Chapter 659hunts and kills
第659章猎杀oldwhitemalesaysKevin, operates a small-scaleship transportcompany, the businessdoesalsogood.
老白男自称凯文,经营一家小型船运公司,生意做的还不错。Thisposting a rewardcontentis the revenged kill.
„ Hisname wasLee Austin, was the gang boss in Bronkarea, sixyears ago, hefoundme, said that mustprovide the securityservicetomycompany, every yeargathered2 millionfederalcoins the expenses.
„ So-calledsecurityservice, actuallyextorts, theywill not really protectyou, butfinds an excusetoownseizing by force, at that timemybusinessin the critical period, was lacking the fund, rejectedhim.
“所谓的安保服务,其实就是勒索,他们不会真的保护你,只是给自己的强取豪夺找个借口,当时我的生意在关键期,正缺资金,就拒绝了他。„Thereforeour a threat that encounteredLee Austin, hethreatened that mustkillmy wife, mustsellBronkareato be the most despicableprostitutemy daughter, accompaniestheseblacksto rest. IinsomeNew Testamentcountyrelations, did not fear that problem-making of criminal syndicate, thenhired a bodyguardteam, 24hours of protectionfamily member, reports to the police. But the badmatterhappened.”
“于是我们一家遭到了李・奥斯汀的威胁,他扬言要杀我妻子,要把我女儿卖到布朗克士区当最下贱的妓女,陪那些黑鬼睡。我在新约郡有些关系,并不怕黑帮的刁难,便雇佣了一支保镖团队,二十四小时保护家人,同时报了警。但糟糕的事还是发生了.”At this point, oldwhitemaleKevinoldwhitemalecarried the coffeeto sipone, the bitter and astringentliquidreverberatedin the tip of tongue, the similarlybitter and astringentpast eventsalsoturnedin the heartwell up:
„ After the warningthirdday, my daughteris robbedon the road of being on vacation from school, the bodyguardwas gunned down. Onegroup of scoundrelsintrudedmy family, theirmass rapemy wife, andkilledherinhome. The police authoritiestook over control ofthiscase, butdoes not have anyharvest, theysaid,noevidenceprovedwasLee Austinkilledmy wife, abductedmy daughter.
„ Added that Lee Austindoes not have the fixedresidence, cruel and merciless, isverydangerousgangster, letsmeinhomeand othernews. Canlook, theseeat the waste of taxpayermoneynot to manage. Shortly, IreceivedAustin'sletter/believes, in the letter/believes said that if not think that my daughterdied, deferred toreached an agreementbefore, every yearpaid the peacefulinsurance premiums of 2 millionfederalcoins.
„ Ihave not chosen, can only submit. Austinwill send a daughter'svideotomeevery year and ensure sheis also living, toldme, ifdid not thinkher dead, made a paymenton the little darling. Theseyears, Ido not dareto get marriedagain, does not dareto regenerate the child.
„ Inevergive uplooking for the daughter, asked the private eyeto help, look for the police authoritiesto help, look forothercriminal syndicatehelp, butdoes not have anyeffect.
“我从未放弃过寻找女儿,找了私家侦探帮忙,找警局帮忙,找其他的黑帮帮忙,但没有任何效果。„Afterward, a relationalgoodsheriffsuggestedme, Lee Austinwas not an average person, thiskind of personwas extremely dangerous, mustcope withthispersonbestwayisto looksimilar, herecommended the monetary rewardhunterassociationtome.”
“后来,一位关系不错的警长暗示我,李・奥斯汀不是普通人,这类人极度危险,要对付这种人最好的办法是找同类,他给我推荐了赏金猎人公会。”oldwhitemaleKevinis staring atZhang Yuanqing, said:
老白男凯文凝视着张元清,道:„Contacts the monetary rewardhunterassociation, Iunderstand why the police authoritiesare afraidanddreadLee Austin. Originallyinthisworldhassuperpowerto exist, Lee Austinissuperpower, you are also.”
“接触到赏金猎人公会,我才明白警局为什么害怕、忌惮李・奥斯汀。原来这个世界上有超能力者存在,李・奥斯汀就是一位超能力者,你也是。”Lee Austinis the Spirit Territorytraveler/ascetic, no wonderis so rampant. Zhang Yuanqingnods: „Thatsheriffhas not punished the dayrecommendstoyou.”
李・奥斯汀是灵境行者,难怪这么嚣张.张元清点点头:“那位警长没有把天罚推荐给你吗。”„Does daypunish?”
“天罚?”„It‘s nothing, youcontinued.”Zhang Yuanqingwantstothismerchantpopular science, to realizeat once, the police authorities and daypunishareexchange, likepublic securitybureauandfivelines of pledges.
The daypunishesmustknow the sixyears ago cases, as well asKevinextortedmatter, thenbiggestpossiblyis, the status of criminal syndicatechiefLee Austinis not mostly simple, is not the purepowdercultivates, therefore the daypunishesis cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, orbeing disinclinedmanages.
天罚不可能不知道六年前的案件,以及凯文被勒索的事,那么最大的可能是,黑帮头子李・奥斯汀的身份多半不简单,不是单纯的散修,所以天罚投鼠忌器,或者懒得管。In the seconddistrict, shoulders the eviloccupationandpowder that the countlessmurder casehas actually gotten off scot-freeto cultivate/repair, the quantityare also many.
在第二大区,背负累累血案却一直逍遥法外的邪恶职业、散修,数量也不少。Notalllawmenwill sacrifice the lifeto sprinkle the hot bloodedarrestcriminal.
并不是所有执法者都会抛头颅洒热血的逮捕罪犯。Moreover, the Spirit Territorytraveler/ascetichas the moralvaluelimit, the high-frequency, continuouscommitting a crime, instead the anomalies of certainseriescommitting a crimewill not be controllable.
而且,灵境行者有道德值限制,不会高频率的,连续性的作案,反而某些连环作案的变态要可控。oldwhitemaleKevinnods , to continue saying:
„ Iinquired,Lee Austin was also the monetary rewardhunter, thereforeIdo not dareto make public the task definition,will be seenbyhim. Buteven ifmakes an appointment with the monetary rewardhunterin secret, in my opinion is still unsafe, because ofmepossiblyapproximatelyto a friend of Lee Austin.
“我打听到,李・奥斯汀也是赏金猎人,所以我不敢把任务内容公布出来,会被他看到。但即便是私底下约见赏金猎人,在我看来也是不安全的,因为我可能约到一个李・奥斯汀的朋友。„Somepeoplehave toldme, yourcirclesare very small, even if not a friend, may beknows.”
“有人告诉过我,你们的圈子很小,哪怕不是朋友,都有可能是认识的。”Zhang Yuanqingis suddenly enlighted, is staring at the oldwhitemaleface: „Therefore, youdid make the hunterassociationchoosesuperpower in foreign country?”张元清恍然大悟,凝视着老白男的脸:“所以,你让猎人公会挑选了一个外国的超能力者?”Kevinshakes the head:
凯文摇摇头:„Makesmesee the turning pointtruly, issuedreason that posts a reward, isIheard that the backer of Lee Austinwas encircledby the specialaction team of police authorities, healsoinmustkillin the list, butheisoneslycheap, hid, the incompetentpolicehave not looked forhim.”
“真正让我看到契机,发布悬赏的原因,是我听说李・奥斯汀的靠山被警局的特殊行动队围剿了,他也在必杀名单中,但他是一个狡猾的贱种,藏了起来,无能的警察没有找他。”ThisLee Austinis an eviloccupation, backs on the evilorganization, the backerfell from power, it seems like that the the conflict of merchantassociationandBacchusclubhas startedZhang Yuanqing saying:
这个李・奥斯汀是一个邪恶职业,背靠邪恶组织,靠山倒台了,啧,看来商人公会和酒神俱乐部的冲突已经开始了张元清说道:„Except forkillingLee Austin, youalsoneedmeto helpyoulook for the daughter.”
“除了杀死李・奥斯汀,你还需要我帮你找女儿吗。”Byhisstargazingability, seeks for an average personnotslightlydifficulty.
以他的观星能力,寻找一名普通人没有丝毫难度。InKevineyesflashes throughsadly, „ my daughterhad died, after Lee Austinflees, hisseveralagglomerationswere exterminatedby the police, rescue the woman who was forcedto be a prostitute, according to an oral confession of prostitute, my daughtertwoyears ago died, sheis forcedto meetmanyguestsin the slumevery day, catches an illness dead, when sheis taken prisoner, is only16 years old , notgrown.
凯文眼里闪过悲伤,“我的女儿已经死了,李・奥斯汀潜逃后,他的几个聚集地被警察清剿,救出了很多被迫卖淫的女人,根据一位妓女的口供,我女儿两年前就死了,她在贫民窟里每天被迫接很多客人,染病死的,她被掳走时,才16岁,还没有成年.„Lee Austinsendsmyvideo, recordsahead of time, cheap that thiswhoreraises.”
“李・奥斯汀发我的视频,都是提前录制好的,这个婊子养的贱种。”It seems like the firstdistrictalsoneeds the demoneyeto clean. Zhang Yuanqingreceives the picture on table, said:
看来第一大区也需要魔眼来清洗啊.张元清收起桌上的照片,道:„Mr.Kevin, yourdutyImet, according to the custom of association, youentrusted the murderbusiness, youcanchoose the important personhead, orpicture.”
“凯文先生,你的任务我接了,按照公会的规矩,你委托杀人业务,你可以选择要人头,或者照片。”oldwhitemaleKevinmusculi masticatoriibulge, the expressionis slightly fierce, after severalseconds, hisreturning to normalmood, soundsomewhathoarse: „Ido not wantthatdirtyhead/number of people.”
老白男凯文嘴嚼肌凸起,表情略显狰狞,几秒后,他平复情绪,声音有些嘶哑:“我不要那颗肮脏的人头。”Zhang Yuanqingnodsslightly: „That, tomorrow, wasat this time, thisrestaurant, Icanbring the pictureto seeyou, preparedmoney.”张元清微微颔首:“那么,明天,还是这个时候,这家餐厅,我会带着照片来见你,准备好钱吧。”Hewants saying that if the opposite partyhas fled from the New Testamentcounty, Iwill chooseto draw back the list, butthinks, so long as the fellowstillin the freefederation, hespared nothingto kill.
The demoneyeisI, Iam the demoneye.
魔眼即我,我即魔眼。At this time the lunchtime, heleadsAnneto leave the restaurant, takes the taxi, the revolutionsgoes tonext doorstreetanotherrestaurantto dine.
此时正是午餐时间,他带着安妮离开餐厅,乘坐出租车,转去隔壁街另一家餐厅用餐。Annesitson the table, sipslemonade that a service personcarries, saidpuzzled:
安妮坐在餐桌上,抿一口服务员端来的柠檬水,不解道:„Didn't Mr.Primordial Beginning, whydinein the restaurantdirectly?”
“元始先生,为什么不直接在刚才的餐厅用餐?”„Thiswith the movie of yourfreefederation , the actorneverturn headlooks at the explosionis a truth.”
“装酷是吗。”„Do not sayis so straightforward , to promote the style of hunter.”
“不要说的那么直白,是提升猎人的格调。”Is sayingwith pauses, Zhang Yuanqing that the waitingservice personserves foodhears the cell phonetransmitsrapidly„ding-dong”sound, informationone after anothercoming.
有一搭没一搭的说着,等待服务员上菜的张元清听见手机传来急促的“叮咚”声,信息接二连三的进来。Hetakes up the cell phone, the discoveryisRyo Asanospeaksinchatsoftware:
他拿起手机,发现是浅野凉在聊天软件里发言:【Ryo Asano:? Is Primordial Beginningyoualso living? You are also really living.】
【浅野凉:啊啊啊啊啊?元始君你还活着?你真的还活着吗。】【Ryo Asano: Wū wū, wū wūwū wū】
【浅野凉:呜呜呜,呜呜呜呜】【Ryo Asano: Youlooked forpersoncosPrimordial Beginning, everyone, Ialsothought ofPrimordial Beginningvery much.】
【浅野凉:你们是不是找人cos了元始君啊,大家,我也很想念元始君。】【Ryo Asano: Changes to the exceedingly highfounderPrimordial Beginningname , because is unable to face directlythisIDagain, grievedsuch as the bladetwists.】
【浅野凉:把元始君的名字改成通天教主,是因为无法再直面这个ID了吗,心痛如刀绞。】【Redchickenelder brother: What is shesaying?】
【红鸡哥:她在说什么啊?】【XiahouAotian: The feelingmental illness, has not understoodhermeaninglikelycompletely.】
【夏侯傲天:感觉像个神经病,完全没看懂她的意思。】【SunMiaomiao: Hasn't sheknownPrimordial Beginningresurrectingprobably?!】
【孙淼淼:呃,她好像还不知道元始复活了?!】【Guan Ya: Entersthe day of the transcription, has not drawnhertogether. Looks atherpresentresponse, for these daysestimated that has not looked at the group.】
The chat groupis instantaneous.
聊天群瞬间寂静。Thisislandhigh-school studenttoohas not had the feeling, everyonegaveto forgether.
这个岛国高中生太没存在感,大家把她给忘了。Originallyisthis? Ryo Asanodoes not cry, in front of the phone screen, separatedignorant for more than tenseconds, shesent an informationprobe saying:
原来是这样吗?浅野凉也不哭了,懵在手机屏幕前,隔了十几秒,她发了一条信息试探道:【Ryo Asano: did Primordial Beginning, reallyresurrect?】
【浅野凉:元始君,真的复活了?】【Exceedingly highfounder: Sorry, Igaveto forgetyou, the coolsauce, Iresurrected, butthiswas the secret, do not divulge.】
【通天教主:哦,抱歉,我把你给忘了,凉酱,我复活了,不过这是秘密,不要泄露。】Chat group„ding-dong”, Ryo Asanosent a voice, the voicecontentismumbling the islandnational language, brings the weeping voiceandsobbing.
聊天群“叮咚”一声,浅野凉发了一条语音,语音内容是叽里咕噜的岛国语,带着哭腔和哽咽。【Exceedingly highfounder: SpokeChineselet alonebird song.】
【通天教主:说中文别说鸟语。】【Ryo Asano: Everyonethinks that youdied, Iwas organizedto arrange the dayto punisham the intern, nowin the New TestamentcountyIsle of Man, is the second-classbronzepublic prosecutor.】
【浅野凉:大家都以为你死了,我被组织安排去天罚当实习生了,现在在新约郡曼岛,担任二级青铜检察官。】Suchskillful, coolsaucealsoin the New Testamentcounty? Second-classpublic prosecutorZhang Yuanqingmovesat heart, choosesprivatechats.
这么巧吗,凉酱也在新约郡?二级检察官张元清心里一动,选择私聊。【Exceedingly highfounder: Youin the Isle of Man of New Testamentcounty? KnowsWeiBohlen?】
【通天教主:你在新约郡的曼岛?认不认识薇妮・伯伦特?】【Ryo Asano: Sheismysubordinatehigher authority, this morninghad just met, right, shealsotomeinquired that the deadreturns the memberinformation of faction, sheknows that youaredemonMonarchteach others, pays attention to a portablesound boxitemvery much.】
【浅野凉:她是我的直属上级,今天早上刚见过面,对了,她还向我打听亡者归来帮派的成员信息,她知道你是魔君传人,很关注一件便携式音箱道具。】Coolsauceonedayis the deadperson, life-longis the deadperson, immediatelysellsWeiBohlenprominently.
凉酱一天是亡者人,终生是亡者人,立刻把薇妮・伯伦特出卖了。DemonMonarchitemso many, thiswomanis interestedin the Elvissound boxonly, definitelyis notbecauseingivingfluidvideo, for the information in sound box?
魔君道具那么多,这女人独独对猫王音箱感兴趣,啧啧,肯定不是因为里面的授液视频,为了音箱里的信息?Elvissound boxrecordbeing bewitchedMr.'severy word and deed, recordshimandbystander'stalk, insidefears some valueshighto the information that being inconceivable
猫王音箱记录着魔君的一言一行,记录着他和外人的谈话,里面恐怕有一些价值高到难以想象的信息Iwas worrying that is unable to control the trend of WeiBertram, Ryo Asanohas infiltrated the enemy, does the attractivecoolsauce. Zhang Yuanqingtransmitter data:
我正愁无法掌控薇妮・伯特伦的动向,浅野凉已经打入敌人内部了,干得漂亮凉酱.张元清发送信息:【ToldherGuan Ya and information of SunMiaomiao, Zhaochengtutelary god of city . Moreover, toldher, myrelicgaveFu QingyangandGuan Ya.】
【把关雅、孙淼淼、赵城隍的信息告诉她,另外,告诉她,我的遗物都交给了傅青阳和关雅。】【Ryo Asano: Good! Primordial Beginning, Icanreporttoyouface to face.】
她不好意思说想你。【Exceedingly highfounder: Calmlyis dormant, the timearrived, Iwill look foryou.】
【通天教主:静静蛰伏,时机到了,我会找你。】Late at night, red brickapartmentroof.
深夜,红砖公寓楼顶。Zhang Yuanqingtakes outgreatlyLuoastrolabe, lays asidein the knee, thenexhibits the picture and personal data of Lee Austin.张元清取出大罗星盘,放置在膝盖,接着把李・奥斯汀的照片和个人资料摆开。Lee Austinis the lifeformgold metallurgymeetingmember, 3levels, the professionalnameis„dyingpoisonousmaster”, one of the firstdistrictthreebigeviloccupations.
The coreskill of dyingpoisonousmasteris the violenttoxicity and petrification, meanwhilehas the goodclose combatability, is more powerful than the defendingforewordoccupationof the same class.
绝命毒师的核心技能是猛烈的毒性和石化,同时还拥有不俗的近战能力,远比同级别的守序职业强大。ThesematerialsareRyo Asanogivehim, Lee Austinin the daypunishingwanted list, the daypunisheshisdetailed information.
这些资料是浅野凉给他的,李・奥斯汀在天罚的通缉名单里,天罚有他的详细信息。Zhang YuanqingmovesgreatlyLuoastrolabe, opens the starpupil.张元清拨动大罗星盘,睁开星眸。Kings County.
金斯县。Civilian area, insomebar.
平民区,某个酒吧内。Lee Austinis hugging the provocatively dressedwhite slave, spatthickphlegmtoward the ground.
李・奥斯汀搂着衣着暴露的白人妓女,朝地上吐了一口浓痰。In the baris flooding the smoke, wine taste and perspirationstink, and smell of hormonevolatility, on the wallcovers entirely the doodle, herewoman and manare equally uncouthly.
酒吧里充斥着烟味、酒味、汗臭味,以及荷尔蒙挥发的气味,墙壁上布满涂鸦,这里的女人和男人一样粗鲁。Is the bludgers, the gang members and socialpeople who at easecomes tohereto spend, is in the majorityby the race of blackskinthicklip, the womanis inexpensive, 50US dollarscancome a round of prostitute.
来这里消费的都是混混、黑帮成员、社会闲散人士,以黑皮肤厚嘴唇的人种居多,女人则是廉价的,50美元就可以来一发的妓女。Thisbaris one of the lifeformgold metallurgymeetingfootholds, the barboss is Henry, devildogHenry.
这间酒吧是生物炼金会的据点之一,酒吧老板叫亨利,恶魔犬亨利。Distortion of saintboundary.
圣者境的畸变者。Lee Austinhas not fled from the New Testamentcounty, buthidhere.
It is not hedoes not wantto escape, butcannot.
The war of Bacchusclubandmerchantassociationhas started, the lifeformgold metallurgywill be involved, allmembersmustgatherandawait orders, will be arranged the dutymomentarily.
酒神俱乐部和商人公会的战争已经打响,生物炼金会被卷入其中,所有成员都得聚拢、待命,随时都会被安排任务。Intaking turnlight pollution of twinkle, Lee Austinshoves open the woman, arrives at the bar, complained:
在交替闪烁的光污染中,李・奥斯汀推开女人,来到吧台,抱怨道:„Herewomanmakesmenot can be interestedcompletely, cannotfightandslaughter, makesmylifewithis boredandtasteless. Ifelt that I am is imprisoned.”
“这里的女人让我完全提不起兴趣,不能战斗和杀戮,更让我的生活变得跟无聊且乏味。我感觉自己是来坐牢的。”Puts on the wineshop attendant of obsoleteuniform/subdue, looks athisoneeyes, saidlightly:
„ Iknow that you are very discontented, the denwas assigned copying out a passage as homeworkby the day, dispersed, theseare also rescuedto the woman who youmake money, but the presentisin time of war.
“我知道你心里很不满,老巢被天罚抄了,手下散了,那些给你赚钱的女人也被救走,但现在是战争时期。„During the war, anylossis inevitable, so long ascanwin, the woman, moneyandpowerwill come back.”
“战争期间,任何损失都是不可避免的,只要能胜利,女人、金钱、权力都会回来的。”Lee Austinshrugs, exudes the dreadfullaughter: „Imustcatchseveraldaypunishingfemaleexecutive officers, the taste of thesewhoresare very good.”
李・奥斯汀耸耸肩,发出猥琐的笑声:“我要抓几个天罚的女执行官,那些婊子的滋味很不错。”At this time, a handsearchedfromside, was placed a picturein the bar, was placedin the front of Lee Austin.
这时,一只手从旁边探了过来,把一张照片摆在吧台,摆在李・奥斯汀的面前。Thenis a desolatesound: „Are youLee Austin? Turning the headmakesmesee clearly, yourforeigneris equally same, myfaceis a little blind.”
然后是一个冷淡的声音:“你是李・奥斯汀?转过头来让我看清楚,你们外国佬一样一样的,我有点脸盲。”PS: After wrong characterfirst, changes.
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