SMGL :: Volume #14

#1321: Bloody battle King City( first)

Blood monster regiment with weakest, has not grown the low level blood monster to take the cornerstone of river course shop bridge completely, blood supply monster army passes this and waist deep lake. 血妖军团用最弱等的、尚未发育完全的低级血妖作为河道铺桥的基石,以供血妖大军通过这及腰深的湖泊。 Thousands blood monster unscrupulous is stepping on the body advance of companion, attacks to King City. 数以万计的血妖肆无忌惮的踩踏着自己同伴的躯体前进,向王城突袭。 , These stand under water blood monster gradually cannot withstand this huge stepping on effort again, the mouth spit the blood, skin covered with blood that carries on the back, finally was also stamped under water. 渐渐的,那些站在水底的血妖再也承受不住这巨大的踩踏力度,口吐鲜血,背上的皮肤也血肉模糊,最终被踩死在水底。 This is the genuine skeleton paves the way, the blood monster regiment must achieve the final success on own companion corpse. 这是真正的骸骨铺路,血妖军团要在自己的同伴尸体上获得最终的胜利。 Lu Shu judgment clarity of , the blood monster after three obtained the ability of flight, but in this blood monster regiment has Purgatory Blood Demon that 100,000 even hundreds of thousands of can fly fully. 吕树判断的很清楚,血妖在三品之后就获得了飞行的能力,而这血妖军团里面足有100000甚至数十万可以飞行的炼狱血妖 Lu Shu rejoiced that Qing Kong bore patiently for more than ten years then unable to bear, rejoiced that the resources of northern state were eventually limited, the blood monster was perhaps related with the strength of host in the strength growth of human body parasitic. 吕树庆幸青空只是隐忍了十多年便忍不住了,也庆幸北州的资源终究是有限的,血妖在人体寄生的实力增长速度恐怕与宿主的实力有关。 In other words, the blood monster in average person body will not be formidable, because the average person is unable in the blood monster to body to provide the huge resources. 也就是说,普通人身体里的血妖并不会那么强大,因为普通人无法给身体里的血妖提供庞大的资源。 Lucky so, otherwise Imperial Dragon Class must face a more formidable enemy. 万幸如此,不然御龙班直要面对更强大的敌人了。 Lu Shu looked at an east city wall, the Sword Cottage disciple has been ready in full battle array in that side, the long sword of everyone the sheath, they are not flowers in the greenhouse only know in Sword Cottage cultivation, but was the body has filled murderous aura. 吕树看了一眼东边的城墙,剑庐弟子在那边严阵以待,每个人的长剑都已出鞘,他们可不是什么温室里的花朵只知道在剑庐修行,而是身上充满了杀气 The Sword Cottage cultivation pattern is very good, the most Sword Cottage disciples are join the army, before entering Sword Cottage each of them was in the hand moistens completely the butcher of blood. 剑庐修行模式很好,绝大部分的剑庐弟子都是从军中来的,在进入剑庐之前他们每个人都是手上沾满了鲜血的屠夫。 Moreover Sword Cottage said that is so long as strength crossed the first round competition on the line, but Gu Lingfei actually very intelligent rejects completely in the person who second round not suitably or will possibly have the hidden danger. 而且剑庐说起来是只要实力过了第一轮比试就行,但顾凌绯却非常聪明的在第二轮将不适合或者可能存在隐患的人全部剔除出去。 Therefore in the Sword Cottage disciple has the bloodlines of King City rich and powerful family, by the desolate son, initially Sun Xiuwen is wanted to deliver Sun Zhongyang to enter the Sword Cottage back side of the mountain, even if Sun Xiuwen promise many benefits have not achieved the wish eventually. 所以剑庐弟子里面就算有王城豪门的血脉,也都是备受冷落的庶子,当初孙修文想送孙仲阳剑庐后山,就算孙修文许诺再多的利益也终究没有达成心愿。 Also really will not always integrate the quota that which rich and powerful family buys, only if that child himself is the plastic talent. 也从来都不会真的纳入哪个豪门买来的名额,除非那个孩子本身就是可塑之才。 Moreover after Sword Cottage cultivation, Sword Cottage will encourage them to return in the army to gain experience, does not let the ability that their to gain experience marches to go to war, but feared that they lost the courage and uprightness in Sword Cottage. 而且在剑庐修行之后,剑庐会鼓励他们重新回到军队中历练,不是让他们历练行军打仗的本领,而是怕他们在剑庐里面失了血性。 Does this crowd kill the ability that what the semifinished product needs to march to go to war? One based on one, trains the place of butcher with several thousand years, does not need the set-off of weak one. 这群杀坯需要什么行军打仗的本领吗?一个以一品为基础的,用数千年时间来培养屠夫的地方,根本不需要弱者的陪衬。 Regarding them, is bringing a mediocre army, for them is a set-off. 对于他们来说,带着一支平庸的军队,对他们来说就是一种陪衬。 But now, they assemble completely in the city wall, has drawn out the long sword of waist, must be Godking fights again. 而现在,他们全部集结在城墙上,重新拔出了腰间的长剑,要再一次为神王战斗了。 Sword Cottage is in itself because must help God go to war to exist, the Sword Cottage disciple never has also forgotten this point, even if Sword Cottage master and Shennao big contradiction, never forgets to remind their this point. 剑庐本身就是因为要帮吕神打仗而存在的,剑庐弟子也从未忘记过这一点,就算剑庐主人和吕神闹了多大的矛盾,也从未忘记提醒他们这一点。 When the war approaches, Sword Cottage then ahead of time recalled all disciples outside. 当战争来临时,剑庐便提前召回了所有在外的弟子。 But this is not most mysterious, what is most mysterious was they all came back, many. 但这不是最神奇的,最神奇的是他们真的全都回来了,一个不少。 Let Sword Cottage defend the east city wall is also Lu Shu agrees, at that time he thought east in temporary palace on the several thousands th handsome man, he meets that many have been one, perhaps this Yu Fuyao plundered Dongzhou resources these many years to train several hundred expert, perhaps the big grandmaster had, otherwise Yu Fuyao on Earth casual hasn't seen her to love dearly on a sacrifice big grandmaster not? 剑庐去守东面城墙也是吕树同意了的,当时他是觉得东都行宫里数千号面首,他遇到过那么多都是一品,说不定这御扶摇掠夺东州资源这么多年培养出了数百个一品高手,大宗师说不定都有很多,不然在地球上御扶摇随随便便就牺牲一个大宗师也没见她心疼啊不是吗? Perhaps is Jiang Shuyi also very clear this point, therefore she says to shoulder this pressure on own initiative, at that time the Lu Shu innermost feelings unusual thanked the opposite party to be able so to be righteous, really not in vain deskmate. 也许是姜束衣也很清楚这一点,所以她主动提出来要扛下这个压力,当时吕树内心真的非常感谢对方能够如此深明大义,真是不枉同桌一场啊。 Finally now, Lu Shu suddenly discovered that Jiang Shuyi proposed must go to the east side, actually does not want with this crowd of blood monsters just the upfront! 结果现在呢,吕树忽然发现姜束衣主动提出要去东边,其实就是不想跟这群血妖刚正面吧! Although Lu Shu initially knows that blood monster are many, but does not know that will have these many, does not know King City bans the spatial domain with not to others fart simply...... 吕树当初虽然知道血妖多,但也不知道会有这么多啊,也不知道王城的禁空领域对人家简直屁用都没有…… Naturally, Lu Shu thought that Sword Cottage can enter the war is very good. 当然,吕树觉得剑庐能参战就很不错了。 Actually Jiang Shuyi must bring Sword Cottage to enter the war, because no matter makes God evil thought achieve the Godking boundary successfully, makes Qing Kong turn into the clever legendary creature entire Lu Universe, is the results that Jiang Shuyi they do not want to see, which they did not accept. 其实姜束衣也必须带着剑庐参战,因为不管是让吕神恶念成功达到神王境,还是让青空把整个吕宙变成鬼蜮,都是姜束衣他们不想看到的结果,哪个他们都接受不了。 Did not say that the loyalty of Sword Cottage to Godking, said the truth that only interdependence of two neighboring states they are also very clear. 不说剑庐神王的忠诚,单说唇亡齿寒的道理他们也很明白啊。 This war, is related to the life or death of all people. 这一战,事关所有人的存亡。 When the red tide blots out the sky comes, cold sound of Li Liang in the communication frequency of helmet said: Day-by-day blows flamboyant blows is so fierce, today is the mule is Ramallah comes out to dawdle, Imperial Dragon Class three classes of arrays, cella straight blockade sky!” 当红色的潮水铺天盖地而来的时候,李凉在头盔的通讯频道里冷声说道:“一天天的吹牛逼都吹的那么厉害,今天是骡子是马拉出来遛遛吧,御龙班直三班列阵,内殿直封锁天空!” Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu and Ming Yueye they do not have first to get rid, because their matches are not these ordinary blood monsters. 吕树吕小鱼明月晔他们并没有第一时间出手,因为他们的对手并不是这些普通血妖。 In the war performs its own functions, if the ability can have one's wish greatly, that this weaponry had no way to hit. 战争中各司其职,如果能力大就可以随心所欲,那这仗就没法打了。 Now exits Lu Shu their several, the cella is minority can cope with existence of airborne unit, has saying that after the world tide is divided into seven, lethality is very strong! 如今出去吕树他们几个,内殿直就是少数能够对付空中单位的存在,不得不说,天下潮一分为七之后杀伤力还是很强的! For these days after no longer needs to pass on a message the mirror, Ouyang Lishang has traded the new refinement goal, for example world tide. 这几天不再需要传讯镜子后欧阳立尚已经换了新的炼制目标,比如天下潮。 Mold Lu Shu has brought from Earth, Ouyang Lishang only needs the polish that leads his these Grandmaster Level students to keep and engraves technique seal then. Imperial Dragon Class need many world tides, Purgatory Blood Demon that because they when facing the sky fly, needs more methods. 模具吕树都从地球带来了,欧阳立尚只需要带着他的那些大师级学生们不停的打磨与镌刻法印即可。御龙班直需要更多的天下潮,因为他们在面对天空中飞行的炼狱血妖时,需要有更多的手段。 Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu looked at each other, Lu Shu all project in the sky own Yin Sparrow grey line, looked like a gray blood rubs tornado, he said to Lu Xiaoyu: Makes Anthony begin, wins time of adaptation for them.” 吕树吕小鱼相视一眼,吕树将自己的雀阴灰线全部投射到了天空中去,就像是一个灰色的血磨龙卷,他对吕小鱼说道:“让安东尼动手吧,为他们争取一点适应的时间。” War initial stage is easiest to treat unjustly tragic death, this treats unjustly treats unjustly in does not know that copes with the opposite party more effective with any method, looks like plays the game to be the same, your first time facing a monster time does not know including the opposite party anything skills and many attacks, this is extremely easy dead a violent death. 战争初期是最容易冤枉惨死的,这冤枉就冤枉在不知道用什么手段对付对方更有效,就像是玩游戏一样,你第一次面对一个怪物的时候连对方什么技能、多少攻击都不知道,这就极容易暴毙。 But Lu Shu must do is helps them reduce this pressure, making them be able rapidly since own rhythm, as well as found to deal with the blood monster the reasonable way. 吕树所要做的就是帮他们减轻这个压力,让他们能够迅速进入自己的节奏,以及找到应对血妖的合理方式。 Lu Xiaoyu nods then stimulates to movement has hidden in underground Anthony throughout, but Ming Yueye throughout protects in their sides, preventing some people to assassinate Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu. 吕小鱼点点头便催动了始终躲在地下的安东尼,而明月晔则始终守护在他们的身边,防止有人暗杀吕树吕小鱼 Beforehand Ming Yueye is the governing former guard commands, afterward made Gui Shu take over, therefore defends God himself is the Ming Yueye responsibility, whom although that time God did not need to protect from the start, person who can kill God, only then God. 以前的明月晔就是御前侍卫统领,后来才让诡术接手,所以保卫吕神本身就是明月晔的职责,虽然那个时候的吕神压根不需要谁来保护,能杀死吕神的人,只有吕神自己。 The ground starts to cave, some are overstepping the blood monster of road of that skeleton suddenly to discover that the skeleton bridge of under foot is undercutting, finally the deep submersion the ground, connected the bridge of above blood monster skeleton also to give to fall! 地面开始塌陷,有些正在踏过那条骸骨之路的血妖忽然发现脚下的骸骨桥梁正在下陷,最终深深的沉没进地面,连通骸骨之桥上面的血妖也给陷了进去!
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