Chapter 667acts
The first-levelwindmaster can only condensetogether the windblade, eachrisefirst-level, the windbladenumberturnsonetime, sixlevels of gust of wind, have32windedges.
一级的风法师只能凝聚一道风刃,每升一级,风刃数量翻一倍,六级的疾风者,足足有三十二道风刃。Bang bang bang. The windblade, the furnituredisruptsvertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, the body of duckbill capmanlikebubbletearing.
砰砰砰.风刃纵横中,家具纷纷碎裂,鸭舌帽男人的身体如同泡影般撕裂。starimaginarytechnique? The wing of browrefined appearancejumps, at oncesees the duckbill capmanto appearin the front, the left handgrasps the dagger, the right handholds a gun, lifts the muzzletowards oneselffire.
The wing of prettygracefulrefined appearancelives the policetrillionat heartsuddenly, disregards the frontenemy and bullet, lifts the handoneto pushtoward the right side, the air currenthowlsto condense a wind wall.
The skill of saintstage: Wind wall!
The wind wallis the windmasteronlydefenseskill, is condensedby the air current of rapid flow, the speed of bladeandbulletis faster, the reboundis stronger.
The shortcomingfacing the heavyandslowweapon, defending the effectis weak.
缺点是面对重而缓的武器,防御效果微弱。„Bang bang!”
“砰砰!”Twodeafeninggunshots, actuallynotinfront, butfrom the right side.
两声震耳欲聋的枪响,却不是在前方,而是来自右侧。Twobright yellowwarheadshiton the rapid flowair/Qiwall, was shotto flyinstantaneously, an insertingceiling, pū the puncturebedding, vanishesdoes not see.
两枚黄澄澄的弹头撞在高速流动的气墙上,瞬间被弹飞,一枚嵌入天花板,一枚噗的击穿被褥,消失不见。Although the windmasteris unable to resist the imaginarytechnique, butcaninduce the enemytrueposition of through the air currentchange.
风法师虽然无法抵御幻术,但可以通过气流变化感应出敌人真正的位置。In the sound of gunfire, the imaginarytechniquecollapses of itself, the duckbill capmanappearsin the right side.
The wing of refined appearancedoes not look at the stray bullet, does not pay attention to the enemy, the palmholds downJiaFeizhangshoulder, himaccording to the seat, anotherhandpicks upfiercelyupward.
风神之翼既不去看流弹,也不关注敌人,手掌按住贾飞章的肩膀,把他按在座椅上,另一只手猛地往上托起。„Wū wū~”
The air current in bedroomis instantaneously wild, the hurricanerises straight from the ground, the furniturefragment, cotton-wadded quilt, computerand othergoods, raises the ascending the skytop board.
卧室内的气流瞬间狂暴,飓风拔地而起,把家具碎片、棉被、电脑等一切物品,掀上了天花板。Inthistypeclose, in the attack of entirerange, enemybasicnowherehides.
在这种封闭的,全范围的打击中,敌人根本无处躲藏。Thisisspeciallytocope with the prohibitingitem of Nightwalking Godpreparation, in the majoroccupations, manyseals, prohibit the function the item, noprofessionalescapingtechniqueto be impregnable.
The duckbill capman'sinceilingtogether with the junksvolume, has the heavyloud soundtogether.
The wing of refined appearanceturns on the windbladeat once, condensesenough32cut metalbreaks the jade„sharp weapon”, wieldsconveniently, hitsto the enemy who blowingto fly.
风神之翼旋即开启风刃,凝聚足足三十二道切金断玉的“利器”,随手一挥,打向吹飞的敌人。„Puffpū pū.”
“噗噗噗噗.”Sticks to the duckbill capman of ceiling, disintegratesin the windblade, the stump residual limbbreaks the armandinternal organsto crashin abundance, exudes„”soundin the floor.
紧贴在天花板的鸭舌帽男人,在风刃中解体,残肢断臂、内脏纷纷坠落,在地板发出“啪嗒”声。Un? The wing of refined appearanceinsteadstares, althoughhisattacktoownwindbladeis extremely confident, butsoneatcuttingkills the enemy, is somewhat unexpected.
The wing of refined appearancefixes the eyes onto carefully examine the stump residual limb on floorto break the arm, seeing only the fleshis pale, the internal organspresent the darksinkingluster, nodrop of fresh blood.
风神之翼定睛审视地板上的残肢断臂,只见血肉惨白,脏器呈现暗沉色泽,没有一滴的新鲜血液。Among the incompleteflesh, tumbling a palm of the handis big, is carving the disc of constellation.
残缺的血肉间,滚落着一枚巴掌大,刻着星座的圆盘。This. The wing of complexionrefined appearancechanges, at this moment, the gloomy and coldwindplunderstogethertobaldmiddle-aged personJiaFeizhang.
这.风神之翼脸色微变,就在这时,一道阴冷的风掠向秃头中年人贾飞章。Thinkswithout enough time, the wing of refined appearancestresses a thunder and lightningmark the badge, patsinJiaFeizhangchest.
“滋滋~”JiaFeizhangbody surfacejumps the bright blueelectric arc, reboundedthatcold wind.
贾飞章体表跳跃出亮蓝色的电弧,反弹了那股阴风。ThunderattributestrengthtojusttoYang, has the extremelystrongrestraintto the spiritbodyandghost.
The wing of refined appearancegrasps a blueredcloak, shakes off, throws overin the back, in a flash, inhiseye socketemerges the brightblue light, the foreheadhighlights the thunder and lightningmark.
The electric arcjumpsinhisbodyweekejection.
The wing of refined appearancehas not actedimmediately, looksall roundchaoticrevolutions the cold windin the bedroom, gracefulandtranquilsaying:
„ Disguises the main bodywith the Yincorpse, trulyis a goodstrategy, in the majoroccupations, cancope with the occupation of spiritbodyto be very few, once the actionfailure, abandons the Yincorpseat the worst, the spiritbodycandraw backcalmly.
“用阴尸假装本体,确实是个不错的计策,各大职业中,能对付灵体的职业少之又少,一旦行动失败,大不了抛弃阴尸,灵体可以从容而退。„Sawyouto use the starescapingtechniquea moment ago, Iwas also givento deceivebyyou. However, sinceknows that youarehigh-gradeNightwalking God, how can wenot prepare?”
“刚才看见你施展星遁术,我也被你给骗了。不过,既然知道你是高等级夜游神,我们又怎么会没有准备?”During the speeches, hecondensestogether the lightning, „flip-flop”, sparks flying in all directions, the electricityionwreaks havocin the air.
说话间,他凝聚出一道雷鞭,“噼啪”,火花四溅,电离子肆虐在空气中。Thatcold windlikelike ants on a heated pan, scurries abouteverywhere, wantsto walkand unable to leave, wantsto take possessionis flownby the thunderattributestrengthball.
那股阴风如同热锅上的蚂蚁,到处乱窜,想走又走不掉,想附身又会被雷属性力量弹飞。Lookshelplesslyoneselfwere dividedby the lightningunceasingly, the aurais suddenly feeble.
The wing of refined appearancewields the lightning, whilelaunches a psychological attack:
„ Is waiting for the aid of companion? Said, sinceknows that youisstars, howwecannot prepare, yourcontrollevelcompanionambushedbyourhegemons and elders.
„ The starsare deceitful, reallyso, if the main bodycomes, has the itemYincorpseto haveresentfullyspiritauxiliary, wantsto killyoualsoto besometime-comsuming.
“都说星官狡诈猥琐,果然如此,若是本体前来,有道具阴尸有怨灵辅助,想杀你还费些功夫。„Now, the waitingdeath, greetsyourresultslowly.”
“现在嘛,慢慢等待死亡,迎接你的结局吧。”Suddenly, an sharpshort swordpricked the chest of wing of refined appearance.
突然,一把尖锐的短刀刺入了风神之翼的胸口。Hispupilcontractssuddenly, bodyonestiff, wields the movement of whipto stagnateimmediately.
他瞳孔骤然收缩,身子一僵,挥动鞭子的动作顿时停滞。Wing of unbelievableturning headrefined appearance, looked that to the sidethroughoutbyoneselfare protectingJiaFeizhang.
The baldmiddle-agedcorners of the mouthbring back, the lookevil intentionponders, said: „Whotoldyou, were we a personcome?”
秃头中年嘴角勾起,眼神恶意又玩味,道:“谁告诉你,我们是一个人来的?”„You, youare.” The wing of refined appearancecovers the chestto stagger the retreat, „were you spiritservant? No, you are also stars.”
“你,你是.”风神之翼捂着胸口踉跄后退,“你是刚才的灵仆?不,你也是星官。”Heunderstood, in the Yincorpseis hidingtwostars, is hidingtwospiritbodies.
他明白了,阴尸里藏着两个星官,藏着两个灵体。And when is taking possessionJiaFeizhangat first, has seizedto abandonhim, swallowedhissoulandremembers, the follow-updialogue, and duckbill capmanmakesto withdraw the movement of spiritservant, inhoodwinkingto hidenearwindow.
其中一个在最初附身贾飞章时,就已经夺舍了他,吞噬了他的灵魂和记忆,后续的对话,以及鸭舌帽男人做出撤回灵仆的动作,都是在蒙蔽藏在窗边的自己。JiaFeizhangsaid with a smile: „Youandstarsdiscussed the layout, hasn't awaked? Alsodareson your foreignidiots, in the seconddistrict, withoutwhomdaresto playwith the stars.”
The wing of complexionrefined appearanceis pale, ignores the chestinjury, dragsto raiseboth handsfiercely, raisesswallowsallhurricanes.
风神之翼脸色铁青,不顾胸口伤势,猛地拖举双手,掀起吞噬一切的飓风。In the syrupshop, Zhang Yuanqingpondered oversilently:
The firstdistrictdoes not produceNightwalking God, thisstarsare the talent who the daypunishesgathers, isfrom the seconddistrict? If the latter, is the Taiyi Sectstars, is the darknightrose?
第一大区不产夜游神,这个星官是天罚招揽的人才,还是来自第二大区?如果是后者,是太一门的星官,还是暗夜玫瑰?Un, cannotbe so absolute, since the brightcompasspredictsto come out, the majororganizationsstartto havesense of purposegatheringNightwalking God, inforeignbigorganizationis raisingseveralNightwalking Godandstars, is completely reasonable.
嗯,也不能这么绝对,自从光明罗盘预言问世,各大组织就开始有目的性的招揽夜游神,境外的大组织里养着几个夜游神、星官,完全合理。„Youa littleare probably absent-minded.”CaoQianxiupupilbright opposite looks, „do not tellmeyouto be stranded.”
The shophas taken a break, the lightgoes outhalf, the other halfis the bossremainstothem.
The bossis the making soupprovinceperson, is not willingto work overtime, does not wanttomoney, but the personis good, gavetwo peoplewith the key the lock, makingthemrememberto turn off the lightsto lock a door, thenscoldedwalking of clamor.
The bossandCaocelebrateknew.
老板和曹庆认识。Sleepy? Youdo not know that Nightwalking Godis the liveremperorZhang Yuanqinglooksto the currystreet, said: „Yourdeaconsdanger.”
困?你不知道夜游神都是肝帝吗张元清望向咖喱街,道:“你们的执事有危险了。”CaoQianxiuis bewildered, has not understood.
曹倩秀一脸茫然,没有听懂。Does not wait forherto question in detail, eartransmitsteam leader‚striving constantly for self-improvement’rapidanddignifiedsound:
不等她细问,耳麦里传来组长‘自强不息’急促而凝重的声音:„Allmembersets, the currystreethad an accident, the wing of deaconrefined appearanceis on the verge of death, immediatelysupports.”
“所有成员集合,咖喱街出事了,风神之翼执事危在旦夕,立刻支援。”CaoQianxiustares the bigeyeinstantaneously.
曹倩秀瞬间瞪大眼睛。„Receives!” The Zhang Yuanqingholding downearwheat, returned toone, thenlooksto the dumbstruckyoung girl: „Duringcarrying outtask, mustmaintain the absolutecalmness, anynewscannotvacillate the mentality, otherwisedead end.”
“收到!”张元清按住耳麦,回了一句,然后看向发懵的少女:“在执行任务期间,要保持绝对的冷静,任何消息都不能动摇心态,不然死路一条。”Then, herushes to the syrupshopwith long hurried strides.
说完,他大步流星的奔出糖水铺。Zhang Yuanqingsaidintentionally, the goalisto create„mature and stable”and„experienceis rich” the imagebeforeCaoQianxiu, facilitates the followingrealrankexposure.张元清是故意这么说的,目的就是在曹倩秀面前树立“成熟稳定”、“经验丰富”的形象,方便后续真实等级曝光。CaoQianxiuthenresponded,set outwithgoing outhastily, pulls down the roll-up doorwhile convenient.
曹倩秀这才反应过来,连忙起身跟出去,顺便把卷帘门拉了下来。Currystreetdistancesyrupshopapproximatelyonekilometer, byCaoQianxiuandZhang Yuanqingspeed, a halfminuteis less thanthenarrivesassigns the position.
咖喱街距离糖水铺子约一公里,以曹倩秀和张元清的速度,半分钟不到便来到指定位置。This timeis11 : 30 pm, the Chinatownpedestrianfew, the entireblockhalfgo black, halfhave the lightto coverreluctantly.
此时是深夜11点半,唐人街行人寥寥,整个街区一半陷入黑暗,一半勉强有灯光笼罩。Is full of the block of vehicledistantly, Zhang Yuanqingsees20-30peopleto gatherundersomeblock of flats, anxiousfaceshold up the headto looktosomewindow.
停满车子的街区,张元清远远的看见20-30号人聚在某栋公寓楼下,一张张惶急的脸昂头望向某个窗户。Windowglittering, buthas not madeanysound.
The young people who severalwear the duckbill cap, hold the computer, strikes the keysingle-handed, severalunmanned aerial vehiclescirclein the peopletop of the head, againupward, is the windmaster who the governingwindglides.
The windmasterdoes not have the flying ability, butcanglide.
The soundconveysfromtwo peopletop of the headtogether, Zhang YuanqingandCaoQianxiulooks up, sees onlytogether the formgoverning the windfrom the air gliding.
一道声音从两人头顶传来,张元清和曹倩秀抬头看去,只见一道身影御着风从空中滑翔而来。Thisis a 16 or 17-year-oldyoung girl, the cheekis clear, remains the babyfertilizer of young girl, a pair of pupilclear and brightis quite bright.
这是一位十六七岁的少女,脸蛋圆润,残留着少女的婴儿肥,一双眸子水盈盈的极为明亮。Wears the whitetextiles, the tintedpracticing moral culture/slim fitjeans, the youth of appearancebrims with, delightfulmoving.
穿着白色针织衫,浅色修身牛仔裤,打扮的青春洋溢,甜美动人。At this time, the young girlcleardelightfulfacecovers entirelyanxiously.
此时,少女圆润甜美的脸庞布满焦虑。„White snow, what's the matter?”CaoQianxiuquicklyasked.
“白雪,怎么回事?”曹倩秀急忙问道。Snow WhitesweptZhang Yuanqing, does not have the timeattentionandexchanging greetings, holdsCaoQianxiuarm, urgentlysaid:
„ Ilistened to the team leader saying that the plan that the refined appearancemanagedcut off the enemy's retreat and annihilated them, imprisoned the murdererin the house, thiswill not injureto the average person, canpreventhimto run away.
“我听组长说,风神执事的计划是关门打狗,把凶手禁锢在住宅里,这样既不会伤到普通人,也能防止他逃走。„But the unmanned aerial vehiclephotographeda moment ago, the refined appearancemanagedby the heavy losses, in imminent danger.”
“但刚才无人机拍摄到,风神执事受了重创,岌岌可危。”CaoQianxiucomplexionsinks: „Yougatherhere , because is unable to break the ban, isn't ableto rescue?”
曹倩秀脸色一沉:“你们聚在这里,是因为无法打破禁制,无法救援?”Snow Whitemakes an effortto nod: „Severalteam leadershave contacted the organizationhigh level, but, the feedback that butreceivesis, waitsagain.”
白雪公主用力点头:“几位组长已经联络组织高层,但,但得到的反馈是,再等等.”Shewrinkles the delicateeyebrow, anxiousstamping the feet: „Wecanwait, but the refined appearancedeaconand others, the high leveldo not know that is doing! Even ifcomes a deacon is also good, so long asbreaks the ban, the refined appearancemanages to escape.”
她皱起秀气的眉毛,急的跺脚:“我们能等,但风神执事等不了,高层不知道在干嘛!哪怕来个执事也好,只要打破禁制,风神执事就能逃出来。”Duringspeeches, severalpeoplecollect.
说话间,又有几人凑上来。Whatis the headis a 25-26youth, the facial featuresis upright, inch head, staturestrong, the lookis sharp, a feeling of verypositive synergy.
为首的是一位25-26的青年,脸型方正,寸头,身材健硕,眼神锐利清澈,给人一种很正能量的感觉。Followsthree, oneis the fatblackshows solicitude for the youth, wears the black frameeyeglasses, the appearance and makingsconform to„fatdwelling”perfectlyimage.
A makingsunrulyyoungster, is grippingshortponytail, the five sensesare handsome, butcombines, a nottoocomfortablefeeling, sharply is too too unruly.
一个气质桀骜的少年,扎着短马尾,五官还算英俊,但组合起来,给人一种不太舒服的感觉,太锐利太桀骜。Oneis the simple and honestsimpleyouth, the five senses and heights is very ordinary, but the buildis tall and strong.
The Zhang Yuanqingvisionhas sweptfourpeople, through the makings and appearance, completedtaking a seat according to ticket number, distinguishedtheirstatus.张元清目光扫过四人,通过气质和面相,完成了对号入座,辨别出了他们的身份。„Has contacted‚yellowFengguai’deacon, rushes over, everyone should not be worried.”Strives constantly for self-improvementfirstexplains the situationtoCaoQianxiu, is nodding the headtoZhang Yuanqingslightly.
“已经联络上‘黄风怪’执事,马上赶到,大家别担心。”自强不息先是向曹倩秀说明情况,然后对着张元清微微颔首。„Good.”Snow Whiterelaxes, yellowFengguaiis4levels of gust of wind, althoughis unable compared with the wing of refined appearance, but the good and evilis a saint.
“太好了。”白雪公主松了口气,黄风怪是四级疾风者,虽然远无法和风神之翼相比,但好歹是圣者。CaoQianxiulooks all around the teammate, said:
曹倩秀环顾队友,道:„Whycanlike this? The organizationhigh levelshouldhave the thoroughplan, soto be how distressed?”
The team memberslook at each other in blank dismay, dumbfounded.
众组员面面相觑,哑口无言。Said„organizationnaturearrangement”a moment agostriving constantly for self-improvement, could not speaksuddenly.
The organizationturned overprobably.
组织好像翻车了。Seesunmannedresponse, CaoQianxiulookssubconsciouslytoZhang Yuanqing.
The Zhang Yuanqingvisionlooksto the window:张元清目光望向窗户:
„ The thoroughplan, is equal to the open-book examinationto the stars, the organizationhigh levelcannot catch up, tied downmostly.
“再周密的计划,对星官来说也等于开卷考试,组织高层赶不来,多半是被缠住了。„Nevermustattempt the ambushstars, by the layoutability, in the Spirit Territorymajoroccupations, cannotcomparewith the stars. The organizationhigh levelare too fewwith the experience that Nightwalking Godhad to do.”
The unrulysea-nymphmedicineforestoutstandingly skilledsnort/humsaid: „Belated action, says that nowtheseare useful.”
The sea-nymphis the hotmaster in firstdistrict, no, punchescompared withfiremasterGengqian, the hotmasteris the speechdoes not have the brain, the sea-nymph is good atprovokingZhang Yuanqingto look athisoneeyes.
海妖就是第一大区的火师吧,不,比火师更欠揍,火师是说话没脑子,海妖是擅长挑衅张元清看他一眼。Becoming the Spirit Territorytraveler/asceticis so long, hehas learnedtolerantly, someoccupationsdo not have the brainin a moment, youmustrecognize.
成为灵境行者这么久,他已经学会了宽容,有些职业说话就是没脑子,你得认。At this time, strong windsraided, in the nighttime skyplundered a middle-aged person of pajamas.
这时,一阵狂风袭来,夜空中掠来一位睡衣的中年人。Undercounter-black and whitealliancememberrelaxes, shouts loudly„yellowFengguaito manage”.
底下的反黑白联盟成员纷纷松口气,高呼着“黄风怪执事”。Thatmiddle-aged personlooksto the window of thunderglittering, has not paid attention to the member in block, a both handsshow/unfolds, lets the air currentebullitionall around.
The strong windsraise the dust and trash, the blownundermemberscannot open eyes.
狂风掀起灰尘和垃圾,吹的底下众成员睁不开眼。Air current of boilingunder the operation of middle-aged person, condenseswindedges, the windbladecondensesbiggerwindblade.
沸腾的气流在中年人的操纵下,凝聚成一道道风刃,风刃又凝聚成更大的风刃。InSnow Whiteand the othersturned very quietin the anticipationvision of breath, the middle agemanagesyellowFengguai, the doublepalmmakes an effortto promote.
The wind sound/rumorhowlsviolently, the six-meterwindbladecutssuddenly, hitsin the thin filmbarrier.
The thin filmvibratedfiercelytwo, subsequentlyrestores, the windbladewas defeated and dispersed the gale.
薄膜剧烈抖动了两下,继而恢复,风刃溃散成了强风。Has not broken the banto be a little awkward.
The look that the membersanticipatesolidifiesin abundance, the expression is also stiff.
众成员期待的眼神纷纷凝固,表情也随之僵硬。yellowFengguai the deaconcomplexionchanges.
黄风怪执事脸色微变。„No, withoutsuccess”CaoQianxiubeautiful facechanging colors.
“没,没成功”曹倩秀花容失色。Sixgroups of memberexpressionsbecomedignified.
, Rescued the refined appearanceto managewithout enough timewithout enough time, only if the elderandhegemoncanimmediatelyrush, otherwiserefined appearancedeacondead end.
Can the person who falls into the hopeless situationhow longsupport?
陷入绝境的人能撑多久?Gust of windis notdefends the highself-recoveryhigh the occupation, cansupportnow, is not very easy.
疾风者不是高防御高自愈的职业,能撑到现在,已经很不容易。„What to dowhat to do?”Snow Whiteanxiousrapidness of cried.
“怎么办怎么办?”白雪公主急的快哭了。At this time, the cell phone in Zhang Yuanqingpocket„ding”, hefished out the cell phoneexaminationinformation:
这时,张元清兜里的手机“叮”的一声,他摸出手机查看信息:„Main body, has determined, the surroundingsdo not have the topstandardSpirit Territorytraveler/asceticto ambush, Ihave completed the camouflage, the exceedingly highfoundercanarrivemomentarily.”
“本体,已经确定过,周围没有高位格灵境行者潜伏,我已经做好伪装,通天教主随时能登场。”Zhang Yuanqingreturns to the covered passageway:张元清回复道:„Ibreak open the banasswordsman, youmake a moveagain!”
“等我以剑客的身份破开禁制,你再出手!”Cloneto reply: „Receives!”
分身回复:“收到!”Zhang Yuanqingreceives the cell phone, walkstowardthatblock of flats, in the process, heturns on the goodscolumn, grasps a twochi (0.33 m)azurebronze sword.张元清收起手机,朝着那栋公寓楼下走去,过程中,他打开物品栏,抓出一把两尺长的青铜剑。CaoQianxiugawked, called out: „What do youwantto make?”
身后的曹倩秀一愣,叫道:“你要做什么?”PS: After wrong characterfirst, changes.
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