Chapter 658'sfirstduty
The Ryo Asanofollowingfemaleonstagetowardpassing through the office district, arrives at the region that the daypunisheshigh-levelis, herealsoonstage- the office district that daypunishes the high-leveloffice district and ordinarystaffseparates, needs the specialkeycard to enter.浅野凉跟着女前台往穿过办公区,来到天罚高层所在的区域,这里还有一个前台-天罚高层的办公区和普通员工的办公区隔开,需要特殊的门禁卡才能进入。Brings the femaleonstage that Ryo Asanois coming saying:
带着浅野凉过来的女前台说道:„Sheis the islandthousandcranessends the practice, the second-classpublic prosecutor, comestoday the report.”
“她是岛国千鹤组派过来实习的,二级检察官,今天过来报道。”„Iknow, the assistant of MinisterWeihas informed.”Thatis bigger, a makingsmaturerfemaleonstagetakes up the plane, dialed the telephone of assistant minister, the tonesaidrespectfully:
“我知道,薇妮部长的助理通知过了。”那位年纪更大,气质更成熟的女前台拿起座机,拨通了部长助理的电话,语气恭敬道:„AssistantEmma, the newpublic prosecutorarrived.”
“爱玛助理,新来的检察官到了。”Reports, shehangs up the telephone, is carefully examiningRyo Asano, sighs with emotion:
汇报完,她挂断电话,审视着浅野凉,感慨道:„Day, the second-classpublic prosecutor, sheseems likealsounderage, such outstandinggirlare not many, no wonderMinisterWeimustseeherpersonally.”
“天呐,二级检察官,她看起来还未成年,这么优秀的女孩可不多,难怪薇妮部长要亲自见她。”Leads the femaleonstage that Ryo Asanois coming to shrug: „17 years old of yes, in the materialwriting, butIlook ather15-year-oldappearance, un, the Mongolian racedayunfamiliar faceis tender, has not really thought that the island country (Japan)will have such outstandingtalent.”
领着浅野凉来的女前台耸耸肩:“是啊,资料上写的17岁,但我看她只有15岁的样子,嗯,蒙古人种天生脸嫩,真没想到岛国也会有这么出色的人才。”Twoonstageact in a completely informal or uninhibited mannerchatted, did not care about the feeling of Ryo Asano.
两个前台旁若无人的聊起来,丝毫不顾及浅野凉的感受。Reallydoes not have the politeness, eight. The Ryo Asanoentire journeyis stretching the smallface, elegantly beautifulwas been seemingly maturerbyoneself.
真没礼貌,八嘎.浅野凉全程绷着小脸,让自己看起来冷艳成熟一些。Soon, the female who a statureselectshigh, steps on the high-heeled shoesto walkfrom the office districtdeep place.
不多时,一位身材高挑的女性,踩着高跟鞋从办公区深处走出来。Herage about 40, the black hairbrownpupil, has the westerneruniqueprofoundeye socket, the five senses are very not beautiful, butis very temperate, the cheekshave the lightfreckle.
她年纪四十左右,黑发褐瞳,有着西方人特有的深邃眼眶,五官不算特别美丽,但很温和,脸颊有着淡淡的雀斑。Sheuses the worksign of chestto brush the curfew, shoves open the glass door, beckonstowardRyo Asano, says with a smile: „Comes.”
她用胸口的工作牌刷开门禁,推开玻璃门,朝着浅野凉招招手,笑道:“进来吧。”Bowing of Ryo Asanoinstinct: „Yes!”浅野凉本能的鞠躬:“是!”Brings intwoonstageto laugh secretly.
引来两名前台窃笑。Emmacoldlylooked attwo peopleoneeyes, laughs at secretly the soundto disappear.
爱玛冷冷的看了两人一眼,窃笑声顿消。WhenRyo Asanothrough the curfew, EmmaleadsRyo Asanoto go to the lineto go, said:
„ Iam the assistant of MinisterWei, Emma.
„ MinisterWeiisyoursubordinatehigher authority, butyoucannotlook forherdirectly, in the workhas anything, youneedfirstto reporttome, Iwill pass onto the minister.
“薇妮部长是你的直属上级,但你不能直接找她,工作上有什么事,你需要先向我汇报,我会转告给部长。„The issue on lifeis not in myresponsiblerange, butyouis underage, wetounderagealwaysgive favored treatment, thereforeyoucanaskmeto help.”
“生活上的问题不在我负责的范围内,但伱还未成年,我们对未成年总有优待,所以你可以找我帮忙。”Shespokeconfident, the calm of passingon the work placeinformed and experienced, the treating peopleattitudewas not near, just right.
她说话不疾不徐,透着职场上历练出的沉稳,待人态度也不远不近,恰到好处。Ryo AsanofollowedEmmato walk the momentin the broadwindingcorridor, passed byoffices, finallystoppedinmostdeep place, outsidebiggestthatriverJingoffice.浅野凉跟着爱玛在宽阔曲折的廊道走了片刻,路过一间间办公室,最后停在最深处的,最大的那间江景办公室外。„Thump thump!”
“咚咚!”Emmasounds the gate of office, „minister, ournewcolleaguesreported.”
爱玛敲响办公室的门,“部长,我们的新同事来报道了。”In the officehearsonechillyto mix with the severesound: „Comes.”
办公室里传来一声清冷中夹杂严厉的声音:“进来。”AssistantEmmashoves open the glass door, the smilelooks atRyo Asano, hintsherto go.
爱玛助理推开玻璃门,微笑的看着浅野凉,示意她进去。WeiBohlen, eightlevels of Masterthunder. Ryo Asanodeeplyinspires, pulls a long face, steps into the office.
薇妮・伯伦特,八级雷法师.浅野凉深吸一口气,绷着脸,踏入办公室。Firstwhatpresentsinherpresentis the giantwindow, out of the windowflowsclosely, is known as the New Testamentcountyeconomic lifelineSun River.
首先呈现在她眼前的是巨大的落地窗,窗外是紧密流淌的,号称新约郡经济命脉的德森河。Right handis the reception room, has the upscalesofa, wine chestandbar, on the wallis hanging the Westernoil painting and Chinese typeink and wash painting, wallis the bonsai that the embellishmentuses.
The left handis the spaciousbigdesk, after the desk, is a woman who wears the finework placecoverall, sheseems like30 years old, is the womanmostis sexy the matureststage.
The maroonlong hair of slightlyvolumethrows overin the shoulder, the highnose, the profoundeyepupil, the arcgracefulfaceline, outlined the finethree-dimensionalfive senses.
微卷的栗色长发披在肩膀,高高的鼻子,深邃的眼眸,弧线优美的脸部线条,勾勒出精致立体的五官。Herskinis fair, likecongealinglevelfrost, is long and straighteyebrowmatchingprofoundpupil, in addition the westernerinsufficientlygentlefacecurve, makingherseeminglyelegantly beautifulanddignified.
她的皮肤白皙,如同凝着层霜,又长又直的眉毛搭配深邃的眸子,再加上西方人不够柔和的脸部曲线,让她看起来冷艳而威严。Ryo Asanoputs behindshortlyherbeauty, feels likefacingsevereteacherLongqione, the turning very quietbreath of instinct, is somewhat cautious.浅野凉短暂的忘却了她的美丽,感觉像是面对严厉的老师龙崎一,本能的屏住呼吸,有些拘谨。WeiBohlenlooks atRyo Asano, extractsonefrom the left handdocumentpile, opens, says while watching saying:
薇妮・伯伦特看一眼浅野凉,从左手边的文件堆里抽出一份,翻开,边看边说道:„Inmaterialsaid,youoncewere the Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginningfactionmember?”
“资料上说,你曾经是元始天尊的帮派成员?”Hears the Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginningfourcharacters, a Ryo Asanoat heartsadness, the cautiousmoodgoespale, saidin a low voice: „Yes.”
听到元始天尊四个字,浅野凉心里一阵悲伤,拘谨的情绪淡去,低声道:“是。”MinisterWeidetectedkeenlyhersad, saidlightly: „Hehas toldyou, is hedemonMonarchsuccessor others?”
?! Ryo Asanowas shocked, stares dumbfounded.
啊?!浅野凉愣住了,瞠目结舌。Weilooks atherexpression, the knownanswer , to continue to ask:
“你在帮派里的地位怎么样?”Ryo Asanohad not replied,used for enoughoneminuteto digestthisnews, thenexpressedsaid:浅野凉没有回答,用了足足一分钟才消化这个消息,然后措辞道:„Factionmembershipis very good, does not have the explicitsocial classdivision. I, I, althoughisin the rankis lowest, buttheyhave not looked down uponme.”
“帮派成员关系很好,没有明确的阶级划分。我,我虽然是里面等级最低的,但他们也没看不起我。”Nod that Weidoes not care about, visionprofoundis looking ather:
薇妮不甚在意的点头,目光深邃的望着她:„InSpirit Territorytraveler/asceticworld, except forloversandparents, most intimateis the factionmember, before Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginningreturns toSpirit Territory, confesseswhatmatter, whatthinghas left behind?”
, Shesaid: „For example a portablesound box.”
The Ryo Asanocomplexionis vacant: „Verysorry, Ido not know.”浅野凉脸色茫然:“很抱歉,我不知道。”In the Weieyesflashes throughwipesdisappointedly, asked: „Ihope that youcanprovide the list of Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginningfactionmember.”
薇妮眼里闪过一抹失望,又问道:“我希望你能提供元始天尊帮派成员的名单。”Ryo Asanosubconsciousmustreject, borefortunately, bows saying: „MinisterWei, Iwantsfirstto seek informationtheiropinions.”浅野凉下意识的要拒绝,还好忍住了,躬身道:“薇妮部长,我希望先征询他们的意见。”Weinodsslightly: „Repliesas soon as possible, youshouldleave.”
薇妮微微颔首:“尽快回复,你该离开了。”„IwantdemonMonarch and Weigivingfluidaudio frequency.”
“我要魔君和薇妮的授液音频。”In the bedroom, Zhang Yuanqingholds the Elvissound, likedistributing the follower of great aspirations.
The Elvissound boxcalmlylies downinhispalm, does not pay attention.
The silverYaoprincess in bedside, holds up the smallloudspeaker: „It said that equivalent exchange.”
床边的银瑶郡主,举起小喇叭:“它说,等价交换。”„Imaynot have the audio frequency.”
“我可没有啪啪音频。”„Whatitwantsis the song.”
“它要的是歌曲。”„Whyyouknow that whatitdoes think?”
“你为什么会知道它想什么?”„Does not know, intuition!” The silverYaoprincessare unemotional, the redpupilis beautiful but unfortunate, „Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, Ido not return to the hat, youmakemeplay outside.”
The silverYaoprincesstreatedseveral daysin the red-cap, nowis delivered from oppression, knew that Zhang Yuanqingcame the place of overseasbarbarian, the great ambition of princesstravellingworldto surge upward.
银瑶郡主在小红帽里待了数日,如今重见天日,得知张元清来了海外蛮夷之地,郡主游历天下的雄心高涨。„Fighttimecanuseyou, daily, even if, your appearancewent outto be scary, moreoverIhave not thought how is goodto makeyouenter the stagereasonably, in the futurewill say.”Zhang Yuanqingflatly refuses.
“打架的时候可以用你,日常就算了,你这副模样出去会吓死人的,而且我也没想好怎么让你合理出场,日后再说。”张元清一口拒绝。Does not pay attention toprincessangrily, hetakes out the cell phone, is planningto play the music, equivalent exchange.
不理会气鼓鼓的郡主,他取出手机,正打算播放音乐,等价交换。At this time, doorbellsound.
这时,门铃响了。Then, in the living roomtransmits the AnnefalteringChinese: „Husband, the landlordwifecomes.”
接着,客厅里传来安妮蹩脚的中文:“老公,房东太太来啦。”Landlordwife? Does shedo, yesterdayhas eaten meal, does not needto thankZhang Yuanqingto grasp the desktop the red-cap, takes back the silverYaoprincess and Elvissound box.
房东太太?她来干嘛,昨天已经吃过饭了,没必要一直感谢吧张元清抓起桌面的小红帽,把银瑶郡主和猫王音箱收回。Heleaves the bedroom, goes to the living room, sees the landlordwifeandCaoQianxiusitson the sofais waiting.
他离开卧室,来到客厅,看见房东太太和曹倩秀坐在沙发上等待着。Seeshimto come out, the simple and beautifulyoung girlnodsslightly.
见他出来,清丽的少女微微颔首。Zhang Yuanqingreturned to a smile, sits downopposite of mother and daughter, said:张元清回了一个微笑,在母女俩对面坐下,道:„Unfortunately, the breakfasthad finishedvery much, otherwisecanaskyouto have the breakfast.”
The cheekboneslightlyhighlandlordwifebeckons with the hand, comes straight to the point saying:
颧骨略高的房东太太摆摆手,开门见山道:„littlestretch/open, has a matter to askyou, my daughteracademic recordis not quite good, Ithinkto askyouto helpenroll in supplementary lessonsin the weekend, onehour50federalcoins, a daythreehours.”
“小张,有个事儿要拜托你,我女儿学习成绩不太好,我想周末请你帮忙补习,一小时50联邦币,一天三小时。”Zhang Yuanqingreadily agrees: „Does not have the issue, thanks the landlordwifeto earn the extra incometome the opportunity.”张元清一口答应下来:“没问题,谢谢房东太太给我赚外快的机会。”
The landlordwifeshows the smile: „In the eveningIgiveyou a high schoolexamination paper, Iwantto testyourresult, wantsto understand.”
房东太太露出笑容:“晚上我给你一份高中试卷,我想测试一下你的成绩,希望理解。”„Does not have the issue!”Zhang Yuanqingteasedwith a smile: „So long asdoes not makemeteach the foreign language, otherOK.”
“没问题!”张元清笑着调侃:“只要不让我教外语,其他都OK。”Finishes talking the family educationissue, the landlordwifegets the daughterto go homewell satisfied.
谈完家教问题,房东太太心满意足的领着女儿回家。Zhang YuanqinglookstocleaningAnne of dinner plate, said:张元清看向擦拭餐盘的安妮,道:
„ Accompaniesmeto go out, the trialduty that the hunterassociationgivesis a little strange, posting a rewardonlygave an address, the specific content of requestandhunterface-to-face talkduty.
“陪我出去一趟,猎人公会给的试炼任务有点奇怪,悬赏者只给了一个地址,要求和猎人面谈任务的具体内容。„Does Anne, howyousee?”
“安妮,你怎么看?”Annethinks,said: „Possiblyis the task definitionneeds the secret, cannotinform widely, will therefore speak face-to-face. Boss, younowaresmalltransparent, does not needto be worried that was planned.”
安妮想了想,道:“可能是任务内容需要隐秘,不能广而告之,所以才会面谈。老板,你现在是个小透明,倒不用担心被人算计。”Zhang Yuanqingnods: „Ialsothink that then.”张元清点头:“我也是这么想的,那么,出发吧。”WhenAnnechanges the clothes, two peopleaccompanyto go out, bumps intoat the back of the book bagCaoQianxiu who exactlypreparesto go to school.
等安妮换好衣服,两人结伴出门,恰好碰到背着书包准备上学的曹倩秀。Threepeopleentered the elevator, Zhang Yuanqinglooked at a young girlelegantprofile, could not bearsay:
三人进了电梯,张元清看一眼少女秀美的侧脸,忍不住道:„Youare not the hotmaster, is the academic recordsowhy bad?”
“你又不是火师,为什么学习成绩那么差?”CaoQianxiuexpressionis desolate, „one, does not wantto study. Second, talent that has not studied.”
曹倩秀表情冷淡,“一,不想读书。二,没有读书的天赋。”Zhang Yuanqinghad nothing to say in replysuddenlyunexpectedly.张元清一时间竟无言以对。Humantalent20 million, but the curriculum in schoolselects, the resultis bad, can only explain the talentnotinthatseveralclasses.
人类天赋千千万,而学校里的课程就那么点,成绩差,只能说明天赋不在那几门课上。Therefore the academic record and intelligence quotienthave the relations, butalsodoes not have that strongrelations.
所以学习成绩和智商有关系,但又没那么强的关系。Zhang Yuanqingsaid: „Iunderstood, sincethis, Iknow how to make the teachingplan.”张元清说:“我明白了,既然这样,我知道怎么制定教学方案了。”CaoQianxiuhas turned head, selectspaintbright eyesstaring: „How do youplanto teach?”
曹倩秀扭过头来,点漆般的明眸凝视:“你打算怎么教?”Zhang Yuanqingsaid: „Ihave a item of bacheloroccupation, canlet the personin a short timeturns intostudy the tyrant, the test the timeborrowsyou.”张元清说:“我有一件学士职业的道具,能让人短期内变成学霸,考试的时候借你。”CaoQianxiupupilonebright: „scholar. Ihad heardthisoccupation, eachbachelorhas the unusualrefinedintelligentanddeepknowledgeit is said that theyexcel at the dispensing and manufactureweapon, in the world the highest levelscientistsare inferior tothem. Verygood, youarevalueonehour50.”
The bachelordoes not have, the bachelors who I who thatonbigyousaidknoware twistingscrewZhang Yuanqing saying: „Ithinkyouupright and never stooping to flatteryrejection.”
学士也没你说的那么高大上,我认识的学士都在拧螺丝张元清道:“我以为你会刚正不阿的拒绝。”CaoQianxiushakes the head, saidseriously: „No, Masterthunder can also have the flexiblebottom line.”
曹倩秀摇摇头,一本正经的说:“不,雷法师也可以有灵活的底线。”Zhang Yuanqingsaid with a smile: „Youunderstand the bottom line.”张元清笑道:“你是懂底线的。”
The students and teacherssmile, only then the landlordwife'sinjuredworldachieves.
学生和老师相视一笑,只有房东太太受伤的世界达成。OnCaoQianxiuface the smilewere many, „, Ihave not knownyourSpirit TerritoryID.”
曹倩秀脸上笑容多了起来,“嗯,我还不知道你的灵境ID。”„Exceedingly highfounder!”
“通天教主!”„Exceedingly highfoundernameIa littleam probably familiar.”CaoQianxiusaid: „JudgeCao, mySpirit TerritoryID.”
“通天教主这个名字我好像有点熟悉。”曹倩秀说:“曹法官,我的灵境ID。”Sheis the locally bornfreefederalperson, althoughsince childhoodstudyChinese, butis not quite familiarwith the culture of native country.
她是土生土长的自由联邦人,虽然从小就学中文,但对于故国的文化不太熟悉。„Judge?”Zhang Yuanqingcarefully examines the young girl.
“法官?”张元清审视少女。CaoQianxiuexpressionearnestsaying: „Mychildhooddream was like my father, becomes the judge.”
曹倩秀表情认真的说道:“我小时候的梦想是和我爸一样,成为法官。”„Your fatherdoes not open the restaurant?”Zhang Yuanqingis startled.
“你爸不是开饭馆的吗?”张元清大吃一惊。CaoQianxiulooks athisoneeyes, „my father'sdreamisto also become the judge.”
曹倩秀看他一眼,“我爸的梦想也是成为法官。”Zhang Yuanqing: „.”张元清:“.”10 : 30 am, Zhang YuanqingandAnnetake the taxi, goes to a Kunsi Districtfamousrestaurant.
早上 10 点半,张元清和安妮乘坐出租车,来到昆斯区一家有名的餐厅。Underservice person'sleadership, after the imaginarytechniqueis easyaccommodatestwo people, enterspassenger compartment that the employersubscribes.
The passenger compartmentis not big, but the privacyis very good, oldwhitemale who the smallround tablesits a templeefflorescence, hewears the investigatesuit, the wealthystomachis big, the faceis clear.
包间不大,但私密性很好,小圆桌边坐着一个鬓角霜白的老白男,他穿着考究的西装,腰粗肚大,脸庞圆润。Hisvisionis tranquil, the gaseous stateis uncommon, from the clothes, and wrist watch of left handcanjudge,thisis a quitesuccessfulgentleman.
他的目光平静,气态不凡,从衣着打扮,以及左手的腕表可以判断,这是一位相当成功的男士。oldwhitemaleis standingbehindtwoblack clothesbodyguards.
When hisvisionis enteringtwopeople of passenger compartmentto spin, seesAnne, visionsuddenlyonebright, at oncereveals the disappointedcolor.
The Anneappearanceis mediocre, the skinis rough.
安妮容貌平庸,皮肤粗糙。oldwhitemalesinkingsoundasked: „Is anyone of you exceedingly highfounder?”
老白男沉声问道:“你们谁是通天教主?”Zhang Yuanqinghad not replied,pushes the chairto sit down, thismovementshowedall.张元清没有回答,拉开椅子坐下,这个动作说明了一切。
The oldwhitemaleslight nod, the light grayeyelookstoZhang Yuanqing, said:
老白男微微点头,浅灰色的眼睛看向张元清,道:„Mytask definition not suitablepublic, therefore can only inviteyouto come, the travel expensecanaskmeto reimburse.”
“我的任务内容不适合公开,所以只能邀请你们过来,路费可以找我报销。”„Compares2 millionbusiness, the travel expenseis only the insignificantminor matter.”Zhang Yuanqingis speaking the falteringforeign language.
“相比起两百万的生意,路费只是微不足道的小事。”张元清说着蹩脚的外语。So long as the opposite partynon-lengthy speech, exchangeshimnot to have the issuesimply.
只要对方不长篇大论,简单的交流他还是没问题的。oldwhitemalesinkingsound said: „Iwantto hireyouto kill a person.”
老白男沉声道:“我想要雇你杀一个人。”Hefishes out a pictureto placeon the tablefrom the pocket.
他从口袋里摸出一张照片放在桌上。Zhang Yuanqingfixes the eyes onlooked, the manskin color on pictureis pitch-black, the lipis very thick, bald, the faceis thin, the bigarmcovers entirely the tattoo, in the look the twinkleominouslight.张元清定睛一看,照片上的男人肤色深黑,嘴唇很厚,光头,脸庞瘦削,大臂布满纹身,眼神里闪烁凶光。„Ineed the multi-information.”Helooks atoldwhitemale.
“我需要更多信息。”他看着老白男。Whenoldwhitemalepulls outthispicture, Zhang Yuanqinginducesto the opposite partymood is flooding the hatred, deeply ingrainedhatred.
在老白男掏出这张照片的时候,张元清感应到对方情绪里充斥着恨意,刻骨的恨意。PS: After wrong characterfirst, changes.
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