SRW :: Volume #3

#269: The crisis in thick fog

The crisis in Chapter 269 thick fog 第269章浓雾中的危机 The understanding made a mistake two points: 理解错了两点: First, cultivates the body evilly and holds to read the monster after union, with the mountain ghost camp is not one group. 一,邪修身体和执念结合后的怪物,与山鬼阵营不是一伙的。 Second, the duty of mountain ghost camp, not necessarily is prevents the mountain spirit camp to obtain „the heart of forest. 二,山鬼阵营的任务,未必是阻止山神阵营取得“森林之心”。 The second point speculates according to first, according to the difficulty balance, the city of losing is the domain of mountain ghost camp, the advantage in the opposite party. 第二点是根据第一点推测出来的,按照难度平衡来看,遗失之城是山鬼阵营的地盘,优势在对方。 Then, that monster and mountain ghost camp inevitably are one group. 那么,那怪物和山鬼阵营必然是一伙的。 But now looks like, axiom dies in the blade of the hand of monster very much obviously, based on this can speculate, the mountain ghost camp also has the duty of similar mountain spirit camp- obtains anything from the monster! 可现在看来,“公理在刀中”很显然是死于怪物之手,据此可以推测出,山鬼阵营也有类似山神阵营的任务-从怪物身上得到什么! Zhang Yuanqing own speculation, informs the companions. 张元清把自己的推测,告知同伴们。 Crossed river dead two fingers to support the chin, the analysis was saying: 过河卒两指撑着下巴,分析道: „Can the duty of mountain ghost camp, obtains the heart of forest, two teams of competitions, looked that who first kills cultivates evilly.” “山鬼阵营的任务,会不会也是得到森林之心,两队竞赛,看谁先杀死邪修。” The Zhaocheng tutelary god of city shakes the head: 赵城隍摇了摇头: Without is so simple, what if both sides compete is the heart of forest, the duty introduced does not need to say is so complex. The world turns over to the fire, how you see.” “没那么简单,如果双方争夺的是森林之心,任务介绍不需要说的那么复杂。天下归火,你怎么看。” The world turns over to the hot complexion to be dignified: 天下归火脸色凝重: Our duties are to gain the heart of forest, reinforces the seal. Since then, is the hostile camp, ponders boldly, the duty of mountain ghost camp, can be completes the offering sacrifices ceremony, in the summon hemorrhage pond that exists unsurpassedly? “我们的任务是获取森林之心,加固封印。那么,既然是敌对阵营,大胆思考一下,山鬼阵营的任务,会不会是完成献祭仪式,召唤出血池里那位无上存在? However according to the monster attacked mountain ghost camp this point, we can speculate, the mountain ghost camp also needs to gain certain things from monster there, with the heart of forest relative, that thing can complete the offering sacrifices ceremony.” “而根据怪物袭击了山鬼阵营这一点,我们可以推测出,山鬼阵营也需要从怪物那里获取某些东西,与森林之心相对,那东西能完成献祭仪式。” Sells the young boy of matches to be startled, refuted loudly: 卖火柴的小男孩吃了一惊,高声反驳: Is impossible! “不可能! That thing in mural, if arrives, we must die without doubt, this is not we can contend.” “壁画里的那东西如果降临,我们必死无疑,这根本不是我们能抗衡的。” The world turns over to the fire to scoff to say with a smile: 天下归火嗤笑道: Said seemed us to attain the heart of forest, reinforced the seal, the mountain ghost camp can just like. The city of losing is the last pass/test, the difficulty is biggest, we completed after the duty that reinforces the seal, hasn't rewarded? “说的好像我们拿到了森林之心,加固封印,山鬼阵营就能活似的。遗失之城是最后一关,难度最大,我们完成了加固封印的任务后,难道就没有奖励? „The thing of reward, definitely in the thing with blood pond matches, possibly is the mountain spirit law stick, you thought that the mountain ghost camp has several to live.” “奖励的东西,肯定和血池里的玩意相匹配,可能就是山神法杖,你觉得山鬼阵营有几个能活下来。” Sells the young boy of matches to be at a loss for words immediately. 卖火柴的小男孩顿时语塞。 Guan Ya animated deciding, the right hand grasps a heavy-caliber pistol, the arm is pasting the slender waist naturally to sag, the left hand pinches the waist, the analysis said: 关雅俏生生的立定,右手握着一把大口径手枪,手臂贴着细腰自然下垂,左手掐腰,分析道: „ The dead was almost flickered to kill, but he is not the alone traveler of leaving behind, can kill a quite strong powerhouse in a mountain ghost camp powerhouse, the strength of this monster, is the real four levels. “死者几乎被瞬杀,而他不是落单的独行客,能在山鬼阵营一众强者里杀死一名实力不错的强者,这个怪物的实力,是货真价实的四级。 „To hunt and kill it, must make to sacrifice the preparations of half personnel, but we must face the mountain ghost camp.” “想猎杀它,就要做出牺牲半数人员的心理准备,而我们还得面对山鬼阵营。” As qualified scouting, prying the information and analysis is the necessary accomplishment. 作为一名合格的斥候,刺探情报、分析局面是必备素养。 The Maoshan masters interrupted saying: 茅山术士插嘴说道: We can source of trouble lead to the east, making the mountain ghost camp solve it.” “咱们可以祸水东引,让山鬼阵营去解决它。” Guan Ya „” one, „is really an intelligent young fellow, the mountain ghost camp also thinks.” 关雅“呵”一声,“真是个聪明的小伙子,山鬼阵营也是这么想的。” Maoshan master where hear her taunt, cold snort/hum, did not respond, looked to the Zhaocheng tutelary god of city, asked: 茅山术士哪里听不出她的嘲讽,冷哼一声,不予回应,望向赵城隍,问道: How should we do now?” “那我们现在该怎么做?” The voice falls, resonant bang, responded to his question. 话音落下,一声嘹亮的“砰”,回应了他的疑问。 The people go following the prestige, see only the figure to select high, the chest plentiful hybrid beautiful woman, lifted the spear/gun to kill wild deer a more than ten meters away. 众人循声望去,只见身段高挑,胸部丰满的混血美人,抬枪射杀了十几米外的一头野鹿。 City somewhere, an abandoned workshop, in the construction of crawling full vine. 城市某处,一座废弃的厂房,爬满藤蔓的建筑里。 No restriction of any kind, flatter one, conceited and other people, the post holds the breath with rapt attention, pastes the wall to stand, everyone like frightened person, vigilant is listening respectfully to outside sound. 百无禁忌、阿一,唯我独尊等二十一人,贴屏息凝神,贴着墙壁而立,每个人都如惊弓之鸟,警惕的聆听着外面的动静。 The careful observation, will discover these people color, unlike the scenery of surroundings, their colors is quite dim, probably put on black Wei. 仔细观察,会发现这些人的“颜色”,与周围的景物不同,他们身上的色彩极为黯淡,像是披上了一层乌帷。 For a long time, relaxes no restriction of any kind, said: Very good, the ghost thing has not pursued.” 许久后,百无禁忌松了口气,道:“很好,那鬼东西没有追上来。” Nine leak the fish to ask: „Can I withdraw the item?” 九漏鱼问道:“那我可以撤走道具了?” Shakes the head no restriction of any kind again and again: 百无禁忌连连摇头: „It is not good! We had been marked by that monster, the mark of Bewitching Demon is very difficult to wipe out, at least we do not have this method, once you removed the item, it immediately sensation to us.” “不行!我们已经被那怪物标记了,蛊惑之妖的标记很难拔除,至少我们不具备这种手段,一旦你把道具撤了,它就会立刻感知到我们。” Some time ago, they were under the attack of monster, the axiom died at the scene, the opportunity in the blade even revolting against do not have. 不久前,他们遭遇了怪物的袭击,公理在刀中当场身亡,连反抗的机会都没有。 The mountain ghost camp people are scared, immediately retreats, however that monster locked them, is in hot pursuit. 山鬼阵营众人吓破了胆,立刻撤退,然而那怪物锁定了他们,紧追不舍。 Finally is nine leaks the fish took out named „a nightwalking cloak the item, covers everyone, this gets rid of tracing of monster. 最后是九漏鱼取出了一件叫做“夜游披风”的道具,罩住大伙,这才摆脱怪物的追踪。 This item from the Nightwalking God occupation, has the function of concealment aura, is equal to the Nightwalking God nightwalking skill. 该道具源自夜游神职业,拥有隐匿气息的功能,等同与夜游神的夜游技能。 But the price is, is irremovable. 但代价是,不能移动。 Kou Beiyue discontented say/way: 寇北月不满道: „Can we throw over the item? Must try to find the solution.” “难道我们要一直披着道具?总得想想办法吧。” Little brother said with a laugh: 身边的小弟笑呵呵道: Does not use anxiously, so long as we hide, that means the victory. “不用急,只要我们藏好,那意味着胜利。 That monster could not find us, will naturally find the person of mountain spirit camp, we sit mountain Guanhu to fight become. Now, stares at the scoreboard, the waiting is slaughtering opening of grand feast.” “那怪物找不到我们,自然会去找山神阵营的人,咱们坐山观虎斗就成。现在,盯着积分榜,等待杀戮盛宴的开启吧。” Hong Wei said: 红薇呵道: Although this is a good strategy, but I always do not feel steadfastly, in the mountain spirit camp has Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning and Zhaocheng tutelary god of city these geniuses.” “虽然这是一个不错的计策,但我总觉得不踏实,山神阵营里可是有元始天尊、赵城隍这些天才人物。” World all white snort/hum: 天下皆白哼一声: you this is typical, was frightened by Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning.” “伱这是典型的,被元始天尊打怕了。” „Do you do?” “你干什么?” The Maoshan masters look angrily at Guan Ya, scolded: You were dislike us too safely, what to do if brought in the monster.” 茅山术士怒视关雅,呵斥道:“你是嫌咱们太安全了是吗,如果引来了怪物怎么办。” The person of mountain ghost camp, just in a nearby buckle member, that monster likely in nearby. 山鬼阵营的人,刚在附近折损一名成员,那怪物很可能就在附近。 The long leg senior driver said with a smile: 长腿老司机笑吟吟道: „Do I do? Naturally is gives you such five centimeters three seconds of small male student drivehead deer to build up one's health.” “我干什么?当然是给你这样的五厘米三秒钟小男生打头鹿补补身子。” What women bums is this?! The complexion of Maoshan technique morale becomes flushed, for a while could not speak, as outstanding person who the Taiyi Sect youngster sent, he could not have a long face under glare of the public eye, with this female hooligan to spurting vulgar language. 这是什么女流氓?!茅山术士气的脸色涨红,一时说不出话来,作为太一门少年派的佼佼者,他拉不下脸在众目睽睽之下,和这个女流氓对喷污言秽语。 Zhang Yuanqing moves at heart, understood old Si Ji's intention: 张元清心里一动,明白了老司姬的用意: You want to direct the monster, does the remote observation, collect the information?” “你想把怪物引出来,远距离观测,收集情报?” Guan Ya nods slightly: 关雅微微颔首: That monster is Bewitching Demon, but the Bewitching Demon bloodthirsty, the smell of blood can direct it to come out. Strolls in the ruins with it randomly, suddenly was sneak attacked, makes the enemy come out on own initiative, observes the enemy, is the best choice. “那怪物是蛊惑之妖,而蛊惑之妖都嗜血,血腥味能引它出来。与其在废墟里乱逛,冷不丁的被偷袭,主动引敌人出来,观察敌人,是最好的选择。 Moreover, if it were really attracted by the smell of blood, then showed that the mountain ghost camp has gotten rid of it.” “另外,如果它真的被血腥味吸引过来,则证明山鬼阵营已经摆脱它。” During the speeches, she opened fire and killed black back dog that wanted to gnaw the food wild deer. 说话间,她又开枪打死了欲啃食野鹿的黑背犬。 Immediately, Zhang Yuanqing leaves behind the beautiful peerless Yin corpse blood wild rose, making her squat in nearby thick patch of grass observes, oneself , then bring the team distantly leaves this place. 当即,张元清留下美艳绝伦的阴尸血蔷薇,让她蹲在附近的草丛里观察,自己则带着队伍远远的离开此地。 Taiyi Sect Nightwalking God follows the example, left behind the Yin corpse to act as the monitor. 太一门夜游神有样学样,也留下了阴尸充当监控探头。 After the group go out of several hundred meters, stops, sits rests on the alley that the weed fluctuates, waiting result. 一行人走出数百米后,停下来,坐在荒草起伏的小路上歇息,等待结果。 Crossed for dozen minutes, the will arrived in the blood wild rose knows the sea Zhang Yuanqing, saw pale thick fog, floated from the city deep place, the speed was extremely fast, has inundated the weeds, has inundated the broken building, inundated the vehicles of abandoning until submerging the corpses of three animals. 过了十几分钟,意志降临在血蔷薇识海的张元清,看见一股惨白的浓雾,自城市深处飘来,速度极快,漫过野草,漫过残破的建筑物,漫过废弃的车辆直至淹没三只动物的尸体。 The thick fog then solidifies, float motionless, at once, the blood wild rose of distant place( Zhang Yuanqing), hearing in the thick fog to transmit bites the bone, chews the flesh the sound. 浓雾接着凝固,悬浮不动,旋即,远处的血蔷薇(张元清),听见浓雾里传来咬碎骨头,嘴嚼血肉的声响。 Really is a fog lord, has the intense bloodthirsty instinct, but, why it has not eaten axiom in the blade corpse? Because of a witchcraft master poison? 果然是一位雾主,拥有强烈的嗜血本能,不过,它为什么没有吃“公理在刀中”的尸体?是因为巫蛊师一身的毒吗? Zhang Yuanqing at heart slightly cold, 4 levels of Bewitching Demon, the battle efficiency is not the tree king and monkey can compare, is true big boss, kills unusually like cutting the melon cuts the vegetable/dish. 张元清心里微凛,四级的蛊惑之妖,战斗力可不是树王、猴王能比,是真正的大boss,杀超凡就像砍瓜切菜一样。 What a pity, the thick fog covered the appearance of that monster, is unable to judge that it is a good-for-nothing of low intelligence quotient, is Yin thing of having mystical powers wisdom. 可惜,浓雾掩盖了那位怪物的模样,无法判断它是一具低智商的行尸走肉,还是有灵智的阴物 If latter, on danger coefficient. 若是后者,危险系数更上一层。 Quick, the chewing sound in thick fog vanishes, the pale heavy/thick mist, retreats like surging tides. 很快,浓雾中的嘴嚼声消失,惨白厚重的雾气,如潮水般退去。 Zhang Yuanqing waited for the moment, returns the city deep place until the thick fog, vanishes in the line of sight, he controls the blood wild rose to set out, in weeds rustle make noise, moves toward near the corpses of three animals. 张元清等了片刻,直到浓雾退回城市深处,消失在视线里,他才操控血蔷薇起身,在野草“沙沙”作响中,走向三只动物的尸体边。 Here only has place the bloodstain, as well as was gnawed the dregs the hashed meat and broken bone. 这里只剩下一地的血迹,以及被啃成渣的碎肉、碎骨。 Even dog head and deer chewed tiny bits. 连狗头和鹿头都被嚼的稀碎。 The Taiyi Sect eight Yin corpses, encircle at once, examines the situation. 太一门的八具阴尸,旋即围了上来,查看情况。 Really disgusting, eats such cleanly “真恶心,吃得这么干净” Sun Miaomiao the Yin corpse says. 孙淼淼的阴尸开口说道。 What's wrong, do you also want to follow to eat several?” The blood wild rose scoffs to say with a smile. “怎么,你也想跟着吃几口?”血蔷薇嗤笑道。 Zhaocheng tutelary god of city 4 levels of Yin corpse sinking said: 赵城隍的四级阴尸沉声道: With the Guan Ya speculation, that monster is 4 levels, moreover evidently, as if retained part before death ability. What a pity cannot see clearly the appearance, is unable to evaluate the intelligence.” “和关雅推测的一样,那怪物是四级,而且看样子,似乎保留了部分生前的能力。可惜看不清模样,无法评估智力。” Zhang Yuanqing listens silently, said: 张元清默默听完,道: Goes back!” “回去吧!” On the way of the Yin corpse returns, people already in discussion countermeasure. 阴尸返回途中,众人已经在商议对策。 At present the acquired information is: 4 levels, some control before death skills, is the fog Lord signboard skill( establishes provisionally) ; Had extremely strong bloodthirsty desire, the animal that Guan Ya killed is eaten to eat all one's food ; When it comes brings thick fog, cannot see clearly the appearance, is unable to speculate intelligence quotient height “目前收集到的情报是:四级,掌控生前的部分技能,也就是雾主的招牌技能(暂定);拥有极强的嗜血欲望,关雅射杀的动物被吃光了;它来时带着一股大雾,看不清模样,无法推测智商高低” Zhang Yuanqing said the information, said: 张元清说完情报,道: I proposed, temporarily do not annoy it, first explores the city of losing, found four dust-shower laws the positions. The fellow of mountain ghost camp, waits to sit mountain Guanhu to fight, we cannot make them achieve wishes.” “我提议,暂时别惹它,先探索遗失之城,找到四座阵法的位置。山鬼阵营的家伙,就等着坐山观虎斗,我们不能让他们如愿。” The present is an unusual headache aspect, does not hit boss, is unable to collect the duty goods, no matter but which side pushes boss, will be taken advantage of a mistake by the other side. 眼下是一个非常头疼的局面,不打boss,就无法收集任务物品,可不管哪一方推boss,都会被另一方捡漏。 Yuan Ting also made a suggestion: 袁廷也提了一个建议: „It is not really good, first fights a decisive battle with the fellows of mountain ghost camp, in brief, must insist that does not push the boss policy not to vacillate.” “实在不行,先和山鬼阵营的家伙决战也可以,总之,要坚持不推boss方针不动摇。” Waits for Yin corpses return, hurries.” The Niulanshan small female celestial said. “等你们的阴尸返回,就赶紧出发。”牛栏山小仙女说道。 When hears word, people subconscious looking up of, looks at always the direction, looks to nine Yin corpses that approach gradually. 闻言,众人下意识的翘起头,望向来时的方向,望向渐渐逼近的九具阴尸。 Suddenly, everyone's pupil in this moment, slightly has the enlargement. 突然,所有人的瞳孔都在这一刻,略有放大。 After returned nine Yin corpses, quiet is tagging along after pale thick fog. 返回的九具阴尸身后,悄无声息的尾随着一股惨白的浓雾。 They slow and slight fluctuation, probably in stealthy track, no, is not the resembles, that pale mist is tracking the Yin corpses. 它们缓慢而轻微的浮动,像是在鬼祟的跟踪,不,不是像,那股惨白的雾气就是在跟踪阴尸们。 Is impossible, when was tracked? Have I had the attention it to discover the Yin corpse behind? Does not lash out the Yin corpse, instead the track, is detected that the Yin corpse is only a puppet? This monster has the extremely high intelligence quotient. The Zhang Yuanqing scalp slightly hemp, the back flees a cool feeling, operates the Yin corpse to dash about wildly, while shouts: 不可能,什么时候被跟踪的?我一直有注意身后它早就发现阴尸了?不出手攻击阴尸,反而跟踪,是察觉到阴尸只是傀儡?这怪物拥有极高的智商.张元清头皮微麻,脊背窜起一股凉意,一边操纵阴尸狂奔,一边喊道: Runs, run!” “跑,快跑!” Did not wait for him saying that the people the body, has scattered in all directions to run away. 不等他说完,众人已弹身而起,四散逃窜。 Detected that oneself were discovered, thick fog of distant place that slow fluctuation, suddenly acceleration, such as avalanche, such as tsunami, volume of blotting out the sky to people. 察觉到自己被发现,远处那缓慢浮动的浓雾,骤然加速,如雪崩,如海啸,铺天盖地的卷向众人。 Taiyi Sect Nightwalking God, cannot run the thick fog, was embezzled by it instantaneously. 太一门的一位夜游神,没能跑过浓雾,瞬间被其吞没。 In the thick fog transmits the sad and shrill pitiful yell. 紧接着,浓雾里传来凄厉的惨叫。 The pitiful yell sound stimulates the people who front escaped, everyone displays the respective skill and item, escapes full power. 惨叫声刺激到了前方逃命的众人,每个人都施展出各自的技能、道具,全力逃亡。 The Wood Demon speed that is good at climbing up is fastest, to the first echelon ; Then is the hot master of racing Lveru fire in the second echelon, but is not good at the speed the earth blaming and scouting, Water Ghost, as well as Nightwalking God, irregular falling in the third echelon. 擅长攀爬的木妖速度最快,冲在第一梯队;接着是奔略如火的火师在第二梯队,而不擅长速度的土怪、斥候、水鬼,以及夜游神们,参差不齐的落在第三梯队。 The thick fog tumbles to come, the speed is extremely fast, this lets the Spirit Territory travelers of mountain spirit camp, felt oneself in the disaster piece and god of death like the average person who run. 浓雾翻滚而来,速度极快,这让山神阵营的灵境行者们,感觉自己就像灾难片里和死神奔跑的普通人。 Is one sweeps across all big avalanches, or embezzles all tsunami. 身后是一场席卷一切的大雪崩,或吞没一切的海啸。 In the manages peeps dried fish Hu complexion to be fierce, exclaims: 管中窥鲍忽地脸色狰狞,吼道: Runs, runs radically, but, Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, the Zhaocheng tutelary god of city, we spelled with it.” “跑不过啊,根本跑不过,元始天尊,赵城隍,咱们跟它拼了吧。” His mentality a little collapses, because the thick fog was away from him to only have about ten meters. 他心态有点崩,因为浓雾距离他只有十米左右了。 Sincere the attribute, was doomed the earth most is not good at running strangely, although they were famous for the endurance, has the continuous not physical strength. “厚重”的属性,注定了土怪是最不擅长奔跑的,尽管他们以耐力著称,有着绵绵不尽的体力。 The Zhaocheng tutelary god of city pulls a long face, the stance of fleeing in panic is not proud , the non- aloof, flatly refuses: 赵城隍绷着脸,仓皇逃窜的姿态一点都不骄傲,也不高冷,一口回绝: In thick fog and fog Lord fight, let alone we, Nightwalking God of the same class has no odds of success.” “在浓雾里和雾主战斗,别说我们,同级别的夜游神都没什么胜算。” He has the self-confidence again, did not feel oneself can defeat 4 levels of fog lords in the thick fog. 他再有自信,也不觉得自己能在浓雾中战胜一位四级雾主。 But what Zhang Yuanqing thinks, if from the beginning and it dies to fight on the choice, the team members could gather the courage and fighting spirit. 张元清想的是,如果一开始就选择和它死斗,队员们或许能聚起勇气和斗志。 But now, the will of the people are defeated and dispersed, is in the battlefield the most typical total military defeat. 可现在,人心溃散,是战场中最典型的兵败如山倒。 Under this condition, is impossible to gather the manpower. 这种状态下,不可能聚起人手的。 „” “啊” Another earth blames to be pursued by the thick fog, subsequently embezzles, the pitiful yell sound by the pale mist, spreads to the people ear. 又一名土怪被浓雾追到,继而吞没,惨叫声透过惨白的雾气,传入众人耳中。 In the manages peeped dried fish complexion to be fiercer, the thick fog was away from him , was less than five meters. 管中窥鲍脸色更加狰狞了,浓雾距离他只有不到五米。 He heard the breath of god of death. 他听见了死神的鼻息。 Zhang Yuanqing will look at one in the future, in the manages peeped side dried fish, two earth are strange, scouts, again beyond the front several meters, is pale Ryo Asano that frightens, in front of Ryo Asano is Sun Miaomiao. 张元清往后看了一眼,管中窥鲍身边,还有两名土怪,一名斥候,再前方几米外,是吓的脸色发白的浅野凉,浅野凉前面是孙淼淼。 In front of Sun Miaomiao is Guan Ya 孙淼淼前面是关雅 It is not good, this way, they were caught up are only the time issues, 1/3 teammates will at least die here. Mountain ghost camp that group of fellows, how run away. The Zhang Yuanqing thought rotates fast, thinks deeply about the countermeasure. 不行,这样下去,他们被追上只是时间问题,至少会有三分之一的队友死在这里.山鬼阵营那群家伙,是怎么逃走的.张元清念头快速转动,思索对策。 Quick, a fog Lord action regulation was recalled by him. 很快,雾主的一个行动规则被他记起。 The fog lord can through the vibration of mist, lock the enemy in thick fog, judges the position of prey like the spider through the vibration of spider web. 雾主能通过雾气的抖动,锁定浓雾中的敌人,如同蜘蛛通过蛛网的震动来判断猎物的位置。 If some people can enter the thick fog on own initiative, and was not killed by the second, then, the monster in thick fog will certainly pursue, like this everyone could be saved. Thinks of here, he slows down the footsteps immediately, shouts: 如果有人能主动进入浓雾,且不被秒杀,那么,浓雾里的怪物一定会追击,这样大家就有救了.想到这里,他立刻放慢脚步,喊道: Abalone, do you have the defense class item.” “鲍鱼,你有没有防御类道具。” I called in manages to peep dried fish, did not call the abalone, defended the item naturally to have, do you want to do really?” In the manages peeps dried fish run appearance to be fierce, blue vein suddenly/violently protrude. “我叫‘管中窥鲍’,不叫鲍鱼,防御道具自然有,你想作甚?”管中窥鲍跑的面目狰狞,青筋暴凸。 Zhang Yuanqing high sound said: Gives me the item, I have the means to direct it.” 张元清高声道:“把道具给我,我有办法引走它。” In the manages peeps dried fish eyes one brightly, grabbed the straw to grasp just like the person of drowning, but also somewhat hesitates, because this is also depending on that he maintains life, although the defense class item is not necessarily effective, but he must be embezzled by the thick fog immediately, the defense item approaching body, always does not compare. 管中窥鲍眼睛一亮,宛如溺水之人抓住了救命稻草,但又有些犹豫,因为这也是他保命的倚仗,虽然防御类道具未必管用,可他马上就要被浓雾吞没了,有一件防御道具傍身,总比没有强。 Two people dialogues, by the purity that the surrounding Spirit Territory traveler/ascetic listens, their tacit branches out some attention, is paying attention to here. 两人的对话,被周围的灵境行者听的一清二楚,他们默契的分出些许注意力,关注着这边。 Command prompt!” Zhang Yuanqing shouts. “服从命令!”张元清喊道。 Grass!” In the manages peeps Paul to curse angrily one, said: father letter/believes your time, do not disappoint me.” “艹!”管中窥鲍怒骂一声,道:“老子信你这次,你可别让我失望。” Then, grasps a tattered coat from the goods column, flings furiously to the front. 说罢,从物品栏抓出一件破破烂烂的大衣,奋力甩向前方。 PS: After wrong character first, changes. PS:错字先更后改。
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