SRW :: Volume #6

#514: The northwest is very far

Northwest Chapter 514 is very far 第514章西北很远 Roar ~ “嗷吼~” The heavy low roar, white lion sprints fiercely, stopping kills the palace lord to fall down. 沉沉一声低吼,白狮猛地冲刺,把止杀宫主扑倒。 Saw with own eyes that Sir/minister beautiful woman wanted being killed lion mouth, the palace Lord body one crooked, the both feet scoffed in ground slides, entered half real half illusory condition, with white lion that killing came interlocking. 眼见卿本佳人就要丧命狮口,宫主身子一歪,双脚在地面“嗤啦”一滑,进入了半真实半虚幻状态,与扑杀而来的白狮“交错”而过。 Zhang Yuanqing shouts loudly immediately: 张元清立刻高喊: Throws the waistband!” “把腰带丢过来!” Ended stopping of slippery shovel to kill the palace lord, the hand supports the ground, a both legs tread, toward lakeside racing to come, loosened the azure jade belt of waist again simultaneously, made an effort to fling. 结束滑铲的止杀宫主,手撑地面,双腿一蹬,再次朝湖边奔来,同时解下腰间的青色玉带,用力甩出。 Zhang Yuanqing spins forward several steps, searches the hand to hold the jade belt, losing without hesitation to the demon eye Son of Heaven, said: 张元清向前疾奔几步,探手抓住玉带,毫不犹豫的丢给魔眼天王,道: Restores the strength with it!” “用它恢复力量!” From stopping kills in the palace advocating peace white lion short chase, is not difficult to see white lion the strength is the steamroll palace Lord. 从止杀宫主和白狮短暂的追逐中,不难看出白狮的实力是碾压宫主的。 In the field energy copes with white lion, only then demon eye Son of Heaven, but the demon eye was too weak, the side being able to find let the Bewitching Demon bloodthirsty wild blood bag. 在场能对付白狮的只有魔眼天王,但魔眼太虚弱了,身边又找不到让蛊惑之妖嗜血狂暴的血袋。 The demon eye Son of Heaven received the jade belt that splendid light overflows, fixes the eyes on looks at the goods information, the handsome face reveals with astonishment, could not bear look at Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning one. 魔眼天王接过华光四溢的玉带,定睛一看物品信息,俊朗的脸庞露出惊愕,忍不住看了元始天尊一眼。 At once , he smiling wears the jade belt in the waist. 旋即,他呵一声,满脸笑容的把玉带戴在腰间。 The next second, rich green magnificent blooms, is scrubbing this exhausted body, is the cell injects the spirit strength, smooths the damage and weak of organism. 下一秒,浓郁的绿华绽放,洗刷着这具疲惫的身躯,为细胞注入灵力,抚平肌体的损伤和虚弱。 The azure emperor jade belt is the control level item, cures the demon eye not to exceed its limit. 青帝玉带是主宰级道具,治愈魔眼并没有超出它的极限。 Completely goes exhaustedly, the billowing strength floods all the limbs and bones, the skinny body is full, the strong muscle haunches the skin. 疲惫尽去,滚滚力量充斥四肢百骸,枯瘦的身躯充盈起来,健硕的肌肉撑起皮肤。 „Very comfortable demon eye lazy stretch waist, the corners of the mouth brings back the signboard smile, he lifts the movement head harness of hand holding down forehead, said: “很舒服”魔眼慵懒的舒展腰肢,嘴角勾起招牌式笑容,他抬手按住额头的运动头带,道: Hides from me behind.” “躲到我身后。” Zhang Yuanqing and silver Yao princess act accordingly immediately, the latter is even quicker than the master. 张元清和银瑶郡主立刻照办,后者甚至比主人更快。 As the movement head harness falls, an eye socket is red, the vertical eye of eyeball pale gold/metal exposes, this eye is indifferent, flooding is evil and chaotic, rumble rotation. 随着运动头带滑落,一只眼眶赤红,眼珠淡金的竖眼暴露出来,这只眼睛冷漠无情,充斥着邪恶与混乱,“咕噜”的转动着。 Stopping in chase kills the palace to advocate peace stiffly white lion in abundance one. 追逐中的止杀宫主和白狮纷纷一僵。 The latter gives up the goal, bows to grin, stares to be bewitched stubbornly the Son of Heaven, in the throat sends out wū wū the low roar. 后者放弃目标,躬身龇牙,死死盯着魔眼天王,喉中发出呜呜的低吼。 Rumble!” “咕噜!” A that pale golden pupil revolution, staring is staring at white lion, at once, the scarlet golden light beam spews out together, illuminates the director spirit strength the incarnation. 那颗淡金色的瞳孔一转,直勾勾的盯着白狮,旋即,一道赤金色的光束喷涌而出,照向器灵力量的化身。 Roar ~ “嗷吼~” The sad and shrill roar vibrated the jet black nighttime sky, swaying back and forth of everywhere white lion pain, the white mane catches the blood-color, the strange demon mark crawls completely the slender body. 凄厉的吼声震动了漆黑的夜空,白狮痛苦的满地打滚,白色的鬃毛染上血色,诡异的魔纹爬满修长的身躯。 Its fang suddenly/violently Tu, the beast eye floods the blood-color, the hair by white turned black, from mystical uncommon white lion, turned just like coming from demon of hell. 它的獠牙暴突,兽眼充斥血色,毛发由白转黑,从一头神异不凡的白狮,变成了宛如来自地狱的魔物。 Another side stopping kills the palace lord, although not by demon eye gaze, but arm, nape of the neck and other spots, bulge small lumps, some probably innumerable bugs are wriggling. 另一边的止杀宫主,尽管没有被“魔眼”注视,但手臂、脖颈等部位,凸起一块块小疙瘩,像是有无数小虫在蠕动。 Her beautiful pupil is glittering crazily, the spirit strength of Si life/command occupation falls into the riot. 她的美眸闪烁着疯狂,司命职业的灵力陷入暴乱。 It is the incarnation of this rule class item strength, my demon eye can only suppress, is unable to kill, you first walk, arrive at outside I.” The vertical pupil of demon eye Son of Heaven is suppressing white lion continually. “它是这件规则类道具力量的化身,我的魔眼只能压制,无法杀死,你们先走,到外面等我。”魔眼天王的竖瞳持续压制着白狮。 Zhang Yuanqing and silver Yao princess are obedient, immediately jumps out from the demon eye behind, the former rushes before the palace Lord body, being seriously injured, and since her sitat side of body at out of control condition hugs, goes round white lion by far, runs into the darkness. 张元清和银瑶郡主非常听话,当即从魔眼身后窜出,前者奔到宫主身前,把受了重伤且身体处在失控状态的她打横抱起,远远绕开白狮,逃入黑暗中。 When three people defer to route, familiar and easy dashes about wildly toward the peripheral region, because has been familiar with the rule, and follows in draws back the powder strangely, is all the way uneventful. 三人按照来时的路线,轻车熟路的朝外围区域狂奔,因为早已熟悉了规则,且跟在身边的诡异退散,一路上风平浪静。 Finally, they returned to staff lounge branch crossroad. 终于,他们回到了“员工休息室”的分岔路口。 Zhang Yuanqing stopped suddenly, he stopping kills the palace lord to give silver Yao, said: 张元清突然停了下来,他把止杀宫主交给银瑶,道: I must go back to look at one, that diary has the strangeness, no one enters the bedroom obviously, but it can actually record the content, I must go back to look at one.” “我得回去看一眼,那本日记有古怪,明明没有人进入寝室,但它却能自己记录内容,我必须回去看一眼。” The silver Yao princess hold the palace Lord to run, that yourself were careful.” 银瑶郡主抱起宫主就跑,“那你自己小心。” Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning has the broken ghost symbol, had the supernatural power of guard day, having the perfect person skin method was numerous, how is not one's turn her woman to worry. 元始天尊有破煞符,有日之神力护身,有完美人皮手段众多,怎么都轮不到她一个弱女子来操心。 The princess only want to leave the zoo now immediately, this place gives her frightened degree, but also wants by far five lines of chaotic transcriptions. 郡主现在只想立刻离开动物园,这地方给她的惊悚程度,还要远胜五行之乱副本。 Five lines are not randomly frightened, that is only one struggles hard, during similar struggle princess walk rivers and lakes, has encountered many times. 五行之乱不惊悚,那只是一场苦战,类似的苦战郡主行走江湖期间遭遇过很多次。 Gazes after the princess to depart, Zhang Yuanqing the making sound refers, changes to the star light to dissipate. 目送郡主离去,张元清啪的打出响指,化作星光消散。 Before the dormitory, the bright star light raises, his goal explicit returns to that bedroom, breaks in the room, picks up that book of ground with stride. 宿舍楼前,明亮的星光升起,他目标明确的返回那件寝室,冲入房间,大步捡起地上的那本册子。 In paper page hash, Zhang Yuanqing vision micro. 纸页哗啦声里,张元清目光微缩。 „. I am very happy, because in the dormitory came four new staff. I. Has followed they.” “.我很开心,因为宿舍楼里来了四名新员工.我.会一直跟着他们。” Looks at these words, the Zhang Yuanqing once again surging cool feeling. 看着这段话,张元清又一次涌起凉意。 Obviously, this is after they leave writes, but the monster named Wang Mingming, had left at that time. 显然,这是在他们离开后书写的,而名叫王明明的怪物,当时已经离开。 Although does not rule out the possibility that Wang Mingming turns back to keep a diary, information that but in view of the fact that controls at present, this line of characters feared that is notebook writes. 虽然不排除王明明折返回来写日记的可能,但鉴于目前掌控的情报,这行字怕是笔记本自己写上去的。 Came back to examine luckily, if departed directly, notebook direct exposure their status. 幸好回来查看了,若是直接离去,笔记本会直接暴露他们的身份。 This Wang Mingming and ordinary black clothes staff are different, on him has certainly the story, but without the time explored Zhang Yuanqing to rip this page of papers immediately, changed mind thinks, since it can write, then ripped the paper would have no significance. 这个王明明和普通的黑衣员工不一样,他身上一定有故事,但没时间探索了张元清立刻就想撕了这页纸,转念一想,它既然能自己书写,那么撕纸就没有意义。 After he leaves, perhaps will present the new line of characters. 等他离开后,恐怕又会出现新的一行字。 Carries off it. Zhang Yuanqing curls the notebook, holds into the pocket, used the star escaping technique to leave the room. 带走它.张元清把笔记本卷起来,揣入兜里,施展星遁术离开了房间。 Outside zoo. 动物园外。 Zhang Yuanqing following with the relation of Yin corpse, in the covert dead angle that a monitoring is unable to photograph, saw stops kills the palace advocating peace silver Yao princess. 张元清循着和阴尸的联系,在一处监控无法拍摄到的隐蔽死角,见到了止杀宫主和银瑶郡主。 The palace lord falls in the place, is grasping life source fluid, rumble is filling. 宫主跌坐在地,正握着一管生命源液,咕噜噜的灌着。 Although Si life/command has the powerful self-recovery skill, but the self-recovery skill also needs the spirit strength support, the life source fluid most starts, the self-recovery medicament when is Si Mingmen for the spirit strength dries up prepares. 虽然司命拥有强大的自愈技能,可自愈技能也需要灵力支撑,生命源液最开始,就是司命们为自己灵力枯竭时准备的自愈药剂。 The silver Yao princess stand guard in side, the vision does not leave the zoo front door. 银瑶郡主在旁警戒,目光不离动物园大门。 The Zhang Yuanqing quick steps close up, is avoiding the instance of monitoring, relieved the nightwalking. 张元清疾步靠拢过去,在避开监控的瞬间,解除了夜游。 Suddenly felt, this stretch of bleak suburb felt the security sense, my this lifetime does not want to enter the garden again. , the zoo, can say the zoo now frankly and uprightly.” He shows the smile toward two beautiful women. “突然觉得,这片荒凉的郊区充满了安全感,我这辈子都不想再进园子.呼,动物园,现在可以光明正大的说动物园。”他朝两位美人露出笑容。 Then, then sees the silver Yao princess to hold up the small loudspeaker, gloomy say/way: 说完,便见银瑶郡主举起小喇叭,阴森森道: You have thought that actually you sees at present is the imaginary technique, you still in zoo.” “你有没有想过,其实伱眼前所见都是幻术,你仍然在动物园里。” The Zhang Yuanqing corners of the mouth twitch, you best to crack a joke.” 张元清嘴角抽动一下,“你最好只是开玩笑。” Stops kills the palace Lord to take out the Yin-Yang law robe and slippery shovel shoes, loses gives back to him, the vision looks to the zoo direction, the tone somewhat was still weak: 止杀宫主把阴阳法袍、滑铲鞋取出,丢还给他,目光望向动物园方向,语气尚有些虚弱: Demon eye has not come out, at this time said that these are too early.” “魔眼还没出来,这时候说这些为时尚早。” The voice falls, a big tall and straight form appears in the people behind, the smile said: 话音落下,一道高大挺拔的身影出现在众人身后,微笑道: Does not have the zoo of manager unable to surround my.” “没有管理员的动物园是困不住我的。” Zhang Yuanqing turns head following the sound, that big tall and straight form demon eye Son of Heaven, he wears a black staff uniform/subdue, the neckband opens wide, highlights the strong chest muscles. 张元清循声回头,那高大挺拔的身影正是魔眼天王,他穿着一件黑色员工制服,领口敞开,凸显健硕的胸肌。 Sees the demon eye instantly, Zhang Yuanqing black smokes ascend, makes „” the sound. 见到魔眼的刹那,张元清身上一股股黑烟升腾,发出“嗤嗤”的声响。 The frightened Son of Heaven's curse eliminated. 恐惧天王的诅咒消除了。 . Zhang Yuanqing feels relieved finally, white lion how? You have not killed it.” 呼.张元清终于是如释重负,“白狮怎么样?你没把它干掉吧。” Although worked as chapter of 25 young, but he defends the foreword camp after all, the zoo is the father relic, is the item of dog elder. 虽然当了一回二五仔,但他终归是守序阵营的,动物园是老爹遗物,是狗长老的道具。 The demon eye Son of Heaven said with a smile: It is not the flesh and blood, is the incarnation of spirit strength, did not exist dead this concept.” 魔眼天王笑道:“它不是血肉之躯,是器灵力量的化身,不存在死亡这个概念。” He sweeps silver Yao princess and stops kills the palace lord, I had the words to Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning say, you first rolled.” 他扫一眼银瑶郡主和止杀宫主,“我有话要对元始天尊说,你俩先滚吧。” Good!” The silver Yao princess unchaste abandonment master, changes to the star light to dissipate. “好的!”银瑶郡主毫无节操的抛弃主人,化作星光消散。 Stopped to kill the palace lord to select the eyebrow. 止杀宫主挑了挑眉。 All right.” Zhang Yuanqing nods toward her, and added for her held an imaginary technique. “没事。”张元清朝她点头,并为她加持了一层幻术。 The palace lord hesitates, has not said anything, the body breaks up myriad ribbons. 宫主沉吟一下,没说什么,身体崩解成万千丝绦。 The silk ribbon forms a colored ribbon, rides the wind, slender and wispy fluttering to distant place. 丝绦汇成一条彩带,乘着风,袅袅娜娜的飘向远方。 The demon eye Son of Heaven loosens the waistband, lost conveniently, good item.” 魔眼天王解下腰带,随手丢了过来,“不错的道具。” Zhang Yuanqing searched the hand to receive, then the shoulder sank, the hand of demon eye according to there. 张元清探手接过,接着肩膀一沉,魔眼的手按在了那里。 Two shadows shoot up to the sky, escape into heavy at night. 两道黑影冲天而起,遁入沉沉黑夜。 A rooftop of building, the forehead is entangling the demon eye Son of Heaven of movement head harness, overlooks the lights radiant city, the lazy stretched waist, opens the bosom. 一座大厦的天台,额头缠着运动头带的魔眼天王,俯瞰灯火璀璨的城市,慵懒的舒展腰肢,张开怀抱。 „The feeling of being delivered from oppression, is very good!” “重见天日的感觉,很不错!” He is so sigh with emotion in the night wind. 他在夜风中如此感慨。 Zhang Yuanqing teased: I also think that you escaped the birth day first matter, was kills several corrupt officials to add to the fun.” 张元清调侃道:“我还以为你逃出生天的第一件事,是杀几个贪官污吏助助兴。” „The clean world is the long process, not eagerly for a while.” The demon eye Son of Heaven recovers, carefully examines is thinking the friend who has a common goal, shoulders the corners of the mouth: “清洗世界是漫长的过程,不急于一时。”魔眼天王回过神来,审视着自认为志同道合的朋友,挑起嘴角: Also thought to misread a moment ago, originally you really promoted the peak saint.” “刚才还以为看错了,原来你真的晋升巅峰圣者了。” Also misses many from the peak, initially enters six levels.” Zhang Yuanqing modest say/way. “距离巅峰还差很多,初入六级。”张元清谦虚道。 Then, his for fear that demon eye comes one: Worthily is the man who I settle on, along with me returns to the soldier bishop, northwestern Daxing. 说完,他生怕魔眼来一句:不愧是我看中的男人,随我回兵主教,大兴西北吧。 It seems like in my imprisoned day, had many matters, when I return to the soldier bishop, will understand one by one.” Demon eye day Wang Weiwei nods, you now and official relations how?” “看来在我被囚禁的日子里,发生了不少事啊,等我回归兵主教,会逐一了解。”魔眼天王微微颔首,“你现在和官方的关系怎么样?” His as if assured Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning and official will not be harmonious. 他似乎笃定元始天尊和官方不会太融洽。 Really, sees Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning to smile bitterly: Seemingly agreed but actually at variance.” 果然,就见元始天尊苦笑一声:“貌合神离。” The demon eye Son of Heaven smiles happily: If saves my matter to disseminate again you, that official does not have the place of your taking shelter again, you can only go to me.” 魔眼天王开心的笑起来:“如果再把你救我的事传播出去,那官方就再无你容身之处,你只能投奔我了。” Your this did not speak Wu De. Zhang Yuanqing expression slightly one stiff. 你这就不讲武德了啊.张元清表情微微一僵。 „The cleaning up world needs in a big way came to understand, you have not awakened, draws you to join a group forcefully, is not I wants.” The demon eye Son of Heaven makes an effort to whip the shoulder of Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning: “清理世界需要有大觉悟,你还没有觉醒,强行拉你入伙,并不是我想要的。”魔眼天王用力拍打元始天尊的肩膀: What I want has a common goal the partner , the melon that wrenches will not be sweet. But I believe, on that day will not be far.” “我要的是志同道合的伙伴,强扭的瓜不会甜。但我相信,那一天不会太远。” The reason does not result in likely an evil occupation! Zhang Yuanqing complained at heart. 理智得不像个邪恶职业!张元清心里吐槽。 Right, in years slaughtering transcription, what promotion control is who?” The demon eye asked. “对了,年中的杀戮副本,晋升主宰的是谁?”魔眼问道。 Fu Qingyang and Fengtu ghost king Heyin Queen of night.” Zhang Yuanqing remembers a matter suddenly, said curiously: I remember that the soldier bishop can only have four Son of Heaven, you and can the silver moon since birth the dying war?” 傅青阳、酆都鬼王和银月神将。”张元清忽然想起一件事,好奇道:“我记得兵主教只能有四位天王,你和银月会不会有生死战?” The demon eye in the soldier bishop four great heavenly gods, ranks fourth. 魔眼在兵主教四大天王中,排名第四。 To the silver moon is, to me is not.” The demon eye said with a smile: I, although the rank is lowest, but does not represent the strength to be lowest.” “对银月来说是,对我不是。”魔眼笑道:“我虽然等级最低,但不代表战力最低。” Looks over Bewitching Demon of native place, only then he cultivates the highest boundary the eye of misleading- Asura is an exception. 纵观本土的蛊惑之妖,只有他把蛊惑之眼修到最高境界-修罗除外。 This and technique nearly similar of Fu Qingyang. 这和傅青阳的技近乎道相似。 „The custom is the custom, the soldier bishop has a Son of Heaven is not easy, so long as the silver moon draws back gets back one's composure the position, then did not use the life and death struggle.” The demon eye answered. “不过规矩是规矩,兵主教出一位天王不容易,银月只要退回神将位置,便不用生死战了。”魔眼解释道。 He is looking at Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, the look is tranquil, even is somewhat temperate: Tonight's action, I will convince the fear to keep secret for you. In the future you have what difficulty, can contact with me, this is I to your feedback.” 他望着元始天尊,神色平静,甚至有些温和:“今晚的行动,我会说服恐惧替你保密。往后你有什么困难,可以联系我,这是我对你的回馈。” Zhang Yuanqing takes advantage of opportunity saying: 张元清顺势道: You treated for two months in the zoo, how many have to understand to this say/way?” “你在动物园里待了两个月,对这件道具有多少了解?” The demon eye Son of Heaven thinks for several seconds, said slowly: 魔眼天王思索几秒,缓缓道: This item should to detain certain things builds, that tree brings I go to the Ruoshui lake on the way, I induced ancient aura, came from the animal in garden.” “这件道具应该是为了关押某些东西而打造,那棵树带我前往弱水湖的途中,我感应到了一股古老的气息,来自于园内的动物。” Animal of these passes/tests in basket?” Zhang Yuanqing is lost in thought. “那些关在笼子里的动物?”张元清陷入沉思。 After several seconds, he stops pondering, asked: Ancient?” 几秒后,他停止思考,问道:“古老?” The demon eye Son of Heaven nods: And Asura equally ancient aura.” 魔眼天王点头:“和修罗一样古老的气息。” I have not understood.” Zhang Yuanqing is very honest. “我没听懂。”张元清很诚实。 Asura and we are different, with is Bewitching Demon, but on him has aura ancient of ancient is we calls in secret.” The demon eye Son of Heaven thinks, said: “修罗和我们不一样,同为蛊惑之妖,但他身上有古老者的气息古老者是我们私底下的称呼。”魔眼天王想了想,道: You know Nightwalking God the strength of three big source.” “你知道夜游神的三大本源之力吗。” Knows.” Zhang Yuanqing nods. “知道。”张元清点头。 The demon eye Son of Heaven stares, once again is carefully examining Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, brings back the corners of the mouth: Good, initially saw your time, you are the small lying vegetable/dish, the short two months, were reborn.” 魔眼天王一愣,又一次审视着元始天尊,勾起嘴角:“不错,当初见你的时候,你还是个小趴菜,短短两个月,脱胎换骨了嘛。” , He returned to the topic: 顿了顿,他回归刚才的话题: Asura controlled Bewitching Demon the strength of source, considers the strength of source.” “修罗就是掌控了蛊惑之妖的本源之力,就当是本源之力吧。” Understood Asura's powerful reason, but after has not understood, half a word words.” “听懂了修罗强大的原因,但没懂后半句话。” „Do you know, the evil occupation does not have half god.” “你知不知道,邪恶职业是没有半神的。” This awareness.” “这个知道。” Defends the foreword occupation to have half god , because defends the foreword occupation to have strength of type of thing source, obtains it, is half god. But the evil occupation does not have.” The demon eye Son of Heaven said: “守序职业有半神,是因为守序职业有本源之力这种东西,得到它,就是半神。但邪恶职业没有。”魔眼天王说: Now as we all know, the evil occupation wants strong in Shouxu, but actually, before Asura reaching peak, defending the foreword is the steamroll is evil, because defends the foreword to have half god. Otherwise defended the foreword camp to win the world initially? “如今所有人都知道,邪恶职业要强于守序,但其实,在修罗登顶巅峰之前,守序是碾压邪恶的,因为守序有半神。不然当初守序阵营怎么得了天下? Has the potential until Asura, everyone knows, originally can also be on par evilly half god, but no one knows how Asura achieves. Until now , compared to break this secret evil occupation, became half god, they are the supreme leaders of three big evil organizations.” “直到修罗起势,大家才知道,原来邪恶也能比肩半神,但没有人知道修罗是怎么做到的。时至今日,勘破这个秘密的邪恶职业,都成了半神,他们就是三大邪恶组织的最高领袖。” Such past events Zhang Yuanqing nods: 还有这么一段往事啊张元清点点头: In other words, on the animal in zoo, hidden the evil occupation to promote the secret of half god?” “也就是说,动物园里的动物身上,隐藏着邪恶职业晋升半神的秘密?” No wonder the devil father and in the dog elder's dialogue, will say that vestige contains the Spirit Territory secret. 难怪死鬼老爹和狗长老的对话里,会说那个遗迹蕴含着灵境的秘密。 Ok, should say said that I must return to the soldier bishop.” The demon eye Son of Heaven smile is bright: Anticipated that our meets next time.” “行了,该说的都说完了,我要回兵主教了。”魔眼天王笑容灿烂:“期待我们下一次见面。” Then, bang, such as a rocket breaks in the vault of heaven. 说罢,嘭的一声,如一枚火箭冲入苍穹。 Zhang Yuanqing gazes after his form to vanish does not see, sees his form to reappear bang one to pound in building rooftop. 张元清目送着他的身影消失不见,又看见他的身影重新出现嘭一声砸在大厦天台。 Also, what matter but also there is?” Zhang Yuanqing discrete say/way. “还,还有什么事?”张元清谨慎道。 The demon eye Son of Heaven is looking at him, the silent several seconds, said: 魔眼天王望着他,沉默几秒,道: Northwest is very far, selects money taking advantage of me.” “西北很远,借我点钱。” „.” “.” PS: After wrong character first, changes. PS:错字先更后改。
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