Chapter 666looked for a man of century
第666章寻找了一个世纪的男人Zhang Yuanqingraised the headfrom the bowlat this time, looks the young girl before body, „introduced oneself? The little misssaida moment ago‚newpartner’right, Ialsothink that misunderstood.”张元清这时候才从碗里抬起头,回望身前的少女,“自我介绍?哦,刚才那小姑娘说了‘新伙伴’对吧,我还以为听错了。”Whatin the channel the exchange of girlsusesis the foreign language.
The New TestamentcountyChinatown, the commonly usedlanguageis the making soupprovince and luckyprovincedialect, and foreign language, the standard spoken Chineseusesinsteadare not many.
新约郡唐人街这边,常用的语言是煲汤省、福省方言,以及外语,普通话用的反而不多。Thereforelooks likeCaoQianxiuthiskind of locally bornNew TestamentcountyChinese, the standard spoken Chineselevelis quite inferior, theycansaying of clear pronunciation and mellow voice„detain the excrementbeddingyoung”, butcould not say„eats the excrementfool”.
所以像曹倩秀这类土生土长的新约郡华裔,普通话水平较为蹩脚,他们能字正腔圆的说出“押屎啊铺盖仔”,但说不出“吃屎吧傻逼”。Usuallyexchangesuses the dialecteither, eitherinEnglish.
平时交流要么用方言,要么用英语。„Spirit TerritoryIDfreeswordimmortal, person, the occupationscouted, finished!” The Zhang Yuanqingtone and expressionare the standardsoldierstyles.
“灵境ID逍遥剑仙,松海人,职业是斥候,完毕!”张元清语气和表情都是标准的军人风格。„Real, goodstandard of pleasant to hear, Chinesesaid.”Snow Whitegrinningsay/way.
A livelylittle miss. Zhang Yuanqingsaidlightly: „Introduced oneselfmutuallyis the basicpoliteness.”
一个活泼的小姑娘.张元清淡淡道:“互相自我介绍是基本的礼貌。”„MySpirit TerritoryIDisSnow White, withJudgeCaois the classmate, 2levels of windmasters. Oursixgroups of altogethersixpeople, the team leaderis‚striving constantly for self-improvement’, a knight, the knightin the firstdistrictis the panda, likeNightwalking God of yourseconddistrict. The knightis the fairestoccupation, lateryouhavewhatdifficultyto look for‚striving constantly for self-improvement’help, so long asdoes not break the law, hewill helpdutifully. Un, lends moneyto be an exception.”
It is not willingto lend money, thatiswhatgood person, inthisworldalldifficulties, do not stem frommoneyto be insufficient. Zhang Yuanqingcomplainedat heart.
不愿意借钱,那算什么好人,这世上所有的困难,不都源于钱不够吗.张元清心里吐槽。Snow Whitecontinues saying:
白雪公主继续说道:„Except forourthree, Spirit TerritoryID of anotherthreeteam membersis‚medicalforestis respectively outstandingly skilled’, do not forget the national territory, the smallsteelartillery and medicalforestoutstandingly skilledis the sea-nymph, in the family/homeisto open the traditional Chinese medicinehall, oneselfalsowallow the medical skillvery much, youhave the headache and fever, looks forhimdirectly, usuallycanaskhimto wantsomedetoxificationMarubi”
The wordsjustsaid,hears a voice of youngmanto break: „, It is not any catflatterdogcanmakemesee a doctorprescribing a medicine, can thatdiebusily? Un, since the freeswordimmortalis the companionin the same group, poursdoes not have the issue.”
The sea-nymph is so arrogant, butcompared withAasmund, thisfellowis but actually good! Zhang Yuanqingis listeningpatiently.
海妖都这么傲慢吗,不过比起奥斯蒙,这家伙倒还好!张元清耐心听着。Snow Whitecontinues saying:
白雪公主继续道:„Do not forget the national territoryis the earthmust blame, right, the earth of firstdistrictmust blame, butheis the locally bornChinese, goes hometo visit relatives the timewith the father, obtainedCharacter Cardin the motherland, right, his fatherwas the earthis also strange, before still had held an officeinfivelines of pledges, afterwardimmigrated the New Testamentcounty.”
“勿忘国土是土怪,没错,第一大区的土怪,不过他是土生土长的华裔,跟着父亲回乡探亲的时候,在祖国获得了角色卡,对了,他爸也是土怪,以前还在五行盟任职过,后来移民到了新约郡。”„Finallyis the smallsteelartillery, is the voidoccupation, cuteyoungfatty, compared with the dwelling, does not likespeaking, food that likesis the sweets, the repugnantthingis the black and whitechocolate.”Snow Whitegrinningsay/way.
The fairknight, the wordsmanywindmasters, the dyingfatdwellingis void, the patrioticearthmust blame, arrogantChinese medicinesea-nymph. In the Zhang Yuanqingmindhad the imagerapidly.
公正的骑士,话多的风法师,死肥宅虚空,爱国的土怪,傲慢的中医海妖.张元清脑海里迅速有了形象。Whenintroduced the companion, Snow Whitechirpmentions the tonight'sduty:
待介绍完同伴,白雪公主叽叽喳喳的说起今晚的任务:„youthought that what the murderer of serieshomicideis doing? Sincetonot kill peopleto refine the corpse, thatalwayshas a reason.”
The medicalforestscoffsto say with a smileoutstandingly skilled:
医林圣手嗤笑道:„Thisis not the matter that weneedto consider, organizing the high levelto be at heart clear.”
“这不是我们需要考虑的事,组织高层心里一清二楚。”„Whysaid?”Snow Whiteis surprised the different way.
“为什么这么说?”白雪公主诧异道。„Usesyourbrain.” The medicalforestridiculedoutstandingly skilled: „After JudgeCaofed back the analysis of free and unfetteredswordimmortal, organizing the high levelto respondimmediately,at the same nightmeets, thenarrests the action, thisfullyexplained that the organizationhigh levelhas responded, knew the murdererrealgoal.”
The team leaderstrives constantly for self-improvement„un”: „The murdererorganizesmostlytous.”
The counter-black and whiteallianceafter all is not the officialorganization, withoutthatstrongmaintenance the responsibility of public securityandorder, normal, inknowing the murdererpossiblyisin the situation of expert, slows down the rhythm, carefullytreats, is the correct choice.
The tonight'sarrest, seemssomewhatanxious, thatexplained that the murderergave the organization the high-levelcertainpressure.
今晚的抓捕行动,显得有些急切,那就说明凶手给了组织高层一定的压力。Sixgroups of members the dutyis startingto chat, excessivelyhas not paid attention to the young bloodfreeswordimmortal.
六组成员就着任务开始闲聊,没有过多关注新成员逍遥剑仙。After allsecond-levelscoutsto have nothingto chat, moreovereveryonealsodetected that the free and unfetteredswordimmortal the character is a little seriously desolate, is the slowhottype.
毕竟一个二级斥候没什么好聊的,而且大家也察觉到逍遥剑仙的性格有点冷淡、严肃,属于慢热类型。Snow Whiteself-confidentsaying of:
„ Tonightleadsto arrest the murdererwing of deaconrefined appearance, helast yearsixlevels, currently the empirical valueestimates over 50, thatmurdererwantsis not the control, tonightis certainly caught.
“今晚带队抓捕凶手的的风神之翼执事,他去年就六级了,现在经验值估计50以上,那个凶手只要不是主宰,今晚一定落网。„Inseveralseniordeacons who weorganize, Imost like he, youngis gracefulandgraceful, the talent is so good, perfectgoodman.”
“咱们组织的几位高级执事里,我最喜欢的就是他,又年轻又帅又优雅,天赋还那么好,完美好男人。”In the toneis passing the worshipandadmiration.
The arrogantsea-nymphmedicineforestis outstandingly skilled, rarehas not undermined, echoes saying:
傲慢的海妖医林圣手,罕见的没有拆台,附和道:„The wing of refined appearancemanagesin the Chinatownalmostdoes not have the opponent, hashim, 50-60people of ambushes, thatsmallNightwalking Godcannot escapeagainin addition.”
“风神之翼执事在唐人街几乎没有对手,有他在,再加上50-60号人埋伏,那个小小夜游神逃不掉的。”Smallsteelartillery„un”: The words that „the wing of refined appearanceacts, shouldnot haveouranythingmatter, no onecanescape fromhunt of gust of wind. Hopes the dutyendedearlier, goes hometo play the game.”
小钢炮“嗯”一声:“风神之翼出手的话,应该没我们什么事了,没有人能逃脱疾风者的追捕。希望任务早点结束,回家玩游戏。”Wing of refined appearancehas the prestigein the counter-black and whitealliancevery much, sixgroups of memberstohimtrustfully and worship, the arrogantsea-nymph, are respectabletothissixlevels of gust of wind.
风神之翼似在反黑白联盟里很有威望,六组成员对他充满信任和崇拜,就连傲慢的海妖,都对这位六级疾风者推崇备至。CaoQianxiulooks atopposite ofone, explainedin a low voice:
„ The wing of deaconrefined appearanceisin the organization, most talentedsaint, hethis year is 31 years old, onlyused for fiveyearsto becomesixlevels of saints, even ifpunishedin the day, waseliteelite.
„ Hisscoreis very strong, had defeatedmanypowerhousesof the same class, includinglosingforeword in Bacchusclub, daypunishingdisciplinary punishmentknight.
“他的战绩很强,曾经打败过多位同级别的强者,其中有酒神俱乐部的失序者,天罚的惩戒骑士。„Iheard, ifhecanpromote the controlin three years, heis of hegemonfirstpositionsuccessor.”
The saint and vegetable/dishchickenbeforemehave not distinguishedZhang Yuanqingto disguiselistensis very wholly-absorbed.
在我面前圣者和菜鸡没有区别张元清假装听的很专心。At this time, the quietearthwas strange„do not forgetnational territory” the soundby the earwheatsuccessorpeopleearin:
这时,沉默寡言的土怪“勿忘国土”的声音透过耳麦传人众人耳里:„I, when the seconddistrict, heard that the saintstageNightwalking Godalsocalled the stars, being able to predict accurately, Iam notveryattractivetoday'sarrest.”
“我在第二大区的时候,听说圣者阶段的夜游神又叫星官,能掐会算,我不是很好看今天的抓捕行动。”„Realfalse? The starswill tell fortunes.”Snow Whiteis startled, is passingcuriously: „Un, un the free and unfetteredElder Brother, you are also the seconddistrict, yousaid.”
“真的假的?星官会算命吗。”白雪公主大吃一惊,又透着好奇:“嗯,嗯逍遥哥哥,你也是第二大区来的,你说说呗。”CaoQianxiulookedtooppositeyoungtenant, others have not spoken, waitingreply.
The Zhang Yuanqingholding downearwheat, said:张元清按住耳麦,道:„Thatcannot predict accurately, isobserves the stars the deduction, is stronger than the trigramtechnique.”
“那不是能掐会算,是观星推演,比卦术更强。”Snow White„”, the toneis disappointed: „Are ouractionsdoomedto be defeated?”
The team leaderstrives constantly for self-improvement saying:
组长自强不息说道:„Organizationhigh leveldefinitelyknows that the skill of stars, theseare notweshouldconsider that the command prompt, holding the postis.”
“组织高层肯定知道星官的技能,这些不是我们该考虑的,服从命令,坚守岗位就是。”Snow Whiteasked:
白雪公主问道:„Speaking of the stars, IthinkssuddenlyHeavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning of seconddistrict, the free and unfetteredElder Brother is also the homecomes, youknowHeavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, the wing of refined appearancemanagesto comparewithhim, what kind of?”
“说到星官,我突然想到第二大区的元始天尊,逍遥哥哥也是国内来的,你认识元始天尊吗,风神之翼执事和他比起来,怎么样?”Does not needsoto be dirtyI. The Zhang Yuanqingcheekpulled outpulling out.
没必要这么埋汰我吧.张元清面皮抽了抽。„!”Strives constantly for self-improvementto clear throat, sinkingsound said: „Character who white snow, Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginningcanprey on the control, although the wing of refined appearanceis very strong, butcompared withthatpotential difference.”
“咳咳!”自强不息清了清嗓子,沉声道:“白雪,元始天尊是能搏杀主宰的人物,风神之翼虽然很强,但比起那位差了点。”Hisas far as possiblewas tactful.
他尽可能的委婉了。„Isthis?” A Snow Whitefacedoes not believe: „Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginningis notsixlevels, haven't Iremembered incorrectly? Ifelt, even ifmanagesstronglycompared with the refined appearance, the disparityshouldnot beverybig, the refined appearancemanageshas also defeated the sameranktraveler/ascetic, moreoverthere is an eviloccupation.”
„ Do not watch the playto take a walkall day the shopping, occasionally must pay attention to the information of seconddistrict, Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginningkillsfivelines of pledgefourcontrolat the trialmeetingcontinually, a peakcontrol of Water Ghostoccupation, thatwasstamps the feetcanfloodexistence of entireNew Testamentcounty.
“别整天看剧逛街购物,偶尔也要关注一下第二大区的情报,元始天尊在审判会上连杀五行盟四位主宰,其中一位还是水鬼职业的巅峰主宰,那是一跺脚就能淹了整个新约郡的存在。„Althoughhedefinitelyused the non-conventional approach, butunder the normal state, Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning can also prey on the control. Nobrainpowder that even if you wing of refined appearancemanage, must discussregardless the fact.”
“虽然他肯定用了非常规手段,但正常状态下,元始天尊也能搏杀主宰。你就算是风神之翼执事的无脑粉,也不能抛开事实不谈。”In the groupno onerefutedher.
群里没人反驳她。„”Snow Whiteimposing manneroneweak, the grievancesaid: „Iamask.”
“哦哦哦”白雪公主气势一弱,委屈道:“我就是问问嘛。”Hasn't thought ofthisgirlor the Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginningfan? Usuallyhas not looked. SomeZhang YuanqingsurpriseCaoQianxiu of putting on a serious face.
没想到这丫头还是元始天尊的粉丝?平时都没看出来.张元清有些诧异的板着脸的曹倩秀。No wonderCaoQianxiuknows after he came from the seconddistrict, immediatelyinquires the Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginninginformation, but alsoasked that whatpersonHeavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginningis.
难怪曹倩秀知道他来自第二大区后,立刻打探了元始天尊的信息,还问元始天尊是什么样的人。Originallyisprivatelives the food!
原来是个私生饭!Snow Whitecoughsseveral, the shifttopic, saidhastily:
„ Free and unfetteredElder Brother, your timecontributed to the great merit, wasbecause ofyouranalysis, making the organizationhigh leveldetect that the serieshomicidehad the issue, althoughIdo not know that the issuewasanything.
„ Weorganizeto be always impartial in administering rewards and punishments, youmustconsiderto settle down in the New Testamentcounty, Ilistened toJudgeCao saying that you were also the powdercultivate/repairin the seconddistrict.
“咱们组织向来是赏罚分明,你要不要考虑定居新约郡啊,我听曹法官说,你在第二大区也是散修。„Tonight'sactiondisplayswell, hugsthigh that the steadyrefined appearancemanages, in the futurewill have boundless prospects.”
“今晚的行动表现好一点,抱稳风神执事的大腿,将来前途无量。”Thistopicreallyshifted the attention of people, CaoQianxiureviewsaid: „Goodchoice, settles down in the New Testamentcounty, at holidays can also return to homelandto visit relatives, even if stays a whilesome time.”
这个话题果然转移了众人的注意力,曹倩秀点评道:“不错的选择,定居新约郡,逢年过节也可以回国探亲,哪怕是小住一段时间也可以。”Sheknows that opensQingyangisaccompanies the girlfriend, ifcanfind the goodworkin the New Testamentcounty, the plansettles down here.
When firstdaymoves, shelistensin the roomis very clear.
第一天搬过来时,她在房间里听的很清楚。„Againlook.”Zhang Yuanqingspoke thoughtlesslyto be perfunctory, andlooks at the currystreetdirection.
“再看吧。”张元清随口敷衍,并将目光投向咖喱街方向。According toobserving the starsenlightenment of deduction, the murdererwas aboutto send out.
根据观星推演的启示,凶手快出动了。10 : 00 pm, quiet at dead of night.
晚上 10 点,夜深人静。
Some house of currystreet, in the bedroomis brightly lit, baldJiaFeizhangsitsbefore the desk, the fluorescence of notebookaccording to hisface, covers entirelydignifiedly.
The computerpageispurchases the airplane ticket the websitemain page, twolarge sizesuitcasestaticstandinginbedside.
电脑页面是购买机票的网站主页,两只大号行李箱静静的立在床边。Heplanned that onegoes far from home, temporarilyleaves the New Testamentcounty.
他打算出一趟远门,暂时离开新约郡。JiaFeizhangleft handis scatteringonebunch of materials, since abovehas beentwomonths, the basic information of murderedperson.
贾飞章的左手边散落着一堆资料,上面是两个月以来,遇害人的基本资料。Thesevictimshaveseveralcommoncharacteristics: First, between 40-45. Second, is the one-person familyfamily background. Third, the work of motheris notveryproper. Fourth, does not have the properwork, butis never short of money.
这些受害人都有几个共同的特征:一,年纪在40—45岁之间。二,都是单身家庭出身。三,母亲的工作都不是很正经。四,没有正经工作,但从不缺钱。JiaFeizhangoperates the mouse, completed the purchase of airplane ticket.
贾飞章操作鼠标,完成了机票的购买。Thenheholds the hotcup, sipscoffee, the visiondoes not have the focal distanceto staredull.
然后他捧起热腾腾的杯子,抿一口咖啡,目光没有焦距地呆愣着。Suddenly, the star lightraisesfrom the bedroomintogether, a wearblackcoat, wears the man of duckbill capandmask, appearsfrom the star light.
The JiaFeizhangstartledwhole bodytrembles, the hotcoffeesprinkledon the keyboard of notebook.
贾飞章惊的浑身一哆嗦,热腾腾的咖啡洒在了笔记本的键盘上。Hejustwantsto send out the screamto pray for rescue, backsuddenlyonecool, then the four limbswere stiff, lost the control of body.
他刚想发出尖叫求救,后背陡然一凉,然后四肢僵硬,失去了身体的控制权。Duckbill capmanat a moderate pacepacing to the desknear, swept a scatteringmaterial, under the maskexuded the hoarselaughter:
„ It seems likeyouhad detected,what a pity, onestep, youcould not leavelate. Un, toguarantee the goalhas not made a mistake, Iconfirmagain.
“看来你已经有所察觉,可惜啊,晚了一步,你走不掉的。嗯,为了确保目标没出错,我再验证一遍。„JiaFeizhang, 44 -year-old, mother had been the having a drinkyoung ladyin the Chinatown, afterwardwhydid not know, was admitted to the luxury apartmentsuddenly, has not had a drinkagain, it is saidworked as the lovertosomecriminal syndicatebig shot, right.”
“贾飞章,44岁,母亲曾经在唐人街做过陪酒小姐,再后来不知为何,突然住进了高档公寓,再也没有陪过酒,据说是给某个黑帮大佬当了情妇,没错吧。”JiaFeizhangis unable to open the mouth, but the expressionis getting more and more panic-stricken.
The duckbill capmansighs with emotion: „I have never thought that then the importantthing, will give an average person. Welook foryou, looked for a century. Do youwantto speak? Ok, gives you opportunity of 30seconds of confessionlast words.”
鸭舌帽男人感慨道:“真没想到,那么重要的东西,会交给一个普通人。我们找你,足足找了一个世纪。你很想说话?行,给你三十秒交代遗言的机会。”Then, hewavesgently.
The ice-coldfeelingrapidretrogression, JiaFeizhangshivers with frightruthlessly, hispanic-strickenexpressionrestrainssuddenly, saidlightly:
冰冷的感觉迅速消退,贾飞章狠狠打了个冷战,他惊恐的表情忽然收敛,淡淡道:„Yourubbishwere too many, youshouldkillmeto ask the spiritdirectly.”
The voicefalls, near the window after desk, an appearancewas pretty, puts on the youth of tight-fittingnanobattle dressto take off the medal of carvingvoidtrace.
话音落下,书桌后的窗边,一个容貌俊秀,穿着紧身纳米作战服的青年摘下了雕刻虚空纹路的胸章。Heseems likesuddenlyappears, probablycontinuously, beforehetakes off the medal, no onenoticeshim.
他像是突然出现,又好像一直都在,在他摘下胸章之前,没有任何人注意到他。„Youwere very long.”SitsJiaFeizhangneardesk, graspsby a left handcoverglassfast, gently a lid.
“等你很久了。”坐在书桌边的贾飞章,快速抓起左手旁的一个玻璃罩,轻轻一盖。Immediately, the itemray of thisvoidoccupationflashes, a translucentthin filmcovered the bedroom, prohibited the space.
The elegantprettyyouth, wavesfiercely.
The air current in bedroomchanges to the crowdedwindblade, rainstormcuttingtoduckbill capman.
卧室里的气流化作密集的风刃,暴雨般的斩向鸭舌帽男人。PS: After wrong characterfirst, changes.
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