SMGL :: Volume #14

#1322: Trades the life by the life( second)

This degree of soil control regarding Anthony radically is not anything, he only needs to be softer, then the bridge of skeleton spread pulling down has been OK that the soil changes, reduced effort with ease. 这种程度的泥土操控对于安东尼来说根本就不算什么,他只需要将泥土变的更加松软一些,然后将那座已经铺成的骸骨之桥给拉下来就可以了,轻松省力。 But in the ground together is falling into the soil through the bridge blood monster, how regardless of being unable to work loose. 而地面上正在通过桥梁的血妖则跟着一起陷入泥土,无论如何也无法挣脱。 Mud and bog most terrifying place here, when you fall into simply not taking advantage of the place of strength, the under foot is the muck, the side does not have the other shore, how to struggle can only become the futile effort. 泥泞与沼泽最恐怖的地方就在这里了,当你陷入的时候根本没有借力的地方,脚下是软泥,身边没有彼岸,如何挣扎都只能成为徒劳。 But their companions will not pay attention to them, still in fast passes from them, then these blood monsters turned into the new skeleton bridge. 而它们的同伴不会理睬它们,仍然在快速的从它们身上通过,然后这些血妖则变成了新的骸骨桥。 The war most brutal place lies, usually in not being worth a red cent that the life that you treasure here changes, the life time and time again was being harvested by the god of death sickle like the weed. 战争最残酷的地方在于,平日里你那么珍视的生命在这里都变的一文不值,生命就像杂草一样被死神镰刀一次又一次收割着。 The Lu Shu Yin Sparrow grey line strangles to death in the seeking blood monster flight travel that in sky keeps, to prevent them to descend to the city wall in suddenly attacks Imperial Dragon Class. 吕树雀阴灰线在天空中不停的寻找血妖的飞行旅绞杀,以防止它们忽然降落到城墙上突袭御龙班直 Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu two same places got rid are Imperial Dragon Class have won the moment time finally, before the bridge of above blood monster regiment skeleton put in the battlefield, they can also the attack rhythm of unflustered familiar blood monster regiment! 吕树吕小鱼两个一起出手终于为御龙班直争取了片刻时间,在骸骨之桥上面的血妖军团重新投入战场之前,他们还可以从容不迫的熟悉血妖军团的攻击节奏! From the beginning Imperial Dragon Class truly has appeared some flurriedly, the blood monster regiment does not have any attacking a city instrument from the start, is taking the body of companion to treat as the bridge upward to crawl completely, fierce does not fear! 一开始御龙班直确实出现过一些慌乱,血妖军团压根没有什么攻城器械,完全是在拿同伴的身体当做桥梁在往上爬着,悍不畏死! Actually the blood monsters of these advance travel have not imagined is so intrepid, but is the blood monsters of four strengths, however Imperial Dragon Class after all is and this evil spirit combat . Moreover the blood monster is almost treating as the weapon all places, claw, tooth! 其实这些先遣旅的血妖并没有想象中的那么强悍,不过是一些四品实力的血妖而已,然而御龙班直毕竟是和这种妖魔作战,而且血妖几乎在把身上所有地方当做武器,爪子,牙齿! Even was held the rotten blood monster still to struggle by the trident is wanting to attack Imperial Dragon Class, has saying that the magical item armor was too big in the role that this time played, otherwise does not know that must have Imperial Dragon Class suffered an unexpected failure! 甚至已经被三叉戟捅烂的血妖都还在挣扎着想要攻击御龙班直,不得不说法器盔甲在这个时候起到的作用实在太大了,不然不知道要有御龙班直阴沟里翻船 Chen Zu'an here correct use flying sword cuts to kill the blood monster flight travel of space, finally nearby body only remaining 50% blood monsters unexpectedly still in struggling are crawling to him, when the blood monster crawled to the Chen Zu'an foot near just prepared to nip, the Cheng Qiuqiao flying sword its head gives to pierce. 陈祖安这边正用飞剑斩杀天上的血妖飞行旅,结果旁边一个身子只剩下一半的血妖竟然还在挣扎着爬向他,当血妖爬到陈祖安脚边刚准备咬下去的时候,成秋巧的飞剑将它的头颅都给洞穿了。 Cheng Qiuqiao uniform own aura reminded: Do not be negligent!” 成秋巧匀了匀自己的气息提醒道:“不要大意!” Chen Zu'an looked at a foot half blood monster, he kills to get angry instantaneously, in the past had the courage vigor in heart to start to turn to well up suddenly, his Chen Zu'an has also experienced several times the person of life and death! 陈祖安看了一眼脚边的半个血妖,他瞬间杀红了眼,以往存在心中的血气忽然开始翻涌起来,他陈祖安也是经历过数次生死的人! Imperial Dragon Class finally sober realized oneself must face what kind of enemy, they must be more maneating than the enemy are good! 御龙班直终于清醒的意识到自己要面对怎样的敌人了,他们必须要比敌人更加凶悍才行! Suddenly, in the blood monster advance travel drills a grandiose blood monster to come while Imperial Dragon Class first is not tacit the time, actually held Imperial Dragon Class to the city extra income! 忽然间,血妖先遣旅中钻出一个壮硕的血妖来趁着御龙班直第一时间还未默契起来的时候,竟然抓住了一个御龙班直向城外落了下去! Ma Kai!” Some people call out in alarm! “马凯!”有人惊呼! Below is the blood monster, if there are drawing the necessity by the blood monster only has the dead end! 下面都是血妖,要是有被血妖给拉下去必然只有死路一条! However in the sky is grinning fiendishly suddenly along with Ma Kai who blood monster tenesmuss rapidly: Grass you, brothers, the father walked one first!” 然而天空之中正在随着血妖急速下坠的马凯忽然狞笑起来:“草你吗的,兄弟们,老子先走一步了!” Next quarter Ma Kai gave up trident, he concentrated the strength of whole body to throw toward the blood monster advance travel the trident, that handle trident buzz called is passing through more than ten blood monsters also to continue! 下一刻马凯放弃了三叉戟,他集中了全身的力气将三叉戟朝着血妖先遣旅投掷过去,那柄三叉戟嗡鸣着贯穿了十多只血妖还不止! Ma Kai unexpectedly in pursuing the process of city is still worrying about killing the enemy! Yes, you must be cut-throat than the blood monster! 马凯竟然在追城的过程中还在惦念着杀敌!是啊,你必须比血妖更加凶狠才可以! At this moment the blood monster also pesters on Ma Kai's body must give to lag behind the ground him, the trident regarding near body wrestle useless, Ma Kai twists the body in the blood monster bosom forcefully, the edges and corners of magical item armor gives to puncture the blood monster chest front immediately, then Ma Kai unexpectedly is the knees kneels in the blood monster chest the impact that comes up the alleviation to fall down! 这一刻血妖还纠缠在马凯的身上要把他给拉下地面,三叉戟对于近身格斗是没有用的,马凯在血妖怀里强行拧身,法器盔甲的棱角顿时将血妖的胸前给刺破,而后马凯竟是双膝跪在血妖的胸膛上来缓解坠地的冲击! Of bang, the flash when Ma Kai falls to the ground, was pressed by his knees in the blood monster of chest changes to flesh and blood of one group of erosions immediately! 轰的一声,当马凯落地的一瞬间,被他双膝压在胸口的血妖顿时化作一团糜烂的血肉! Ma Kai stood the body to laugh in the blood monster regiment: Grass you wants to kill the father, come!” 马凯在血妖军团之中站直了身子哈哈大笑:“草你吗的想杀老子,来啊!” All alone angrily roars in the blood monster surely, such as the denouement, actually must draw in the innumerable blood monster to take a road to Hades together! 孤身一人在千万血妖之中怒吼,如英雄末路,却要拉上数不清的血妖一起走一趟黄泉路! Above the city wall some people want to jump to save Ma Kai, however Li Liang cold sound reminded: Who dares to get down defies the military order, you retarded, fought these many wars not to be familiar with the life and death?” 城墙之上有人想要跳下去救马凯,然而李凉却冷声提醒:“谁敢下去就是违抗军令,你们都是弱智吗,打了这么多仗还没习惯生死?” Some people scolded: Li Liang, you must fall down the father not to save you.” 有人骂道:“李凉,你要掉下去了老子也不救你。” Li Liang hey smiles, sound ice-cold and brutal: Saves the father also defies military order, no one get down to delay the father to kill the blood monster in the ground!” 李凉嘿笑起来,声音冰冷而又残酷:“救老子也是违抗军令,谁都别下来耽误老子在地面杀血妖!” The blood monster regiment saw that Ma Kai was so valiant has drawn back unexpectedly two steps, however the next quarter has then encircled, Ma Kai body has not rocked, he must seek most suits the blood monster of homicide! 血妖军团看到马凯如此彪悍竟然退了两步,然而下一刻便重新围了上去,马凯身子都未晃动一下,他要寻找最适合他杀的血妖! even/including Xueyao can fierce not fear, his can Imperial Dragon Class be worse than the blood monster? Turns around the bowl big scar, next life or under Godking place Imperial Dragon Class real man! 连血妖都能悍不畏死,他御龙班直能比血妖差么?掉头不过碗大个疤,来世还是神王座下御龙班直的好汉! However behind raises him after him has led in this time hand, this strength of raising threw in him the city wall unexpectedly directly stiffly, was caught by Li Liang quick of eye and hand. 然而就在此时一直手从他身后提住他的后领,这一提之力竟然直接将他硬生生扔到了城墙上,被李凉眼疾手快的接住了。 Ma Kai is in the top to turn head to look flurriedly to the city: King!” 马凯在城头上慌乱回头看向城下:“大王!” No one has thought that Lu Shu one step trod at this time unexpectedly appears void by the blood monster, Ma Kai throwing! 谁也没想到吕树竟然在这个时候一步踏碎虚空出现在血妖旁边,将马凯给扔了回来! Maquet ji, he died, how can make the king fall into the dangerous situation for him?! These blood monsters plunged Marquay, but at this time there actually only remaining Lu Shu people. 马凯急了,他死可以,怎么能让大王为他身陷险境?!那些血妖原本是扑向马凯的,但此时那里却只剩下吕树一人。 In this flash Lu Shu hand presents a handle to burn suddenly roaring flame Seizing Thief, a huge arc sword essence sparkle, the blood monster all around all will shortly have disintegrated! 只是这一瞬间吕树手中骤然出现一柄燃烧着烈焰的吞贼,一道巨大的弧形剑罡闪耀而过,周遭的血妖顷刻间全都分崩离析! However Lu Shu not lax, but cuts the next sword to an inexplicable direction, all people do not know why Lu Shu must cut to there, because there is empty. 不过吕树并未松懈,而是将下一剑斩向一个莫名的方向,所有人都不知道吕树为何要斩向那里,因为那里空无一物。 The next quarter, there presents void of breakage unexpectedly, has the big grandmaster to from there breakage assassinate Lu Shu void, but the door of his void just opened seals off by Lu Shu! 只是下一刻,那里竟出现一处破裂的虚空,有大宗师要从那里破裂虚空刺杀吕树,可他的虚空之门刚打开就被吕树封堵! All people are waiting, result that void gate is closed once more, the opposite party waited for a long time opportunity, actually does not dare to come! 所有人都在等着,结果那虚空之门再次关闭,对方等待了许久的机会,却没敢来! This makes Imperial Dragon Class all inexplicably rouse, is from the heart the feeling to shock, the prestige of Lu Shu sword made a big grandmaster flinch unexpectedly. 这一幕让御龙班直全都莫名振奋,也发自内心感觉震撼,吕树一剑之威竟然让一个大宗师都退缩了。 The blood monster that these fierce does not fear first time had the meaning of flinching, a blood monster does not dare to approach Lu Shu! 那些悍不畏死的血妖第一次有了退缩之意,没有一只血妖敢来靠近吕树 Lu Shu has not prolonged contact, but returns the city wall, Ma Kai is urgent: King, sorry.” 吕树并没有恋战而是重新回到城墙,马凯急迫到:“大王,对不起。” Anything is not good to sorry,” Lu Shu smiled Seizing Thief takes back Celestial Chart: Now has not arrived at Imperial Dragon Class to with they trade the life the time, goes back, goes to you to go to the place that.” “没什么好对不起的,”吕树笑了笑将吞贼收回星图:“现在还没到御龙班直必须跟它们换命的时候,回去吧,去你该去的地方。” The Li Liang facial color is complex, he knows that Lu Shu such does take risks, in the battlefield really has the big grandmaster to plan momentarily to assassinate Lu Shu. But he understands suddenly, if Lu Shu has not done such, that was also not Lu Shu. 李凉面色复杂,他知道吕树这么做非常冒险,战场里确实有大宗师打算随时行刺吕树。但他忽然明白,如果吕树没这么做,那也就不是吕树了。 King, your not suitable war,” Li Liang deeply to inspire to say. “大王,您不适合战争,”李凉深吸一口气说道。 Lu Shu said with a smile: I know.” 吕树笑道:“我知道。”
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