SRW :: Volume #3

#268: The city of losing

The city of Chapter 268 losing 第268章遗失之城 Before daybreak, city the path to losing can appear? 黎明之前,通往遗失之城的道路会出现? The Zhaocheng tutelary god of city first depresses other information, looks into the horizon the full moon, is inducing the change of strength of moon. 赵城隍先把其他信息压下,眺望天边的圆月,感应着太阴之力的变化。 After Sun sets, at night arrives, at this time the strength of moon was thinnest, by 11 p.m. to 1 a.m, the strength of moon reached the peak, later starts the revolutions to fade. 太阳落山后,黑夜降临,这个时候太阴之力最稀薄,到了子时,太阴之力则达到巅峰,随后就开始转衰。 Nightwalking God as the night elf, can according to the strong and weak of strength of moon, speculate the time. 夜游神身为黑夜的精灵,能根据太阴之力的强弱,推测出时间。 Naturally, this is experienced Nightwalking God is good, has had the training in this aspect, when remembers is different compartment the intensity of strength of moon. 当然,这得是经验丰富的夜游神才行,有过这方面的训练,记住不同时间段的太阴之力的强度。 Some experience superficial Nightwalking God, do not have this ability. 一些经验浅薄的夜游神,是不具备这种能力的。 The present is 1 : 00 am. The Zhaocheng tutelary god of city induces for several seconds, made the accurate judgment. 现在是凌晨 1 点.赵城隍感应几秒,做出了准确判断。 At this time, he heard Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning of not far away saying: 这时候,他听见不远处的元始天尊说道: When is the present? I felt 2 : 00 am.” “现在是什么时间?我感觉凌晨 2 点了。” Really just became the Nightwalking God rookies, the strength is strong, in the detail exposed his foundation superficial fact! The Zhaocheng tutelary god of city thought. 果然是刚成为夜游神的菜鸟,战力再强,细节上就暴露了他根基浅薄的事实!赵城隍心想。 Sun Miaomiao is pressed the fine attractive delicate eyebrows, said: 孙淼淼蹙起精致漂亮的秀眉,说: Not is right, is 11 : 00 pm.” “不对不对,是晚上11点。” The strong and weak judgment of strength of moon was right, the gloom of 11 point and 1 : 00 am were equal, but counter-, grandson elder's training to Miao Miao was not proper. The Zhaocheng tutelary god of city shakes the head. 太阴之力的强弱判断是对了,十一点和凌晨 1 点的阴气相等,但反了,孙长老对淼淼的培养还不到位.赵城隍摇摇头。 I felt 2 : 00 am.” Yuan Ting said. “我觉得凌晨 2 点了。”袁廷说。 Odd! This fellow training battalion treats also the insufficient Zhaocheng tutelary god of city takes a look at his one eyes, the tone is light, expression cold proud saying: 离谱!这家伙训练营待的还不够赵城隍瞅他一眼,语气平淡,表情冷傲的说道: „The present is 1 : 00 am.” “现在是凌晨 1 点。” Then, the Zhaocheng tutelary god of city then sees Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning and Sun Miaomiao, Yuan Ting, got out of the way silently. 说完,赵城隍便看见元始天尊、孙淼淼、袁廷,默默的走开了。 This fellow said is not accurate.” “这家伙说的不准。” Right, now obviously is 2 : 00 am.” “没错,现在明明是凌晨 2 点。” Does not play with him.” “不跟他玩。” The Zhaocheng tutelary god of city corners of the mouth twitch, the deep breath, looks to the air-to-surface people, said: 赵城隍嘴角抽动一下,深呼吸,望向空地众人,道: „ The present is 1 : 00 am, from dawn still early, before entering the city of losing, we need to raise the full spirit. Besides Nightwalking God and earth strange, others rest in the open area. “现在是凌晨 1 点,距离黎明尚早,进入遗失之城前,我们需要养足精神。除了夜游神和土怪之外,其余人在空地休息。 Has physical exertion oversized Nightwalking God and earth must blame, may report to me.” “有体力消耗过大的夜游神和土怪,可向我汇报.” He arranges the work of patrol and guard methodically, the appearance of solemn leader. 他有条不紊的安排起巡逻、守卫的工作,俨然一副领袖的模样。 The Spirit Territory travelers of mountain spirit camp, looked that sits with the legs out-stretched on the stone, Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning that all things do not manage, then obeys the Zhaocheng tutelary god of city the instruction, rest of this/should rest, patrol of this/should patrol. 山神阵营的灵境行者们,看一眼箕坐在石上,万事不管的元始天尊,便听从赵城隍的指令,该休息的休息,该巡逻的巡逻。 Island JK Ryo Asano, carries the long hitting blade to collect, said low voice: 岛国JK浅野凉,拎着长长的打刀凑过来,小声说: Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, you seized power.” 元始天尊,你被夺权了。” The Zhang Yuanqing squint looks at her: You must call meSir Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning. ” 张元清斜眼看她:“你要称呼我“元始天尊大人”。” Ryo Asano said low voice: 浅野凉小声说: Sir Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, you seized power. That Zhaocheng tutelary god of city, wants to win the position of your leader, why whatever you he conspire, everyone supports you obviously very much!” 元始天尊大人,你被夺权了。那个赵城隍,想夺走您首领的位置,您为什么任由他图谋不轨呢,大家明明很拥戴伱!” Zhang Yuanqing kept a serious look the nod: 张元清表情严肃的点头: You said is reasonable, then, the cool sauce, please must assassinate this for me.” “你说的有道理,那么,凉酱,请务必为我刺杀了这个狗贼。” „?” On the Ryo Asano clear elegant face, the expression stagnates, speaks haltingly saying: I, I cannot be victorious he “啊?”浅野凉清纯秀美的脸上,表情一滞,嗫嚅道:“我,我打不过他” Nearby Guan Ya speechless, this island girl, said that is stupid, even a little small wisdom, but was too gruff. 边上的关雅一阵无语,这个岛国女娃子,说笨不笨,甚至有点小智慧,但就是太憨了。 The Guan Ya education said: 关雅教育道: You had not discovered that no matter the Zhaocheng tutelary god of city said anything, everyone will seek information the opinion of Primordial Beginning subconsciously, he did not oppose, the Zhaocheng tutelary god of city is effective. “你没发现吗,不管赵城隍说什么,大家还是会下意识的征询元始的意见,他不反对,赵城隍的话才管用。 Since this, why can because of this minor matter, have the conflict with the Zhaocheng tutelary god of city? Moreover Primordial Beginning does not like managing these trivial matters, has the Zhaocheng tutelary god of city, he is glad convenient.” “既然这样,为什么要因为这种小事,与赵城隍起冲突?而且元始也不爱管这些琐事,有赵城隍在,他乐得省事。” Ryo Asano earnest ponder, is suddenly enlighted: 浅野凉认真的思考一番,恍然大悟: „, This is my father frequent education my, political balance.” “哦,这就是家父经常教育我的,政治上的平衡。” What political balance?” The red hair young girl walked, the full of enthusiasm participation chatted: „Doesn't political balance, kill off the political opponent?” “什么政治上的平衡?”红发少女走了过来,兴致勃勃的参与聊天:“政治上的平衡,难道不是杀光政敌吗?” When three girls chirp, Zhang Yuanqing opened the scoreboard: 三个姑娘叽叽喳喳之际,张元清打开了积分榜: 1: Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning, Nightwalking God, 3 levels, 508 points 【一:元始天尊,夜游神,三级,508分】 2: flatter one, witchcraft master, 3 levels, 230 points 【二:阿一,巫蛊师,三级,230分】 3: Conceited, Water Ghost, 3 levels, 225 points 【三:唯我独尊,水鬼,三级,225分】 4: Zhaocheng tutelary god of city, Nightwalking God, 3 levels, 220 points 【四:赵城隍,夜游神,三级,220分】 5: No restriction of any kind, Bewitching Demon, 3 levels, 215 points 【五:百无禁忌,蛊惑之妖,三级,215分】 6: Sun Miaomiao, Nightwalking God, 3 levels, 213 points 【六:孙淼淼,夜游神,三级,213分】 7: Jiang Jingwei, hot master, 3 levels, 200 points 【七:姜精卫,火师,三级,200分】 8: Nine leak the fish, scouts, 3 levels, 190 points 【八:九漏鱼,斥候,三级,190分】 9: Treads the campsis grandiflora, the witchcraft master, 3 levels, 180 points 【九:踏碎凌霄,巫蛊师,三级,180分】 10: I am assigned by me not by the day, imaginary technique master, 3 levels, 138 points 【十:我命由我不由天,幻术师,三级,138分】 Except that second and third has not changed, the list first ten ranking changes are enormous, the Zhaocheng tutelary god of city and Sun Miaomiao and Jiang Jingwei rushed first seven. 除了第二名和第三名没变,榜单前十的排名变化极大,赵城隍、孙淼淼和姜精卫冲到了前七。 First 24 ranking, had the tremendous changes, in 11-24 lists, the mountain spirit camp occupied ten, mountain ghost camp four. 前二十四的排名,更是发生了翻天覆地的变化,11-24的名单里,山神阵营占了十名,山鬼阵营四名。 Guan Ya also rushed to 20. 关雅也冲到了20名。 So long as can maintain this position, she promotes the saint is not a problem. 只要能维持这个名次,她晋升圣者不成问题。 These follow my person, makes them advance into to as far as possible first 24, otherwise, they give up promoting the saint either, either participates to slaughter the transcription at the end of the year again.” “这些跟着我的人,尽量都让他们跻身到前二十四吧,不然,他们要么放弃晋升圣者,要么年末再参加杀戮副本.” Kou Beiyue ranking is a little low, 42, his words, promoting the saint are casual, preserves the life of this fellow to be most important 寇北月排名有点低啊,四十二名,他的话,晋升圣者随便吧,保住这家伙的命最重要” I, so long as again one and gets rid of flatter conceitedly, can post with demon Monarch and female marshal “我只要再把阿一和唯我独尊干掉,就能和魔君、女元帅并列” However these two are the top powerhouses, independent combat, Zhang Yuanqing also a little confidence, but rolls the words of war, the uncertainties rise dramatically, wants to kill them is too difficult. 不过这两人都是顶尖的强者,单打独斗,张元清还有点信心,但团战的话,不确定因素暴增,想杀他们太难。 Kills the list first five players, the overall income is highest, but can crush into first five, is not rookies. 杀榜前五的选手,积分收益最高,但能挤进前五的,都不是菜鸟。 Demon Monarch was almost annihilated initially, definitely worked as 25 young who the officials killed, achieved with the evil occupation coordination with each other. 魔君当初把官方人员杀的几乎全军覆没,肯定是当了二五仔,和邪恶职业相互配合才做到的。 Otherwise the demon Mr.'s overall is less than 900, but is more than 1000, even 2000. 不然魔君的积分就不是九百多,而是一千多,甚至两千。 Actually according to the overall calculated, demon Monarch and female marshal's concrete strength when unusual boundary, can appraise. 其实根据积分来推算,魔君和女元帅在超凡境时的具体战力,是可以评估出来的。 Zhang Yuanqing believes, their will not be many. 张元清认为,他们不会比自己强太多。 What is worth mentioning is, the scoreboard total number of people are 60 people. 值得一提的是,积分榜总人数是六十人。 mountain ghost and mountain spirit camp proportion of people, is almost 1 : 2. 山鬼和山神阵营人数比例,差不多是1:2。 The Zhang Yuanqing closure scoreboard, poked the small waist of Guan Ya with the elbow: „The Guan Ya elder sister, gives me to rest the head on the pillow your thigh.” 张元清关闭积分榜,用手肘戳了戳关雅的小腰:“关雅姐,把你大腿给我枕枕。” Guan Ya: Urges to go faster!” 关雅:“去去去!” Zhang Yuanqing: You do not give, I look for the peony fairy maiden to go.” 张元清:“你不给,我就找牡丹仙子去。” Guan Ya stares his one eyes. 关雅瞪他一眼。 Zhang Yuanqing takes advantage of opportunity the head rest on the clear soft thigh, really had not been rejected. 张元清顺势把头枕在圆润柔软的大腿上,果然没遭到拒绝。 The ambush war from labyrinth, keeps off the mountain ghost camp to one person alone, his spirit body was under the attack one after another, the spirit has been exhausted, quick heavy went off. 从迷宫的埋伏战,到一人独挡山鬼阵营,他的灵体接二连三遭遇攻击,精神早已疲惫不堪,很快沉沉睡去。 Has not known how long, he was pushed to awake by Guan Ya, hybrid beautiful woman hands over one skewer of wild fruits, while said: 不知过了多久,他被关雅推醒,混血美人一边递来一串野果,一边说道: Immediately daybreak, first ate a thing. “马上黎明了,先吃点东西。 Peony fairy maiden they pick in the forest, can eat.” “牡丹仙子他们在森林里摘的,可以食用。” Zhang Yuanqing dizzy sits sets out, deeply attracted several tones, after the turnover enough oxygen, the brain sobered several points. 张元清头昏脑涨的坐起身,深吸几口气,吞吐了足够的氧气后,大脑清醒了几分。 He received the wild fruit that Guan Ya hands over, eats the food silently, simultaneously looks to the companion in open area. 他接过关雅递来的野果,默默啃食,同时看向空地上的同伴。 They or sit on the ground have the yawn, or setting out, stretches the physique, because obtained the reason of rest, full of energy, does not see exhaustedly. 他们或坐在地上打哈欠,或起身活动,舒展筋骨,因为都得到了休息的缘故,精神抖擞,不见疲惫。 „!” “啪啪!” Zhang Yuanqing patted the palm, captures the people attention. 张元清拍了拍手掌,吸引众人目光。 People unconscious putting down matter on hand, is looking at the young people of jumping up stone. 人们不自觉的放下手头的事,望着跳上石头的年轻人。 Zhang Yuanqing is built in the stone, high sound said: 张元清立于石上,高声道: „, Wants the daybreak immediately, we will go to the city of losing, launches the final decisive battle with the mountain ghost camp. Without a doubt, this is an incomparable bad risk death will fight. “诸位,马上就要黎明,我们将前往遗失之城,与山鬼阵营展开最后的决战。毫无疑问,这将会是一场无比凶险的死斗。 „ Everyone could die, including me, everyone is the experienced Spirit Territory traveler/ascetic, has had been through repeatedly the test of life and death, dares to enter slaughters the transcription, then had the consciousness. “每个人都可能会死,包括我,大家都是经验丰富的灵境行者,早已历经生与死的考验,敢进杀戮副本,便有了觉悟。 I hope, after entering the city of losing, everyone can unite, the command prompt , to promote the saint together, to the bright future.” “我希望,在进入遗失之城后,大家能团结一心,服从命令,一起晋升圣者,面向光明的未来。” The people or silent, or nod the head slightly, has not enjoyed. 众人或沉默不语,或微微颔首,并没有太受用。 Arrives at this time position and rank, except for the extremely individual gruff goods, most people are a slippery customer, ate the leadership picture pie, ate enough the mind chicken soup. 都走到今时今日的地位、等级,除了极个别的憨货,大部分人都是老油条,吃惯了领导画的大饼,喝够了心灵鸡汤。 Because of the Zhang Yuanqing simple several words, one's blood bubbles up to the brim, has high morale. 不会因为张元清简单的几句话,就热血沸腾,斗志昂扬。 A Zhang Yuanqing thread of conversation revolution, said: 张元清话锋一转,道: Perhaps to you, by one's effort, keeps off the attack of descending the mountain ghost camp, is a magnificent feat, is the extraordinary matter, but to me, this is not a limit. “或许对你们来说,凭借一己之力,挡下山鬼阵营的袭击,是件壮举,是了不得的事,但对我来说,这并不是极限。 Some of my many cards in a hand are useless. Let alone is the dragging for a short time, even if kills to put on the mountain ghost camp is still a cinch. Kills one person, are many a quota, always a quota, in you, some people can promote the saint. “我还有不少底牌没用。别说是拖延一时半会,就算杀穿山鬼阵营也不在话下。多杀一人,就多一份名额,每多一份名额,你们中,就有人能晋升圣者。 But, light/only by my strength is incorrect, must depend on everyone after all. I said again, the command prompt, unites, clear.” “但是,光靠我个人的力量是不行的,总归还是要靠大家。我再说一遍,服从命令,团结一心,明白吗。” Hears here, numerous traveler/ascetic eyes shine. 听到这里,一众行者眼睛才亮起来。 Does Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning have the card in a hand? The fight in Mountain God Temple, unexpectedly is also not his limit. 元始天尊还有底牌?山神庙里的战斗,竟还不是他的极限. Understood!” “明白!” The people responded loudly, the look roused. 众人高声回应,神色振奋。 Therefore , draws the pie is useful, looked how leads to draw. 所以说,画大饼还是有用的,就看领导怎么画。 At the same time, stands on the stone no restriction of any kind, is overlooking the companions, bright sound said: 同一时刻,百无禁忌站在石上,俯瞰着众同伴,朗声道: „It is not as expected the words, the rule of city of losing will be very simple, does not need to decipher, does not need to explore, the strong resistance is the only criterion, but exactly the fight, is we excels.” “不出预料的话,遗失之城的规则会很简单,不需要解密,不需要探索,强对抗是唯一的准则,而战斗,恰是我们所擅长的。” Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning all cards in a hand have exhausted, we are familiar with his method, after a evening's discussion, has found out the law of decoding. 元始天尊的所有底牌已经耗尽,我们对他的手段了如指掌,经过一晚上的商议,已经想出破解之法。 „ What they do not know, our cards in a hand have not shown. “但他们不知道的是,我们的底牌尚未示出。 Defends the foreword occupation, why to contend with our liberal professions? They are the trash. “守序职业,凭什么和我们自由职业抗衡?他们都是垃圾。 Without Heavenly Lord of the Primordial Beginning of card in a hand, why to contend with us, he is also the trash. The city of losing, is we slaughters to defend the opportunity of foreword traveler/ascetic, I had smelled the sweetness and fragrance of blood, you?” “没有了底牌的元始天尊,凭什么和我们抗衡,他也是垃圾。诸位,遗失之城,是我们屠戮守序行者的机会,我已经嗅到了鲜血的甘甜和芬芳,你们呢?” Kills off them!” “杀光他们!” The under evil occupations surge upward warmly. 底下的邪恶职业们热情高涨。 At this time, a wisp of dawn came from the Eastern horizon photo, dark retreated like surging tides, weather azure deep dim. 这时,一缕晨曦自东方天际照来,黑暗如潮水般退去,天色青冥朦胧。 Daybreak already. 黎明已至。 Ding! City the path to losing has opened, please arrive as soon as possible.】 【叮!通往遗失之城的道路已开启,请尽快抵达。】 At this moment, all Spirit Territory travelers in transcription, tacit opening map. 这一刻,副本里的所有灵境行者,默契的打开地图。 Sees only a red route, appears in the virgin forest of length and breadth, basin to forest center. 只见一条红色的路线,出现在广袤的原始森林中,通往森林中心的盆地。 There is the city of losing. 那里就是遗失之城。 Walks for a half hour along the map superscript red path, the people of mountain spirit camp, pass through the lush virgin forest finally, saw the blue sky, saw the city of front ruins. 沿着地图上标红的道路行走半个小时,山神阵营的众人,终于穿越茂盛的原始森林,看见了蓝天,看见了前方的废墟之城。 As if arrived at another world. 仿佛来到了另一个世界。 Although this world, was also covered by massive vegetation. 尽管这个世界,同样被大量的植被覆盖。 The people front, is a elevated road of bridge floor break, load-bearing column alone towering, crawled completely the moss, is showing the trace and bleak of years. 众人前方,是一座桥面断裂的高架路,一根根承重柱孤零零的耸立,爬满了青苔,彰显着岁月的痕迹和荒凉。 Zhang Yuanqing and the others took a broad view to look, the vision crosses elevated road, the distant place is broken, exposes the building of steel skeleton, some of them collapsed, some under the corrosion of years, tattered and torn. Some by the clumps of deep green vine packages, the hard concrete became the nourishment that the root hair grew and extended. 张元清等人放眼望去,目光越过高架路,远处是一座座残破的,裸露出钢铁骨架的大厦,它们有的坍塌了,有的在岁月的侵蚀下,千疮百孔。有的被一丛丛碧绿的藤蔓包裹,坚硬的混凝土成了根须成长、延伸的养料。 The straight road proliferates to chap, and is covered with the moss, but the moss gave the weeds to provide the foundation of survival. 笔直的公路遍布皲裂,且长满苔藓,而苔藓又给野草提供了生存的基础。 Stopping of vehicles chaotic disorder in the street, covers entirely the dark gray rusty stain, the withered wheel is covered with the weed. 车辆混乱无序的停在街边,布满灰黑锈迹,干瘪的车轮边长满杂草. The nature seized all. 大自然占领了一切。 Really shocks, originally after human vanishes, the city is this.” Sun Miaomiao says with emotion. “真震撼啊,原来人类消失后,城市是这样的。”孙淼淼感慨道。 Ding! Congratulates you to complete the branch task two, rewards 20 overalls.】 【叮!恭喜您完成支线任务二,奖励20点积分。】 The branch duty two, are passes through the length and breadth the taboo forest, seeks for the city of losing. 支线任务二,是穿越广袤的禁忌森林,寻找遗失之城。 Ding! Branch duty four: Offering sacrifices ceremony that has not completed.】 【叮!支线任务四:未完成的献祭仪式。】 Taskprofile: Before for a long time is very very long, a powerful evil cultivates to submerge the human the city, he controlled the life in city, takes the blood and soul of innocent life as the sacrificial offering, exists to offer sacrifices to the fearfulness in darkness, attempts to obtain a more powerful strength. 【任务描述:很久很久以前,一位强大的邪修潜入人类的城市,他控制了城市里的生灵,以无辜生灵的鲜血和灵魂为祭品,向冥冥中的可怕存在献祭,企图获得更加强大的力量。 【 The dark fearfulness existed to respond to him, arrived at the reality, however, the mountain spirit of minding others' business prevented all these, the mountain spirit congealed the mountain by the flesh, the hair changes to the forest, the will changes to the brave mountain monkey, that fearful existence seal in blood pond. 【冥冥中的可怕存在回应了他,降临了现实,然而,多管闲事的山神阻止了这一切,山神以血肉凝成高山,毛发化作森林,意志化作骁勇的山猴,将那可怕的存在封印在血池中。 Time passes, the long years make the seal produce become less crowded, the corpse that cultivates evilly changed to the bloodthirsty monster, under holding actuation of reading, it stole the hearts of four forest.】 【时光流逝,漫长的岁月让封印产生松动,邪修的尸体化作了嗜血的怪物,在执念的驱动下,它窃走了四块森林之心。】 Mission requirements: The blood pond in the urban center, was covered by four dust-shower laws, please defeat cultivates evilly, recaptures „the heart of forest gem, reinforces the seal.】 【任务要求:血池就在城市中心,被四座阵法笼罩,请击败邪修,夺回“森林之心”宝石,加固封印。】 As I expected, this closes does not need to decipher, the task object clear straightforward clear instructions the goal of mountain spirit camp is to recapture the heart of forest, then mountain ghost the goal, prevents us? 果然如我所料,这一关不需要解密,任务目标清楚直白的明示出来了山神阵营的目标是夺回森林之心,那么山鬼的目标,就是阻止我们? Do two camps „the heart of forest launch the fight regarding four? 两个阵营围绕四块“森林之心”展开战斗? Zhang Yuanqing silently is analyzing at heart. 张元清默默的在心里分析。 The people similarly remain silent, is chewing and analyzing the task definition. 众人同样保持着沉默,嘴嚼、分析着任务内容。 Put on crossing river of camouflage army trousers dead saying: 穿着迷彩军裤的过河卒说道: Situation is disadvantageous to us, the mountain ghost camp has cultivates to assist evilly, is not quite optimistic.” “局势对我们不利,山鬼阵营有邪修相助,不太乐观。” The world turns over to the fire saying: 天下归火则说道: That is not cultivates evilly, after is he dies, holds to read with the monster that the corpse evolves, should in the peak, most not be 4 levels of initial levels. Then, the mountain ghost camp supported, was our flaring out strength.” “那不是邪修,是他死后执念和尸体演化的怪物,应该不在巅峰,最多是四级初期的水平。那么,山鬼阵营撑死了,是和我们拉平战力。” Group along broken road, thorough city ruins. 一行人沿着残破的公路,深入城市废墟。 Said while walks, meets elk, wild dog, monkey and other animals along the way, scurries about in the city ruins, sees the stranger to approach, escapes in abundance, eyes covetously in the distant place. 一边说一边走,沿途遇到麋鹿、野狗、猴子等动物,在城市废墟中乱窜,见到陌生人靠近,纷纷逃开,在远处虎视眈眈。 At this moment, the peony fairy maiden vibration wing of the nose, said: 就在这时,牡丹仙子抖动鼻翼,道: Has smell of blood “有血腥味” She just said that the people who gradually lead the way, had seen the front scene, in the high thick patch of grass, one flock of wild dogs are gnawing to eat a corpse. 她刚说完,缓步前行的众人,已经看见了前方的景象,高高的草丛中,一群野狗正啃食着一具尸体。 Shortly after that corpse just died, blood not yet dry. 那具尸体刚死不久,鲜血尚未干涸。 Zhang Yuanqing pupil micro. 张元清瞳孔微缩。 He knows the dead, Spirit Territory ID axiom in the blade, the powder cultivates the list to arrange the fourth witchcraft master, but also peeps dried fish in manages above. 他认识死者,灵境ID“公理在刀中”,散修榜排第四的巫蛊师,还在“管中窥鲍”之上。 How dead here? 怎么会死在这里? Mountain ghost camp noisy internal strife? 山鬼阵营闹内讧了? Jiang Jingwei springs several fireballs, drives away wild dog that gnaws the food corpse. 姜精卫弹出几枚火球,驱赶走啃食尸体的野狗。 The people lifted the step to go forward, cross river dead the squatting down body, after inspecting one, said: 众人抬步上前,过河卒蹲下身体,检查一番后,说道: His neck was pinched, simultaneously pulled out the heart, in addition, without other wounds, dying unusual is simple, even melts the gu without enough time. The person of making a move, is powerful and fearful.” “他脖子被捏断了,同时被掏走了心脏,除此之外,没有其他伤口,死的非常干脆,甚至来不及化蛊。出手的人,非常强大且可怕。” The Zhang Yuanqing complexion is dignified: 张元清脸色凝重: We understood mistakenly, the branch duty four, with the difference that we thought.” “我们都理解错了,支线任务四,和我们想的不一样。”
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