Xu Chenghas been fishingthis period of time, does not know that strikes the fallingdeityunexpectedlyandWorship God Secret Meetinghas hadthismultiplefriction.许诚这段时间一直在钓鱼,并不知道击坠天神竟然和崇神秘会发生过这次多次摩擦。Heis truly interestedinWorship God Secret Meetingvery much, the requesttoShiratsuki Rinwill not naturally reject: „Ok, how do youprepareto makemedo?”
The leadersare so obedient, making the Shiratsuki Rinmoodalsogood: „Iobtain the information, nowevening'sWorship God Secret Meetingpersonwill attackouranotherharbor, may have the character of Priestrankto appear, if possible, hopes the way that you can shock, eliminates the opposite partycompletely.”
领袖这么听话,让白月凛的心情也变得不错:“我已经得到情报,今晚上崇神秘会的人会袭击我们另一个港口,可能会有主祭级别的人物出现,如果可以的话,希望你能够以震撼的方式,将对方全部消灭。”„The way of mostshockingdoes not have the issueactually.”
“最震撼的方式倒是没问题。”Xu Chengtouches the chin: „ButkilledPriest of opposite party, youdid not worry that doesn't diewithWorship God Secret Meetingcontinuous?”许诚摸了摸下巴:“但是杀了对方的主祭,你不担心跟崇神秘会不死不休吗?”„Might as well, now the resources of entireJapanare limited, weexpandmutually, sooner or laterwill be hostile.”
“无妨,现在整个日本的资源有限,我们互相扩张,迟早会敌对。”Shiratsuki Rinboth handsoverlapping, on the facehas the self-confidentsmile: „Moreover, insuchtumultuous times, youdid not think that hasseveralheavyweightopponents, is very thrillingmatter?”白月凛双手交叉,脸上带着自信的笑容:“而且,在这样的乱世当中,你不觉得有几个重量级对手,是很让人激动的事情吗?”【Said, recentlyhas readto pursuewithwild fruitreading, traded the sourceswitch over, reading aloud the timbrewere many, www.yeguoyuedu.comAndroidapplemay.】
【讲真,最近一直用野果阅读看书追更,换源切换,朗读音色多,www.yeguoyuedu.com安卓苹果均可。】„Did not feel.”
“不觉得。”Xu Chengshakes the head: „Ithink that is an opponentnotbest, Icanbe ahead of timeon the retirement life.”许诚摇头:“我认为还是一个对手都没有最好,那我就能提前过上退休生活了。”Shiratsuki Rinexpressionslightlyonestiff: „Youalsoveryhave the common languagewithRingo.”白月凛的表情微微一僵:“那你跟林檎还挺有共同语言。”Naturallyhas, shealsoaccompaniesmeto fishfrequently.
After two peoplereach an agreement the tonight'sambushdetail, Xu Chengleaves the office, looksMitera Chizuru that for sometimehas not met.
两人商量好今晚的伏击细节后,许诚就离开办公室,去找有段时间没见面的御寺千鹤。Shiratsuki Rinsitsin the office, is looking at the door of shutting tightly, probablyis in a daze.白月凛独自一人坐在办公室内,望着紧闭的房门,好像在发呆。Whydoes not know, the Seikai Hikarimanner, brings a strangefamiliaritytoher.
The time that althoughboth sidesknowis very long, butShiratsuki Rin is actually very shortwith the Seikai Hikaricontact duration, most of the timeis conscientious in discharging official duties, simplydoes not havefriendshipin private- because of the Xu Chengreason, sherepelsothermenvery much.
虽然双方认识的时间已经很长了,但白月凛跟星海光的接触时间其实很短,大多时候都是在公事公办,根本没有私下的交情-因为许诚的缘故,她是很排斥其余男人的。Moreover, the reason that becauseis indelib, Shiratsuki Rinhas worn the colored spectaclesto regardSeikai Hikariactually, treats as a toolpersonhim.
The frequency that butasboth sidescontact, particularlyafterXu Chenghas a reunion, shestartsto feel that Seikai Hikariis not a little right, butalsosaid no that onwhereis not right, is only an intuition.
但随着双方接触的频繁,尤其是跟许诚重逢后,她开始感觉星海光有点不对劲了,但又说不上哪里不对,只是一种直觉。After allsheis notAkimiya Tsukithatspecializedkiller, hasextremelykeenpower of observation.
毕竟她不是秋宫月那种专业杀手,有着极其敏锐的观察力。What a pity, previoustimeinLife Tree, theseresearchersconcerned about the threat of Seikai Hikari, does not dareto disclose that unexpectedlyheruns up to the databaseto look foranything.
可惜,上次在生命树中,那些研究人员碍于星海光的威胁,竟然不敢透露他跑到资料库在找什么。BecauseShiratsuki Rinneedstheseresearchersto help itselfbreak open the Glorious Lightseal, thereforehas not conducted confession extortion with torturetothem.
因为白月凛需要这些研究人员帮助自己破开耀光的封印,所以也没有对他们进行严刑逼供。„Seikai Hikari......”
“星海光……”Shiratsuki Rinfrowns, in the mindas ifhas anything to flash throughslightly, cannot hold.白月凛微微蹙眉,脑海中似乎有什么东西闪过,却又抓不住。
The nightfalls.
The neonnight scene of entireTokyocircle, 1/10 before insufficientdisaster.
整个东京圈的霓虹夜景,不足灾难前的十分之一。But the DaiiwharfinToukyoukou, the brilliantly illuminated, large numbers ofworkersis in the practical trainingat this moment.
A giantfreighteranchors the shore, severaloverhead traveling cranesare unloading the container on freighter, sends in the heavycard that in the wharfwaits to transportby the workers.
一艘巨型货轮停靠岸边,几座桥式起重机正在将货轮上的集装箱卸下来,由工人们送入到码头上等待的重卡运输走。Thesecargosare the grain and industrial material, isSarinabrings the fleetto robin the overseas.
这些货物是粮食和工业原材料,是纱理奈带着船队在海外抢夺回来的。On the come backroadis not peaceful, becausethere is a tribulationship of warshipon the international watersroute, robs the commodity.
回来的路上并不太平,因为有军舰在公海航道上劫船,抢夺物资。Sarinais forcedto stay behindcopes with the warship, but the fleetescaped, lost a freighterunder the missile of warship.纱理奈被迫留下对付军舰,而船队逃了回来,在军舰的导弹下损失了一艘货船。„Worksa bit faster, should not be loaf, strivesto doto get off workearlier.”
“都快点干活,不要偷懒,争取早点干完下班。”Takaya Hiroshiwears the workeruniform/subdue, was urginghisseveralworkershand/subordinatetransport the cargo.高谷博司穿着工人制服,催促着他手下的几个工人搬运货物。Pays attention here whileno one, heleftsecretly, cooksseveralrows of containermiddleslits, tried to find out that from the bodyonebox of flatflatcigarette, pulled outoneto containfrominsidein the mouth.
趁着没有人关注这边,他偷偷离开,熘到了几排集装箱中间的缝隙,从身上摸索出一盒扁扁的香烟,从里面掏出一根含在嘴里。Lightswith the cigarette lighter, thensatisfactorydraws upone.
用打火机点燃,然后美美的抽上一口。Now the entireJapan, allcurrencieshave lost the conductivity, struck the fallingdeityto use the rationinginowndomain, everyoneevery day can only receivethree meals a day and daily necessity.
现在整个日本,所有货币都已经失去流通性,击坠天神在自己的地盘中采用了配给制,所有人每日都只能领取一日三餐和生活必需品。Somepastcheapcommoditiesimmediatelybecomescarce, for examplecigarette.
一些往日的便宜商品立刻变得稀缺起来,比如香烟。Takaya Hiroshiis very lucky, whenXu Chengputs downCountermeasure Departmentwith the nuclear, hehappen tocarries out the task outside, thereforeavoids a tribulation.高谷博司很幸运,在许诚用核平对策部的时候,他正好在外面执行任务,所以躲过一劫。Afterward the disaster happened, becauseheforgot that the belt/bringpaperwas strandedin the restroom, insteadescapedby the fate of being battered to death.
After governmentcollapse, Takaya Hiroshialsoturned into the vagrant, almoststarved to death.
只是政府崩溃后,高谷博司也变成了无业游民,差点被饿死。Afterwardstruck the fallingdeityto recruit the worker, Takaya Hiroshito depend onin the employment history of Countermeasure Department, successfullyobtained the position of youngforeman.
后来击坠天神招募工人,高谷博司靠着在对策部的工作经历,成功获得了小工头的职位。Is smoking like a chimney, Takaya Hiroshirecapture past, could not bearshed sad tears.
在吞云吐雾中,高谷博司回忆往昔,忍不住伤心落泪。Wantsinitially, heto sitinevery dayhaving the office of air conditioning the comfortablework, every nightcanask the blondesto learnEnglishtogether, the easy lifecrossesflavorfully.
想当初,他每天坐在有空调的办公室里舒坦办公,每晚都能够去找金发女郎们一起学习英语,小日子过得有滋有味。Butnowdoes the physical strengthto liveunexpectedly, every dayreturns to the dormitoryto drop downbackbreakingrests, eatsmight as wellcompares the pigdog.
而现在竟然重新干上体力活,每天腰酸背痛回到宿舍倒下就睡,吃得比猪狗还不如。Luxury goods that canenjoyonly, unexpectedlyis the cheap cigarette that onepackagehidessecretly.
The shoulderwas whippedsuddenly, an armbuildingcomes up, a familiarfaceappearsin the eye of Takaya Hiroshi, has a scarehim.
“小野……”„Cough cough.”
“咳咳。”Ono Masahidecoughed, the Takaya Hiroshiexpressiononestiffly, reluctanttraded a name: „ChiefOno.”小野昌英咳嗽了一下,高谷博司表情一僵,不情不愿的换了个称呼:“小野队长。”Right, presentOno Masahide, is the team leader of stevedoreteam.
没错,现在的小野昌英,是码头工人队的队长。Becauseheawakened the abilityafter the disaster, butis insufficientto becomefull member who strikes the fallingdeity, thereforewas dispatchedto arrive at the wharf, becomes the workerteam leader.
因为他在灾难后觉醒了能力,但又不足以成为击坠天神的正式成员,于是被派遣来到码头,成为工人队长。Happen tois the Takaya Hiroshiimmediate superior.
正好是高谷博司的顶头上司。Ono MasahidetakesfromTakaya Hiroshihas also hadhalfbox of cigarette, pulls outonefrominside, throws into the mouthto nip.小野昌英从高谷博司手里拿过还剩下半盒的香烟,从里面掏出一根,丢进嘴里咬着。
The Takaya Hiroshiverytactfulpulling outcigarette lighterpoint(s)tohimon.高谷博司很识趣的掏出打火机给他点上。Ono Masahidepulled outonesatisfactory, thensaidtoTakaya Hiroshi: „Takaya, Iheard that youknewabout the thirty six strategies, Iaskedyou, ifIinturmoil, workerbusytime of hidto smoketo be loaf, whatidea did thiscall?”小野昌英美美的抽了一口,然后对高谷博司道:“高谷,我听说你对三十六计非常了解,我问你,如果我在局势混乱,工人繁忙的时候躲起来抽烟偷懒,这叫什么计?”Takaya Hiroshithinks,somehumiliationssaid: „Fishes in troubled waters?”高谷博司想了想,有些屈辱道:“浑水摸鱼?”„Right.”
A Ono Masahidecomplexionboard, the lessonsaid: „Now the turmoil, everyoneis bustling about, youdare a personto hideto catch a fish by handunexpectedly, get off workto givemeto write‚going to workoperating timedoes not permitto catch a fish by hand’ the reporttome, takes10,000characters.”小野昌英脸色一板,教训道:“现在局势混乱,大家都在忙碌着,你竟然敢一个人躲起来摸鱼,下班回去给我写一份‘上班工作时间不准摸鱼’的报告给我,要一万字的。”„Ido not have the paper and pen.”
“我没有纸和笔啊。”„Don't youhave the cell phone? Writeswith the cell phone.”
After teachingthispastboss, Ono Masahidepulled outonefromhalfbox of cigarette.
教训完这位昔日的上司后,小野昌英又从半盒香烟里掏出一根。Takaya Hiroshisees thatrelaxessecretly, withoutalltakes awaywell.高谷博司见状暗松一口气,只要没全拿走就好。FinallyOno Masahidepulling out a cigarettegiveshim, then the remaininghalfboxesholdinoneselfpocket, rackethisshoulder: „Goes backto workwell, Ifavoryou.”
结果小野昌英把掏出来的一根香烟递给他,然后剩下的半盒揣到自己的兜里,拍拍他的肩膀:“回去好好工作,我看好你哦。”Takaya Hiroshilooks at the back that Ono Masahideleft, looks downcigarette in a hand, eye socketonered, almost the air/Qicried.高谷博司看了看小野昌英离开的背影,又低头看一眼手里的一根香烟,眼眶一红,差点气哭了。Mores of society are declining daily, demise of morals, the will of the peopleruinsAh!
世风日下,道德沦丧,人心败坏啊!Takaya Hiroshireceivescautiously the cigarette, ininitiates the cursetovillains holding swayOno Masahideat heart.高谷博司将香烟小心翼翼收起来,在心里对小人得志的小野昌英发起诅咒。Howevercursedturns over to the curse, hefelt gratefultoOno.
不过诅咒归诅咒,他对小野还是心存感激的。Beforestruck the fallingdeityresponded, Takaya Hiroshibecause oftoo oldkeeps them out, was the Ono Masahidehelp, was enrolled, but alsoobtained the position of youngforeman.
之前来击坠天神应聘的时候,高谷博司因为年龄太大而被拒之门外,是小野昌英帮忙,才被录取进来,还得到小工头的职位。Ono Masahideusuallywouldshakingin front ofTakaya, bullieshimwith the position of team leader, butwill usually deliversomefood and daily necessitiestohimoccasionally.小野昌英平时总会在高谷面前晃悠,拿队长的职位来欺负他,但平时偶尔又会给他送一些食物和生活必需品。ThereforeregardingOno Masahide, Takaya Hiroshiloves and hates, love-hate.
所以对于小野昌英,高谷博司是又爱又恨,爱恨交加。However when remembersOno Masahideseems like a bisexuality, a Takaya Hiroshisuddenlyscalphemp, the buttocksonetight, hurried the fearfulthoughtwill abandon, turns aroundin a hurryto go backto work.
不过想起小野昌英似乎是一个双性恋时,高谷博司忽然头皮一麻,臀部一紧,急忙将可怕的念头抛开,转身匆匆回去工作。In the harborbuilding, Ryo Ueharastandsbefore the window, is watchingin the wharf the bustlingpractical training.
港口大楼中,上原良站在落地窗前,观看着码头上热火朝天的劳作。Heobtains the reminder of Shiratsuki Rin, Worship God Secret Meetingmayattack the Daiiwharftonightvery much, thereforehestrengthened the protectionvery early in the morning, the manpoweraccent that canuseon handcomes to the wharf.
他已经得到白月凛的提醒,崇神秘会很有可能在今晚袭击大井码头,所以他一早就加强了防备,将手头能够动用的人手都调来码头。Among the conflictwithWorship God Secret Meeting, Ryo Ueharamosthas the right to speak, becausehehas foughtin the forefront, thereforeis also clearest, Worship God Secret Meetingisonegroup of lunatics.
和崇神秘会之间的冲突,上原良最有发言权,因为他一直战斗在最前线,所以也最清楚,崇神秘会就是一群疯子。Nowseveralvast momentumcults are just the motley crew, cannot say that is the rigidly organizedorganization, the truebrainwashing must look atWorship God Secret Meeting.
现在几个声势浩大的邪教只不过是乌合之众,根本称不上是体系严密的组织,真正洗脑还得看崇神秘会。Although the Worship God Secret Meetingmembergood and evil intermingled, maywantobtains the fatherposition, majoritywill be brainwashedto become the devoutfollower, fightsfiercenot to fear, after bycaptive, does not surrender.
虽然崇神秘会的成员良莠不齐,可只要是得到神父职位的,大部分都会被洗脑成虔诚信徒,战斗起来悍不畏死,被俘虏后也决不投降。Striking the fallingdeityisdepends on the tight rein and richprovisioning, canbe hostilewiththisgroup of lunatics.
击坠天神是靠着严格的纪律和丰富的物资供应,才能够跟这群疯子敌对。Ryo Ueharais the person of having fought many battles, butthinkstonight must fightwith the Worship God Secret Meetinglunatics, deeply feels the headache.上原良已经算是身经百战的人了,可是一想到今晚还要跟崇神秘会的疯子们战斗,就深感头疼。MoreoverMitera Chizuru, becausehas the matter unable to come, the safety of entireharboris responsible forbyRyo Uehara, the heavypressureletshisbrowtightwrinkle.
A team memberentersin the officehurriedly: „Wein the harborsurroundingdiscovered that lots ofunclearpersonnelapproach.”
一个队员急匆匆进入办公室内:“我们在港口外围发现大量不明人员靠近。”Ryo Ueharathought that finallycame, saidhastily: „Do not be anxious, according toplanningto handle affairs, warned that invalidopens firedirectly.”上原良心想终于来了,连忙道:“不要急,按照计划行事,警告无效就直接开火。”
The team membersare just aboutto receive an orderto leave, suddenlyoutsidetransmits a loud sound.
The transportedcontainerexplodessuddenly, hugefireballrises, illuminates the entirewharf.
一个正在被搬运的集装箱突然爆炸,巨大的火球升腾而起,照亮整个码头。Nearbymore than tenworkerswere explodedinstantaneouslyswallow, distant placelarge numbers ofworkerswere shakenfall down.
附近十几个工人瞬间被爆炸吞噬,更远处大量的工人更是被震倒在地上。pā!啪!Ryo Ueharafrontwindowglasswas explodedbreaks, a lot offragmentsshoottowardtwo people.上原良面前的落地窗玻璃被爆炸震碎,大量的碎片朝两人射过来。Has not waited forRyo Ueharato begin, hisnearbyteam memberfirstkeeps offbeforehimimmediately, liftshandonegrade, a translucenthexagonbarrierappears, the glass fragments that will shootkeep offcompletely.
没等上原良动手,他旁边的队员立刻抢先挡在他面前,抬手一档,一个半透明的六边形屏障出现,将射来的碎玻璃全部挡下。Ryo Ueharahas circledbefore the office, puts out a handto press down the button on table.上原良已经绕到办公室前,伸手按下桌上的按钮。Entireharborinstantaneousalarm bellerupts, allstillbecause ofexploding the workers, butcompelignorant, the subconsciousnesscrawlsto set out, the going all outround tripruns, escapesto the storehouse that the harborcanseek asylum.
整个港口瞬间警铃大作,所有还在因为爆炸而懵逼的工人们,都下意识爬起身,拼命往回跑,逃向港口可以避难的库房。Tonight before beginning, strikes the fallingdeityto tellthemin private, once the alarm bellresounds, immediatelyenters the storehouseto seek asylum.
今晚开工之前,击坠天神就已经私下告诉过他们,一旦警铃响起,马上就进入库房避难。„Hey, rescuesmyAh!to feed!”
“喂,救救我啊!喂!”Takaya Hiroshilieson the groundshouts loudly, hebecause of shotpointtoonearreason, was scratched the footby the broken piece, butseveralworkershand/subordinatealldied.高谷博司趴在地上大喊大叫,他因为距离爆炸点太近的缘故,被破片划伤了脚,而手下的几个工人全都没命了。Does not know that thisisluckyorunfortunate, butTakaya Hiroshiknowsoneselfsoonunfortunately, because the surroundingsno onemanageshim, runsin abundance a cleanness.
In hedespairs, suddenlysaw that a personis going against the tide of people, runs overtowardhere.
就在他绝望时,忽然看到一个人逆着人潮,朝这边跑过来。IsOno Masahide, helike the fish of swimming against the stream, pushes the crowdto run up tosideTakaya Hiroshi, hugs the round tripto runhim.
“小野……”Takaya Hiroshiis movedto be moved to tears: „Ihave not thought that youcansaveme.”高谷博司感动到热泪盈眶:“我没想到你会来救我。”„Ican certainlysaveyou.”
“我当然会来救你。”Ono Masahidesaidfirmly: „After allyouaremyimportantperson.”小野昌英坚定道:“毕竟你是我重要的人。”„What?”
“什么?”Takaya Hiroshiis startled, the whole bodytrembles.高谷博司大吃一惊,浑身更是一颤。Ono Masahideruns, whilelowers the headto look at the eyes of Takaya Hiroshi: „At this time, Ido not wantto concealagain, very importantthingsmusttellyou.”小野昌英一边跑,一边低头望着高谷博司的双眼:“这个时候,我不想再隐瞒了,有一件非常重要的事情必须告诉你。”Takaya Hiroshifeltownwhole personmustsplit.高谷博司感觉自己整个人都要裂开了。Does not want, Ido not like the man, do not say those wordstome.
不要啊,我不喜欢男人的,你不要对我说出那句话。„Takaya, Ilikeyou......”
“我考虑考虑!”„...... Wife.”
“嗯?”Two peoplelookeach other, Takaya Hiroshisticks out suddenlysuddenly, both handspulls taut the hair of Ono Masahide: „Yourthisscoundrel.”
两人愣愣看着彼此,高谷博司忽然暴起,双手扯住小野昌英的头发:“你这个混账。”No wonderthisgoodswere goodtooneselfrecentlyso, originallytobe close toownwife.
怪不得这货最近对自己这么好,原来是为了接近自己的老婆。Ono Masahideis holdingTakaya Hiroshias before, two peoplerunwhileare wrestling, breaks in the storehouse.小野昌英依旧抱着高谷博司,两人一边跑一边扭打着,冲入库房内。After the explosion, the harborpresentslots ofenemiesin all directions, startsto launch the attacktoward the harbor.
爆炸发生后,港口四面八方出现大量敌人,开始朝港口发起进攻。Shortly, the intensesound of gunfire and explosive soundresound through the night.
顷刻间,激烈的枪声和爆炸声就响彻深夜。Althoughhostileboth sidesareultracan the organization, but the firearmas beforeis the mainoutputmethod, facilitatesquickmight, inmostAbility User the spear/gunwill also die.
The members who strike the fallingdeity, under the arrange/cloth the defensive positionnear the wharf, have used the containerto keepfiring , the enemy who as the bunkerstopsoutsideattackoutward.
击坠天神的成员们,早就在码头附近布下防御阵地,以集装箱为掩体不停向外射击,阻拦外面进攻的敌人。Besides the gun battle, the fight between Ability Useralsohas, who , ifdaresto crop up, will receive a volume of fire.
A giantcontainersoarssuddenly, towardstrikingfallingdeityherepositionflies, makingbelowpersonrevealdesperate.
一个巨大的集装箱忽然腾空而起,朝击坠天神这边的阵地飞过来,让下方的人目露绝望。At this moment, the strong windsraidtogether, binds the in the aircontainerdirectly.
就在这时,一道狂风袭来,直接裹住空中的集装箱。Ryo Ueharahas rushed, hisopens the mouthattracts, the fallengiantcontainerreducesfast, was separatedto swallowinto the endo-abdominalbyhimspatially.上原良已经赶到,他张口一吸,落下的巨大集装箱快速缩小,被他隔空吞入腹内。Bang!
轰!Alsois an explosionraids, thistime happened in the shore.
又是一声爆炸袭来,这次是发生在岸边。Ryo Ueharaturns headto look,discoveredinjet blacksea level, drivesthreealready the speed boat of standingperson, but the shorealsohas the person who wears the diver's suitmassivelybraves.上原良扭头看去,发现漆黑的海面上,驶来三艘已经站满人的快艇,而岸边还有大量身穿潜水衣的人冒出来。„Hahaha, Ryo Uehara, thistimeIthought where youtowardrun.”
“哈哈哈,上原良,这次我看你往哪跑。”In the bowdeck of firstspeed boat, standsto wearoffers a sacrifice to the father of clothes, tallvigorous and healthy, the unpolished ricevoiceresounds through the entirewharf.
第一艘快艇的船头甲板上,站着一个身穿祭衣的神父,身材高大健壮,粗粝的嗓音响彻整个码头。On the secondspeed boat, is standing a gracefulnun, the skirt-widthsamespreads outlike the qipao, revealsalmostcansee the skirtbottomsnow whitethigh.
第二艘快艇上,则是站着一个婀娜多姿的修女,下摆如旗袍一样开叉,露出几乎能看见裙底的雪白大腿。Above of thirdspeed boat, is a sentencehunchback the old agefather of waist, both handsis using a walking stick.
The Ryo Ueharacomplexionwas all of a sudden green, Worship God Secret MeetingcamethreePriestunexpectedly.上原良的脸色一下子绿了,崇神秘会竟然一口气来了三个主祭。InWorship God Secret Meeting, eachPriestis lowestisfourlevels of Ability User, onepresentsthreePriest, thisismustcatches the whole lot in a dragnethim and entireharbor.崇神秘会中,每一个主祭最低都是四级的能力者,一下出现三个主祭,这是要把他和整个港口都一网打尽。
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