SRW :: Volume #6

#515: Ghost town

Chapter 515 ghost town 第515章鬼城 Really, a compelling standard of soldier bishop Son of Heaven does not have. After Zhang Yuanqing loans 500 Yuan paper money, finally sends the demon eye Son of Heaven. 真是的,一点兵主教天王的逼格都没有.张元清借出五百元纸钞后,终于打发走魔眼天王。 He has had the custom of belt/bring cash luckily, otherwise this little while can only be dumbfounded with the demon eye. 幸好他一直有带现金的习惯,不然这会儿只能和魔眼大眼瞪小眼。 Or: You wait a bit here, I go to buy the orange for you, is not right, I go home to give you to take the money. 或者说:你在这里稍等,我去给你买橘子,啊不对,我回家给你取钱。 Really inflexible, encounters the difficulty, steals a money by the ability is also understandable, we must have the flexible moral bottom line. Must remember that renders back the money. Zhang Yuanqing puts on the gust of wind glove, in gale that in blows suddenly, flies toward Kangyang District. 真死板,遇到困难,靠能力偷点钱也是可以理解的,咱们要有灵活的道德底线。一定要记得还钱啊.张元清戴上疾风者手套,在骤然刮起的强风中,朝康阳区飞去。 Is separated from the realistic battlefield, incomplete burned black Yin corpse unfold, overspreads main street and small alley. The city as if had an unrivalled war, everywhere is the field littered with corpses, roaming Cuan in the in the air resentment spirit quantity sharp decline. 脱离现实的战场中,残缺焦黑的阴尸一具具铺开,铺满大街小巷。城市仿佛发生了一场旷世大战,到处都是尸横遍野,游窜在空中的怨灵数量锐减。 The white clothing such as snow Fu Qingyang grasps the Jade Dragon sword, 100 soldier burial puppets are crowding around him, just like soldier of being unafraid of death. 白衣如雪的傅青阳手持玉龙剑,一百具兵俑簇拥着他,宛如视死如归的军人。 Yanshi looks like the general in battlefield, always has the mighty force to direct for them, fights in three thousand li (500 km), a person keeps off the 1 million th divisions alone. 偃师就像是沙场上的将军,总有着千军万马供他们指挥,一身转战三千里,一人独挡百万师。 The red Ying elder and peak elder arrive at the back to fight, is seemingly calm, is not distressed, is not weak. A Fu Qingyang person then blocked opposite two control, their pressures are not big. 红缨长老和高峰长老抵背而战,看起来从容得很,并不狼狈,也不虚弱。傅青阳一人便挡住了对面两位主宰,他们的压力不大。 In nearby tall building, three control level powerhouses are built on the different positions respectively, is overlooking the enemy of street in a business area. 附近的高楼上,三位主宰级强者分别立于不同方位,俯瞰着街面的敌人。 They respectively are dark night rose big Protector, three Protector and five Protector( spring god). 他们分别是暗夜玫瑰大护法、三护法、五护法(春神)。 Different from maintaining the graceful official control, dark night rose these three have hair dishevelled, in rags, the body proliferates the sword mark and burn. 不同于保持优雅的官方主宰,暗夜玫瑰这三位披头散发,衣衫褴褛,身上遍布剑痕和灼伤。 The red Ying elder and peak elders are the senior control, the latter is the Hangzhou Branch member, the strength. The defensive power can be imagined. 红缨长老和高峰长老都是资深主宰,后者更是杭城分部一把手,战力.防御力可想而知。 But the Fu Qingyang strength is to stem from both sides expected, let alone seven levels of control, the general eight levels not necessarily are this Young Master money opponents. 傅青阳的实力更是出乎双方预料,别说七级主宰,一般的八级都未必是这位钱公子的对手。 Causes the three elder tactical situation unfavorable situations of dark night rose, the day roaming god and spring god resilience and continuous cruise capability were best in the major occupations, this little while has been defeated. 导致暗夜玫瑰的三位长老战况失利,要不是日游神和春神恢复能力、续航能力在各大职业中属拔尖,这会儿早就落败了。 „It is not wonderful, how the two elders of my south school did not have the sound.” “不妙啊,我南派的两位长老怎么没动静了。” Gathers round the young fatty who the Local land God sits cross-legged, the whole face worried. 围着土地公盘坐的小胖子,满脸担忧。 The two elders of south school do not know that was killed, was surrounded, or ran away, in brief does not have the sound again. 南派的两位长老不知道是被干掉了,还是被困住了,又或者逃走了,总之再也没有动静。 „The you south school did not have the expert, sending two embroidering pillows to play the peak match.” The moon-face cute language of flowers, is speaking most jarai pit of the stomach words. “伱们南派没有高手了吗,派两个绣花枕头打巅峰赛。”圆脸可爱的花语,说着最扎人心窝的话。 But the young fatty knows, this appearance delightful female deacon, is actually in several saints on the scene, relatively good temperate. 但小胖子知道,这位外貌甜美的女执事,其实是在场几位圣者里,相对善良温和的。 Because female swordsman „the love of summer tree and branch high mountain running water, looked that his look is indifferent and vigilant, so long as if he has the change slightly, cuts his dog head immediately. 因为女剑客“夏树之恋”和松海分部的“高山流水”,看他的眼神冷漠而警惕,似乎只要他稍有异动,就会立刻斩下他的狗头。 in the sewers will not really capsize.” The young fatty frowns. “不会真阴沟里翻船了吧.”小胖子皱起眉头。 The imaginary technique master is very leaning branch occupation, the strong point is very long, short also really short, once had the close combat occupation of preparation to be personal, the big probability carried off by one set. 幻术师是非常偏科的职业,长处很长,短也是真的短,一旦被有准备的近战职业贴身,大概率就被一套带走。 At this time, the sneering sound of dark night rose big Protector spread to the people ear. 这时,暗夜玫瑰大护法的冷笑声传入众人耳朵。 „The red Ying elder, you do not think me, only then this preparation, since knows that is you are fishing, if cannot put out half god level the thing, rather too did not respect. I know the female marshal, but she cannot come.” Protects the law the glossy grinding sword inserts greatly toward the ground, stretches out the arms toward the gloomy dark sky: “红缨长老,你们不会以为我只有这点准备吧,既然知道是你们在钓鱼,如果不能拿出半神级的东西来,未免也太不尊重诸位了。我知道女元帅就在松海,但她来不了。”大护法把油润的磨剑往地面一插,朝着阴沉黑暗的天空张开双臂: Great ghost town, recovery.” “伟大的鬼城,复苏吧。” Originally on the sky that sinks secretly, suddenly the dark clouds tumble, the boundless cold air arrives, turned into the deep winter from the early fall all of a sudden. 原本就暗沉的天空,忽然阴云翻滚,磅礴的寒气降临,一下子从初秋变成了隆冬。 Tall buildings disappear, the land crack that even even/including Gaofeng the elder tears also disappears. 高楼大厦不见了,甚至连高峰长老撕裂出的大地裂缝也不见了。 This world turned into a desolated deathly stillness old city. 这片世界变成了一片荒芜死寂的古城。 Fu Qingyang and the others stood on the main road that the green slat lays down, both sides ancient building stands in great numbers, the main road end is a big memorial arch, on the inscribed horizontal tablet writes ghost town two characters. 傅青阳等人站在青石板铺设的主干道上,两侧古楼林立,主干道尽头是一座高大的牌坊,匾额上写着“鬼城”二字。 But this is not the pure old city, ancient building of street is hanging bloody secret room escapes and strange cures andand ghost night words fullyand zombie appears and disappears and „the min marriage and terrifying to escape to kill and other advertisements greatly. 但这又不是单纯的古城,街边的古楼挂着血淋淋的“密室逃生”、“诡异足疗”、“与鬼夜话”、“僵尸出没”、“min婚”、“恐怖大逃杀”等招牌。 Is more like one strange -themed amusement city. 更像是一个以灵异为主题的游乐城。 But some Fu Qingyang and two elder actually scalp tingles, this is items of-and-a-half god levels. 傅青阳和两位长老却有些头皮发麻,这是一件半神级的道具。 I know the marshal, but she will not come.” Big Protector stands in a ridge in ancient building, the tone is faint: “我知道元帅在松海,但她不会过来了。”大护法站在一栋古楼的屋脊上,语气淡漠: Three, greet the ghost town the terrifying.” “三位,迎接鬼城的恐怖吧。” The sword light descended from the vault of heaven together, returned to the zoo. 一道剑光从苍穹降落,返回了动物园。 Silver-haired high selects the female to carry a sword of belt/bring blood, gradually moves toward the small one-story house, the black breeches outlines the female plentiful clear both legs curve. 满头银发的高挑女子拎着一把带血的剑,缓步走向小平房,黑色马裤勾勒出女性丰腴圆润的双腿曲线。 Leisurely however is good, the both legs interlock gracefully. 款款而行,双腿优雅交错。 The white hair marshal stopped, pupil light tranquil looks to squat in own entrance quiff Teddy, the voice is chilly and dignified: 白毛元帅停了下来,眸光平静的看着蹲在自家门口的卷毛泰迪,嗓音清冷而威严: As if had the important matter.” “似乎发生了大事。” Before her, anybody does not have the secret. 在她面前,任何人都没有秘密。 Marshal, you came back finally.” The dog elder lowers the head to salute, tone unprecedented dignity: “元帅,您终于回来了。”狗长老低头行礼,语气前所未有的凝重: Two matters: The demon eye was rescued ; Fu Qingyang, red Ying and challenge peak lost the contact. The frightened Son of Heaven's tonight's action is not accidental, we fell into a huge conspiracy.” “两件事:魔眼被人救走了;傅青阳、红缨和挑战高峰失去了联系。恐惧天王今晚的行动不是偶然,我们陷入了一个巨大的阴谋中。” The female marshal gallant frown wrinkle of: 女元帅英气勃勃的双眉一皱: You not in zoo?” “你不在动物园?” She easily explains the dog elder depressed reason. 她轻易的解读出狗长老沮丧的原因。 The dog elder shakes the head: My was directed, this matter is I neglects duty, allowing me to explain......” 狗长老摇头:“我被人引走了,此事是我失职,容我解释……” The female marshal waves to break: 女元帅挥手打断: „It is not interested! If the matter really seems like so serious, that does not speak the idle talk that said now time. Told me, demon eye that who rescued.” “不感兴趣!如果事情真像说的这么严重,那现在不是说废话的时候。告诉我,谁救走的魔眼。” Her style is neat, is not loathsome. 她的行事风格干脆利落,毫不拖泥带水。 Dog elder sinking sound said: 狗长老沉声道: Has not checked. “还没查出来。 But one thing is certain, the frightened Son of Heaven and dark night rose, as well as go into the zoo to rescue the person of demon eye. This is a being linked together conspiracy, the goal not only perhaps rescues the demon eye. “但有一点可以肯定,恐惧天王、暗夜玫瑰,以及闯入动物园救出魔眼的人.这是一场环环相扣的阴谋,目的恐怕不只是救出魔眼。 If, if the leader of dark night rose also acted, that Fu Qingyang three people are on the verge of death “如果,如果暗夜玫瑰的首领也出手了,那傅青阳三人危在旦夕” He does not dare to act, he and Taiyi Sect lord to gamble for many years, who joins a gambling game who predeceases.” Fu Qingxuan said lightly: Told me the Fu Qingyang position.” “他不敢出手,他和太一门主博弈多年,谁入局谁先死。”傅青萱淡淡道:“把傅青阳的位置告诉我。” gold mountain!” The dog elder said. “金山市!”狗长老道。 Fu Qingxuan turns around to walk, just walked two steps to stop, reviews said: Sends to my cell phone the gold mountain position, without the guidance I could not find.” 傅青萱转身就走,刚走两步又停下来,回眸道:“把金山市的位置发到我手机,没导航我找不到。” The maternal family, the star light of bright dream raises from the silent bedroom. 外婆家,明亮梦幻的星光自寂静的卧室升起。 Zhang Yuanqing sizes up the bed closet that quick one month does not have in the darkness, air conditioning levelled shop on bed, the trash can is completely empty, but is wrapping the black garbage bag. 张元清在黑暗中打量快一个月没回来的小卧室,空调被平整的铺在床上,垃圾桶空空如也,但套着黑色垃圾袋。 The desktop and ground do not have the ash deposit, clean neat. 桌面、地面都没有积灰,干净整洁。 To come the grandmother often to clean the room for him, waits for the grandchild to come back. 想来外婆时常替他打扫房间,等待着外孙回来。 Zhang Yuanqing and Guan Ya they said that tonight must go home, makes a reasonable reason not on the scene to oneself, now the matter was solved, naturally cannot return to Fujiawan directly. 张元清关雅她们说今晚要回家一趟,给自己制造一个合理的不在场理由,现在事情解决了,当然不能直接回傅家湾。 He kicks the shoes, assumes the big font to fall on the bed, comfortable feeling: 他把鞋子踢飞,呈大字型倒在床上,舒服的感慨一声: Own kennel is comfortable.” “还是自家的狗窝舒服。” After all lived in more than ten years of room, any house is unable to replace it in position at heart, even if in that house has sleek/moist very girlfriend. 毕竟是住了十几年的房间,任何房子都无法取代它在心里的地位,哪怕那个房子里有很润的女朋友。 Zhang Yuanqing is looking at the ceiling, repeatedly duplicate/restores plate the process of zoo. 张元清望着天花板,一遍遍复盘着动物园的经过。 They are very careful, the imaginary technique of Ichon beautiful confuses most things sufficiently- plant and staff. 他们一路都很小心,伊川美的幻术足以迷惑大部分事物-植物和员工。 Abandoned the note of dormitory also to be brought by him. 废弃宿舍楼的笔记也被他带回来了。 Sinks to the blood wild rose of lake bottom is loses in the crime evidence of crime scene, but Ruoshui indulges the myriad things, is not the regular item, but has the regular characteristics, even if the dog elder thinks that does not have the means fishing hemorrhage wild rose. 沉入湖底的血蔷薇算是遗落在案发现场的犯罪证据,不过弱水沉溺万物,不是规则道具,但拥有规则特性,就算是狗长老想必也没办法打捞出血蔷薇。 Spirit and half god also however. 器灵和半神亦然。 Now the only flaw is the camphor tree and white lion. 如今唯一的破绽是樟树和白狮。 The former has withstood the attack of silver Yao princess, should know oneself is scratched open the skin by the Yin corpse, opened up the stomach to rescue the demon eye. 前者承受过银瑶郡主的攻击,应该知道自己是被阴尸挠破了皮,开膛破肚救出魔眼。 But it did not know that the silver Yao princess, suspects on Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning depending on a Yin corpse, is incredible. In addition after the demon eye Son of Heaven comes ashore, has had a patch. 但它又不认识银瑶郡主,光凭一具阴尸怀疑到元始天尊身上,过于荒诞。再加上魔眼天王上岸后,打过一次补丁。 He said the given name of ghost blade Son of Heaven intentionally. 他故意说了鬼刀天王的名号。 Dark night rose and soldier bishop relate the unusual, ghost blade Son of Heaven can definitely have a item that operates the Yin corpse, why must control the Yin corpse as for him, the zoo complex diverse rule is the best reason.” “暗夜玫瑰和兵主教关系非同一般,鬼刀天王完全可以有一件操纵阴尸的道具,至于他为什么要驾驭阴尸,动物园复杂多样的规则是最好的理由。” Is white lion is a little troublesome. The technique industry studies, defends in the foreword occupation, can compare the broken imaginary technique seeing clearly technique that only then scouts, theoretically, white lion position standard, although is high, but it is not versatile, it is only the incarnation of spirit strength, is not the true Spirit Territory traveler/ascetic, the attribute is very even unitary.” “就是白狮有点麻烦.术业有专攻,守序职业里,能勘破幻术的只有斥候的洞察术,理论上来说,白狮位格虽然高,但它不是全能的,它只是器灵力量的化身,不是真正的灵境行者,属性甚至很单一。” But cannot be too absolute, tomorrow tests the dog elder.” “但也不能太绝对,明天试探一下狗长老.” „The eldest child that side action of does not know whether smoothly, gets rid of the Pure Yang palm to teach “老大那边的行动不知道是否顺利,有没有干掉纯阳掌教” Then must refine several Yin corpses and spirit servants, the rank does not use too high, but the quantity are many, acts as the cannon fodder and consumables specially. Otherwise encounters zoo such situation again, I must sacrifice the greedy god to challenge......” “回头要多炼几具阴尸和灵仆了,等级不用太高,但数量要多,专门充当炮灰和消耗品。否则再遇到动物园这样的情况,我就得牺牲贪婪神将了……” Thinks, he goes off slowly, wakes up already the dawn, in the living room transmits the grandmother to shout calling and knock that the sister-in-law/little aunt gets out of bed. 想着想着,他慢慢睡去,醒来已经天亮,客厅里传来外婆喊小姨起床的吆喝和敲门声。 On the table, the family of five is enjoying the light and warm breakfast, was only the atmosphere is not quite warm. 餐桌上,一家五口享用着平淡而温馨的早餐,只是气氛就不太温馨了。 The sister-in-law/little aunt is holding in the mouth a cruller, is slanting the attractive eye, the tears mole sex appeal and cute of corner of the eye, mumbled: 小姨叼着一根油条,斜着漂亮的眼睛,眼角的泪痣又性感又可爱,哼哼唧唧道: Yo, this is not the young wife who our family/home marries, this is returns to the maternal home to visit relatives.” “呦,这不是咱们家嫁出去的小媳妇吗,这是回娘家探亲呀。” One share complaint heads on. 一股子怨念扑面而来。 Do not talk nonsense!” Gray-haired grandmother ill-humored say/way. “别瞎说!”头发花白的外婆没好气道。 Zhang Yuanqing just wants saying that the grandmother loves my, Grandmother , then listens to grandmother thread of conversation one revolution: 张元清刚想说外婆还是爱我的,外婆么么哒,便听外婆话锋一转: Obviously is the son in law who takes wife's name of marrying.” “明明是嫁出去的赘婿。” The mother and daughter sang a duet taunted, finally the cousin Chen Yuanjun stand spoke the just words: 母女俩一唱一和的冷嘲热讽起来,最后还是表哥陈元均站出来说公道话: „A Yuan child this age, made the girlfriend, is definitely greasy all day in the same place. Summer vacation passing half, waited to begin school, must return in the studies the thoughts, without so many time discussed the object..” “元子这个年纪,交了女朋友,肯定是整天腻在一起。暑假过去一半了,等开学,就得把心思放回学业上,没那么多时间谈对象了。。” Grandfather serious and silence of as always, does not interfere with the life of descendants, does not express the opinion. 外公一如既往的严肃而沉默,既不干涉子孙的生活,也不发表意见。 The grandmother shifts the muzzle to the grandson on immediately: 外婆当即把炮口转移到孙子身上: How you feel all right install the seasoned person here, the Yuan child had the girlfriend, you were a dog.” “你怎么好意思在这里装过来人的,元子都有女朋友了,你还是一条狗。” The grandmother were you online surfed recently, unexpectedly will also play stem Zhang Yuanqing cluck to sip gruel, saw a play in side. 外婆你最近是不是网上冲浪了,居然还会玩梗张元清咕咕喝粥,在旁看戏。 Chen Yuanjun is unexpected, does not dare to talk back, then looks to the sister-in-law/little aunt, there does not have a dog, the paternal grandmother you raises one to raise, raises two also to raise.” 陈元均猝不及防,又不敢顶嘴,便看向小姑,“那里不也有条狗吗,奶奶你养一条是养,养两条也是养。” Jiang Yuer on panting in indignation dies to knock nephew's head with the chopsticks. 江玉饵就气呼呼的拿筷子死敲侄儿的脑瓜。 While two people create a disturbance, the grandmother turns head to look to Zhang Yuanqing, said: 趁着两人打打闹闹的时候,外婆扭头看向张元清,说: Your mother cares very much your, calls to ask that my Guan Ya matter, turn head meets her cell phone, other blacklisted she.” “你妈还是很关心你的,都打电话问我关雅的事了,回头接一下她的手机,别拉黑她了。” Well, when Chen Shu cared about my emotional problem, this not like her. 咦,陈淑什么时候这么关心我的感情问题了,这不像她啊。 Zhang Yuanqing is somewhat surprised. 张元清有些惊讶。 Knows mother to be better the child, Chen Shu is that domineering and overbearing mother, is not the baby is clever, the baby is mother of mother small heart and liver. 知母莫若子,陈淑是那种强势又霸道的母亲,绝非宝宝乖,宝宝是妈小心肝的母亲。 Regarding raising son matter, her consistent attitude is living on the line, if possible, too the waste. 对于养儿子这件事,她一贯的态度是活着就行,如果可以的话,也不要太废物。 His son's education and result being disinclined manage, let alone is a girlfriend. 他连儿子的教育和成绩都懒得管,何况是女朋友。 How did she say?” Zhang Yuanqing many were the old bosom is much relieved at heart. “她怎么说?”张元清心里多少是老怀甚慰了。 She said Guan Ya is too old, you are inappropriate.” “她说关雅年纪太大,你俩不合适。” May make her roll the calf.” “可让她滚犊子吧。” Spoke well, that was your mother.” The grandmother also takes the chopsticks to knock grandchild's head. “好好说话,那是你妈。”外婆也拿筷子敲外孙的脑瓜。 She has not managed me, the parents' meeting never goes, never accompanies me to celebrate a birthday, never checks my homework, goes home each time to money, blames the grandmother you not to educate her.” Zhang Yuanqing backhands morals to kidnap. “她就没管过我,家长会从来不去,从不陪我过生日,从不检查我的作业,每次回家就是给钱,都怪外婆你没教育好她。”张元清反手一个道德绑架。 The grandmother and grandfather somewhat are immediately awkward. 外婆和外公顿时有些尴尬。 Daughter wrong behavior, some old couples many responsibility, truly had a deficit the grandchild. 女儿不当人子,老两口多少有些责任,确实亏欠了外孙。 Has the breakfast, Zhang Yuanqing has returned to Fujiawan, went to the Fu Qingyang big villa directly, was actually informed the young master not to go home by the rabbit girl. 吃过早餐,张元清返回傅家湾,径直去了傅青阳的大别墅,却被兔女郎告知少爷没有回家。 Zhang Yuanqing does not realize immediately wonderfully, what fights to continue an evening? 张元清立刻意识到不妙,什么战斗要持续一晚? He gives the dog the elder to telephone immediately, voice prompt close-down. 他当即给狗长老打电话,语音提示关机。 Attempts to telephone to Fu Qingyang again, what voice prompt is: Number of call not in service area. 再尝试打电话给傅青阳,语音提示的是:呼叫的号码不在服务区。 The peak elder, Yin Ji, summer tree love. He, the telephone of official traveler/ascetic participates in this action that oneself know hit, not in the service area that the voice prompt is exactly the same. 高峰长老、阴姬、夏树之恋.他把自己所知的,参与本次行动的官方行者的电话都打了一遍,语音提示如出一辙的不在服务区。 Zhang Yuanqing somewhat was suddenly anxious, he realized that oneself possibly played to take off/escape, had what not good matter to happen. 张元清忽然有些急了,他意识到自己可能玩脱了,有什么不好的事情已经发生。 He hastily leaves the big villa, dashes own small family villa, breaks in the living room, sees Guan Ya to lead the squad members to walk toward the courtyard in exactly. 他匆匆离开大别墅,飞奔回自己的小户型别墅,冲入客厅,恰好看见关雅带着小队成员往院子里走。 They wear the white jersey, the hybrid beautiful breast milk straighten up the thin big long leg, is joined to the fine appearance and big wave, the sex appeal, mature and beautiful. 她们穿着白色的练功服,混血美人乳挺腰细大长腿,配上精致的容貌和大波浪,性感、成熟、美艳。 After becoming the young married woman, in her foreheads were many to be composed and gentle. 成为少妇后,她眉宇间多了一份婉约和柔媚。 The queen and Xie Lingxi also each has his good points, the former smokes the makeup, the figure is plentiful, the chest front hung several jin (0.5 kg) character and style, the latter youth is pretty, dynamic female high-school students. 女王和谢灵熙也各有千秋,前者烟熏妆,身段丰满,胸前挂了好几斤风情,后者青春靓丽,活力四射的女高中生。 Compares them, reluctant of Li Chunfeng whole face, fades. 相比起她们,李淳风满脸的不情不愿,蔫儿吧啦。 Obviously wants the martial arts room training, the temperance wrestle technique. 显然是要去练功房集训,锤炼格斗术。 Elder Brother Primordial Beginning ~ 元始哥哥~” Xie Lingxi hidden bitterness and joyful called one. 谢灵熙又幽怨又欣喜的叫了一声。 Since knows that Elder Brother Primordial Beginning was broken the young lad body by Guan Ya, Xie Lingxi turned into the lilac young girl, every day is tying aggrieved. 自从知道元始哥哥被关雅破了童子身,谢灵熙就变成了丁香花般的少女,每天都结着哀怨。 The young little miss, the acquisitive instinct is stronger, the queen is calmer, this year outstanding man which had not discussed several loves, the day that perhaps Guan Ya trains reveres the master, finally cheap she. 年轻的小姑娘更自我,占有欲更强,女王就淡定许多,这年头优秀的男人哪个没谈过几次恋爱,也许关雅调教出的天尊老爷,最后便宜了她呢。 The so-called man is a spear/gun, the spear head grinding is more brightly burnished. 所谓男人就是一杆枪,枪头越磨越锃亮。 Zhang Yuanqing beckons with the hand, bypasses three people, draws Guan Ya to enter the room. 张元清摆摆手,绕过三人,拉着关雅就进屋。 Returns to the bedroom, closes the door, he said in a low voice: 返回卧室,关上门,他低声道: Gives you half god cousin to telephone, now, immediately!” “给你那个半神表姐打个电话,现在,立刻!” ...... …… Ps: After wrong character first, changes. Ps:错字先更后改。
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