the foundationto be insufficientat that time, whowill tell the strangerownrealrank.”
曹倩秀强笑一声:“我们当时的信任基础还不够,谁会把自己的真实等级告诉陌生人呢。”Youdid not say that Zhang Yuanqingis complainingat heart, has not said that feared that the superciliousyoung girlis awkward.
你不就说了吗张元清在心里吐槽,没说出来,怕心高气傲的少女尴尬。CaoQianxiuhesitant, the probesaid:
曹倩秀犹豫一下,试探道:„That, joins the matter of counter-black and whitealliance”
“那,加入反黑白联盟的事”„Ifind itveryinteresting, beforeIreturn to homeland, Iamcounter-black and whitealliancesixgroups of members, something rememberto look forme, the wagesdo not permitto fall behind.”Zhang Yuanqinggives the affirmationto answer.
“我觉得挺有意思,在我回国之前,我都是反黑白联盟六组的成员,有事记得找我,工资不准拖欠。”张元清给出肯定答复。CaoQianxiurelaxessecretly, „that if the usualpanelsgets together.”
曹倩秀暗暗松口气,“那,如果是平时的小组成员聚会.”„If, Iwill participate.”Zhang Yuanqingnods.
The face of young girlrevealswipes the smile.
少女的脸庞露出一抹笑容。At this time, killed the pigpitiful yellsoundto transmitfrom the room, CaoChaoran, wept copiously, dying by heartbreaklookedtoZhang Yuanqing, sent out the complaintwith the weeping sound.
这时,杀猪般的惨叫声从屋内传来,曹超嗷嗷的跑了出来,泪如雨下,伤心欲绝的看向张元清,用哭声发出控诉。Thaticicle in handdid not have.
手里的那根冰棍也没了。„Hasn't succeeded?”Zhang Yuanqingthinks,said: „Next timewiththirty years the river goes eastthirty years the river goes west, will bully the youngsterto trynotpoorly.”
“没成功吗?”张元清想了想,说:“下次用三十年河东三十年河西,莫欺少年穷试试。”CaoChaocrieswas louder.
曹超哭的更大声了。„Good, yougo to403to knocknow, AuntAnnewill compensateyouronepackage of between-meal snack.”
“好了好了,你现在去403敲,安妮阿姨会补偿你一包零食。”CaoChaodoes not cryinstantaneously: „Really?”
曹超瞬间不哭:“真的?”„When have Ideceivedyou?”Zhang Yuanqingasked back.
“我什么时候骗过你?”张元清反问。„Un!”CaoChaojumpsknocks on a door.
“嗯!”曹超蹦蹦跳跳的去敲门。Looks at the younger brothersillyappearance, CaoQianxiuexpressionis somewhat complex: „Iwill sometimes suspect,you are really scout, Iremember that scoutsis the soldier, is seriousandproper.”
看着弟弟傻乎乎的模样,曹倩秀表情有些复杂:“我有时候会怀疑,你真的是斥候吗,我记得斥候是军人,严肃又正经。”„Thatisyoudid not understand that the seconddistrict, inanycommunityhas the different kind, seriousproperis the communitymakings, is notindividualmakings, alwayssomeinsufficientlyseriouslyinsufficientlyproper.”Zhang Yuanqingwashes hairtoher: „Iknow a hotmaster, is more brilliant than the bachelor. Ialsoknow a bachelor, returnsempty boastingcompared with the hotmaster, powerfulscouting, likeslistening toothersto flatter, likeslooking atothersto bow the head in greeting”
“那是你们不了解第二大区,任何群体里都有异类,严肃正经是群体气质,不是个人气质,总有些不够严肃不够正经的。”张元清给她洗头:“我就认识一个火师,比学士还睿智。我也认识一个学士,比火师还浮夸,还有一个强大的斥候,喜欢听别人拍马屁,喜欢看别人纳头便拜”CaoQianxiuis listeningearnestly.
曹倩秀认真的听着。9 : 30 am, puts onZhang Yuanqing of plainclothes, changed/easyRongcheng the baldmiddle-agedJiaFeizhangappearance, enters into the Merrill SachsBankbuilding.
早上 9 点半,穿着便衣的张元清,易容成秃头中年贾飞章的模样,迈入美盛银行大楼。Hemoves toward the receptionistdirectly, selectsto the staturehigh, brownsends the Caucasianmadam of brownpupil saying: „Hello, Ilook forWill George, heismycustomer manager.”
他径直走向接待台,对身材高挑,褐发褐眸的白人女士说道:“你好,我找威尔・乔治,他是我的客户经理。”„Youwait a bit!” The femalereception clerklowers the headto operate the computer, after the moment, raised the head, said: „Will Georgehas left job for manyyears.”
“您稍等!”女接待员低头操作电脑,片刻后,抬起头来,道:“威尔・乔治已经离职多年。”Left job? Un, explained that the JiaFeizhangdozensyearshave not operated the safe cabinet. Zhang Yuanqingsaid: „Icome the safe cabinet, the serial numberis0042.”
The femalereception clerksaid: „Pleaseshow the valid identification.”
女接待员说道:“请您出示一下有效证件.”In the Zhang Yuanqingeye the reappearingtransparentvortex, „youhave readmyvalid identification.”张元清眼里浮现透明旋涡,“你已经看过我的有效证件了。”Femalereception clerkabsent-minded, at oncewhole facesmile: „Please, pleasecomewithme!”
女接待员恍惚一下,旋即满脸微笑:“请,请跟我来!”SheleadsZhang Yuanqingto enter the bank, knocked the gate of manager: „Manager, thismistercomes the safe cabinet.”
她领着张元清进入银行内部,敲开了经理的门:“经理,这位先生来开保险柜。”PS: After wrong characterfirst, changes.
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